Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada

Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada


205 Collective Society means a society, association, corporation or otherorganization that carries on the business of collecting and distributingroyalties or levies payable in respect to copyright for the benefit of thosewho, by assignment, granted licence, appointment of it as their agent orotherwise, authorize it to act on their behalf in relation to that business.206 Draft Script means a complete draft of any Script in a mutually agreed formthe length to be specified by the Producer.207 Feature Film means a film of sixty-one (61) minutes or more in lengthintended initially for theatrical distribution.208 Gross Fees means the fees as contracted under any Article of this Section,exclusive only of money for expenses such as per diem allowances or travelexpenses.209 Merchandising Rights means those rights required for manufacture, sale anddistribution of all merchandise featuring, containing or consisting of thenames, characters, symbols, designs, likenesses and visual representationsof the literary and/or artistic characters created, described or portrayed in theScript Material.210 Outline means the scene-by-scene development and structuring in amutually-agreed form of a story in screen terms to provide a synopsis orschematic of the Television Script to be written from it, in up to fivethousand (5000) words per half hour of broadcast time. When no Story orScreen Story is contracted separately the Story or Screen Story shall bedeemed to be included in the Outline.211 Polish means minor improvements of script details within the basic structureof the scenes as written, and shall not included changes in the structure,addition or deletion of characters, alterations of plot, or reworking of morethan five percent (5%) of the dialogue.212 Producer means the individual, corporation, partnership, limited partnershipor other person that controls, administers, or is responsible for anyproduction (whether or not that person is or will be copyright holder of thefinished program).124

213 Rewrite means writing which significantly changes the plot, story line,dialogue, and/or the characters in the Script.214 Screen Story means written narrative material contracted under this Sectionfor a Production, based on source material, consisting of the basic narrative,idea, or theme and indicating character development and actions suitable foruse in or representing a substantial contribution to a final script; provided,however, that the Animation Writer shall not be obligated to (a), insertdialogue in a Screen Story (except in the extent necessary to showcharacterization), or (b) prepare the Screen Story in the form of an Outline.There is no differentiation between Story and Screen Story for compensationpurposes. When no Story or Screen Story is contracted separately, the Storyor Screen Story shall be deemed to be included in the Outline. In the case ofa Feature Film, the Story or Screen Story shall be deemed to be included inthe Treatment.215 Script Fee means the total remuneration payable by the Producer to aAnimation Writer, unless otherwise negotiated.216 Script Material means any material covered by this Section and includesbook/libretto, continuity, documentary Script, Draft Script, Narration,Narration Script, Outline, Polish, Rewrite, Screen Story, Script, Story, andTreatment for use in any form of production covered by this Section.217 Secondary Use Payments means the net amounts collected and thendistributed by Collective Societies in respect ofi. the retransmission outside North America; and/orii.the performance, the communication to the public (excludingbroadcasting worldwide and retransmission in North America),private copy, rental and lending anywhere in the world,of Animation Productions based on the Script Material.218 Story means written narrative material contracted under this Section for anAnimation Production for television, not based on Source Material,consisting of the basic narrative, idea, or theme and indicating characterdevelopment and action suitable for use in or representing a substantial125

213 Rewrite means writing which significantly changes the plot, story line,dialogue, and/or the characters in the Script.214 Screen Story means written narrative material contracted under this Sectionfor a Production, based on source material, consisting <strong>of</strong> the basic narrative,idea, or theme and indicating character development and actions suitable foruse in or representing a substantial contribution to a final script; provided,however, that the Animation Writer shall not be obligated to (a), insertdialogue in a Screen Story (except in the extent necessary to showcharacterization), or (b) prepare the Screen Story in the form <strong>of</strong> an Outline.There is no differentiation between Story and Screen Story for compensationpurposes. When no Story or Screen Story is contracted separately, the Storyor Screen Story shall be deemed to be included in the Outline. In the case <strong>of</strong>a Feature Film, the Story or Screen Story shall be deemed to be included inthe Treatment.215 Script Fee means the total remuneration payable by the Producer to aAnimation Writer, unless otherwise negotiated.216 Script Material means any material covered by this Section and includesbook/libretto, continuity, documentary Script, Draft Script, Narration,Narration Script, Outline, Polish, Rewrite, Screen Story, Script, Story, andTreatment for use in any form <strong>of</strong> production covered by this Section.217 Secondary Use Payments means the net amounts collected and thendistributed by Collective Societies in respect <strong>of</strong>i. the retransmission outside North America; and/orii.the performance, the communication to the public (excludingbroadcasting worldwide and retransmission in North America),private copy, rental and lending anywhere in the world,<strong>of</strong> Animation Productions based on the Script Material.218 Story means written narrative material contracted under this Section for anAnimation Production for television, not based on Source Material,consisting <strong>of</strong> the basic narrative, idea, or theme and indicating characterdevelopment and action suitable for use in or representing a substantial125

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