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Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada


application to Appendix T 228NON-CERTIFIED BUDGETdefinition A234 9delivery of copy to Writers Guild C1002 96statement of costs to be delivered to Writers Guild C1003 97NON-DRAMATIC SCRIPTwritten by non-member recognized specialist A106 2-3NON-MEMBERS OF WRITERS GUILDas Animation Writers 102 118as Script Writers A106(c), (d) 2-3to join the Writers Guild A107 3NON-THEATRICAL DISTRIBUTIONdefinition A235 9NOTICE OF ENGAGEMENTAnimation productions 119 121complete text Appendix E 186form filed with Writers Guild if no contract signed A707 25NOTICE OF INTENDED WRITING CREDITSdelivery to Writers Guild C1002 96format of Appendix F 187-188no objection received within 14 days A922 36Producer to send shooting Script to recipients of Notice A921 35-36Producer to send to Writers Guild and Writers A919 34OBSCENITY A709(b) 27OFFICIAL TREATY CO-PRODUCTIONS C1103(f) 103-104OPTIONSchanges to B302 62contract provisions for B303 62-63definition A236 9fees B303 62-63of three months or less B304 63rights granted B301 62ORAL AGREEMENTS A703, 120 24, 121ORIGINALITY OF SCRIPT MATERIAL A709(a) 26OTHER PRODUCTIONS286

character or sub-plot subsequently used in Series D106 107contract for Script D101 106credits D303 110definition A237 9distribution and use rights D301-D302 108-110minimum compensation D201-D202 107notification by Producer of intention to proceed D103 106Narration D202 104Script commissioned from another Writer D105 106Script Fees D102 106termination of Script process D104 106OUTLINEAnimation productions 210, 217 124-125acceptance of Outline or Treatment B104 55Corporate Production definition E209 113deemed to include Story or Screen Story A1109(a)(iv) 46Documentary A218, C502, C509 6, 79-82general definition A238 9PANEL SHOWS see MAGAZINE FORMAT PROGRAM, VARIETYPARTICIPATING WRITERdefinition for the purposes of credit arbitration A931 38PAYMENTS, see also DISTRIBUTION ROYALTIES; MINIMUMCOMPENSATION;PRODUCTION FEES; SECURITY FOR PAYMENTAnimation productions 114, 116 120Assumption Agreements A1113, A1114 50-51audit by Writer’s representative A1112 49details of calculation and production to be provided A1106 45division of Production Fee among Writers A1109 46-47failure of Writer to meet deadline A1108 45-46Goods and Services Tax A1101 44late paymentsAnimation productions 115 120other productions A1103 45minimum fee not to be deferred A1105 45reversion of rights for non-payment A1107 45share in gross revenues by Writer A1111 49Story Editor’s or Story Consultant’s fees A1201 51-52timing of A1102 44to a third party A1104, 116 45, 120verification of propriety A1112 49waiver of delivery of a stage B106 56287

application to Appendix T 228NON-CERTIFIED BUDGETdefinition A234 9delivery <strong>of</strong> copy to <strong>Writers</strong> <strong>Guild</strong> C1002 96statement <strong>of</strong> costs to be delivered to <strong>Writers</strong> <strong>Guild</strong> C1003 97NON-DRAMATIC SCRIPTwritten by non-member recognized specialist A106 2-3NON-MEMBERS OF WRITERS GUILDas Animation <strong>Writers</strong> 102 118as Script <strong>Writers</strong> A106(c), (d) 2-3to join the <strong>Writers</strong> <strong>Guild</strong> A107 3NON-THEATRICAL DISTRIBUTIONdefinition A235 9NOTICE OF ENGAGEMENTAnimation productions 119 121complete text Appendix E 186form filed with <strong>Writers</strong> <strong>Guild</strong> if no contract signed A707 25NOTICE OF INTENDED WRITING CREDITSdelivery to <strong>Writers</strong> <strong>Guild</strong> C1002 96format <strong>of</strong> Appendix F 187-188no objection received within 14 days A922 36Producer to send shooting Script to recipients <strong>of</strong> Notice A921 35-36Producer to send to <strong>Writers</strong> <strong>Guild</strong> and <strong>Writers</strong> A919 34OBSCENITY A709(b) 27OFFICIAL TREATY CO-PRODUCTIONS C1103(f) 103-104OPTIONSchanges to B302 62contract provisions for B303 62-63definition A236 9fees B303 62-63<strong>of</strong> three months or less B304 63rights granted B301 62ORAL AGREEMENTS A703, 120 24, 121ORIGINALITY OF SCRIPT MATERIAL A709(a) 26OTHER PRODUCTIONS286

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