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Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada


asic narrative, idea, or theme and indicating character development andaction suitable for use in or representing a substantial contribution to a FinalScript; provided, however, that the Writer shall not be obligated to (a) insertdialogue in a Story (except to the extent necessary to showcharacterization), or (b) prepare the Story in the form of an Outline. Thereis no differentiation between Story and Screen Story for compensationpurposes. When no Story or Screen Story is contracted separately, the Storyor Screen Story shall be deemed to be included in the Outline. In the case ofa Feature Film, the Story or Screen Story shall be deemed to be included inthe Treatment.A254 Story Consultant means a writer who is a Guild member whose dutiesinclude analysis, consultation, research and editorial advice regarding ScriptMaterial for Feature Films, Television Movies and Mini-Series and who isengaged on the basis of his or her expertise in the area of writing. This shallnot include individuals generally recognized as “technical consultants”,whose expertise as engaged is not in the area of writing.A255 Story Editor means:a) a person, regardless of title or credit received, whose duties include writingRewrites, Polishes and may also include script consultation for a Series orSerial; orb) a person participating in a group session on a Series or Serial whose dutiesinclude developing and/or breaking stories and/or consulting on ScriptMaterial, where a Bible and/or Pilot Script already exists and serves as thebasis for the group session. Where such persons are only engaged toperform the work contemplated under this clause (b) such work shall notattract credit under Article A804.This shall not include individuals generally recognized as “technicalconsultants”, whose expertise as engaged is not in the area of writing.A256 Team means two (or more, with the consent of the Guild, which consentshall not be unreasonably withheld) Writers engaged by the Producer at thesame time who have agreed to collaborate on a Script or Scripts. A Teamwill be deemed to be one Writer for the purposes of this Agreement.Payment will be split equally between or among the Writers of the Team.A257 Television Movie means a dramatic television production of ninety (90)12

minutes or more in broadcast length intended initially for Free orcommercial Television, pay television, cable television, or distribution byvideocassette, videodisc or any other form of home compact device.A258 Television Production means a Series, Serial, drama, documentary, dramadocumentary,dramatization, adaptation, panel/game/quiz show, varietyshow, Book Show, or televised stage play intended initially for Free orcommercial Television, pay television, cable television, videocassette,videodisc or any other form of home compact device.A259 Television Script (Teleplay) means a fully written work for a TelevisionProduction in screen terms, embodying individual scenes, full dialogueand/or monologue, Narration (if required) and any other descriptions ordetails necessary to facilitate production.A260 Treatment means the scene-by-scene development and structuring in amutually agreed form of a story in screen terms to provide a synopsis orschematic of the Feature Film Script to be written from it, in 20,000 wordsor less. The Treatment shall be deemed to include a Story or Screen Story.A261 Variety means a program that consists of songs, music, dances, sketches,vignettes, blackouts, and similar material, ordinarily as a mixture of some orall of such elements.Variety (Type 1) means a program where 85% or more of the program timeexcluding commercial breaks is composed of variety writing.Variety (Type 2) means a program where from 50% to 84% of the programtime excluding commercial breaks is composed of variety writing.Variety (Type 3) means a program where less than 50% of the program timeexcluding commercial breaks is composed of variety writing.Head Writer (Variety) means a Show Writer who, in addition to supplyingvariety material, supervises all written material for a program, including rewritingof material as is necessary, and is responsible to the Producer for thefinished Script.13

asic narrative, idea, or theme and indicating character development andaction suitable for use in or representing a substantial contribution to a FinalScript; provided, however, that the Writer shall not be obligated to (a) insertdialogue in a Story (except to the extent necessary to showcharacterization), or (b) prepare the Story in the form <strong>of</strong> an Outline. Thereis no differentiation between Story and Screen Story for compensationpurposes. When no Story or Screen Story is contracted separately, the Storyor Screen Story shall be deemed to be included in the Outline. In the case <strong>of</strong>a Feature Film, the Story or Screen Story shall be deemed to be included inthe Treatment.A254 Story Consultant means a writer who is a <strong>Guild</strong> member whose dutiesinclude analysis, consultation, research and editorial advice regarding ScriptMaterial for Feature Films, Television Movies and Mini-Series and who isengaged on the basis <strong>of</strong> his or her expertise in the area <strong>of</strong> writing. This shallnot include individuals generally recognized as “technical consultants”,whose expertise as engaged is not in the area <strong>of</strong> writing.A255 Story Editor means:a) a person, regardless <strong>of</strong> title or credit received, whose duties include writingRewrites, Polishes and may also include script consultation for a Series orSerial; orb) a person participating in a group session on a Series or Serial whose dutiesinclude developing and/or breaking stories and/or consulting on ScriptMaterial, where a Bible and/or Pilot Script already exists and serves as thebasis for the group session. Where such persons are only engaged toperform the work contemplated under this clause (b) such work shall notattract credit under Article A804.This shall not include individuals generally recognized as “technicalconsultants”, whose expertise as engaged is not in the area <strong>of</strong> writing.A256 Team means two (or more, with the consent <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Guild</strong>, which consentshall not be unreasonably withheld) <strong>Writers</strong> engaged by the Producer at thesame time who have agreed to collaborate on a Script or Scripts. A Teamwill be deemed to be one Writer for the purposes <strong>of</strong> this Agreement.Payment will be split equally between or among the <strong>Writers</strong> <strong>of</strong> the Team.A257 Television Movie means a dramatic television production <strong>of</strong> ninety (90)12

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