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paid to Writer after termination of contract for Series B111 57paymentamount of C1101 101Feature Films A1110(e), (f) 48for licensed material not to be applied against B114 59form to accompany payment A1110(f), Appendix G 48, 189-194release of true copies of reports A1110(d) 48requirement to pay annually C1102 101to be made from Distributors’ Gross Revenue A1110(c) 48to be made to credited Writers only A1110(a) 47to Writer despite failure to meet a deadline A1108 45-46where no fee charged A1110(g) 49where Producer acts as distributor A1110(h) 49rights licensed A715 29Series Conceptroyalties for Series Concept not deducted from B113(d) 58Writer who originates a Series Concept not paid B113(a) 58staff writers A106(b) 2statement to be delivered to Writers Guild A1110(b) 47-48Variety, panel, game and quiz shows C609 87Writers contracted under other agreements C1010 100-101DISTRIBUTION, NON-THEATRICALdefinition A235 9DISTRIBUTOR’S ASSUMPTION AGREEMENT see ASSUMPTIONAGREEMENTSDISTRIBUTORS’ GROSS REVENUEamendment of definition C1103(g) 104calculation of C1103 101-104definition A215 6Secondary Use Payments not included A708 25-26statement provided to Writers Guild A1110(b) 47-48DOCUMENTARYcompensation for C501-C516 79-84continuity writer, for APFTQ member Appendix R 220-221credits for A904(c), A907 31, 32contractsfor Documentary Script that is not part of a Series C510 82for Documentary Script that is part of a Series C508-C509 81,82for single element of a Script C511 82for television Documentary Script C507 81definition A216 6division of Production Fee among Writers A1109(c) 47278

Documentary Feature Films C113-C123 65-67Documentary Working Group Appendix W 233included in definition of Script Material A249 11included in definition of Television Production A258 13low-budget C513, C514 82-84Narration Script for, definition A232 8non-members contracted in Quebec Appendix Q 216Outline or proposal, definition A218 6Production Fee C1002, C1005 96, 98sample pages A604 23-24Script, definition A220 7Shooting Scripts, definition A221 7Treatment, definition A221 7without Narration, payments for A1109(c)(ii) 47written by non-member A106(d) 3DRAFT SCRIPTAnimation productions, definition 206 124other productions, definition A222 7DVDs (DIGITAL VIDEO DISKS) see COMPACT DEVICESEMPLOYEES OF PRODUCERS see also STAFF WRITERSapplication of terms of Agreement A106 2-3Story created by B112 57ESTABLISHED PRODUCERdefinition A1004 43-44Security for Payment A1003 43EXCERPTScompensation for B116(d) 60contracts for B116(a) 60Corporate Productions E306 114credit format for A908, B116(e) 33, 60definition A223 7Distribution Royalties for B116(b), (c) 60Production Fees for B116(b), (c) 60EXPENSES see CORPORATE PRODUCTIONS, PER DIEM ALLOWANCES,TRAVEL EXPENSESFAIR MARKET VALUE OF A PROGRAMfor calculation of Distribution Royalties A1110(g) 49279

Documentary Feature Films C113-C123 65-67Documentary Working Group Appendix W 233included in definition <strong>of</strong> Script Material A249 11included in definition <strong>of</strong> Television Production A258 13low-budget C513, C514 82-84Narration Script for, definition A232 8non-members contracted in Quebec Appendix Q 216Outline or proposal, definition A218 6Production Fee C1002, C1005 96, 98sample pages A604 23-24Script, definition A220 7Shooting Scripts, definition A221 7Treatment, definition A221 7without Narration, payments for A1109(c)(ii) 47written by non-member A106(d) 3DRAFT SCRIPTAnimation productions, definition 206 124other productions, definition A222 7DVDs (DIGITAL VIDEO DISKS) see COMPACT DEVICESEMPLOYEES OF PRODUCERS see also STAFF WRITERSapplication <strong>of</strong> terms <strong>of</strong> Agreement A106 2-3Story created by B112 57ESTABLISHED PRODUCERdefinition A1004 43-44Security for Payment A1003 43EXCERPTScompensation for B116(d) 60contracts for B116(a) 60Corporate Productions E306 114credit format for A908, B116(e) 33, 60definition A223 7Distribution Royalties for B116(b), (c) 60Production Fees for B116(b), (c) 60EXPENSES see CORPORATE PRODUCTIONS, PER DIEM ALLOWANCES,TRAVEL EXPENSESFAIR MARKET VALUE OF A PROGRAMfor calculation <strong>of</strong> Distribution Royalties A1110(g) 49279

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