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Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada


are assumed by the Distributor hereunder pursuant to this AssumptionAgreement.8. The parties hereto acknowledge that any dispute arising from theinterpretation, administration or enforcement of this Agreement andthe relevant Articles of the IPA shall be submitted to final andbinding arbitration under Article A5.9. The parties undersigned agree that Ontario law governs thisagreement and agree in advance to the jurisdiction of Ontario courtsover any dispute arising out of breach or default of this agreement.Dated this _____________ day of __________,_________________________DistributorPer: ____________________________/___________(print name / title)Writers Guild of CanadaPer: ____________________________/______________(print name / title)ProducerPer: ___________________________/____________(print name / title)198

APPENDIX I(See Article A1113(a))PURCHASER’S ASSUMPTION AGREEMENT ON TRANSFER OFRIGHTS IN A PRODUCTION MADE FROM SCRIPTMATERIALWHEREAS_________________(“Purchaser”) has acquired from_______________ (“Producer”) certain rights in the production entitled___________(“Production”) which was made from____________(the“Script Material”) written by ___________________(“Writer”);AND WHEREAS the rights to the Script Material were acquired byProducer pursuant to the Independent Production Agreement coveringFreelance Writers of Theatrical Films, Television Programs and otherProductions between the Canadian Media Production Association (CMPA),Association des Producteurs de Films et Télévision du Québec (APFTQ)and the Writers Guild of Canada (the “Guild”) dated November 1, 2012 toDecember 31, 2014 (the “IPA”);The parties hereto agree as follows:1. The Purchaser is hereby bound by all continuing obligations contained inthe IPA with respect to the Script Material and the Production; and,without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Purchaser will paywhen due all payments required by the IPA to be paid by the Producer toor for the Writer in respect of the Script Material and the Production,including Distribution Royalty.2. The Purchaser will be relieved of its obligations to the Guild upon anysale or other disposition of the Production or any rights in the Productiononly if the party which acquires the Production or any such rights signsan Assumption Agreement with the Purchaser and the Guild.3. The Guild hereby relieves the Producer of its obligations under the IPAwith respect to the Script Material and the Production.199

APPENDIX I(See Article A1113(a))PURCHASER’S ASSUMPTION AGREEMENT ON TRANSFER OFRIGHTS IN A PRODUCTION MADE FROM SCRIPTMATERIALWHEREAS_________________(“Purchaser”) has acquired from_______________ (“Producer”) certain rights in the production entitled___________(“Production”) which was made from____________(the“Script Material”) written by ___________________(“Writer”);AND WHEREAS the rights to the Script Material were acquired byProducer pursuant to the Independent Production Agreement coveringFreelance <strong>Writers</strong> <strong>of</strong> Theatrical Films, Television Programs and otherProductions between the Canadian Media Production Association (CMPA),Association des Producteurs de Films et Télévision du Québec (APFTQ)and the <strong>Writers</strong> <strong>Guild</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Canada</strong> (the “<strong>Guild</strong>”) dated November 1, 2012 toDecember 31, 2014 (the “IPA”);The parties hereto agree as follows:1. The Purchaser is hereby bound by all continuing obligations contained inthe IPA with respect to the Script Material and the Production; and,without limiting the generality <strong>of</strong> the foregoing, the Purchaser will paywhen due all payments required by the IPA to be paid by the Producer toor for the Writer in respect <strong>of</strong> the Script Material and the Production,including Distribution Royalty.2. The Purchaser will be relieved <strong>of</strong> its obligations to the <strong>Guild</strong> upon anysale or other disposition <strong>of</strong> the Production or any rights in the Productiononly if the party which acquires the Production or any such rights signsan Assumption Agreement with the Purchaser and the <strong>Guild</strong>.3. The <strong>Guild</strong> hereby relieves the Producer <strong>of</strong> its obligations under the IPAwith respect to the Script Material and the Production.199

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