February 2005.pmd

February 2005.pmd

February 2005.pmd

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AVATAR VANI SANKRANTI SANDESHPURE AND LOVING HEART ISTHE SOURCE OF BLISSThe sun appears serene and peaceful. The days have become shorter. The sweetfestival of Sankranti has come filling our homes with the newly harvested grain.(Telugu Poem)THE BHARATIYAS CONSIDERSankranti as one of the mostimportant festivals. In fact, manshould consider every day of his life afestival. It is a sign of ignorance to considersome days as festival days and others asordinary ones. Many people celebrate thefestival of Sankranti without actually knowingits significance.Sankranti Brings Joy to allIt is customary to worship cowsand bulls on this day. Richlycaparisoned bulls are decorated with avariety of ornaments and taken roundthe streets. They are called Gangireddhulu(sacred bulls). The person who takes roundthe decorated bull is called Gangireddudasu.He wears a special dress on this occasion.He performs a symbolic marriage of the bulland the cow to the delight of all. The verysight of Gangireddudasu fascinates children.The elder brother lovingly calls theyounger brother to go along with himto see the sacred bull and its master.32 <strong>February</strong> 2005

AVATAR VANI“Oh my dear brother, here comes theGangireddudasu. Come, let us go and seehim. He wears a silver medallion and awaist belt. He carries a decorated staff andwears special marks on his forehead. Hebrings with him richly caparisoned sacredcow and bull and performs their marriage.Let us see the marriage ceremony andoffer our gifts.”(Telugu Song)Gangireddudasu calls the cow and thebull as Sita and Rama, respectively. Theyare trained in such a way that they respondto his questions according to the movementof his hand. He asks the cow, “Oh Sita! Doyou like Rama?” As per the training given,the cow shakes its head in disapproval. Thenhe asks the bull, “Oh Rama! Do you likeSita?” The bull also answers in the negative.In this manner, both of them disagreeinitially but later on agree for the marriage.Then the Gangireddudasu performs theirsymbolic marriage. People offer gifts tothe Gangireddudasu on this occasion. In thisway, the festival of Sankranti bestowsimmense joy on all including animals andbirds. It is a very important festival forfarmers also. This is the time when they bringhome the newly harvested crop and enjoythe fruits of their hard labour. Thus, right fromthe farmer to the king, this festival brings joyto all.Names may vary, but this festival iscelebrated by one and all irrespective ofreligion and nationality. Some name itSankranti, and others consider it anauspicious time and give other names to it.Not only the Bharatiyas, even thepeople of other countries celebratethis festival, but with different names.God does not cause suffering to anyliving being in His creation. Allsorrows and difficulties are of yourown making. God is the protector ofall living beings. He provides peaceand happiness to one and all. LokaSamasta Sukhino Bhavantu (May allthe people of the world be happy!).This is the Will of God. How then canGod cause sorrow to a human being?Unable to understand this truth, youblame God for your suffering.This is the season when cool winds blow andthe farmer brings home the harvested crop.He spends his time in a relaxed manner freefrom all worries and anxieties. There is asaying in Telugu: One who is free fromChintha (worry) will be able to sleeppeacefully even in a Santha (market place).Everyone should make efforts to overcomeworries and enjoy everlasting happiness.This is the message of Sankranti. Among allthe festivals, the womenfolk accord a specialplace to this festival. The happiness that oneenjoys during this festival is unique. It marksthe beginning of the sacred time ofUttarayana (sun’s northward course). Itconfers bliss on one and all.Everyone aspires to attain bliss. In fact,that is the very purpose of human life.Life has no meaning if one cannotexperience bliss. Bliss is the goalof life.<strong>February</strong> 2005 33

AVATAR VANINityanandam, Parama Sukhadam,Kevalam Jnanamurtim,Dwandwateetam, Gagana Sadrisham,Tattwamasyadi Lakshyam, Ekam,Nityam, Vimalam, Achalam, SarvadheeSakshibhutam (God is the embodiment ofeternal bliss, He is wisdom absolute,beyond the pair of opposites, expansiveand pervasive like the sky, the goalindicated by the Mahavakya Tattwamasi,One without a second, eternal, pure,unchanging, witness of all functions of theintellect).In accordance with the tradition, the newlymarried sons-in-law visit their in-laws’ houseto celebrate this festival. Even those whohave not visited their in-laws’ house for anumber of years will be eager to go onSankranti festival.As Sankranti is the festival of festivals,Oh newly married bridegroom, visit yourin-laws’ house,Come, spend your time in fun andfrolic with your brothers-in-law andsisters-in-law,The entire household and theneighbourhood will welcome you withlove and affection. (Telugu Song)The in-laws extend all hospitality to theson-in-law and make him happy. They givehim new clothes and serve him deliciousfood. The entire household is immersed inbliss. But today that spirit of Sankranticelebration is not noticed anywhere. Theson-in-law, instead of giving joy to his in-laws,quarrels with them over petty matters.Peace and Bliss are within youMan makes efforts to experiencehappiness. You can find none in thisEverybody wants to be happy. Oneshould be happy even in difficulties.You need not search for happinessoutside. It is always with you, in you,around you. You are unable toexperience it as you have notunderstood the true meaning ofhappiness. You are under the illusionthat happiness lies in money, wealthand material comforts. Once you havethe taste of true happiness, you willnot crave for worldly possessions. Truehappiness springs forth from thedepth of one’s heart.world who does not want to be happy.Happiness is very essential for man. But onemust understand that happiness cannot beacquired from outside. It comes from theheart. The heart is the source of bliss. Thehappiness we enjoy in the external world isonly a reaction, reflection and resound of thehappiness within. Very few understand thistruth. The apparent joy that one experiencesis artificial and temporary. Only thehappiness that springs from the heart ispermanent.Students!Conduct yourself in a way that does notcause unhappiness to others. Festivals aremeant to experience happiness and shareit with others. You cannot reallyexperience happiness when othersare unhappy. Happiness cannot be34 <strong>February</strong> 2005

AVATAR VANIpurchased in a market nor can it be acquiredby worldly means. It should manifest fromwithin. It is not the nature of the Bharatiyasto hurt the feelings of others for their ownhappiness. You should respect others’feelings and act appropriately. You shouldshare your happiness with your fellowmen.You should welcome the arrival of PushyaMasa (a month in Indian calendar) as theharbinger of change and bounty, andcelebrate Sankranti in its true spirit bymanifesting your inner joy and sharing it withothers. The word ‘Kranti’ means change. Itsignifies a change from misery to happiness,from restlessness to peace and from pain topleasure. Sankranti bestows joy on everyoneequally. That is why everyone eagerly awaitsthe arrival of Sankranti with enthusiasm.Even birds and animals are happy with thearrival of Sankranti. When the farmer bringshome the harvested grain, birds partake ofthem and express their joy by chirpingmerrily. The neighbours congratulate thefarmer on the rich harvest obtained by himas a result of his hard labour.Students!It is most essential that you understandthe significance of every festival andcelebrate it in its true spirit. As we do notgo deep into their significance, we areunable to enjoy true happiness. Truehappiness lies in sacrifice and renunciation.Body is the combination of five elements andmind is merely a bundle of thoughts. Oneshould neither be attached to the body norfollow the vagaries of the mind. Drive awaythe evil qualities of Kama, Krodha,Lobha, Moha, Mada and Matsarya(desire, anger, greed, infatuation,You must have observed thatsmall children are always happyand cheerful. They do not haveany inhibitions. When somebodysmiles at them, they will also smileinnocently and make everybodyhappy. Their happiness is notordinary happiness that comesand goes. It is that which isinherent in all human beings astheir natural quality. It does notcome from outside. It is somethingthat comes from within.pride and jealousy) and manifest your innerpeace and bliss. But man today is destroyingpeace and bliss instead of developing them.He loses his peace even in trivial matters.Neither Asanthi (restlessness) nor Prasanthi(supreme peace) are acquired from outside.People say, “I want peace.” Where is peace?Is it present outside? If peace were to befound outside, people would have bought itby spending any amount of money. Butoutside, we find only pieces! The real peaceis within.Whether you boil it hard or dilute it withwater, milk remains white. White symbolisespurity. In the same manner, your heartshould always remain pure, bright andpeaceful in spite of all trials and tribulations.We should subdue sorrow, keep the evilqualities of anger, hatred and jealousyunder check and manifest our innate<strong>February</strong> 2005 35

