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Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada


definition 215 125minimum 301-303 126-127negotiable rates 302-304 126-127payment of 114, 302-305 120, 126-127Script Material, definition 216 125Secondary Use Paymentsdefinition 217 125right to collect not diminished 807, 809 132-133single stage 304-305 127speculative writing prohibited 120 121Story, definition 218 125-126Team, definition 219 126termination of contract 118, 701-703 121,131Treatment, definition 220 126unsolicited script 121 121Voluntary Recognition AgreementProducers outside Quebec to sign 110 120text of Schedule 1 153-155waiver of delivery of a stage 702 131Writers Guild of Canadaas exclusive bargaining agent 101 118dues 505 130APFTQ, see ASSOCIATION DES PRODUCTEURS DE FILMS ET DETÉLÉVISION DU QUÉBECARBITRATION see also GRIEVANCES, JOINT STANDING COMMITTEEAnimation productions 920-927 137-139arbitrator(s)powers of A522, A523 21selection of A521 20-21Board of Arbitration A521 20-21costs of A524 21credit arbitrationagreements with foreign associations of Writers A941 40alternative procedure A942 40standard procedure A927-A940 37-40decision reached by A525 21grievances arising out of Article A1 A115 4referral of Joint Standing Committee A518, A519 20refusal of Producer to abide by procedure or decision A402 16time and place of arbitration A521 20-21time limits A526 22ARTISTIC COMPETENCE, see PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE268

ASSIGNMENT OF RIGHTScredit assignment form Appendix L 205credit for material sold to a third party A943 40third party undertaking A942 40under Purchaser’s Assumption Agreement A1113(b) 50ASSOCIATION see CMPA (CANADIAN MEDIA PRODUCTION ASSOCIATION)ASSOCIATION DES PRODUCTEURS DE FILMS ET DE TÉLÉVISION DUQUÉBEC (APFTQ)address A527 22administration fees A1201-1205 51-52Animation Section Quebec appendix Schedule 4 160-166Quebec appendix Appendix Q 216-223Regular Employee provisions Appendix Q 216-223special terms (non-harmonized items) Appendix R 224-225Status of the Artist Act Appendix Q 222translationcredits Appendix Q 220-221script fees Appendix Q 220ASSUMPTION AGREEMENTSdefinition A202 4Distributor’s Assumption Agreementsform Appendix H 195-198provisions of A1114 50-51production not commenced within 7 years of contract date A711 28Purchaser’s Assumption Agreementson the Transfer of Rights in a ProductionMade from Script Material Appendix I 199-200on Transfer of Rights in Script Material Appendix J 201-202provisions of A1113 50AUDIO VISUAL PRODUCTIONS NOT FOR TELEVISION, see OTHERPRODUCTIONSAUDITof Feature Film with budget under $1,200,000 C204 69-71of Producer’s books by Writers Guild representative A1112 49AWARDS OR PRIZESfor Animation productions 808 133BANKRUPTCY OF PRODUCERnotification of Writers Guild A713 29reversion of rights A710 28269

definition 215 125minimum 301-303 126-127negotiable rates 302-304 126-127payment <strong>of</strong> 114, 302-305 120, 126-127Script Material, definition 216 125Secondary Use Paymentsdefinition 217 125right to collect not diminished 807, 809 132-133single stage 304-305 127speculative writing prohibited 120 121Story, definition 218 125-126Team, definition 219 126termination <strong>of</strong> contract 118, 701-703 121,131Treatment, definition 220 126unsolicited script 121 121Voluntary Recognition AgreementProducers outside Quebec to sign 110 120text <strong>of</strong> Schedule 1 153-155waiver <strong>of</strong> delivery <strong>of</strong> a stage 702 131<strong>Writers</strong> <strong>Guild</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Canada</strong>as exclusive bargaining agent 101 118dues 505 130APFTQ, see ASSOCIATION DES PRODUCTEURS DE FILMS ET DETÉLÉVISION DU QUÉBECARBITRATION see also GRIEVANCES, JOINT STANDING COMMITTEEAnimation productions 920-927 137-139arbitrator(s)powers <strong>of</strong> A522, A523 21selection <strong>of</strong> A521 20-21Board <strong>of</strong> Arbitration A521 20-21costs <strong>of</strong> A524 21credit arbitrationagreements with foreign associations <strong>of</strong> <strong>Writers</strong> A941 40alternative procedure A942 40standard procedure A927-A940 37-40decision reached by A525 21grievances arising out <strong>of</strong> Article A1 A115 4referral <strong>of</strong> Joint Standing Committee A518, A519 20refusal <strong>of</strong> Producer to abide by procedure or decision A402 16time and place <strong>of</strong> arbitration A521 20-21time limits A526 22ARTISTIC COMPETENCE, see PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE268

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