Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada

Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada


Magazine Format Program 1004(c) 141multiple Writers 1009, 1011, 1041 141, 149Notice of Intended Writing Credits Schedule 2 156-157notification by Producer 1018-1022 143-145objectionsalternative to arbitration 1040 149arbitration procedure for 1024-1037 145-148no objection received within 14 days 1022 144-145submitted in writing 1024 145obligation to give credit 1001 140pen-name 1023 145participating writer, definition 1027, 1032 146, 147position, size, and sequence 1013-1016 142-143Producer’s duty to notify 1018-1022 143-145production credits 1046-1047 151productions made or issued by a third party 1043 150productions other than Feature Films and television 1002 140pseudonyms 1023 145sequence of 1015-1016 142-143sharing of A912 33Story Consultant/Story Editor 1018 143-144subsidiary writing creditslimits on 1010 141form of 1005-1007, 1012 141-142Team of Writers 1012, 1041 142, 149Television Productions 1004 140-41unauthorized form of credit 1007 141Variety Programs 1004(c) 141Writer is also director or Producer 1008 141Writers Guildlogo 1047 151participation in credit arbitration 1027-1028 146deadline, failure of Writer to meet 118 121deductions from fees 501-507 129-130discrimination against Writer 112 120Draft Script, definition 206 124exercise of rights 901 133Feature Film, definition 207 124Goods and Services Tax 113 120grievance see also arbitration, Joint Standing Committeedefinition 902 133failure to settle 908 135grievance meeting 906, 907 134,135initiation of formal procedure 904, 905 134notification of parties 906 134266

settlement without recourse to formal procedures 903 134Gross Fees, definition 208 124Independent Production Agreement not to apply to 105 118-119insurance 501 129interest on late payment 115 120Joint Standing Committee see also arbitration, grievanceappointment to 912 135chair-person 914 136convening of 910 135decisions of 918, 919 137documents and correspondence 913 136failure to reach a decision 919 137hearing by 915 136-137not authorized to amend this Agreement 917 137procedures 914, 915, 916 136-137referral of grievance to 908, 909 135representation on 911, 912 135-136time limits for presentations 915 136-137witnesses 913 136late material 118 121Merchandising Rightsassigned by Writer to Producer 805 132definition 209 124minimum fees 302, 303 126, 127negotiation of superior terms and benefits 109 119non-members 106 119Notice of Engagement form 125 122Notice of Intended Writing Credits Schedule 2 156-157oral agreements 123 122Outline, definition 210 124payments to Animation Writer 114, 115, 116, 122 120-121Polish, definition 211 124Prizes 808 133Producerdefinition 212 124to notify Writer of previously engaged writers 119 121retirement plancontribution by Producer 502 129deduction from fees 503 129retransmission royalties 810 133Rewrite, definition 213 124rights licensed 802 131-132Screen Story, definition 214 125Script changes 306 127Script Fee267

Magazine Format Program 1004(c) 141multiple <strong>Writers</strong> 1009, 1011, 1041 141, 149Notice <strong>of</strong> Intended Writing Credits Schedule 2 156-157notification by Producer 1018-1022 143-145objectionsalternative to arbitration 1040 149arbitration procedure for 1024-1037 145-148no objection received within 14 days 1022 144-145submitted in writing 1024 145obligation to give credit 1001 140pen-name 1023 145participating writer, definition 1027, 1032 146, 147position, size, and sequence 1013-1016 142-143Producer’s duty to notify 1018-1022 143-145production credits 1046-1047 151productions made or issued by a third party 1043 150productions other than Feature Films and television 1002 140pseudonyms 1023 145sequence <strong>of</strong> 1015-1016 142-143sharing <strong>of</strong> A912 33Story Consultant/Story Editor 1018 143-144subsidiary writing creditslimits on 1010 141form <strong>of</strong> 1005-1007, 1012 141-142Team <strong>of</strong> <strong>Writers</strong> 1012, 1041 142, 149Television Productions 1004 140-41unauthorized form <strong>of</strong> credit 1007 141Variety Programs 1004(c) 141Writer is also director or Producer 1008 141<strong>Writers</strong> <strong>Guild</strong>logo 1047 151participation in credit arbitration 1027-1028 146deadline, failure <strong>of</strong> Writer to meet 118 121deductions from fees 501-507 129-130discrimination against Writer 112 120Draft Script, definition 206 124exercise <strong>of</strong> rights 901 133Feature Film, definition 207 124Goods and Services Tax 113 120grievance see also arbitration, Joint Standing Committeedefinition 902 133failure to settle 908 135grievance meeting 906, 907 134,135initiation <strong>of</strong> formal procedure 904, 905 134notification <strong>of</strong> parties 906 134266

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