AVATAR VANIbliss. What is the cause of anger? Youbecome angry when your desires are notfulfilled. So, man can be happy if he keepshis desires under control.You are all full of love. In fact, your hearts areoverflowing with love. But you prevent yourlove from flowing in its natural course.Otherwise, love has no barriers andboundaries at all! Constantly contemplate onGod. Then you will experience allencompassinghappiness at all levels –physical, mental and spiritual. Unfortunately,people today are losing their divine quality ofhappiness due to excessive desires. You canbe happy when you get rid of your desires.Embodiments of Love!Everybody wants to be happy. One shouldbe happy even in difficulties. You neednot search for happiness outside. Itis always with you, in you, aroundyou. You are unable to experience it as youhave not understood the true meaning ofhappiness. You are under the illusion thathappiness lies in money, wealth and materialcomforts. Once you have thetaste of true happiness, you willnot crave for worldly possessions.True happiness springs forthfrom the depth of one’s heart.When milk is boiled in avessel, its level starts rising. Butit goes down when you sprinklea few drops of water on it. It isthe association of water whichbrings its level down. Likewise,man loses his value when heassociates himself with badcompany. One will always beblissful if one is in good company.You like to spend time with yourfriends. But you should enquirewhat type of friends they are andwhat type of happiness youderive in their company.Happiness is Union with GodYou may or may not beaware; I am always in a state ofbliss. I have no worries ordifficulties whatsoever. Somepeople ask, “Swami, do Youhave any worries?” I do not knowwhat worry is. I have neverexperienced it. I am always inbliss (loud applause). Always think of bliss.Then you will experience bliss wherever youare. The taste of bliss is sweeter thansugar, tastier than curd, sweeterindeed than honey. People feel sad36 <strong>February</strong> 2005

AVATAR VANIwhen they are faced with difficulties. Deathof their near and dear ones also makes themsad. But I do not feel sad on account ofanything whatsoever. Difficulties come andgo like passing clouds. Happiness andsorrow follow one another. When youconstantly think of bliss, there will be noscope for sorrow.Embodiments of Love!There is love in each one of you, but youare directing it towards worldly relationships.You have not tasted true love. Love Godwholeheartedly. That is true love. People maycome and people may go, but God neithercomes nor goes. He is always present. Whenyou are engulfed in sorrow, think ofhappiness. Then and there, you willexperience happiness.Bliss is very much immanent in everyhuman being. Wherever we are, whateverbe the position we occupy, our essentialnature is bliss. People ask Me sometimes,“Swami! Did You ever experience sorrow?”I am amused at this question. In fact, whyshould I experience sorrow? Should I feelsorry about the body? Not necessary. Thisbody is always healthy and active. Thehuman mind is fickle by nature. Body is likea water bubble; mind is like a mad monkey.Don’t follow the mind; don’t follow the body.After all, why should one feel sorry aboutthe body and mind which are transient? Infact, bliss is our essential nature which ispermanent. Lead your life filled with love.Cultivate love. You can experience blisswhen you develop love.Start the day with love;Fill the day with love;End the day with love;That is the way to God.If you can achieve this, you will not bedisturbed by sorrows and difficulties. Theheart is the seat of bliss. True bliss flowsfrom a pure and loving heart. Try toexperience such bliss. All other forms ofhappiness are momentary.Embodiments of Love!You must have observed that smallchildren are always happy and cheerful.They do not have any inhibitions. Whensomebody smiles at them, they will also smileinnocently and make everybody happy. Theirhappiness is not ordinary happiness thatcomes and goes. It is that which is inherentin all human beings as their natural quality.It does not come from outside. It issomething that comes from within. It is God’sgift to man. Happiness is union with God.You experience real happiness when youunify with God. You cannot experience itwhen you are separated from Him.You have to experience such bliss inabundance in the days to come. Let Meremind you once again that neither age norposition nor for that matter anything in thisphysical environment can bring about suchbliss. It is only the pure and loving heart thatis the source of bliss. The holy festival ofSankranti signifies change. It impliestransformation of the heart. It is experiencingbliss arising out of the realisation of thechangeless, eternal principle. Divinity is theonly principle that is changeless. God isever blissful. In fact, He is theembodiment of bliss. For example, this<strong>February</strong> 2005 37

AVATAR VANIis a white cloth. It is only when it is dyed, itacquires some colour. Your essential natureis bliss. Sadness is of your own making. Ifyou are experiencing sorrow, it is becauseyou have immersed yourself in sorrow.Wherever you are, you must always behappy and blissful. Many people wish Me,“Swami! Happy Birthday!” Is happinesslimited to a particular day for celebratingone’s birthday? I am always happy (loudapplause). Expressions like “Happy Birthday”are mere clichés. In fact, bliss is our truenature. We camouflage our true nature withartificial expressions and consider it realhappiness. This is not proper.Man makes efforts to experiencehappiness. You can find none in thisworld who does not want to behappy. Happiness is very essentialfor man. But one must understandthat happiness cannot be acquiredfrom outside. It comes from theheart. The heart is the source ofbliss. The happiness we enjoy in theexternal world is only a reaction,reflection and resound of thehappiness within.Evil Ways of Man Cause NaturalCalamitiesEmbodiments of Love!You are all full of love. In fact, your heartsare overflowing with love. But you preventyour love from flowing in its natural course.Otherwise, love has no barriers andboundaries at all! Constantly contemplateon God. Then you will experience allencompassinghappiness at all levels –physical, mental and spiritual. Unfortunately,people today are losing their divine qualityof happiness due to excessive desires. Youcan be happy when you get rid of yourdesires. For example, this is a white cloth.Whiteness is its nature. But it will becomedirty when it is exposed to dirt. Similarly, yourheart is always pure, bright and blissful. Butit gets polluted due to excessive desires.Therefore, cultivate love and keep your heartalways pure. Then you will be blissful everymoment of your life. But you haveforgotten your innate nature of blissand are always immersed in sorrowand unhappiness. When someone enquires,“How are you?”, say confidently, “I am veryhappy.” It is possible that you may encountersome ups and downs in life. But they shouldnot mar your blissful nature. See how blissfulI am! Not only now, I am always in bliss. Infact, you can also experience this bliss whenyou come to Me. But if you come with evilthoughts and desires, you cannot experienceit. These are your weaknesses. Do away withthese weaknesses which can bring aboutyour ruin.Students – Boys and Girls!Do not become a victim of worry.Suppose you fail in an examination; do notworry about it. Rather, you shouldunderstand the reason for your failure;perhaps you did not write the examinationwell or you were not sufficientlyprepared for it. But never getdepressed and dejected that you38 <strong>February</strong> 2005

