Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada

Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada


123 No purely oral agreement shall be binding, nor shall it constitute groundsfor an investigation of a complaint by either of the parties concerned.124 Every contract shall be signed before the work begins on a contractedScript, and before any requested revision is begun or before productionbegins, whichever is sooner, in the case of an unsolicited Script.125 A Notice of Engagement form as in Appendix E shall be filed with theGuild if there is not yet a signed contract. A copy of every contract betweenan Animation Writer or Animation Story Editor and any Producer adheringto this Agreement shall be deposited with the Guild office by the Producerwithin seven (7) days of the signing of the contract. Copies of contractsprovided to the Guild are to be strictly confidential between the Producer,the Animation Writer or Animation Story Editor, and officers of the Guild.The information contained in these contracts is not to be released by theofficers of the Guild to any other persons.126 Adapting Material Created in Any Language Other Than EnglishWhen an Animation Writer is engaged to adapt existing script material froma language other than English into a language other than French to suit anew cultural reality, which may include changes to the dramatic structure,characters, tone or geographic location, the Animation Writer shall receive acontract under this Animation Section.The Animation Writer shall be entitled to credit in accordance with all theterms and conditions contained in Article 10 relating to writing credit. Inaddition, the credit “ADAPTED BY…” shall be considered as a minimumcredit.127 The Guild and the Associations agree that both texts of the Animation Sectionin French and English are official. In the case of discrepancy, the Englishlanguage text shall prevail.128 The terms of Article 1 shall be subject to and read together with theprovisions of Appendix A (Negotiation Protocol) for the CMPA and withSchedule 4 (Quebec Appendix) for the producers who are members of theAPFTQ.122

ARTICLE 2 – DEFINITIONS201 Animation Production means a production consisting entirely of aphotographed series of drawings or electronically generated images or othermeans that simulate motion. These include but are not limited to; CGI,claymation, motion capture and traditional animation, which techniques maybe used exclusively or in combination. Wherever this section refers toProduction it shall mean Animation Production.202 Animation New Writer means a means a person who writes Script Materialfor Animation Productions and who, at the time of contracting with aProducer on a Series, has previously received no more than five (5)animation screen credits as a contracted writer (excluding digital credits forwebisodes). Use of this provision is limited to two (2) scripts per thirteen(13) scripts contracted under this Agreement for the Series. An AnimationNew Writer shall be contracted at fifty percent (50%) of the applicableScript Fee.203 Animation Story Editor means:a) a person, regardless of title or credit received, whose duties include writingRewrites, Polishes and may also include script consultation for a Series orSerial; orb) a person participating in a group session on a Series or Serial whose dutiesinclude developing and/or breaking stories and/or consulting on ScriptMaterial, where a Bible and/or Pilot Script already exists and serves as thebasis for the group session. Where such persons are only engaged toperform the work contemplated under this clause (b) such work shall notattract credit under Article 603.This shall not include individuals generally recognized as “technicalconsultants”, whose expertise as engaged is not in the area of writing.Wherever this Section refers to Story Editor it shall mean Animation StoryEditor.204 Animation Writer means a person who writes Script Material for AnimationProductions, including an Animation New Writer. Wherever this Sectionrefers to Writer it shall mean Animation Writer.123

123 No purely oral agreement shall be binding, nor shall it constitute groundsfor an investigation <strong>of</strong> a complaint by either <strong>of</strong> the parties concerned.124 Every contract shall be signed before the work begins on a contractedScript, and before any requested revision is begun or before productionbegins, whichever is sooner, in the case <strong>of</strong> an unsolicited Script.125 A Notice <strong>of</strong> Engagement form as in Appendix E shall be filed with the<strong>Guild</strong> if there is not yet a signed contract. A copy <strong>of</strong> every contract betweenan Animation Writer or Animation Story Editor and any Producer adheringto this Agreement shall be deposited with the <strong>Guild</strong> <strong>of</strong>fice by the Producerwithin seven (7) days <strong>of</strong> the signing <strong>of</strong> the contract. Copies <strong>of</strong> contractsprovided to the <strong>Guild</strong> are to be strictly confidential between the Producer,the Animation Writer or Animation Story Editor, and <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Guild</strong>.The information contained in these contracts is not to be released by the<strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Guild</strong> to any other persons.126 Adapting Material Created in Any Language Other Than EnglishWhen an Animation Writer is engaged to adapt existing script material froma language other than English into a language other than French to suit anew cultural reality, which may include changes to the dramatic structure,characters, tone or geographic location, the Animation Writer shall receive acontract under this Animation Section.The Animation Writer shall be entitled to credit in accordance with all theterms and conditions contained in Article 10 relating to writing credit. Inaddition, the credit “ADAPTED BY…” shall be considered as a minimumcredit.127 The <strong>Guild</strong> and the Associations agree that both texts <strong>of</strong> the Animation Sectionin French and English are <strong>of</strong>ficial. In the case <strong>of</strong> discrepancy, the Englishlanguage text shall prevail.128 The terms <strong>of</strong> Article 1 shall be subject to and read together with theprovisions <strong>of</strong> Appendix A (Negotiation Protocol) for the CMPA and withSchedule 4 (Quebec Appendix) for the producers who are members <strong>of</strong> theAPFTQ.122

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