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Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada


contribution to a Final Script; provided, however, that the Writer shall notbe obligated to (a) insert dialogue in a Story (except to the extent necessaryto show characterization), or (b) prepare the Story in the form of an Outline.There is no differentiation between Story and Screen Story forcompensation purposes. When no Story or Screen Story is contractedseparately, the Story or Screen Story shall be deemed to be included in theOutline. In the case of a Feature Film, the Story or Screen Story shall bedeemed to be included in the Treatment.219 Team means two (or more, with the consent of the Guild, which consentshall not be unreasonably withheld) Animation Writers engaged by theProducer at the same time who have agreed to collaborate on the script orscripts. A Team will be deemed to be one Animation Writer for thepurposes of this Section. Payment will be split equally between or amongthe Animation Writers of the Team.220 Treatment means the scene by scene development and structuring in amutually agreed form of a Story in screen terms provide a synopsis orschematic of the Feature Film Script to be written from it in twentythousand (20,000) words or less. The Treatment shall be deemed to includea Story or Screen Story.ARTICLE 3 – REMUNERATION AND REWRITES301 Writer(s) of Animation Script Material shall be paid at least the minimumcompensation (based on the broadcast length of the program) or thenegotiable fee, as set out in this Article 3 or, if applicable, the fee set out inArticle 202 of this Section. Payment of the Script Fee is the totalremuneration payable by the Producer to the Animation Writer unlessotherwise negotiated.302 Animation Scripts:i) not based on a Story or Screen Story contracted under this Agreement;orii) based on a Story or Screen Story contracted under this Agreementwhich is provided by the Producer to the Writer at the time ofcontracting and from which the Writer is required to provide anOutline:126

2012 2013 2014Under 11 minutes Negotiable Negotiable Negotiable11-15 minutes 3,431 3,500 3,53516 - 30 minutes 6,863 7,000 7,070Over 30 minutes Negotiable Negotiable Negotiable303 Animation Scripts:i) based on a Story or Screen Story contracted under this Agreementwhich is provided by the Producer to the Writer at the time ofcontracting and from which the Writer proceeds directly to a First DraftScript without preparing an Outline; orii) based on an Outline after termination:2012 2013 2014Under 11minutes Negotiable Negotiable Negotiable11 -15 minutes 2,848 2,905 2,93416 - 30 minutes 5,696 5,810 5,868Over 30 minutes Negotiable Negotiable Negotiable304 When the Producer contracts for a single element or component of a Script(Story, Rewrite, Polish), the Script Fee shall be negotiable between theWriter and Producer.305 Payment of the negotiated Script Fee shall be as follows:a) i) on delivery of Outline (Treatment in thecase of a Feature Film) 20%ii) on delivery of First Draft 40%iii) on delivery of Second Draft 30%iv) on delivery of Polish 10%b) Where no Outline (or Treatment in the case of a Feature Film) isrequired the Script Fee shall be paid as follows:i) on delivery of First Draft 50%ii) on delivery of Second Draft 40%iii) on delivery of Polish 10%c) When the Producer contracts for a single element or component of aScript, the Script Fee shall be allocated and paid as follows:i) on signing of the contract 25%127

contribution to a Final Script; provided, however, that the Writer shall notbe obligated to (a) insert dialogue in a Story (except to the extent necessaryto show characterization), or (b) prepare the Story in the form <strong>of</strong> an Outline.There is no differentiation between Story and Screen Story forcompensation purposes. When no Story or Screen Story is contractedseparately, the Story or Screen Story shall be deemed to be included in theOutline. In the case <strong>of</strong> a Feature Film, the Story or Screen Story shall bedeemed to be included in the Treatment.219 Team means two (or more, with the consent <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Guild</strong>, which consentshall not be unreasonably withheld) Animation <strong>Writers</strong> engaged by theProducer at the same time who have agreed to collaborate on the script orscripts. A Team will be deemed to be one Animation Writer for thepurposes <strong>of</strong> this Section. Payment will be split equally between or amongthe Animation <strong>Writers</strong> <strong>of</strong> the Team.220 Treatment means the scene by scene development and structuring in amutually agreed form <strong>of</strong> a Story in screen terms provide a synopsis orschematic <strong>of</strong> the Feature Film Script to be written from it in twentythousand (20,000) words or less. The Treatment shall be deemed to includea Story or Screen Story.ARTICLE 3 – REMUNERATION AND REWRITES301 Writer(s) <strong>of</strong> Animation Script Material shall be paid at least the minimumcompensation (based on the broadcast length <strong>of</strong> the program) or thenegotiable fee, as set out in this Article 3 or, if applicable, the fee set out inArticle 202 <strong>of</strong> this Section. Payment <strong>of</strong> the Script Fee is the totalremuneration payable by the Producer to the Animation Writer unlessotherwise negotiated.302 Animation Scripts:i) not based on a Story or Screen Story contracted under this Agreement;orii) based on a Story or Screen Story contracted under this Agreementwhich is provided by the Producer to the Writer at the time <strong>of</strong>contracting and from which the Writer is required to provide anOutline:126

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