AVATAR VANIhave failed in the examination. Similarly, youshould enquire within yourself the reason foryour sorrow. You will realise that your ownthoughts are responsible for it. If you giveproper direction to your thoughts, you canalways be happy. Sorrows and worries arelike passing clouds. Never give importanceto them. Always be happy and peaceful.Peace and happiness are your innatequalities.Embodiments of Love!Today is the holy festival of Sankranti. Infact, this year is more important than theprevious years. Last month, the tsunamicaused untold misery and suffering to a largenumber of people. It is only man’s evil deedsthat are responsible for such a calamity.Therefore, never indulge in wrong actionsand evil deeds. It is possible that comparedto last year more troubles may occur duringthis year. However, we should face allproblems with courage and fortitude. Theseare all passing clouds and you need notbe perturbed by these occurrences. Be boldand courageous to face them. It is man whois responsible for the calamity caused by thetsunami, and not God. But man thinks thatall such calamities are thrust upon him byGod. Never! God always provides happinessto man. He has no anger or hatred. Hisnature is love. The question arises as towhy sorrows and difficulties occur in theworld. Strictly speaking, happiness willnot have any value without sorrow. Mancannot experience happiness withoutundergoing some difficulty or the other.Both happiness and sorrow areinterlinked. One cannot exist withoutthe other.Pleasure and pain, good and bad co-exist,none can separate them. You cannot findpleasure or pain, good or bad to theexclusion of the other. Pleasure resultswhen difficulties fructify. (Telugu Poem)God does not cause suffering to any livingbeing in His creation. All sorrows anddifficulties are of your own making. God isthe protector of all living beings. He providespeace and happiness to one and all. LokaSamasta Sukhino Bhavantu (May all thepeople of the world be happy!). This is theWill of God. How then can God cause sorrowto a human being? Unable to understandthis truth, you blame God for your suffering.When you develop correct understanding,you will realise that everything is for yourgood only. Then you will be immersed in blissday and night. Treasure this bliss in yourheart and share it with one and all. Thenyou will be all the more blissful.Transform your Heart and Attain BlissEmbodiments of Love!This Sankranti is Prema Sankranti andAnanda Sankranti. It is a magnificent one.Hence, welcome it wholeheartedly andexperience bliss (loud applause). God is theembodiment of bliss. Do not extol Godwith appellations like Karunanidhi (treasureof compassion) and Premaswarupa(embodiment of love). It is enough if youpray to Him earnestly for the share ofHis bliss. God is always blissful. Do not prayto God for any other thing. Just pray, “Oh!God! Share Your bliss with me. Make meblissful!” Never deride God as“Nirdaya” (one without compassion).He is most compassionate. Whatever<strong>February</strong> 2005 39

AVATAR VANIGod does is for our own good. Even thesorrows and difficulties we experience arefor our own good. They are preludes tohappiness and bliss. If you cultivate suchpositive outlook, you will always be blissful.Share your happiness with all. Contrary tothis, man today is keeping happiness tohimself and distributing sorrow to others.This is not what we should do. Overcomeyour sorrow and manifest inner joy – this isthe spiritual Sadhana one has to undertake.What is true spiritual practice? True spiritualpractice is to rise above our sorrows anddifficulties. When you constantly think thatyou are endowed with peace and bliss, nodifficulties will bother you.Embodiments of Love!Today is Sankranti. Sankranti signifieschange. Let this Sankranti bring about atransformation in your heart so that you mayalways lead a happy, prosperous andglorious life. Think of all those good thingsthat have happened in your life. Then youwill be happy and blissful. Bliss is, in fact,your very nature. Real humanness lies inrising from Manavatva (humanness) toDaivatva (divinity).Students!The dramas that you have enacted andmusic concerts you have presented here areall very good. Everything is good. Where doesbad lie? If you analyse properly, you will findthat it lies in your mind. Bliss is the real foodof man. One should always be hungry topartake of that food of bliss. Try to remain ina state of bliss at all times. You should beblissful even at the time of your examinations.Various events come and go. But you shouldhave determination to remain blissful. Letyour faith in God be firm and unshakeable.It is only God’s love that is eternal. If youattain God’s love, happiness willautomatically come to you.(Bhagavan concluded His DivineDiscourse with the Bhajan, “Hari BhajanaBina Sukha Santhi Nahin…”)– From Bhagavan’s SankrantiSandesh in Sai Kulwant Hall, PrasanthiNilayam on 14th January 2005.Bhakti is the state of mind, in which onehas no separate existence apart from God.The Bhakta’s very breath is God. Like thefish, which can live only in water, man canlive only in God, in peace and happiness.In other media, he has only fear, franticstruggle and failure.40 <strong>February</strong> 2005

Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum: AMusical BalletThis beautiful musical ballet waspresented by the students of Sri Sathya SaiVidya Vihar, Visakhapatnam (AndhraPradesh) in Sai Kulwant Hall, PrasanthiNilayam on the afternoon of 6th January2005 in the Divine Presence of BhagavanSri Sathya Sai Baba. Based on theenchanting theme of Bal Leela (childhooddivine play) of Lord Krishna, this wasa superb presentation from allaccounts, be it music, choreography,acting, direction, lyrics. Particularly,the students who enacted the rolesof Yashoda and Krishna beautifullyportrayed the purest and tenderestfeelings of love between the motherand the child. Obviously pleased withthe performance of the children,Bhagavan Baba blessed the childrenat the conclusion of the play and gavethem the precious opportunity ofgroup photo with Him. Bhagavan alsomaterialised a gold chain for the student whoplayed the role of child Krishna. Theprogramme which started after the DivineDarshan of Bhagavan at 3.15 p.m. came toa close at 4.00 p.m. with a beautiful groupsong describing the divine play and glory ofKali Yuga Avatar, Bhagavan Sri Sathya SaiBaba. In the end, Prasadam was distributedto all the devotees.Sai Sankranti: A Musical BalletOn the eve of the holy festival ofSankranti, Bal Vikas students of AndhraPradesh (Visakhapatnam, EastGodavari, West Godavari, Gunturand Krishna districts) presented anexcellent musical ballet entitled “SaiSankranti” in Sai Kulwant Hall, PrasanthiNilayam on the afternoon of 12th January2005 in the Divine Presence of BhagavanBaba. In this well-planned and well- directeddance drama, religious, social and spiritualsignificance of Sankranti and the traditionalvalues associated with this festival of plenty,peace and joy were brought forth throughmeticulously selected songs and dancesBal Vikas students of Andhra Pradesh giving aportrayal of the various aspectsof Sankranti festival.enchantingly enacted by the children. Thedance drama which began with invocationto Lord Ganesh at 3.30 p.m. came to ahappy conclusion at 4.20 p.m. with a verybefitting group dance and song in praiseof the sacred land of Bharat and BhagavanSri Sathya Sai Baba who is impartingpriceless teachings to children through thegreat spiritual movement of Bal Vikas.Annamacharya: A DramaThe students of Brindavan Campus ofSri Sathya Sai Institute of HigherLearning presented a very beautifuland inspiring drama entitled<strong>February</strong> 2005 41

CELEBRATIONS AT PRASANTHI NILAYAMA scene from the drama “Annamacharya” presented inSai Kulwant Hall. A beautiful replica of Venkateswaratemple is in the background.“Annamacharya” in Sai Kulwant Hall,Prasanthi Nilayam on the afternoon of 13thJanuary 2005. Based on the lofty theme ofBhakti, the drama excellently portrayed thelife story of Annamacharya, popularlyknown as Annamayya, whose devotionand yearning for Lord Venkateswarawas so intense that the Lord Himselfmanifested before him to listen tohis sweet Kirtans. The drama whichsuperbly picturised the power of Bhaktiof this great Kirtanacharya presentedsome of his choicest Kirtans to thedelight of devotees in Sai Kulwant Hall.Superb acting of the students, powerfuldialogues, sweet songs, appropriatecostumes and exquisitely beautifulsets made this drama one of the mostperfect presentations ever made in SaiKulwant Hall. The drama which beganafter the Divine Darshan of Bhagavanat 3.45 p.m. came to a close at 5.00p.m. with a beautiful group song.Bhagavan sat through the entirepresentation and blessed thestudents at the end of the drama.He also gave them the covetedopportunity of group photo withHim. The programme concludedwith offer of Arati to Bhagavan.Sai Bhagavatam: A DramaThe students of Sri Sathya SaiPrimary School, Prasanthi Nilayampresented an excellent dramaentitled “Sai Bhagavatam” on 14thJanuary 2005 in PoornachandraAuditorium. The drama unfoldedthe saga of Kali Yuga Avatar,Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba,depicted His Divine glory andexpounded His main teachings in a veryimpressive manner. Beginning with theprayer of Mother Earth to the Lord to reestablishDharma in the world, all the mainThe drama “Sai Bhagavatam” was presented bythe students of Sri Sathya Sai Primary Schoolin Poornachandra Auditorium.events of the Shirdi Sai Avatar andSathya Sai Avatar were beautifullypresented by the students through42 <strong>February</strong> 2005

