Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada

Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada


c) Should the Producer wish to contract a Writer to write a TelevisionScript and include in that contract the right to distribute or license thedistribution of the program for theatrical use, the Producer shall firstcontract for a Television Script and subsequently contract forconversion to theatrical use under B115. This requirement shall applyequally to any program prepared under any co-production agreement orcontract to which the Producer is in any way a party.B116Excerptsa) The Writer(s) of the program in which Excerpts are inserted shall becontracted under C409, C410, C508, C510, C608 or C706 of thisAgreement and receive the full Script Fee.b) When Excerpts comprise more than twenty-five percent (25%) of theprogram time, the Writer(s) of the program which incorporates theExcerpts will receive a share of the Production Fee and DistributionRoyalty based on the number of minutes in the program written byhim/her divided by the number of minutes in the program. Theremaining Production Fee and Distribution Royalty will be dividedamong the Writers of the Excerpts in the same manner.c) When Excerpts comprise twenty-five percent (25%) or less of theprogram time, the Writer(s) of the program which incorporates theExcerpts will receive one hundred percent (100%) of the ProductionFee and Distribution Royalty.d) When Excerpts comprise twenty-five percent (25%) or less of theprogram time, Writer(s) of the Excerpts shall receive at least $175 foreach minute or portion thereof.e) Credited Writers of Excerpts shall be listed under the credit“EXCERPTS WRITTEN BY...”.B117 Adapting Material Created in Any Language Other Than EnglishWhen a Writer is engaged to adapt existing script material from anylanguage other than English into any language other than French to suit anew cultural reality, which may include changes to the dramatic structure,characters, tone or geographic location, the Writer shall receive sixtypercent (60%) of the relevant Script Fees in C101, C102, C301, C402,60

C501, C506, C601, C701, C801, D201, and the applicable Script Fee foran Outline for Television.The Script Fee shall be allocated and paid as follows:a) on signing of the contract 15%b) on delivery of the First Draft Script 60%c) on delivery of the Second Draft Script 25%The Script Fee for an Adaptation of a Treatment or an Outline for Television shallbe allocated and paid as follows:a) on signing of the contract 25%b) on delivery of the Treatment or Outline 75%The Production Fee and Distribution Royalty payable for such writing shall be theProduction Fee and Distribution Royalty as calculated in accordance with theappropriate formula in C10 and C11 and allocated as per Article A1109, but in anycase, shall not be less than sixty percent (60%) of the Production Fee for the filmor program.The Writer shall be entitled to credit in accordance with all the terms andconditions contained in Article A9 relating to writing credit. In addition, the credit“ADAPTED BY…” shall be considered as a minimum credit.Adaptation for Narration Scripts shall be contracted at no less than sixty percent(60%) of the full Narration rate.ARTICLE B2 – OPTIONAL BIBLES, SCRIPT/PROGRAMDEVELOPMENTB201B202For the purposes of Script or program development prior to the contractingof a Script, Story, Screen Story or Treatment, a Producer may contract aWriter pursuant to this Article to write a Development Proposal, orConcept and/or Bible.In contracting for services under this Article, the Producer and the Writermay include in any contract between them, among other things, terms andconditions pertaining to the following matters:i) the type of development format to be written;61

C501, C506, C601, C701, C801, D201, and the applicable Script Fee foran Outline for Television.The Script Fee shall be allocated and paid as follows:a) on signing <strong>of</strong> the contract 15%b) on delivery <strong>of</strong> the First Draft Script 60%c) on delivery <strong>of</strong> the Second Draft Script 25%The Script Fee for an Adaptation <strong>of</strong> a Treatment or an Outline for Television shallbe allocated and paid as follows:a) on signing <strong>of</strong> the contract 25%b) on delivery <strong>of</strong> the Treatment or Outline 75%The Production Fee and Distribution Royalty payable for such writing shall be theProduction Fee and Distribution Royalty as calculated in accordance with theappropriate formula in C10 and C11 and allocated as per Article A1109, but in anycase, shall not be less than sixty percent (60%) <strong>of</strong> the Production Fee for the filmor program.The Writer shall be entitled to credit in accordance with all the terms andconditions contained in Article A9 relating to writing credit. In addition, the credit“ADAPTED BY…” shall be considered as a minimum credit.Adaptation for Narration Scripts shall be contracted at no less than sixty percent(60%) <strong>of</strong> the full Narration rate.ARTICLE B2 – OPTIONAL BIBLES, SCRIPT/PROGRAMDEVELOPMENTB201B202For the purposes <strong>of</strong> Script or program development prior to the contracting<strong>of</strong> a Script, Story, Screen Story or Treatment, a Producer may contract aWriter pursuant to this Article to write a Development Proposal, orConcept and/or Bible.In contracting for services under this Article, the Producer and the Writermay include in any contract between them, among other things, terms andconditions pertaining to the following matters:i) the type <strong>of</strong> development format to be written;61

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