Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada

Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada


APPENDIX O(See Article E102)CORPORATE PRODUCTION: SPONSORED, INDUSTRIAL ORSHORT FILMSLetter of Agreement for Proposals or TendersWHEREAS __________________________ (Producer) requires a Proposalor Tender prior to contracting ___________________ (Writer) for theScript, the Writer hereby agrees to prepare the Proposal or tender on thecondition that in the event of acceptance by___________________________(Client Name), the Writer shall becontracted for the Script under the terms of Article E of the WritersIndependent Production Agreement. Should the Proposal be rejected, allrights in and to the Script Material shall remain with the Writer, includingthe Concept, if provided by the Writer. If provided by the Producer, allrights in and to the Concept shall remain with the Producer. Producer shallfile a copy of this Letter of Agreement with the Writers Guild of Canadaupon signing.Title of Program:________________________________________Description of Proposal orTender:______________________________________________________Concept provided by :________________________________________________Description:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________Dated this day of , 20__.Producer:Writer:____________________________________________________________214

APPENDIX PINTERPRETATION COMMITTEEIf a dispute arises because:i) there is a perceived ambiguity in this Agreement; orii) there is a matter not dealt with in this Agreement; oriii) a literal interpretation of this Agreement would lead to anunintended, or unjust result:then at the request of either party, the question will be discussed by anInterpretation Committee. The Interpretation Committee shall be an equalnumber of representatives of the Associations and the Guild consisting offour (4) or six (6) representatives in total (excluding Guild or Associationstaff), each of whom shall have participated in the negotiation of thisAgreement.The Interpretation Committee shall meet within twenty-one (21) days andattempt to resolve the question by deciding:i) the intent of the ambiguous Article;ii) whether, and if so how, the Agreement should deal with thematter not dealt with; oriii) notwithstanding the literal interpretation of the Agreement,whether the Agreement was intended to be interpreted in thismanner.Any resolution reached by the Interpretation Committee shall be arecommendation only, and non-binding on the parties.215

APPENDIX O(See Article E102)CORPORATE PRODUCTION: SPONSORED, INDUSTRIAL ORSHORT FILMSLetter <strong>of</strong> Agreement for Proposals or TendersWHEREAS __________________________ (Producer) requires a Proposalor Tender prior to contracting ___________________ (Writer) for theScript, the Writer hereby agrees to prepare the Proposal or tender on thecondition that in the event <strong>of</strong> acceptance by___________________________(Client Name), the Writer shall becontracted for the Script under the terms <strong>of</strong> Article E <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Writers</strong>Independent Production Agreement. Should the Proposal be rejected, allrights in and to the Script Material shall remain with the Writer, includingthe Concept, if provided by the Writer. If provided by the Producer, allrights in and to the Concept shall remain with the Producer. Producer shallfile a copy <strong>of</strong> this Letter <strong>of</strong> Agreement with the <strong>Writers</strong> <strong>Guild</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Canada</strong>upon signing.Title <strong>of</strong> Program:________________________________________Description <strong>of</strong> Proposal orTender:______________________________________________________Concept provided by :________________________________________________Description:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________Dated this day <strong>of</strong> , 20__.Producer:Writer:____________________________________________________________214

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