CELEBRATIONS AT PRASANTHI NILAYAMappropriate dialogues, excellent acting andbeautiful songs and dances. Effective useof video clippings to illustrate the variousevents added beauty and charm to the entirepresentation. The drama which began at 5.45p.m. after the arrival of Bhagavan Baba inthe Poornachandra Auditorium came to aclose at 7.00 p.m. with offer of Mangalaratito Bhagavan. Bhagavan witnessed the entiredrama and showered His blessings on thestudents at the end of the drama.People of Anantapur District Expresstheir Gratitude to BhagavanThousands of people from Anantapurdistrict of Andhra Pradesh came to PrasanthiNilayam on 28th January 2005 to expresstheir gratitude to Bhagavan Sri Sathya SaiBaba for promoting all-round developmentof this drought-prone district of AndhraPradesh by setting up educationalinstitutions and hospitals and by startingsocial welfare projects like Sri Sathya SaiWater Project, Sri Sathya SaiDeenajanoddharana Pathakam andGrama Seva for the uplift of the masses.On this occasion, the Sai Organisationof this district organised a function in SaiKulwant Hall on the morning of 28thJanuary 2005 to distribute wet grindersand sewing machines to 80 needypersons, both ladies and gents, to enablethem to earn their livelihood through selfemployment.The function was a part of80th Birthday celebrations of Bhagavan.Bhagavan graced the occasion by His DivinePresence and distributed these items tothe beneficiaries. They came one byone in an orderly manner as theirnames were announced, offered theirPranams to Bhagavan and received Histokens of love with humility and gratitude.This simple and solemn function came to aclose at 8.40 a.m. This was followed byBhajans which were also led by the devoteesof Anantapur district. The morningprogramme concluded at 9.15 a.m. withArati to Bhagavan.Anantha Varadayee Sri Sathya Sai: ADance DramaIn the afternoon, the Bal Vikas childrenof Anantapur district presented a dancedrama entitled “Anantha Varadayee SriSathya Sai” in Sai Kulwant Hall. The dramashowed how Bhagavan immensely helpedA scene from the dance drama “AnanthaVaradayee Sri Sathya Sai”.the people of this district by setting up anumber of educational institutions wherebest quality education was provided withoutany charge. Similarly, super speciality andother hospitals set up by Bhagavan providedfree medicare. But the greatest boon ofBhagavan to this district was Sri SathyaContinued on page 49 ...<strong>February</strong> 2005 43

Annual Sports and Cultural Meet 2005 of SSSIHLAN OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCEThe Annual Sports and Cultural Meet2005 of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of HigherLearning was held in the Hill View Stadium,Prasanthi Nilayam on 11th January 2005 inthe Divine Presence of the ReveredChancellor of the Institute, Bhagavan SriSathya Sai Baba. Spread over two sessions,one in the morning and the other in theevening, the sports and cultural eventsdisplayed the courage, skill and spirit ofadventure of the students of the threecampuses of Sri Sathya Sai Institute ofHigher Learning at Prasanthi Nilayam,Brindavan and Anantapur as also thestudents of Sri Sathya Sai Higher SecondarySchool, Sri Sathya Sai Primary School,Sathya Sai Mirpuri College of Music and SriSathya Sai Deenajanoddharana Pathakamschool, Prasanthi Nilayam. This year’s sportsand cultural meet had a special significanceas it was the first big event of 80th Birthdaycelebrations of the Institute’s ReveredChancellor, Bhagavan Baba. True to thespirit of the occasion, the students and staffof the Institute put their heart and soul intoall the events of the Sports and Cultural Meetto make it one of the most outstandingperformances ever made in the Hill ViewStadium.Even before dawn, the Stadium was filledto its capacity with spectators who throngedthe venue of the Sports Meet since earlymorning to witness this grand annual eventof the Institute. Vedic chants which startedat 7.00 a.m. filled the entire milieu withsacred vibrations. Meanwhile, thestudents who were to take part invarious events took their slots in the ground,giving the entire area the look of a colourfulflowerbed.Inauguration and March PastThe Revered Chancellor of the Institute,Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba waswelcomed by the band of Anantapur Campuswhen He majestically entered the Stadiumin a sparkling white robe at 7.35 a.m. Hewas led to the Santhi Vedika in a grandprocession comprising Sai Geeta(Bhagavan’s beloved elephant), motorbikeriders squad, brass band of PrasanthiNilayam Campus, slow marching squad ofcaptains of various teams and the squad ofhorse riders of Brindavan Campus. PrasanthiNilayam Campus band innovatively playedpopular Bhajans to the beat of thisslow march. On reaching Santhi Vedika,Bhagavan was offered a hearty welcome bythe Vice Chancellor and the senior staffmembers of the Institute.Bhagavan inaugurated the Sports andCultural Meet at 7.50 a.m. by lighting thesacred lamp amidst a thunderous applauseof the spectators and students. Soon afterthe inauguration, March Past began, headedby Primary School students in their colourfulshining dresses. Marching in perfectcoordination and harmony, they looked likehundreds of multicoloured roses blossomingwith joy and happiness in the divine gardenof their Beloved Bhagavan. Then followedthe marching squads of Institute’sAnantapur Campus, Sri Sathya SaiHigher Secondary School, Sathya SaiMirpuri College of Music, Brindavan<strong>February</strong> 2005 45

ANNUAL SPORTS AND CULTURAL MEET 2005 OF SSSIHLCampus and Prasanthi Nilayam Campus ofthe Institute. A special squad of athletes ofthe Institute formed the rear of the MarchPast. All these contingents marched inperfect order to the tunes of PrasanthiNilayam Campus band and offeredrespectful salutes to their ReveredChancellor.Spectacular Show of Courage andConfidence by Anantapur CampusStudentsThe sports events began after theceremonies of flag hoisting, administrationof the pledge to the participants, lighting ofthe sports urn at the hilltop by the mascotGaruda and release of peace doves andAnantapur Campus students precariouslybalancing themselves on a bike andmaking a butterfly formation.balloons. First to display their events werethe students of Anantapur Campus of theInstitute. Their presentation was titled“Dharma Margame Sai Margamu” (the pathof Dharma is the path of Sai). They hada fine mix of several items: martialarts, sword fighting, fencing andcultural items. They concluded with stuntson motorbikes. The stunts on bikes includedcriss-crosses, ramp jumps, human rampjump, daring jumps through fire and severalformations on the bikes. The highlight of theshow was the bike jump over a human rampof 16 girls lying next to each other! It was aspectacular display of courage, adventureand skill. Swami’s first campus provedbeyond doubt, and not for the first time, thatMother Easwaramma’s dream of women’seducation had yielded spectacular results.After this came the children fromDeenajanoddharana Pathakam on amotorised pageant which was parked rightopposite the dais. Their presentationportrayed the teachings of Bhagavanthrough a series of magic tricks, and theaccompanying song and commentary.Display of Grit and Grandeur byBrindavan Campus StudentsMeanwhile, a microlight aircraft flewacross the light blue sky with a long bannertrailing behind, bearing the writing: “Happy80th Birthday”. With this, the BrindavanCampus made its lofty entry. The BrindavanCampus presentation was titled “A Journeyfrom I to we…. And we to He”. It was a displayof beauty and symmetry taken to greatheights by the spirit of adventure nurturedon the bedrock of faith and surrender.Celestial rhythms was a breathtaking displayof grit and grandeur on a metal gridsuspended at an awesome height of 80 feet.Students dressed in bright contrast coloursformed several attractive patterns highabove: the most striking of them was abeautiful pattern of SAI and 80, hailingthe 80th year of the Advent of Avatar,46 <strong>February</strong> 2005

