Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada

Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada


Association des Producteurs de Films et Télévision du Québec1450 City CouncillorsSuite 1030Montreal, QuebecH3A 2E6FAX: (514) 392-0232Attention: Attorney and Industrial Relations AdvisorARTICLE 10 – CREDITS AND CREDIT ARBITRATION1001 In each contract with a Writer for a Feature Film or Television Production,the Producer shall provide credits to be given a Writer or Story Editor inaccordance with the terms of this Article. In the absence of such aprovision, the terms of this Article shall be deemed to be incorporated intosuch a contract. In any case in which a director or a Producer or anExecutive Producer who is not the sole Writer claims or is accorded awriting credit, the Producer shall automatically notify the Guild and anarbitration shall follow under the rules of Articles 1024 to 1037.1002 Specific times shall be reserved in each production for credits to Writersand Story Editors. Such credits shall appear in the following manner:i) In the case of Feature Films and Television Productions, Writers’credits shall be governed by the provisions of this Article.ii) In all other cases, credits shall be governed by the terms of thecontract between the Writer or Story Editor and the Producer.FORMS OF CREDIT1003 In the case of Feature Films, subject to Articles 1005 and 1006, the onlywriting credits permitted shall be as follows:a) Where a Writer has written both the Story or Screen Story and theScript for a production, the Writer shall be entitled to the screen credit“By.....” where such screen credit immediately follows the main titlecredit or “WRITTEN BY.....” where the screen credit appearselsewhere in the production.b) Where a Writer has made a substantial written contribution to the140

writing of the Script, the Writer shall be entitled to the screen credit“SCREENPLAY BY...”.1004 In the case of Television Productions, subject to Articles 1005 and 1006, theonly writing credits permitted shall be as follows:a) Where a Writer has written both the Story or Screen Story and the Scriptfor a program, the Writer shall be entitled to the credit “BY...” wheresuch credit immediately follows the main title credit, or “WRITTENBY...” where the credit appears elsewhere in the program.b) Where a Writer has made a substantial written contribution to the writingof a Script, the Writer shall be entitled to the screen credit “TELEPLAYBY...”.c) In the event of an animated program that is a Documentary, Variety orMagazine program or use of animated Excerpts as defined in section A2of the IPA, the forms of credit in Articles A904 c) through g), A905 b),A906, A907 and A908 shall be applicable.1005 The only other writing credits permitted (hereinafter referred to assubsidiary writing credits) shall be as follows:Where a Writer contributes to a Script by providing either the Story or theScreen Story or the Treatment or the Outline upon which the Script issubstantially based, the Writer shall be entitled to the screen credit “STORYBY...” or “SCREEN STORY BY...” as the case may be.1006 Where a Writer has written an adaptation from another language the Writershall be entitled to the credit “ADAPTED BY…” as a minimum credit.1007 No other form of writing credit or subsidiary writing credits shall bepermitted and no other form of credit or acknowledgment shall be accordedto a Writer without the prior approval of the Guild. The approval of theGuild shall not be unreasonably withheld.1008 Where a credited Writer is also a director or producer of a program, s/he mayreceive the following presentation credit “A FILM BY…”.141

writing <strong>of</strong> the Script, the Writer shall be entitled to the screen credit“SCREENPLAY BY...”.1004 In the case <strong>of</strong> Television Productions, subject to Articles 1005 and 1006, theonly writing credits permitted shall be as follows:a) Where a Writer has written both the Story or Screen Story and the Scriptfor a program, the Writer shall be entitled to the credit “BY...” wheresuch credit immediately follows the main title credit, or “WRITTENBY...” where the credit appears elsewhere in the program.b) Where a Writer has made a substantial written contribution to the writing<strong>of</strong> a Script, the Writer shall be entitled to the screen credit “TELEPLAYBY...”.c) In the event <strong>of</strong> an animated program that is a Documentary, Variety orMagazine program or use <strong>of</strong> animated Excerpts as defined in section A2<strong>of</strong> the IPA, the forms <strong>of</strong> credit in Articles A904 c) through g), A905 b),A906, A907 and A908 shall be applicable.1005 The only other writing credits permitted (hereinafter referred to assubsidiary writing credits) shall be as follows:Where a Writer contributes to a Script by providing either the Story or theScreen Story or the Treatment or the Outline upon which the Script issubstantially based, the Writer shall be entitled to the screen credit “STORYBY...” or “SCREEN STORY BY...” as the case may be.1006 Where a Writer has written an adaptation from another language the <strong>Writers</strong>hall be entitled to the credit “ADAPTED BY…” as a minimum credit.1007 No other form <strong>of</strong> writing credit or subsidiary writing credits shall bepermitted and no other form <strong>of</strong> credit or acknowledgment shall be accordedto a Writer without the prior approval <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Guild</strong>. The approval <strong>of</strong> the<strong>Guild</strong> shall not be unreasonably withheld.1008 Where a credited Writer is also a director or producer <strong>of</strong> a program, s/he mayreceive the following presentation credit “A FILM BY…”.141

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