Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada

Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada


v) All or part of the Script Fee and Production Fee may be deferred, butfive thousand dollars ($5,000) is payable against deferrals on the firstday of principal photography;vi) The remaining deferred compensation shall be paid on a schedule tobe agreed between the Writer and Producer, but on terms no lessfavourable than the payment of deferred compensation to theProducer and director;vii) The producer, Writer and director must be Canadian and resident inCanada and the project must qualify as a ten out of ten production forCanadian content with the Canadian Audio Visual CertificationOffice (CAVCO);viii) No additional writer may be engaged to Rewrite without the writtenix)permission of the first Writer;the Guild and the Writer shall be provided with a copy ofdevelopment financing proposals for the project, including those filedwith funding agencies, broadcasters, distributors and any otherinvestors;x) The Producer shall provide the Writer and the Guild withconfirmation of the Certified Budget or a notarized full copy of thetotal Non-Certified Budget (in the case of productions with nocompletion guarantor or government agency involvement) no laterthan the first day of principal photography;xi)xii)xiii)xiv)xv)Within sixty (60) days from delivery of the release print or broadcastreadytape (which date shall be confirmed by the Producer in writing),the Producer shall file a detailed report of the actual expenditures forthe production to the Guild as well as any other relevant materials theGuild may require to show the cost of production;Where an audit of the production has been performed, a copy of theaudited statement of production costs shall be delivered in the sametimeline and manner as set out in Article C1003 (ii);The Guild has the right to contact other industry partners or fundersof the project to corroborate details of the production;In the event that principal photography has not commenced withinthree (3) years of signing the contract, all rights in the contractedScript Material shall revert to the Writer;The production must have a tail credit with the WGC and relevantAssociation’s logos and a credit “Made with the support of theWriters Guild of Canada and the CMPA (or the APFTQ, as the case70

may be)”, with electronic artwork to be provided by the Guild and therelevant Association;xvi) Should the Producer or director receive a share of gross revenues orprofits (or net revenues or profits, as the case may be) from theFeature Film produced under this Article, then the Writer shallreceive an equivalent share of gross revenues or profits to be paid ona pari passu basis.xvii) All terms of the IPA apply except as expressly modified by thisArticle.C205 Optional Incentive for Feature Films over $3,000,000a) Upon the agreement of the Producer and the Writer, and on a case-by-casebasis, the Script Fee may be discounted during development by an agreeduponpercentage, but in no event more than forty per cent (40%) of theScript Fee (i.e. the Writer shall receive no less than sixty per cent (60%) ofthe Script Fee); andb) When the production has been scheduled (“greenlit”) for production, theProducer shall notify the Writer and the Guild and the Writer shall receivethe balance of the Script Fee, and upon the first day of principalphotography, the Writer shall receive an additional payment equal to thebalance of the Script Fee in addition to the Production Fee. For clarity, theentire Script Fee shall be applicable against the Production Fee; however,no portion of the additional payment shall be applicable against theProduction Fee.C206 The provisions of this Article C2 shall not be used in conjunction withArticle B3.71

may be)”, with electronic artwork to be provided by the <strong>Guild</strong> and therelevant Association;xvi) Should the Producer or director receive a share <strong>of</strong> gross revenues orpr<strong>of</strong>its (or net revenues or pr<strong>of</strong>its, as the case may be) from theFeature Film produced under this Article, then the Writer shallreceive an equivalent share <strong>of</strong> gross revenues or pr<strong>of</strong>its to be paid ona pari passu basis.xvii) All terms <strong>of</strong> the IPA apply except as expressly modified by thisArticle.C205 Optional Incentive for Feature Films over $3,000,000a) Upon the agreement <strong>of</strong> the Producer and the Writer, and on a case-by-casebasis, the Script Fee may be discounted during development by an agreeduponpercentage, but in no event more than forty per cent (40%) <strong>of</strong> theScript Fee (i.e. the Writer shall receive no less than sixty per cent (60%) <strong>of</strong>the Script Fee); andb) When the production has been scheduled (“greenlit”) for production, theProducer shall notify the Writer and the <strong>Guild</strong> and the Writer shall receivethe balance <strong>of</strong> the Script Fee, and upon the first day <strong>of</strong> principalphotography, the Writer shall receive an additional payment equal to thebalance <strong>of</strong> the Script Fee in addition to the Production Fee. For clarity, theentire Script Fee shall be applicable against the Production Fee; however,no portion <strong>of</strong> the additional payment shall be applicable against theProduction Fee.C206 The provisions <strong>of</strong> this Article C2 shall not be used in conjunction withArticle B3.71

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