ANNUAL SPORTS AND CULTURAL MEET 2005 OF SSSIHLBhagavan Baba. Another breathtakinglyadventurous event was reverse bungeejump presented by the Brindavan Campusstudents in the afternoon. In this event, astudent is tied to the end of a rope at groundlevel and then flung up high in the sky atgreat speed with the help of a crane. Thestudents who performed this event must behaving nerves of steel!Delightful Dances by Primary SchoolStudentsIn the afternoon, Bhagavan came to theStadium at 2.50 p.m. The programme beganwith the presentation of Sri Sathya SaiPrimary School, Prasanthi Nilayam. Thetheme was: Ekoham Bahusyam (I am one;I became many). They started theirThe Stadium witnessed a riot of colours whenthe Primary School students presentedtheir beautiful dances.presentation with a Siva Tandava dance.The events that followed were a grand mixof bright colours, dances, gymnastics andbeautiful formations. Suddenly differentcolours would spring up from nowhere andvarious objects would emerge from theirhidden places, making the dances sothrilling and exciting - giving delightto one and all! They filled the milieuwith patriotic fervour by their lastpresentation entitled “Vande Mataram”.Dancing to the tune of a Telugu song, theymade a beautiful formation of the map ofIndia.Grand Presentation by PrasanthiNilayam StudentsThe presentation of Prasanthi NilayamCampus began with a beautiful Siva Parvatidance on a 6-feet stage, in front of themassive 22-feet golden Nataraja. The nextevent by the Prasanthi Nilayam Campusstudents was carabining, which comprisedsliding on ropes suspended from the stadiumhill and held tight on the ground. While slidingdown from a height of 80 feet, the studentsperformed various stunts at tremendousspeed, e.g., yoga postures, cycling,carton crash, tent pegging, etc. Allthrough this adventurous display,the spectators held their breath inawe, and marvelled at the courageof the students. The next event wasa delightful display of gymnasticsand skill. The students used thetrampoline to perform varioussomersaults. The highlight of thisprogramme was a sequence wherethe students tried to dunk basketballsinto a loop after performing acomplex trampoline jump / somersault.Simple yet so catchy! All were gripped withattention and sat at the edge of their seatswaiting for the gymnasts to score a basket!This was followed by stunts on Germanwheels by the students of Sri Sathya SaiHigher Secondary School, PrasanthiNilayam. Six pairs of boys took turnsto perform various stunts on top of<strong>February</strong> 2005 47

ANNUAL SPORTS AND CULTURAL MEET 2005 OF SSSIHLPrasanthi Nilayam Campus students displayedtheir spirit of adventure in the carabining events.these wheels.Precariously manoeuvringthemselves on the wheels, they left thespectators in awe and wonder! Anotherevent by the school students was the martialart of stick fighting. It was a synchronous setof moves which was followed by a mock fight.The school students also presentedgymnastics and a rhythmic dance makingbeautiful wave formations.Gun Drill was another great attractionof the Prasanthi Nilayam Campus. It wasan army drill performed for the firsttime in India by non-army personnel. Thedrill focused on perfect synchronisationas the students performed variousmovements with their guns. As they madetheir movements one after the other inrapid succession, a lovely wave effect wasproduced which was very well appreciated.Another breathtakingly beautiful event ofPrasanthi Nilayam Campus students was U-ramp stunts on roller blades andskateboards. The U-ramp measuring24 feet by 10 feet was designed andfabricated by the maintenance crewin record time! The highlights of thisprogramme were a 16-foot drop into theramp, a front somersault and astupendous leap over a Maruti van offa ramp. The jump was fantastic anddrew applause from Bhagavan Himself!The Annual Sports and Cultural Meet2005 came to a close at 5.10 p.m. withthis grand display of magnificentsports and cultural events. As theclosing ceremony song was played,everybody was filled with a sense of joyand fulfilment at the high level ofperformance of almost all the events.The Annual Sports and Cultural Meet of theInstitute is always a great learningexperience. The inspiration and guidanceprovided by the Revered Chancellor of theInstitute builds an enormous amount ofself-confidence in the participants, on thePrasanthi Nilayam Higher Secondary Schoolstudents performing gymnastics.basis of which they can achieve higher goalsof self-sacrifice and self-realisation in life.Sankranti and Prize DistributionThe prize distribution function ofAnnual Sports and Cultural Meet 2005of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher48 <strong>February</strong> 2005

ANNUAL SPORTS AND CULTURAL MEET 2005 OF SSSIHLLearning was held on the sacred day ofSankranti on 14th January 2005 in the DivinePresence of the Revered Chancellor of theInstitute, Bhagavan Baba.On the morning of 14th January 2005,Bhagavan came to Sai Kulwant Hall in a grandprocession comprising the AnantapurBhagavan delivering His SankrantiMessage in Sai Kulwant Hall.Campus band, flag bearers squad ofcaptains of sports teams and the brass bandof Prasanthi Nilayam Campus of theInstitute. After showering the bliss of HisDivine Darshan on the huge gathering ofdevotees and students in Sai Kulwant Hall,Bhagavan came to the beautifully decorateddais and inaugurated the programme bylighting the sacred lamp. The programmestarted with chanting of Vedic Mantras by agroup of Institute students. After thesacred Vedic chants, Sri SanjaySahni, Principal, Brindavan Campusof the Institute addressed the gathering andexpressed gratitude to Bhagavan for HisDivine Presence and loving benedictionswhich inspired all the participants throughoutthe preparation and presentation of sportsand cultural events.After this, the Vice Chancellor of theInstitute, Sri S.V. Giri shared his thoughtswith the audience. Sri Giri observed that thisyear’s valedictory function of Sports andCultural Meet assumed added significanceas it was the first mega function in the firstmonth of 80th Birthday celebrations of theRevered Chancellor of the Institute,Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Mentioningsome of the exquisitely beautiful and mostadventurous events of the recently heldSports and Cultural Meet, Sri Giri felt thatthese events showed the highestconcentration of mind of the participantswhich they achieved under the directguidance of Bhagavan. This, he said, wasthe message of Sankranti which signifiedtransformation of the mind.Two student speakers were blessed byBhagavan to speak on this occasion. Thefirst speaker was Kumari Tina Thomas, a1st year student of M.A. (English literature)of Anantapur Campus of the Institute.Narrating her experiences of Sports andCultural Meet, Kumari Tina Thomasobserved that students could fearlesslyperform mind-boggling daring eventsbecause they felt that Bhagavan Baba wasalways protecting them. The second studentspeaker, Sri Arvind Balasubramanyaof II M.Sc. (chemistry) remarkedthat all the students of the Institute<strong>February</strong> 2005 49

ANNUAL SPORTS AND CULTURAL MEET 2005 OF SSSIHLwere fired with only one thought whileundertaking any activity, that is, to pleasetheir Beloved Swami. Sri Arvind felt thatman’s only objective of life was to love Godand live for Him. At the end of his speech,Sri Arvind received special blessings ofBhagavan who materialised a gold chainwith a locket for him.After this, prize distribution function washeld. A large number of prizes were blessedby Bhagavan for distribution to the winnersof the various sports and cultural events. Bigtrophies were awarded to Institute’s threeinstitutions at Prasanthi Nilayam, Brindavanand Anantapur as also to Sri Sathya SaiHigher Secondary School, Sri Sathya SaiPrimary School, Sathya Sai MirpuriCollege of Music and Sri Sathya SaiDeenajanoddharana Pathakam school. Afterprize distribution, Bhagavan gave His DivineDiscourse, the full text of which has beengiven elsewhere in this issue. In the end,Prasadam was distributed to all. The functioncame to a close with Arati to Bhagavan at10.20 a.m.... Continued from page 42Sai Water Supply Project which hadquenched the thirst of the people and theland of this area. Aided by appropriatecommentary, sweet songs, charming dancesof the children and extraordinarily beautifulbackdrops of the scenes, the dance dramarealistically depicted all the educational,medical and social welfare projectsundertaken by Bhagavan to better the lot ofthe masses of this district. At the end of thedrama, Bhagavan blessed the children andposed for photographs with them. He alsomaterialised a gold ring with a diamond forone of the organisers of this programme. Abeautiful musical offering of devotionalsongs was thereafter made by the ladiesdevotees of this district. The programmecame to a happy conclusion with Arati toBhagavan at 4.55 p.m.Thyagaraja Aradhana Festival atPrasanthi NilayamIn a function held in Sai KulwantHall, Prasanthi Nilayam on 30thJanuary 2005 in the Divine Presence ofBhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, the studentsand staff of Sathya Sai Mirpuri College ofMusic paid homage to Thyagaraja, the saintcomposer of Carnatic music, by singing hisPancharatna Kritis and other famouscompositions. The programme began soonafter Bhagavan occupied His chair on thedais which was adorned with a beautifulpainting of Thyagaraja and the idol of hischosen deity, Lord Rama. This magnificentlyenthralling programme of sacred music wasverily a feast for the soul. The audience wereoverwhelmed and applauded time and againin appreciation of beautiful rendering of divinecompositions of this great composer andmusician. The programme which began at7.25 a.m. kept the audience spellbound fornearly one and a half hours and came to aclose at 9.00 a.m. This was followed byBhajans. In the end, Arati was offeredto Bhagavan and Prasadam wasdistributed to all.50 <strong>February</strong> 2005

