Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada

Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada


A227 Free Television means the exhibition of a program on home type televisionreceivers which exhibition gives rise to no specific charge either for theprogram or for the channel on which the program is received and theprogram does not originate on a cable facility.A228 Gross Fees means the fees, as contracted under any Article of thisAgreement, exclusive only of money for expenses, such as per diemallowances or travel expenses.A229 Magazine Format Program means a program comprised of informationsegments, interviews, commentaries and/or panel discussions and integratedby an identifying device. Magazine Format Programs may have a unifiedtheme and/or a host but individual segments stand alone.Program Writer (Magazine Format) means a Writer who is engaged to workon a complete Magazine Format Program or Programs. In addition toproviding written material for the Magazine Format Program, the ProgramWriter is responsible to the Producer for the finished Script.Contributing Writer (Magazine Format) means a Writer contracted to writespecific segments or specific units for a Magazine Format Program.Continuity Writer (Magazine Format) means a Writer contracted to writematerial to link program elements not written by that Writer. Continuitywriting on a half hour broadcast program shall not exceed five (5) minutesof on-screen time. In the case of continuity writing for Magazine series, thefirst Writer contracted to provide continuity services shall be given the rightof first refusal to write continuity material for the entire series.A230 Mini-Series means a single dramatic program of pre-determined lengthintended for broadcast in segments. A Mini-Series has a story linebeginning in the first segment and concluding in the last.A231 Narration means material used (typically off-camera) to explain or relatesequences or action.A232 Narration Script for a Documentary means a Script written at the assemblystage or later, to be read by one or more narrators, voice over or on camera,which may include pre-recorded improvised voice tracks.8

A233 New Writer means a Writer who at the time of contracting with a Produceron a Series is not a member of the Guild or of any other affiliated WritersGuild and who has not previously received a screen credit as a contractedwriter. Use of this provision is limited to one new Writer per cycle of aSeries. A New Writer shall be contracted at 50% of the applicable ScriptFee, with no reduction in Production Fee.A234 Non-Certified Budget means the Budget of a production that has nocompletion guarantor or government agency involvement. This Budgetmust be accompanied by a letter signed by the Producer confirming that it isthe final itemized Budget prior to principal photography.A235 Non-Theatrical Distribution means, for the purposes of Article D302(a), thatdistribution of a production other than:i) distribution in cinemas or theatres where an admission is charged ormoney is collected; orii) distribution by electronic means over distances or distribution bysatellite (including Internet); oriii)any retail sale to the general public by cassettes, discs, tapes or anyother compact device for home use.A236 Option means a written agreement to acquire from a Writer specified rightsin Script Material for a specific fee and providing a specified time forexercise of the Option.A237 Other Production means sponsored, industrial and other short filmsincluding audio visual productions, not produced for television.A238 Outline means the scene-by-scene development and structuring in amutually agreed form of a story in screen terms to provide a synopsis orschematic of the Television Script to be written from it, in up to 5,000words per half-hour of broadcast time. When no Story or Screen Story iscontracted separately, the Story or Screen Story shall be deemed to beincluded in the Outline.9

A227 Free Television means the exhibition <strong>of</strong> a program on home type televisionreceivers which exhibition gives rise to no specific charge either for theprogram or for the channel on which the program is received and theprogram does not originate on a cable facility.A228 Gross Fees means the fees, as contracted under any Article <strong>of</strong> thisAgreement, exclusive only <strong>of</strong> money for expenses, such as per diemallowances or travel expenses.A229 Magazine Format Program means a program comprised <strong>of</strong> informationsegments, interviews, commentaries and/or panel discussions and integratedby an identifying device. Magazine Format Programs may have a unifiedtheme and/or a host but individual segments stand alone.Program Writer (Magazine Format) means a Writer who is engaged to workon a complete Magazine Format Program or Programs. In addition toproviding written material for the Magazine Format Program, the ProgramWriter is responsible to the Producer for the finished Script.Contributing Writer (Magazine Format) means a Writer contracted to writespecific segments or specific units for a Magazine Format Program.Continuity Writer (Magazine Format) means a Writer contracted to writematerial to link program elements not written by that Writer. Continuitywriting on a half hour broadcast program shall not exceed five (5) minutes<strong>of</strong> on-screen time. In the case <strong>of</strong> continuity writing for Magazine series, thefirst Writer contracted to provide continuity services shall be given the right<strong>of</strong> first refusal to write continuity material for the entire series.A230 Mini-Series means a single dramatic program <strong>of</strong> pre-determined lengthintended for broadcast in segments. A Mini-Series has a story linebeginning in the first segment and concluding in the last.A231 Narration means material used (typically <strong>of</strong>f-camera) to explain or relatesequences or action.A232 Narration Script for a Documentary means a Script written at the assemblystage or later, to be read by one or more narrators, voice over or on camera,which may include pre-recorded improvised voice tracks.8

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