Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada

Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada


Note:Capitalized words in this Agreement indicate that these particular terms aredefined in Article A2 and/or Article E2.

ARTICLE A1 – RECOGNITION, APPLICATION AND TERMA101 The Producer recognizes the Guild as the exclusive bargaining agent for allWriters, Story Editors and Story Consultants on all productions, exceptWriters contracted to write Script Material in French. The Guild is not thebargaining agent with respect to Story Consultants who are not members ofthe Guild. Nothing precludes a Producer from engaging a Story Consultantwho is not a Guild member.A102 The terms of this Agreement are the result of negotiations betweenrepresentatives of the Associations and the Guild.A103 This Agreement shall be jointly administered by the Guild and theAssociations in all of its facets on a principle of equality between the Guildand the Associations in all matters pertaining to the administration of theAgreement’s provisions. Questions regarding interpretation or the meaningof the Articles in this Agreement may be directed to the offices of either theAssociations or the Guild. Neither of these parties may make aninterpretation binding on the other without the written agreement of theother.A104 While the terms and conditions of this Agreement are in effect, anyProducer who is not a party to this Agreement but who agrees to become aparty to this Agreement shall sign a Voluntary Recognition Agreementacknowledging that the Guild is the exclusive bargaining agent of Writers,Story Editors or Story Consultants and signifying its acceptance of the termsand conditions contained herein (see Appendix B). The VoluntaryRecognition Agreement shall constitute acceptance of and a bindingobligation by the Producer to adhere to the terms and conditions of thisAgreement and shall be executed and forwarded to the Guild by fax ordelivery prior to contracting a Writer, or Story Editor or Story Consultant.A105 This Agreement shall apply to all Writers, Story Editors and StoryConsultants contracted by any Producer who is a signatory to thisAgreement. Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent a Producer from freelyobtaining the services of a Writer, Story Editor or Story Consultant whomay not be a member of the Guild providing that before signing a contractthe Writer or Story Editor shall declare in writing to the Producer and the1

Note:Capitalized words in this Agreement indicate that these particular terms aredefined in Article A2 and/or Article E2.

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