AVATAR VANI GANESH CHATURTHI DISCOURSECONSIDER YOUR PARENTS AS YOURPRESIDING DEITIESThe moon illumines the world at night,And the sun during the day.Righteousness illumines the three worlds,And a noble son illumines his entire clan.(Telugu Poem)Embodiments of Love!VINAYAKA IS A VIRTUOUS SON.He is the repository of Jnana(knowledge), Vijnana (wisdom),Sujnana (discrimination) and Prajnana(constant integrated awareness). Everyindividual has a Guru. But Vinayaka has noGuru. He is the Guru of Gurus and the leaderof leaders. He is befittingly called Vinayakasince he has no Nayaka (leader) above him.Make Vinayaka as your Role ModelWhen a Puja (ritualistic worship) isundertaken, it is customary to first worshipVinayaka to invoke his blessings for itssuccessful completion. When a literary ormusical work is undertaken, blessings ofVinayaka are first prayed for. When you thuspray to Vinayaka and seek his blessings, allyour tasks will meet with success. Vinayakahas the head and trunk of an elephant. Theelephant is associated with the qualities ofintelligence and discrimination. It alwaysexercises discrimination before proceedingon its path. Similarly, Vinayaka makes useof discrimination in all the endeavoursundertaken by him. Ganapati means masterof Buddhi and Vijnana (intellect andwisdom), the letters ‘ga’ and ‘na’ inhis name denoting these qualities,respectively. People today forget theunderlying meaning in the name GanapatiVinayaka is the embodiment oflove. He always showers love only.When he was acting as a scribe towrite the Mahabharata dictated bySage Vyasa, he displayed the samequality of love. Vyasa selected himto undertake the duty of a scribesince he was the embodiment oflove. Throughout the period ofwriting the Mahabharata, Vinayakadisplayed this quality of pure love.That is why you do not find even asingle mistake in the Mahabharata.Since he is flawless, his writing isalso flawless.and engage themselves in mere rituals.You may not perform any rituals butnever give up worshipping Vinayaka.Especially, it is the foremost duty ofthe students to follow Vinayaka,considering him as their ideal. Nonecan excel Vinayaka in virtues; he is<strong>February</strong> 2005 51

AVATAR VANIunparalleled and one without a second.When you make Vinayaka your ideal andpursue your studies, youwill be able to master allbranches of knowledge.Vinayaka has a big belly,which connotes hisenormous Jnana(wisdom). That wisdom ishis power. We shouldworship Vinayaka who isthe master of vast powers.No one can comprehendthe true nature of LordVinayaka fully.Today is Vinayaka Chaturthi. It iscelebrated as the birthday of Vinayaka. ButVinayaka is the leaderof one and all. He is thedivine father and motherto everybody inaccordance withthe prayer TwamevaMathascha PithaTwameva, TwamevaB a n d h u s c h aSakha Twameva, TwamevaVidya Dravinam Twameva(you alone are the fatherand mother, friend andrelation, wisdom andwealth). None can equalVinayaka in terms ofwisdom and prowess in thisworld. People are unable torecognise the true nature ofsuch a divine leader. They are prepared toaccept ordinary mortals as leaders. Butthey forget Vinayaka who hasmatchless qualities of leadership.In order to drive home the point that children shouldstrive to please and satisfy their parents, LordEaswara and Mother Parvati arranged thecompetition of going round the world for Vinayakaand Subrahmanya. If you want to obtain the grace ofGod, it is enough if you obey the command of yourparents lovingly. There is no god greater thanparents. They are your presiding deities. They havestruggled hard in several ways to bring you up. Theymade a lot of sacrifice, so that you may achieveprogress in life.how can you identify a particular day as thebirthday of one who has created theentire universe? In fact, he has nobirth at all. All forms of knowledge52 <strong>February</strong> 2005

AVATAR VANIhave originated from Vinayaka. All the Vedas,Itihasas and Puranas are the result of theSankalpa (Will) of Vinayaka.God has no Trace of Anger in HimEmbodiments of Love!Vinayaka is the embodiment of love. Hedoes not know what anger is. Where thereis love, bad qualities like anger, passion,conceit, etc., cannot gain entry. You mighthave seen the face of Vinayaka. Does hisface ever reflect anger? No. It always bearsa smile. Here is a small example. On theway to Kodaikanal, there is a Kshetra (placeof pilgrimage). The presiding deity of thisKshetra is Vinayaka. Though Vinayaka isworshipped in such Kshetras, he is presenteverywhere at all periods of time. In orderto visualise God, people attribute a particularplace as the birthplace of God and considerit as a Kshetra. But no single place can beascribed as the birthplace of God. How canany place be attributed to God when Hepervades everything in the universe? Godwill manifest at the place where people giveup their bad qualities and sincerely pray toHim with devotion. He is Gunatheetha(beyond attributes). He is Nirgunam,Niranjanam, SanathanamNiketanam, Nitya, Shuddha, Buddha,Mukta, Nirmala Swarupinam (God isattributeless, pure, final abode, eternal,unsullied, enlightened, free and embodimentof sacredness).God may appear to be angry at times.But that is not real anger. In order to put thedevotees on the right path, He pretendsto be angry. If He does not pretendso, there is no chance for theSince ancient times, sages inIndia have been observing strictregulations with regard to diet. Theyalways made it a point to eat Sattwicfood. Rajasic food generates angerwhile Thamasic food will make youfeel sleepy even while you areeating. Therefore, both Rajasic andThamasic types of food must beavoided. Only Sattwic food must betaken. Excess of chillies, salt andsour items must be avoided in food.Before you eat food, never forget tooffer your prayer.devotees to reform themselves. His show ofanger is just a drama. God has no trace ofanger in Him. When you commit mistakesor tread the wrong path, you are afraid thatGod will be angry with you. But God onlypretends to be angry on such occasions sothat you become aware of your own faultsand deficiencies. For example, when Swamikeeps Himself away from you, you feel verysad and think that Swami is not talking toyou because He is angry with you. In fact,Swami does not know what anger is (loudapplause). He is the embodiment of love.He is full of love. However, on some rareoccasions when He speaks harshly, it mightbe misconstrued that He is angry. This isquite natural even in our day-to-day life.When you call somebody, “Son!Please come here,” it sounds that you<strong>February</strong> 2005 53

