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proposes a Writer who is also a director or Producer or Executive Producer,the notice shall so indicate.In the case of television Series, the Producer may have the notice ofintended credits, described above, delivered by hand not later than seven (7)days prior to the first scheduled day of principal photography.The Producer shall send to the Guild and to every Story Editor or StoryConsultant who has been engaged to provide Story Editor or StoryConsultant services on any production the Notice of Intended WritingCredits form in Appendix F indicating intended on-screen Story Editorcredit(s) or Story Consultant credit(s) as negotiated per Article A804, andshowing the placement and order in which the Producer proposes toannounce the names of the Story Editors or Story Consultants. TheProducer must file this notice for all productions prior to their wrap date.A922 If any subsequent alteration to the intended writing or subsidiary writingcredit is intended, the Producer shall notify the Guild and all Writersinvolved of its intended alteration, but in any case the Producer shall notifyany Writer who has been engaged subsequent to the first day of productionas to his/her proposed final credit. This notification should be not later thanfourteen (14) days after the completion of filming or taping of the program.A923 All notifications referred to in Article A9 shall be sent by hand, e-mail orfacsimile and shall be delivered to the last known address, e-mail address orfax number of each Writer, Story Editor or Story Consultant or his agent orto any other address which the Writer, Story Editor or Story Consultantnotifies to the Producer before the dispatch of such Notice.A924 Upon the Guild’s request, the Producer shall provide a copy of the shootingscript, or, at the Producer’s discretion, reasonable access to the shootingscript, to any Writer, Story Editor or Story Consultant receiving the Noticeof Intended Writing Credits.A925 Subject to the provisions of Article A922 and A926, if, within fourteen (14)days of the date of dispatch of the Notice of Intended Writing Credits (seven[7] days in the case of a Series), no objection is received by the Producerand the Guild from any Writer to whom such draft has been sent, thewording of the writing and subsidiary writing credits set out in the Notice of36

Intended Writing Credits shall become final and binding on all parties.RIGHT OF WRITER, STORY EDITOR OR STORYCONSULTANT TO FORGO CREDITA926 Every person who has been engaged by the Producer to make a writtencontribution to a Script shall be entitled to use a reasonable pseudonym inplace of their name in any credit to which s/he may be entitled hereunder. AWriter who declines a credit shall, nevertheless, retain his/her rights toparticipate in the Royalty/Residual fees that may be due on the exploitationof the program. Where a Writer, Story Editor or Story Consultant declines acredit, the Writer, Story Editor or Story Consultant shall inform theProducer and the Guild of a pen-name to be substituted for his/her ownname on the program credits. None of the Writer’s, Story Editor’s or StoryConsultant’s rights including but not limited to compensation of any kindshall be affected by the use of a pseudonym.RULES OF CREDIT ARBITRATIONA927 If, within the period provided for in Article A925, a written objection isreceived by the Producer and the Guild from any Writer to whom such adraft has been sent, such objection shall (subject to Article A941) be dealtwith as follows:A928 The Guild shall forward notice of the objection to the relevant Association.If a Producer is a member of both Associations, the Guild shall forwardnotice of the objection to both Associations.A929 The Guild shall forthwith appoint three Arbitrators to adjudicate on theobjection in accordance with the Guild’s established guidelines for creditarbitration, a copy of which shall be furnished to the Associations.Arbitrators appointed under this provision are not “arbitrators” within themeaning of any labour relations legislation. The Credit Arbitrationprocedure must be completed before the grievance and arbitration procedurein Article A5 – Grievance Procedures and Resolution, or any expeditedarbitration provision in any labour relations legislation, may be initiated.A930 Within seven (7) days of the objection being received by the Producer, theProducer shall deliver to the Guild one (1) legible copy of all Script37

proposes a Writer who is also a director or Producer or Executive Producer,the notice shall so indicate.In the case <strong>of</strong> television Series, the Producer may have the notice <strong>of</strong>intended credits, described above, delivered by hand not later than seven (7)days prior to the first scheduled day <strong>of</strong> principal photography.The Producer shall send to the <strong>Guild</strong> and to every Story Editor or StoryConsultant who has been engaged to provide Story Editor or StoryConsultant services on any production the Notice <strong>of</strong> Intended WritingCredits form in Appendix F indicating intended on-screen Story Editorcredit(s) or Story Consultant credit(s) as negotiated per Article A804, andshowing the placement and order in which the Producer proposes toannounce the names <strong>of</strong> the Story Editors or Story Consultants. TheProducer must file this notice for all productions prior to their wrap date.A922 If any subsequent alteration to the intended writing or subsidiary writingcredit is intended, the Producer shall notify the <strong>Guild</strong> and all <strong>Writers</strong>involved <strong>of</strong> its intended alteration, but in any case the Producer shall notifyany Writer who has been engaged subsequent to the first day <strong>of</strong> productionas to his/her proposed final credit. This notification should be not later thanfourteen (14) days after the completion <strong>of</strong> filming or taping <strong>of</strong> the program.A923 All notifications referred to in Article A9 shall be sent by hand, e-mail orfacsimile and shall be delivered to the last known address, e-mail address orfax number <strong>of</strong> each Writer, Story Editor or Story Consultant or his agent orto any other address which the Writer, Story Editor or Story Consultantnotifies to the Producer before the dispatch <strong>of</strong> such Notice.A924 Upon the <strong>Guild</strong>’s request, the Producer shall provide a copy <strong>of</strong> the shootingscript, or, at the Producer’s discretion, reasonable access to the shootingscript, to any Writer, Story Editor or Story Consultant receiving the Notice<strong>of</strong> Intended Writing Credits.A925 Subject to the provisions <strong>of</strong> Article A922 and A926, if, within fourteen (14)days <strong>of</strong> the date <strong>of</strong> dispatch <strong>of</strong> the Notice <strong>of</strong> Intended Writing Credits (seven[7] days in the case <strong>of</strong> a Series), no objection is received by the Producerand the <strong>Guild</strong> from any Writer to whom such draft has been sent, thewording <strong>of</strong> the writing and subsidiary writing credits set out in the Notice <strong>of</strong>36

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