Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada

Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada


Recognition:2.1 The Association recognizes the Guild as the sole and exclusive bargainingagent for all writer members covered by the IPA agreement.2.2 The Guild recognizes the Association as the sole and exclusive bargainingagent for all producers who execute a Voluntary Recognition Agreement, asattached.2.3 Upon notice being given by the Guild, the Association shall provide theGuild with a current list of all member producers within thirty (30) days ofreceipt of said notice.2.4 The Guild shall not enter into separate negotiations or collective agreementswith any member producer, nor shall it enter into separate agreements withany such member producer with respect to matters dealt with in negotiationsor collective agreements between the Guild and the Association.2.5 Except by prior agreement with the Association, the Guild shall not enterinto any agreement with any Producer in independent production at rates orterms more favourable to such Producer than those set forth in thisAgreement and shall not permit Writers, Story Editors or Story Consultantsto be engaged at rates less than those provided for herein or upon termsmore favourable to such Producer than set forth herein.2.6 The Guild agrees to recognize the negotiating team as appointed by theAssociation as the sole bargaining agent for all Producers.3. Agreement to Follow Terms of Protocol3.1 The above parties to the IPA agree to the terms of this Negotiation Protocolwhich is included as an Appendix to the IPA, the provisions of which shallgovern the Parties including all producers who are signatory to a VoluntaryRecognition Agreement and their negotiations for the renewal of thisAgreement.170

4. Agreement to Bargain in Good Faith4.1 The parties agree to meet within forty-five (45) days of notice having beengiven pursuant to Article A113 and to commence to bargain in good faith andto make every reasonable effort to enter into a new Agreement.5. Freeze5.1 While bargaining continues, and until the right to strike or lock out hasaccrued pursuant to this Protocol, the terms and conditions of the current IPAshall continue in full force and effect and neither party nor any producer shallthreaten to alter or alter any of the terms thereof. In particular, withoutlimiting the generality of the foregoing no Producer shall alter any rates orany other term of the current IPA or any right or privilege of the Writers inthe bargaining unit or any right or privilege of the Guild until therequirements of paragraph 7.1 have been met, unless the Guild consents to thealteration in writing.6. Conciliation6.1 Where a party considers that reasonable efforts to enter into a new Agreementhave been made, the said party may request the assistance of a conciliationofficer. Such a request shall be made by the party giving written notice to theother party or parties of its desire to obtain the assistance of a conciliationofficer. Such notice shall contain the names of three persons who the partygiving notice is prepared to accept as a conciliation officer. The proposedofficers shall be neutral persons who have no direct interest in the subjectmatter of the negotiations, and who have not acted as employee, agent oradvisor, for either of the parties or an interested party in any previousproceedings between the parties or their members.6.2 The party receiving such notice shall within ten (10) days reply in writingaccepting the appointment of one of the suggested conciliation officers of theother party, or shall indicate that none of the suggested conciliation officersare acceptable. The party responding may suggest alternative conciliationofficers as a part of its written response and the party giving original notice ofa request for conciliation shall either accept such alternative suggestions or inthe alternative, within ten (10) days of receipt of the notice, request theappointment of a conciliation officer. Without prejudice to the Association’s171

4. Agreement to Bargain in Good Faith4.1 The parties agree to meet within forty-five (45) days <strong>of</strong> notice having beengiven pursuant to Article A113 and to commence to bargain in good faith andto make every reasonable effort to enter into a new Agreement.5. Freeze5.1 While bargaining continues, and until the right to strike or lock out hasaccrued pursuant to this Protocol, the terms and conditions <strong>of</strong> the current IPAshall continue in full force and effect and neither party nor any producer shallthreaten to alter or alter any <strong>of</strong> the terms there<strong>of</strong>. In particular, withoutlimiting the generality <strong>of</strong> the foregoing no Producer shall alter any rates orany other term <strong>of</strong> the current IPA or any right or privilege <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Writers</strong> inthe bargaining unit or any right or privilege <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Guild</strong> until therequirements <strong>of</strong> paragraph 7.1 have been met, unless the <strong>Guild</strong> consents to thealteration in writing.6. Conciliation6.1 Where a party considers that reasonable efforts to enter into a new Agreementhave been made, the said party may request the assistance <strong>of</strong> a conciliation<strong>of</strong>ficer. Such a request shall be made by the party giving written notice to theother party or parties <strong>of</strong> its desire to obtain the assistance <strong>of</strong> a conciliation<strong>of</strong>ficer. Such notice shall contain the names <strong>of</strong> three persons who the partygiving notice is prepared to accept as a conciliation <strong>of</strong>ficer. The proposed<strong>of</strong>ficers shall be neutral persons who have no direct interest in the subjectmatter <strong>of</strong> the negotiations, and who have not acted as employee, agent oradvisor, for either <strong>of</strong> the parties or an interested party in any previousproceedings between the parties or their members.6.2 The party receiving such notice shall within ten (10) days reply in writingaccepting the appointment <strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> the suggested conciliation <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> theother party, or shall indicate that none <strong>of</strong> the suggested conciliation <strong>of</strong>ficersare acceptable. The party responding may suggest alternative conciliation<strong>of</strong>ficers as a part <strong>of</strong> its written response and the party giving original notice <strong>of</strong>a request for conciliation shall either accept such alternative suggestions or inthe alternative, within ten (10) days <strong>of</strong> receipt <strong>of</strong> the notice, request theappointment <strong>of</strong> a conciliation <strong>of</strong>ficer. Without prejudice to the Association’s171

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