AVATAR VANIare calling him with love. But if the samewords are uttered with a raised voice (in anangry tone), it looks as though you areangry. Therefore, all these are variations inexpression and nothing else. The same wasthe case with Sage Durvasa, whoseexpressions revealed anger. But, in fact,Sage Durvasa had no anger at all thoughpeople consider Durvasa as the other nameof anger!During the Mahabharata war,Aswatthama, the son of Dronacharya, tooka terrible vow to annihilate all the Pandavas.Having come to know of this, Draupadiprayed to Krishna to save the Pandavas.The Leelas of the Lord are not only wonderfulbut also mysterious. God enacts dramas andeven changes the scenes in His play for thewelfare and safety of His devotees. In thisinstance, the Lord saved the Pandavas witha delicate touch that He alone is capable of.He went to Sage Durvasa who wasimmensely delighted to receive Him. Thesage asked, “Lord, what brings You to myhumble Ashram?” Krishna smiled and said,“I have a small job for you.” The sage washappy and said, “I am at Your service. Youjust have to command.” Krishna then said,“Good! Tonight you have to save thePandavas.” Durvasa was puzzled and asked,“Lord, it is You who protect everything in thiscreation. Who am I to do that job?” Krishnareplied, “That is a different matter. But forthis job, you will be My instrument. I extendprotection in many different ways. On thisoccasion, you have to do something specificas per My instructions.” Durvasawanted to know what it was andKrishna continued, “Dig a pit, ask thePandavas to hide themselves in it, cover itwith planks, grass and mud, and then takeyour seat on the platform so prepared. Theenemies of the Pandavas may come and askyou about their whereabouts. They may say,“You know the past, present and future.Please tell us where the Pandavas arehiding.” Durvasa intervened and said, “Lord,I cannot tell a lie.” Krishna countered, “Did Iask you to utter falsehood? I am Myself theembodiment of truth, and I will always askyou to speak only the truth. However, youare at liberty to change your tone suitably toachieve the desired result. I am sure youunderstand.” The sage nodded and smiled.Some time later, when the Pandavaswere hiding in the pit, Aswatthama camethere, exactly as Krishna had foretold.Durvasa was sitting with his eyes closed.Bowing to the sage, Aswatthama enquiredin a most humble manner about thewhereabouts of the Pandavas. Durvasaslowly opened his eyes, which were redlike a flame. Angrily he roared, “Yes, thePandavas are here, right below me.”Aswatthama was frightened because thesage was well known for his bad temper andhis propensity to curse those who made himangry. Promptly, he fled from the scene andthe Pandavas were duly saved.Since time immemorial, the sages andsaints, Yogis and Jnanis have been providingRakshana (protection) and Sikshana(teaching) to people by various means. SageDurvasa did so by changing his tone.Ignorant people identify him as one of angerin spite of knowing that he was a greatTapasvin (one who performspenance). But people who are able54 <strong>February</strong> 2005

AVATAR VANIGod has no trace of anger in Him. When youcommit mistakes or tread the wrong path, youare afraid that God will be angry with you. ButGod only pretends to be angry on suchoccasions so that you become aware of yourown faults and deficiencies. For example, whenSwami keeps Himself away from you, you feelvery sad and think that Swami is not talking toyou because He is angry with you. In fact,Swami does not know what anger is. He is theembodiment of love. He is full of love.to understand the real intention behindhis apparent anger realise the truth. Godhas no trace of anger in Him. One withanger cannot be God. God changes Histone only to give protection to Hisdevotees. No sage, no Tapasvin willhave anger either.Always Obey theCommand of your ParentsOnce Mother Parvati andEaswara asked Vinayakaand his younger brotherSubrahmanya to go round theworld. They told them thatwhoever came first in this racewould be given a Phala (fruit)as reward. The place wherethis episode took place iscalled Palani in the State ofTamil Nadu. That is howthis place got its name. Theyounger brotherSubrahmanya immediatelymounted his vehicle peacockto fly round the world. ButVinayaka did not moveand stayed where he was.Easwara then enquired, “Mydear son! Why have you notstarted on your journey roundthe world?” Vinayaka smiledand replied “Oh Father! Ineed not go anywhere.Everything is present here.The fruit of all my journeyround the world is right infront of me.” So saying,Vinayaka made aPradakshina (circumambulation) roundHis father and mother (Lord Easwara andMother Parvati) and sat down calmly. Heclaimed victory in the race. Meanwhile,Subrahmanya came there aftercompleting his journey round theworld. He was very much tired and<strong>February</strong> 2005 55

AVATAR VANIreported to his father about his successfulcompletion of the task. Lord Easwara thendeclared Vinayaka as the winner in the raceand gave the reward to him. The underlyingmeaning of this story is that the parents aregreater than the whole world. It is enough ifone does their Pradakshina in reverence.That would be tantamount to the Punya(merit) acquired by visiting all the holy placesin the world. Without the parents, there canbe no children at all! If children are to bevirtuous, it is the parents who have to takecare of their upbringing. They areresponsible for the success of their childrenin all endeavours.It is a common practice for students tovisit temples during examinations and prayfor success. They offer coconuts in templeswith the pocket money given by their parents.These are all external practices, which havelittle to do with sincere devotion. If you reallywish to achieve success in all yourendeavours, it is enough if you please yourparents and obtain their blessings. Ifthey are satisfied, you are sure to succeed.In order to drive home the pointthat children should strive to pleaseand satisfy their parents, Lord Easwaraand Mother Parvati arranged thecompetition of going round the worldfor Vinayaka and Subrahmanya. If youwant to obtain the grace of God, it is enoughif you obey the command of your parentslovingly. There is no god greater thanparents. They are your presiding deities.They have struggled hard in several waysto bring you up. They made a lot of sacrifice,so that you may achieve progress inlife. No parent would ever beinconsiderate towards the needs ofhis children. At times, they may appear tobe angry and may even punish you but thatis only outward show. In their heart of hearts,they have abundant love for you. Even if theypretend to be angry, it is for your own good.The stream of infinite love ever flows in theirhearts. You are nourished by their limitlesslove. Here is a small example. When a childdoes some mischief, its mother beatshim. But, how? The beating merelyproduces sound but does not cause any painto the child. Her anger is born out of loveonly. On certain occasions, your parents mayshow anger but it is only temporary. It isnever permanent. You may think that yourparents are angry with you. But that is yourown misunderstanding; you may not be ableto recognise their love, which is lying hidden.Even if they show anger and say “chee” (anexpression in Telugu to indicate one’sdispleasure), it is only out of love. Studentsshould, therefore, try to understand the realnature of their parents.In fact, one’s anger is one’s own enemy,and happiness, heaven. One should alwaysbe happy. A person with anger and irritabletemperament can never achieve anything.Vinayaka is one who always obeyed hisparents’ command. That is why it is said thatthere is no leader above him. Studentssometimes ask for money from their parentsto go to cinema. When parents refuse, theythink that the parents are angry. These aretrivial issues. The parents, especially themother, will be even ready to sacrifice herlife in order to save her children in times ofdanger. Unfortunately, today there are sonswho even go to the court of law againsttheir mothers. It is, therefore,essential that they change their56 <strong>February</strong> 2005

AVATAR VANIattitude towards their parents and realise thatthey are verily embodiments of love. Anynumber of diversions or silly thoughts mayarise in children, but the parents’ lovetowards their children remains unwavering.There are several sons in the world who areangry with their parents. The son may go tothe court of law because of some differenceswith his mother. On being asked by thejudge, he tells his mother’s name as so andso. He utters the words, “My mother”.Similarly, the mother tells her son’s nameas so and so. She says, “My son”. Such isthe intimate relationship that exists betweenthe mother and son. The differences betweenparents and their children are of temporarynature; they are not permanent. In fact, anunbreakable bond of love exists betweenparents and children.Vinayaka is the embodiment of love. Healways showers love on all. When he wasacting as a scribe to write the Mahabharatadictated by Sage Vyasa, he displayed thesame quality of love. Vyasa selected him toundertake the duty of a scribe since he wasthe embodiment of love. Throughout theperiod of writing the Mahabharata, Vinayakadisplayed this quality of pure love. That iswhy you do not find even a single mistakein the Mahabharata. Since he is flawless, hiswriting is also flawless. You do not find thebad qualities of anger, jealousy, envy or pridein Vinayaka.Dear students! From today onwards, giveup whatever little anger you have towardsyour parents and cultivate pure lovetowards them. Only then can you callyourself the devotees of Vinayaka.Love begets love. Receive love fromIt is a common practice forstudents to visit temples duringexaminations and pray for success.They offer coconuts in temples withthe pocket money given by theirparents. These are all externalpractices, which have little to dowith sincere devotion. If you reallywish to achieve success in all yourendeavours, it is enough if youplease your parents and obtaintheir blessings. If they are satisfied,you are sure to succeed.your parents in abundance and prosperin life.Eat only Sattwic FoodToday is the festival of VinayakaChaturthi. It is a very important festival. Whensomeone visits your house on a festival day,the entire household is happy. One is sureto feel happy and mentally relaxed.However, there are some stone-heartedpersons, who cultivate ill-feelings towardsothers. Such ill-feelings are the result offood. As is the food, so is the head. Thefeelings of the heart reflect the thought inthe head (mind). Therefore, we must takethe right food. You should never take suchfood that would kindle the flames of angerand envy in you. Since ancient times, sagesin India have been observing strictregulations with regard to diet. Theyalways made it a point to eat Sattwic<strong>February</strong> 2005 57

