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Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada


a) based on a Story or Screen Story contracted under this Agreementwhich is provided by the Producer to the Writer at the time ofcontracting and from which the Writer proceeds directly to a First DraftScript without preparing an Outline;orb) based on an Outline after termination, the Script Fee shall be allocatedand paid as follows:i) on signing of the contract 20%ii) on delivery of the First Draft Script 60%iii) on delivery of the Second Draft Script 20%C411 When the Producer contracts for a single element or component of aTelevision Script, the Script Fee shall be allocated and paid as follows:i) on signing of the contract 25%ii) on delivery of the material 75%C412Group WritersA Producer may contract three or more Writers to work as a group (a“Group”) to collaborate on a specific guaranteed number of TelevisionScripts for a Series (other than Variety, Documentary, Magazine orPanel/Game/Quiz Shows) and to be contracted under C409 or C410 over aspecified term (“Term”) upon the following terms and conditions:i) During the Term, the Producer shall pay each Writer in the Groupweekly compensation as a non-refundable advance against eachWriter’s share of the Production Fees in respect of the guaranteedTelevision Scripts, the amount of such weekly compensation to benegotiated between the Producer and each Writer. The contract forsuch weekly compensation shall be filed with the Guild and shall besubject to standard Producer remittances and Writer deductions inaccordance with Articles A12 and A13.ii)The aggregate compensation paid to the Group during the Term shallbe no less than the total minimum required Script Fees for theguaranteed Television Scripts.iii) Prior to the commencement of the Term, the Group and Producershall decide on how many episodes each Writer shall receive credit,which decision shall be confirmed in writing by each Writer. Theallocation of credits shall be such that each Writer in the Group shall78

iv)receive an equal share of the aggregate Production Fees paid for thetotal number of guaranteed episodes. Article A912 shall not apply toTelevision Scripts written by a Group.Notwithstanding Article A1109 (a), the Production Fee for eachepisode shall be divided equally among all credited writers of thatepisode.v) Notwithstanding C412 (iii), in the case of termination, the terminatedWriter’s weekly compensation and credit (and therefore that Writer’sshare of the aggregate Production Fees) shall be pro rated accordingto the number of weeks worked. The terminated Writer may bereplaced by the Producer with another will be no credit arbitration for Scripts written by GroupWriters.C413 A Producer may engage a New Writer at fifty percent (50%) of theapplicable Script Fee. Use of this provision is limited to one New Writerper cycle of a Series.ARTICLE C5 – TELEVISION DOCUMENTARYWriters of Television Documentaries shall be paid at least the followingminimum Script Fees (based on the broadcast length of Program):Script Fees and Production Fees for productions with Budgets of sixty thousanddollars ($60,000) or less are negotiable between the Writer and Producer.C501 Documentary:2012 2013 201415 minutes or less 3,174 3,238 3,27030 minutes or less 6,350 6,477 6,54160 minutes or less 12,698 12,952 13,08290 minutes or less 19,048 19,429 19,623120 minutes or less 25,397 25,905 26,164Over 120 minutes calculated on the length of the program and basedon the 30 minute rateC502 Documentary Initial Proposal or Outline:2012 2013 201415 minutes or less 952 971 98130 minutes or less 1,905 1,943 1,96379

a) based on a Story or Screen Story contracted under this Agreementwhich is provided by the Producer to the Writer at the time <strong>of</strong>contracting and from which the Writer proceeds directly to a First DraftScript without preparing an Outline;orb) based on an Outline after termination, the Script Fee shall be allocatedand paid as follows:i) on signing <strong>of</strong> the contract 20%ii) on delivery <strong>of</strong> the First Draft Script 60%iii) on delivery <strong>of</strong> the Second Draft Script 20%C411 When the Producer contracts for a single element or component <strong>of</strong> aTelevision Script, the Script Fee shall be allocated and paid as follows:i) on signing <strong>of</strong> the contract 25%ii) on delivery <strong>of</strong> the material 75%C412Group <strong>Writers</strong>A Producer may contract three or more <strong>Writers</strong> to work as a group (a“Group”) to collaborate on a specific guaranteed number <strong>of</strong> TelevisionScripts for a Series (other than Variety, Documentary, Magazine orPanel/Game/Quiz Shows) and to be contracted under C409 or C410 over aspecified term (“Term”) upon the following terms and conditions:i) During the Term, the Producer shall pay each Writer in the Groupweekly compensation as a non-refundable advance against eachWriter’s share <strong>of</strong> the Production Fees in respect <strong>of</strong> the guaranteedTelevision Scripts, the amount <strong>of</strong> such weekly compensation to benegotiated between the Producer and each Writer. The contract forsuch weekly compensation shall be filed with the <strong>Guild</strong> and shall besubject to standard Producer remittances and Writer deductions inaccordance with Articles A12 and A13.ii)The aggregate compensation paid to the Group during the Term shallbe no less than the total minimum required Script Fees for theguaranteed Television Scripts.iii) Prior to the commencement <strong>of</strong> the Term, the Group and Producershall decide on how many episodes each Writer shall receive credit,which decision shall be confirmed in writing by each Writer. Theallocation <strong>of</strong> credits shall be such that each Writer in the Group shall78

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