Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada

Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada Printable PDF verion - Writers Guild of Canada


E404E405E406E407Subsequent WriterIf a Script based on an Outline, First Draft Script or Second Draft Script, issubsequently commissioned from another Writer, the Producer shall firstcontact the original Writer, and negotiate a payment to enable a newcontract to be executed between a new Writer and the Producer. If theProducer provided the Writer with the Concept for the Production, allrights in the Concept shall remain with the Producer.Rights LicensedOn payment of the full Contract Fee, the Producer shall acquire anexclusive license to produce a single Production made from the Script, theright to translate the Script Material for dubbing purposes, and anexclusive license for all distribution, other than Additional Use and asprovided for in the contract.Daily Rate/Half Day RateThe Writer may negotiate a daily or half daily rate.Additional UseIt is understood the daily fee as negotiated covers writing for non-Broadcast programming use. The Producer shall negotiate with the Writera further payment for rights for Additional Uses. Such rights shall beconveyed as follows:a) One free use on community cable channel shall be included in thenegotiated fee;b) For other Broadcast use, the Writer shall receive a payment of tenpercent (10%) of the Contracted Fee for each use;c) For any other Additional Use, as defined, a fee shall be negotiated withthe writer prior to such use;d) Programs may be entered in festivals and competitions, and all usesancillary and incidental to such festivals and competitions may beauthorized without additional payment. However, if as a result, aProgram is broadcast or used, such uses will be dealt with in terms ofthis Article. Wherever possible, the Writer shall be advised in writingof any Program entered in a festival or competition.116

SECTION F – DIGITAL PRODUCTIONF101 Digital Production means audio-visual or visual-only (i.e. with movingimages, or electronically- or otherwise-generated images that simulatemovement) production produced for initial exhibition on the Internet orother non-traditional, non-broadcast platforms and is transmitted from aserver or other non-broadcast transmitting technology to a screen at the enduser’s location.F102 The Guild, the Producer, and the Association shall negotiate in good faith inrelation to the terms and conditions of engagement of Writers, including feefor use, and conversion to conventional media, and at a minimum,i) the Producer shall be required to make contributions, on behalf of theWriters, on account of Insurance & Retirement Plans as per A13 ofthe IPA; and,ii) remit administration fees and make deductions from each Writer’sremuneration as per Articles A12 and A13; andiii) the Writer’s credit must appear on the same platform and in the samemanner where the producer and/or director are credited; andiv) use the Standard Writer Contract for Digital Production provided inthe IPA (Appendix M).117

E404E405E406E407Subsequent WriterIf a Script based on an Outline, First Draft Script or Second Draft Script, issubsequently commissioned from another Writer, the Producer shall firstcontact the original Writer, and negotiate a payment to enable a newcontract to be executed between a new Writer and the Producer. If theProducer provided the Writer with the Concept for the Production, allrights in the Concept shall remain with the Producer.Rights LicensedOn payment <strong>of</strong> the full Contract Fee, the Producer shall acquire anexclusive license to produce a single Production made from the Script, theright to translate the Script Material for dubbing purposes, and anexclusive license for all distribution, other than Additional Use and asprovided for in the contract.Daily Rate/Half Day RateThe Writer may negotiate a daily or half daily rate.Additional UseIt is understood the daily fee as negotiated covers writing for non-Broadcast programming use. The Producer shall negotiate with the Writera further payment for rights for Additional Uses. Such rights shall beconveyed as follows:a) One free use on community cable channel shall be included in thenegotiated fee;b) For other Broadcast use, the Writer shall receive a payment <strong>of</strong> tenpercent (10%) <strong>of</strong> the Contracted Fee for each use;c) For any other Additional Use, as defined, a fee shall be negotiated withthe writer prior to such use;d) Programs may be entered in festivals and competitions, and all usesancillary and incidental to such festivals and competitions may beauthorized without additional payment. However, if as a result, aProgram is broadcast or used, such uses will be dealt with in terms <strong>of</strong>this Article. Wherever possible, the Writer shall be advised in writing<strong>of</strong> any Program entered in a festival or competition.116

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