Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada

Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada



APPENDIX YProducers Bound by This Agreement (see Article A103)Letter of UnderstandingBetween the Writers Guild of Canada hereinafter “the Guild” and theCanadian Media Production Association hereinafter “the CMPA”.Without prejudice to any position that the CMPA may take in the future inany context including, without limitation, subsequent rounds of bargaining, theparties agree that the list of Producers bound to the IPA as set out in the mostrecently expired IPA shall continue in force for the life of the renewed IPAwhich expires on December 31, 2014.Part A – List of Producers Bound by this AgreementThe Companies named in Section this Appendix have executed or are deemedto have executed the Negotiation Protocol prior to the coming into effect of thisversion of the IPA. Therefore, pursuant to paragraph 2 of the said Protocol, “theGuild recognizes the Association as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent forall producers who execute a Voluntary Recognition Agreement” and thereforeeach named Company is bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement,which is the result of collective bargaining between the Association, on the onehand, and the Guild on the other hand. The names of any new Producers whoare added to the list subsequent to the above date shall be considered by theparties to have executed the Negotiation Protocol.Numerical0703175 British Columbia Ltd0744770 B.C. Ltd.0847312 BC Ltd for “ Back in the Day II”0847312 BC Ltd for “Back in the Day: On the Mighty Fraser”0897624 B.C. Ltd.101117088 Saskatchewan Ltd1181106 Alberta Inc (o/a) Draw Your Cat1259534 Alberta Inc.1380099 Ont. Inc. Heroic Films Co. for “Ladies Killing Circle”1380099 Ont. Heroic Film Cpy for “First Things First”1380099 Ontario Inc. o/a Heroic Film Company1514373 Ontario Inc.1555135 Alberta Inc1664121 Ontario Ltd for “Ganesh Boy Wonder”1743722 Ontario, Inc.1746020 Ontario, Inc.1760451 Ontario, Inc.18 to Life II Productions, Inc.1972 Productions Inc.1972 Productions Inc.2005519 Ontario Limited2006376 Ontario Inc.2075382 Ontario Limited2104023 Ontario Inc.2108602 Ontario Ltd22 Minutes (Nye) IV Incorporated22 Minutes IX Inc.235

APPENDIX YProducers Bound by This Agreement (see Article A103)Letter <strong>of</strong> UnderstandingBetween the <strong>Writers</strong> <strong>Guild</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Canada</strong> hereinafter “the <strong>Guild</strong>” and theCanadian Media Production Association hereinafter “the CMPA”.Without prejudice to any position that the CMPA may take in the future inany context including, without limitation, subsequent rounds <strong>of</strong> bargaining, theparties agree that the list <strong>of</strong> Producers bound to the IPA as set out in the mostrecently expired IPA shall continue in force for the life <strong>of</strong> the renewed IPAwhich expires on December 31, 2014.Part A – List <strong>of</strong> Producers Bound by this AgreementThe Companies named in Section this Appendix have executed or are deemedto have executed the Negotiation Protocol prior to the coming into effect <strong>of</strong> thisversion <strong>of</strong> the IPA. Therefore, pursuant to paragraph 2 <strong>of</strong> the said Protocol, “the<strong>Guild</strong> recognizes the Association as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent forall producers who execute a Voluntary Recognition Agreement” and thereforeeach named Company is bound by the terms and conditions <strong>of</strong> this Agreement,which is the result <strong>of</strong> collective bargaining between the Association, on the onehand, and the <strong>Guild</strong> on the other hand. The names <strong>of</strong> any new Producers whoare added to the list subsequent to the above date shall be considered by theparties to have executed the Negotiation Protocol.Numerical0703175 British Columbia Ltd0744770 B.C. Ltd.0847312 BC Ltd for “ Back in the Day II”0847312 BC Ltd for “Back in the Day: On the Mighty Fraser”0897624 B.C. Ltd.101117088 Saskatchewan Ltd1181106 Alberta Inc (o/a) Draw Your Cat1259534 Alberta Inc.1380099 Ont. Inc. Heroic Films Co. for “Ladies Killing Circle”1380099 Ont. Heroic Film Cpy for “First Things First”1380099 Ontario Inc. o/a Heroic Film Company1514373 Ontario Inc.1555135 Alberta Inc1664121 Ontario Ltd for “Ganesh Boy Wonder”1743722 Ontario, Inc.1746020 Ontario, Inc.1760451 Ontario, Inc.18 to Life II Productions, Inc.1972 Productions Inc.1972 Productions Inc.2005519 Ontario Limited2006376 Ontario Inc.2075382 Ontario Limited2104023 Ontario Inc.2108602 Ontario Ltd22 Minutes (Nye) IV Incorporated22 Minutes IX Inc.235

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