Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada

Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada


mutually agreed upon by the parties to this Agreement for disposition insuch manner and for such purposes as may be determined in the absoluteand unfettered discretion of the Guild and the broker mutually agreedupon by the parties to this Agreement.A1306 All contributions and Writer deductions for the Insurance and Retirementplan, and all Non-member Equalization payments made pursuant to thisArticle shall be made payable to the agent or broker mutually agreed uponby the Parties to this Agreement. Deductions from Writer’s Fees for GuildDues shall be made payable to the Guild. All payments shall be sent to theGuild office, and shall be payable monthly on or before the 15th of themonth following the earning of such fees.A1307 All deductions required by this Article will be remitted with informationon the Writer, Story Editor or Story Consultant, the contract, the servicescontracted, and such other information as may be agreed upon from timeto time by the parties hereto.ARTICLE A14 – CONTRIBUTIONS ANDDEDUCTIONS FROM WRITER’S FEES IN THE CASE OF WAIVERSA1401 When a Writer or Story Editor has been granted a Writers Guild ofAmerica (WGA) Working Rule 8 Waiver (“Waiver”) and the Producerpays Pension and Health contributions to the WGA pursuant to aSideletter on a Writer or Story Editor’s engagement, the Producer shallpay the Administration Fee as per Article A12 and remit Guild Dues as perArticle A1304 on the Writer or Story Editor’s fees. The Producer shall notbe required to deduct, pay or remit Insurance or Retirement contributionspursuant to Articles A1301 (Insurance), A1302 (Retirement Plan), A1303(Deduction from Writer’s Fees – Retirement Plan) and A1305 (NonmemberEqualization Payments and Deductions).In the case of a WGA member Story Editor who has been granted aWaiver and who also provides other services, the contracted amountallocated to Story Editing duties (but in any event not less than theminimums set out in Article 14K of the WGA Agreement) shall be deemedto be the Story Editor Gross Fees for the purposes of Articles A807(designation of Story Editor fees), A12 (Administration Fee) and A1304(Deduction from Writer’s Fees – Guild Dues).54

SECTION B – CONDITIONS GOVERNING ENGAGEMENTARTICLE B1 – CONDITIONS GOVERNING ENGAGEMENT FOR ALLPROGRAM TYPESScript Fees and Production Fees for productions with Budgets of sixty thousanddollars ($60,000) or less are negotiable between the Writer and Producer.B101B102B103Any amount in excess of the minimum Script Fees may be paid on aschedule to be negotiated by the Writer and Producer, but in any case shallbe paid in full no later than delivery of the last stage provided for in theoriginal contract. In the case of termination, any amounts in excess of theminimum Script Fees shall be paid pro rata with the minimum Script Fees,and paid at the time of termination.A contract between a Writer and a Producer shall not provide for morethan three stages and a Polish (or, in the case of a documentary Script withNarration, four stages and a Polish) to be prepared by the Writer unless theProducer and the Writer agree on the appropriate additional fee for anyadditional stage.Subsequent to the delivery of the Second Draft Script (Final Script in thecase of a Documentary), or Optional Third Draft, the Producer mayrequest further revisions for which a fee shall be negotiated between theProducer and the Writer.B104 The Producer shall notify the Writer in writing within twenty-five (25)calendar days of the receipt of a Treatment, Outline or First Draft Scriptwhether or not the Producer wants the Writer to proceed with the nextstage. Should the Producer not notify the Writer in writing of its decisionregarding a Treatment, Outline or First Draft Script within the requiredtwenty-five (25) calendar days, the Producer shall be deemed to haveaccepted the Treatment, Outline or First Draft Script and the Writer shallat once proceed to the next stage.B105If the Producer wants the Writer to polish the Second Draft Script, he shallnotify the Writer within twenty-five (25) calendar days of the delivery ofthe Second Draft Script. Such alterations shall not involve any substantialchange in the story or structure, or the introduction of any major characters55

mutually agreed upon by the parties to this Agreement for disposition insuch manner and for such purposes as may be determined in the absoluteand unfettered discretion <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Guild</strong> and the broker mutually agreedupon by the parties to this Agreement.A1306 All contributions and Writer deductions for the Insurance and Retirementplan, and all Non-member Equalization payments made pursuant to thisArticle shall be made payable to the agent or broker mutually agreed uponby the Parties to this Agreement. Deductions from Writer’s Fees for <strong>Guild</strong>Dues shall be made payable to the <strong>Guild</strong>. All payments shall be sent to the<strong>Guild</strong> <strong>of</strong>fice, and shall be payable monthly on or before the 15th <strong>of</strong> themonth following the earning <strong>of</strong> such fees.A1307 All deductions required by this Article will be remitted with informationon the Writer, Story Editor or Story Consultant, the contract, the servicescontracted, and such other information as may be agreed upon from timeto time by the parties hereto.ARTICLE A14 – CONTRIBUTIONS ANDDEDUCTIONS FROM WRITER’S FEES IN THE CASE OF WAIVERSA1401 When a Writer or Story Editor has been granted a <strong>Writers</strong> <strong>Guild</strong> <strong>of</strong>America (WGA) Working Rule 8 Waiver (“Waiver”) and the Producerpays Pension and Health contributions to the WGA pursuant to aSideletter on a Writer or Story Editor’s engagement, the Producer shallpay the Administration Fee as per Article A12 and remit <strong>Guild</strong> Dues as perArticle A1304 on the Writer or Story Editor’s fees. The Producer shall notbe required to deduct, pay or remit Insurance or Retirement contributionspursuant to Articles A1301 (Insurance), A1302 (Retirement Plan), A1303(Deduction from Writer’s Fees – Retirement Plan) and A1305 (NonmemberEqualization Payments and Deductions).In the case <strong>of</strong> a WGA member Story Editor who has been granted aWaiver and who also provides other services, the contracted amountallocated to Story Editing duties (but in any event not less than theminimums set out in Article 14K <strong>of</strong> the WGA Agreement) shall be deemedto be the Story Editor Gross Fees for the purposes <strong>of</strong> Articles A807(designation <strong>of</strong> Story Editor fees), A12 (Administration Fee) and A1304(Deduction from Writer’s Fees – <strong>Guild</strong> Dues).54

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