Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada

Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada


) Where a Writer has made a substantial written contribution to the writingof a Script, the Writer shall be entitled to the screen credit “TELEPLAYBY...”.c) Where a Writer has written a Documentary, the Writer shall be entitledto the screen credit “WRITTEN BY...”.d) Where a Program Writer has written a Magazine Format Program, theWriter shall be entitled to the credit “BY...” where such creditimmediately follows the main title credit, or “WRITTEN BY...” wherethe credit appears elsewhere in the program.e) Where a Show Writer has written a Variety program, the Writer shall beentitled to the credit “BY...” where such credit immediately follows themain title credit, or “WRITTEN BY...” where the credit appearselsewhere in the program.f) Where a Contributing Writer has written a Variety or Magazine FormatProgram, the Writer shall be entitled to the credit “CONTRIBUTINGWRITER...”.g) Continuity Writers shall be entitled to the credit “CONTINUITYWRITER...”.A905 The only other writing credits permitted (hereinafter referred to assubsidiary writing credits) shall be as follows:a) Where a Writer contributes to a Script by providing either the Story or theScreen Story or the Treatment or the Outline upon which the Script issubstantially based, the Writer shall be entitled to the screen credit “STORYBY...” or “SCREEN STORY BY...” as the case may be.b) Where a substantial contribution to a program is in the form of Narration,screen credit shall be given in the form of “NARRATION WRITTENBY...”.A906 Where the major writing contribution to a film is in the form of Narration,credit shall be subject to all the terms and conditions contained hereinrelating to writing credit.32

A907 Where a Writer has written a Documentary Script, the credit will be“DOCUMENTARY SCRIPT BY...”. Where a Writer has written a NarrationScript, the credit will be “NARRATION WRITTEN BY...”. Alternatively, if allcredited writers agree, the combined credit may be “WRITTEN BY....and....”. Ifa Writer or Writers has written both the Documentary Script and the NarrationScript, the credit may be “WRITTEN BY...”.A908 Credited Writers of Excerpts shall be listed under the credit “EXCERPTSWRITTEN BY...”.A909 Where a Writer has written an adaptation from another language the Writershall be entitled to the credit “ADAPTED BY…” as a minimum credit.A910 No other form of writing credit or subsidiary writing credits shall bepermitted and no other form of credit or acknowledgment shall be accordedto a Writer without the prior approval of the Guild. The approval of theGuild shall not be unreasonably withheld.A911 Where a credited Writer is also a director or producer of a program, s/hemay receive the following presentation credit “A FILM BY…”.LIMITATION OF NUMBER OF WRITERSA912 The number of Writers who may share credit for a Script in accordance withArticles A903 and A904(a), (b) and (c) hereof shall not exceed three.A913 The aggregate number of Writers accorded subsidiary writing credits shallnot exceed four.A914 In exceptional cases the number permitted in Articles A912 and A913 maybe increased with the consent of the Guild which consent will not beunreasonably withheld.A915 When the names of more than one individual appear in the credits orsubsidiary writing credits for a production, the names of the members of aTeam shall be separated by an ampersand (“&”). All other Writers’ namesshall be separated by the word “and”.33

A907 Where a Writer has written a Documentary Script, the credit will be“DOCUMENTARY SCRIPT BY...”. Where a Writer has written a NarrationScript, the credit will be “NARRATION WRITTEN BY...”. Alternatively, if allcredited writers agree, the combined credit may be “WRITTEN BY....and....”. Ifa Writer or <strong>Writers</strong> has written both the Documentary Script and the NarrationScript, the credit may be “WRITTEN BY...”.A908 Credited <strong>Writers</strong> <strong>of</strong> Excerpts shall be listed under the credit “EXCERPTSWRITTEN BY...”.A909 Where a Writer has written an adaptation from another language the <strong>Writers</strong>hall be entitled to the credit “ADAPTED BY…” as a minimum credit.A910 No other form <strong>of</strong> writing credit or subsidiary writing credits shall bepermitted and no other form <strong>of</strong> credit or acknowledgment shall be accordedto a Writer without the prior approval <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Guild</strong>. The approval <strong>of</strong> the<strong>Guild</strong> shall not be unreasonably withheld.A911 Where a credited Writer is also a director or producer <strong>of</strong> a program, s/hemay receive the following presentation credit “A FILM BY…”.LIMITATION OF NUMBER OF WRITERSA912 The number <strong>of</strong> <strong>Writers</strong> who may share credit for a Script in accordance withArticles A903 and A904(a), (b) and (c) here<strong>of</strong> shall not exceed three.A913 The aggregate number <strong>of</strong> <strong>Writers</strong> accorded subsidiary writing credits shallnot exceed four.A914 In exceptional cases the number permitted in Articles A912 and A913 maybe increased with the consent <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Guild</strong> which consent will not beunreasonably withheld.A915 When the names <strong>of</strong> more than one individual appear in the credits orsubsidiary writing credits for a production, the names <strong>of</strong> the members <strong>of</strong> aTeam shall be separated by an ampersand (“&”). All other <strong>Writers</strong>’ namesshall be separated by the word “and”.33

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