Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada

Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada


A239 Pilot means the sample episode for a proposed dramatic television Serieswhich sets the initial premise, characters and format of the Series. It isacknowledged that not every television series has a Pilot.A240 Polish means minor improvements of script details within the basic structureof the scenes as written, and shall not include changes in the structure,addition or deletion of characters, alterations of plot, or reworking of morethan five percent (5%) of the dialogue.A241 Producer means the individual, corporation, partnership, limited partnershipor other person that controls, administers, or is responsible for a program(whether or not that Producer is or will be the copyright holder of thefinished program).A242 Production Fee means the fee provided in Article C10.A243 Related Person means, in relation to the Producer and/or Distributor as thecase may be: any individual, corporation, partnership, limited partnership,or other person which:i) legally controls the Producer,ii) is legally controlled by or affiliated with the Producer,In this Agreement “legal control” in relation to a corporation meansownership by the applicable person of securities of the corporation towhich are attached more than fifty percent (50%) of the votes that maybe cast to elect the directors of the corporation.For the purposes of this Agreement, the Producer shall be deemed to beaffiliated with another legal entity if one of them is a legally- controlledsubsidiary of the other or both are legally-controlled subsidiaries of thesame legal entity or each of them is legally-controlled, directly orindirectly, by the same legal entity or person.A244 Residual means a payment for use which is based on the Script Fee.A245 Rewrite means writing which significantly changes the plot, story line,dialogue, and/or the characters in a Script10

A246 Screen Story means written narrative material contracted under thisAgreement for a Television Production, based on Source Material,consisting of the basic narrative, idea, or theme and indicating characterdevelopment and action suitable for use in or representing a substantialcontribution to a Final Script; provided, however, that the Writer shall notbe obligated to (a) insert dialogue in a Screen Story (except to the extentnecessary to show characterization), or (b) prepare the Screen Story in theform of an Outline. There is no differentiation between Story or ScreenStory for compensation purposes. When no Story or Screen Story iscontracted separately, the Story or Screen Story shall be deemed to beincluded in the Outline. In the case of a Feature Film, the Story or ScreenStory shall be deemed to be included in the Treatment.A247 Script means a fully written work for a production in screen terms,embodying individual scenes, full dialogue and/or monologue, Narration (ifrequired) and any other descriptions or details necessary to facilitateproduction. See also Feature Film Script (Screenplay) and Television Script(Teleplay).A248 Script Fee means the negotiated fee as provided for Script Material.A249 Script Material means any material covered by this Agreement and includesBook/Libretto, Continuity, Documentary Script, Draft Script, Narration,Narration Script, Outline, Polish, Rewrite, Screen Story, Script, Story, andTreatment for use in any form of production covered by this Agreement.A250 Serial means a series of programs in which, generally, the same characterscarry on a continuing narrative.A251 Series means a series of episodes, each complete in itself held together bythe same title or identifying device, common to all the programs in theseries, or main characters common to many or all of the episodes.A252 Source Material means any material which was not written specifically for aprogram or Feature Film but which becomes the basis for a Script or ScreenStory.A253 Story means written narrative material contracted under this Agreement fora Television Production, not based on Source Material, consisting of the11

A239 Pilot means the sample episode for a proposed dramatic television Serieswhich sets the initial premise, characters and format <strong>of</strong> the Series. It isacknowledged that not every television series has a Pilot.A240 Polish means minor improvements <strong>of</strong> script details within the basic structure<strong>of</strong> the scenes as written, and shall not include changes in the structure,addition or deletion <strong>of</strong> characters, alterations <strong>of</strong> plot, or reworking <strong>of</strong> morethan five percent (5%) <strong>of</strong> the dialogue.A241 Producer means the individual, corporation, partnership, limited partnershipor other person that controls, administers, or is responsible for a program(whether or not that Producer is or will be the copyright holder <strong>of</strong> thefinished program).A242 Production Fee means the fee provided in Article C10.A243 Related Person means, in relation to the Producer and/or Distributor as thecase may be: any individual, corporation, partnership, limited partnership,or other person which:i) legally controls the Producer,ii) is legally controlled by or affiliated with the Producer,In this Agreement “legal control” in relation to a corporation meansownership by the applicable person <strong>of</strong> securities <strong>of</strong> the corporation towhich are attached more than fifty percent (50%) <strong>of</strong> the votes that maybe cast to elect the directors <strong>of</strong> the corporation.For the purposes <strong>of</strong> this Agreement, the Producer shall be deemed to beaffiliated with another legal entity if one <strong>of</strong> them is a legally- controlledsubsidiary <strong>of</strong> the other or both are legally-controlled subsidiaries <strong>of</strong> thesame legal entity or each <strong>of</strong> them is legally-controlled, directly orindirectly, by the same legal entity or person.A244 Residual means a payment for use which is based on the Script Fee.A245 Rewrite means writing which significantly changes the plot, story line,dialogue, and/or the characters in a Script10

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