Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada

Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada


AFPTQ Appendix Q 216-223conflict with this agreement and the Act Appendix Q 216credits Appendix Q 216future recognition of APFTQ under Appendix Q 216script fees Appendix Q 216translation of materials Appendix Q 216Writer/Regular Employee provisions Appendix Q 216STAFF WRITERS A106 2STORY, see also OUTLINE; SCREEN STORY; SCRIPT MATERIAL;TREATMENTAnimation production 218 125-126definition A253 11-12STORY CONSULTANTS AND STORY EDITORSagreement form Appendix D 183-185Animation productions 203, 601–603 123, 131contracts A801, A802, A806 29, 30credit A804, A805 30deductions from fees A808 30definitions A254, A255 11-12fees A803, A805 30professional competence of A306 14Rewrites A805 30staff writer as A106(b)(iii) 2Writers Guild as exclusive bargaining agent for A101 1writing, rewriting and Polishing A807 30STORY EDITORS see STORY CONSULTANTS AND STORY EDITORSSTRIKES see also LOCKOUTSNegotiation Protocol Appendix A 169-176not allowed during term of Agreement A401 16SUBSIDIARY WRITING CREDITSformat of A917 34limit to A913, A914 33SUCCESSOR PRODUCERdefined for purposes of Negotiation Protocol Appendix A 169-176TEAMAnimation productions, definition 219 126credit format A915 33other productions, definition A256 12296

provisions not applicable to Corporate Productions E402 115TECHNICAL CONSULTANTS A254 12TELEPLAY, see TELEVISIONTELEVISION see also CONTINUITY; DAILY DRAMATIC SERIALS;MAGAZINE FORMATPROGRAM; MINI-SERIES; PILOT, SERIAL; SERIES; VARIETYGroup Writers C412 78-79minimum compensation for Television Productions C301-C311 72-74optional payment schemeDocumentary under $250,000 C513 82-83Documentary under $200,000 C514 83-84panel, game and quiz shows under $60,000 C6 85Script written by staff writer A106 (b)(ii) 2Television Movie, definition A257 12Television Production, definition A258 13Television Script (Teleplay), definition A259 13theatrical use of Television Script B115 59-60TERMINATION OF CONTRACTAnimation productions 118, 701-703 121, 131by Producer, at any stage B107 56Corporate Production E403 115Group Writers C412(v) 79notice of from Producer A1108 45-46payment or non-payment of Script Fees B101, B106 55-56where Writer has provided Bible for Series B111 57THIRD PARTY CONTRACTS A944-A945 41-42TRANSLATIONscript fee Schedule 4, art. 2(c) 163credit Schedule 4, art. 2(d) 163TRAVEL EXPENSES A228, C1201 8, 104-105TREATMENT, see also OUTLINE, SCRIPT MATERIAL, SCREEN STORY,STORYacceptance of B104 55Animation productions, definition 220 126Documentary, definition A221 7other productions, definition A260 13UNSOLICITED SCRIPTS A605, 121 24, 121297

provisions not applicable to Corporate Productions E402 115TECHNICAL CONSULTANTS A254 12TELEPLAY, see TELEVISIONTELEVISION see also CONTINUITY; DAILY DRAMATIC SERIALS;MAGAZINE FORMATPROGRAM; MINI-SERIES; PILOT, SERIAL; SERIES; VARIETYGroup <strong>Writers</strong> C412 78-79minimum compensation for Television Productions C301-C311 72-74optional payment schemeDocumentary under $250,000 C513 82-83Documentary under $200,000 C514 83-84panel, game and quiz shows under $60,000 C6 85Script written by staff writer A106 (b)(ii) 2Television Movie, definition A257 12Television Production, definition A258 13Television Script (Teleplay), definition A259 13theatrical use <strong>of</strong> Television Script B115 59-60TERMINATION OF CONTRACTAnimation productions 118, 701-703 121, 131by Producer, at any stage B107 56Corporate Production E403 115Group <strong>Writers</strong> C412(v) 79notice <strong>of</strong> from Producer A1108 45-46payment or non-payment <strong>of</strong> Script Fees B101, B106 55-56where Writer has provided Bible for Series B111 57THIRD PARTY CONTRACTS A944-A945 41-42TRANSLATIONscript fee Schedule 4, art. 2(c) 163credit Schedule 4, art. 2(d) 163TRAVEL EXPENSES A228, C1201 8, 104-105TREATMENT, see also OUTLINE, SCRIPT MATERIAL, SCREEN STORY,STORYacceptance <strong>of</strong> B104 55Animation productions, definition 220 126Documentary, definition A221 7other productions, definition A260 13UNSOLICITED SCRIPTS A605, 121 24, 121297

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