Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada

Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada


APPENDIX ANEGOTIATION PROTOCOLTHE WRITERS GUILD OF CANADA(the “Guild”)andTHE CANADIAN MEDIA PRODUCTION ASSOCIATION(“the Association”)The parties hereto agree to the following provisions, which are reproduced in theIPA as an Appendix thereto, (but which Appendix is executed separately from theIPA) which shall be and remain in effect following the expiry of the term of the IPA.Definitions:1.1 producer – shall mean any member producer, any common producer, or anysuccessor producermember producer – shall mean any member of the Association who is asignatory to a Voluntary Recognition Agreementcommon producer – shall mean a person, corporation or other entity undercommon direction or control with a member producer and who engages inassociated or related activities or businessessuccessor producer – shall mean a person, corporation or other entity towhom a member producer sells its businesssells – shall include leases, transfers, and any other manner of disposition, and“sold” and “sale” have corresponding – shall include any undertaking or business and any part thereof169

APPENDIX ANEGOTIATION PROTOCOLTHE WRITERS GUILD OF CANADA(the “<strong>Guild</strong>”)andTHE CANADIAN MEDIA PRODUCTION ASSOCIATION(“the Association”)The parties hereto agree to the following provisions, which are reproduced in theIPA as an Appendix thereto, (but which Appendix is executed separately from theIPA) which shall be and remain in effect following the expiry <strong>of</strong> the term <strong>of</strong> the IPA.Definitions:1.1 producer – shall mean any member producer, any common producer, or anysuccessor producermember producer – shall mean any member <strong>of</strong> the Association who is asignatory to a Voluntary Recognition Agreementcommon producer – shall mean a person, corporation or other entity undercommon direction or control with a member producer and who engages inassociated or related activities or businessessuccessor producer – shall mean a person, corporation or other entity towhom a member producer sells its businesssells – shall include leases, transfers, and any other manner <strong>of</strong> disposition, and“sold” and “sale” have corresponding – shall include any undertaking or business and any part there<strong>of</strong>169

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