AVATAR VANIfood. Rajasic food generates anger whileThamasic food will make you feel sleepy evenwhile you are eating. Therefore, both Rajasicand Thamasic types of food must be avoided.Only Sattwic food must be taken. Excess ofchillies, salt and sour items must be avoidedin food. Before you eat food, never forget tooffer your prayer:Brahmarpanam Brahma HavirBrahmagnou BrahmanahutamBrahmaiva Thena GanthavyamBrahma Karma Samadhina.(Brahman is the ladle as well as the oblation.He is the sacrificial fire as also the sacrificer.And finally, Brahman is the goal of one whois engaged in the act of sacrifice.)When you pray in this manner before youpartake of your food, God immediatelyresponds thus:Aham Vaishvanaro BhutvaPraninam DehamasritaPranapana SamayuktaPachamyannam Chaturvidham.(I am present in all beings in the form ofdigestive fire. United with the Prana andApana, it is I who consume the four kinds offood.)While taking food, you must alwaysensure that you eat only that food which youcan easily digest. Never consume food whichis hard to digest. Just as you feel light andhappy before sitting down for eating food,so also you should feel comfortable and lightwhen you get up after eating it. Some peoplesit for food with light stomach and get upafter overloading it. This is not the properway of eating. Always eat light food. This isone of the many qualities of Vinayaka. If youcultivate the qualities of Vinayaka, you canbecome like him without, of course, his trunk!(Bhagavan concluded His Discourse withthe Bhajan, “Prema Muditha ManaseKaho…”)– From Bhagavan’s GaneshChaturthi Discourse in Sai KulwantHall, Prasanthi Nilayam on 18thSeptember 2004.An Announcement about SivarathriThis is to inform all the devotees that Sivarathri will be celebrated atPrasanthi Nilayam on Tuesday, 8th March 2005. In this connection, here isan important announcement. Devotees often have given expression to theirfeeling that they are disturbed and pained and are unable to bear the sightof Bhagavan’s physical body undergoing a lot of strain at the time ofLingodbhava. They always yearn to see the ever smiling and enchantingform of Swami. And, they were often praying to Swami not to performLingodbhava. Bhagavan, out of His infinite compassion and love fordevotees, has acceded to their prayers and has said that Lingodbhava willnot take place on this Sivarathri day.58 <strong>February</strong> 2005

NEWS FROM SAI CENTRESRESCUE, RELIEF AND REHABILITATION TION OF TSUNAMIVICTIMS BY SAI ORGANISGANISATIONSTHE TSUNAMI that hit South Asiaand South East Asia on 26thDecember 2004 was a tragedy ofunprecedented magnitude, and though itstruck in the span of hours, its effects will befelt for years to come. Many Sai workers inIndia, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Thailand,Malaysia and other areas, undaunted by thehorror and havoc of the disastrouscircumstances, undertook all manner of reliefwork. They saved many precious lives andprovided the physical necessities of life forthose who were left with nothing. They areuplifting the forlorn who have lost everything.They have started the long, arduous processof helping restore functional societies inthese stricken areas.Sri LankaThe Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisation ofSri Lanka swung into action immediatelyafter the tsunami struck the island. A DisasterManagement Committee headed by theCentral Coordinator, M. Wanniyasekaramand comprising several senior officials of theOrganisation was set up to spearhead therelief and reconstruction activities.Between 26th December 2004 and 4thJanuary 2005, Sai volunteers from Western,Eastern, Northern and North Central zoneswere tirelessly engaged in a range ofactivities that included the following: (a)Procurement of rice, vegetables, dry rations,(b) cooking meals for the refugees, (c)collection of clothes and medicines,(d) packaging, transporting anddistributing food, medicines and clothing tothe refugees.In Western zone, nearly 300 Saivolunteers served approximately 10,000people in the worst affected areas of Moderasuburb, Galle town, Moratuwa town andHikkaduwa town. In Eastern zone, 200volunteers helped around 3500 people inKalmunai (south of Trincomalee) andAkkaraipattu (south of Batticoloa). In theNorth of Sri Lanka, the coastal regions wereseverely damaged by the killer waves. 300volunteers from North and North Centralzones served about 6000 people. They alsoprovided medical services in the refugeecamps for over five days. Totally, 818Sai Youth engaged in relief work in Sri Lanka.volunteers served 19,500 people during therelief operations from 26th December 2004to 4th January 2005.Dr. Michael Goldstein, Chairmanof the Prasanthi Council andDr. Narendranath Reddy, Memberof the Prasanthi Council and<strong>February</strong> 2005 59

NEWS FROM SAI CENTRESChairman of the Sri Sathya Sai InternationalMedical Committee, visited Sri Lanka on 8thJanuary 2005 to assess the ground situationand to discuss how the International SriSathya Sai Organisation could assistSri Lanka in this hour of need. They,accompanied by the Sri Lankan CentralCoordinator, met the Hon’ble Prime Ministerof Sri Lanka, Sri Mahinda Rajapakse andbriefed him about the relief efforts of theSai Organisation to serve those in distress.The Prime Minister acknowledged theservices provided by the Sai Organisationand proposed a rehabilitation projectcomprising housing, sanitation, clothing andschools. After the meeting with the PrimeMinister, Dr. Goldstein and Dr. Reddy metsenior officials of the Sri Lankan SaiOrganisation at the Sai Mandir in Colomboand discussed the immediate action plan forrelief work.The Sai Organisation of Sri Lanka,following the Swami’s command “Good workshould never be postponed”, immediatelyauthorised the procurement of 500 fabricatedhousing units to provide homes for therefugees in North and North Central zones.In addition to the housing, the SaiOrganisation is also providing all basicnecessities to the refugees who will settle inthe 500 housing units. For this purpose, acontainer load of utensils, a container loadof mineral water and 2000 cartons of chlorinetablets for purification of drinking water arebeing imported from Chennai, India.Sri A. Pulendran, Chairman of theCentral Council, Sri Lanka, made apresentation on the extent of damagecaused by the tsunami and whatneeded to be done immediately.Relief materials for distribution in affectedareas in Sri Lanka.Dr. Goldstein and Dr. Reddy, accompaniedby the Sri Lankan Central Coordinator,visited the affected areas in and aroundColombo to see the damages caused by thetsunami. They assured the Sai Organisationof Sri Lanka of all help by way of sendingmedical experts, medical equipment andmedicines to the affected areas.Dr. Upadhyay, Member of the Sri SathyaSai International Medical Committee, visitedthe affected areas to make a fieldassessment of the medical needs, and willbe returning soon with a medical team fromthe United Kingdom. A task force ofphysicians and volunteers, headed by Dr.Brahma Sharma, President of the USA SaiMedical Committee, has visited the affectedareas. Following their recommendations tworelief teams of Sai workers from Canada andUSA are going to Sri Lanka on 29th January2005 and 10th <strong>February</strong> 2005.IndonesiaIn Indonesia, the deadly tsunamiswamped the northern and westerncoastal areas of Sumatra, and thesmaller outlying islands off Sumatra60 <strong>February</strong> 2005

NEWS FROM SAI CENTRESon 26th December 2004. The trauma facedby the victims and the trail of destruction leftby the tsunami is devastating. Nearly all thecasualties and damage took place within theprovince of Aceh. As the largest city toreceive the full fury of the tsunami, BandaAceh is struggling to wake from a nightmare.Members of the Sai Organisation spranginto action by formulating immediate reliefand rehabilitation plans for the tsunamivictims in the devastated regions of Aceh on27th December 2004.Two task forces wereformed. One was based at Medan, theclosest city to Aceh, and the other inJakarta, the capital of Indonesia. Dr K.H.Yeoh of Singapore was appointed as theMedical Coordinator for the Aceh taskforce. On 30th December 2004, the firsttask force, was deployed from MedanCentre. They distributed emergency reliefsupplies such as food, water, medicines,clothes, blankets and other basicnecessities.They visited Lhoksuemawe,one of the severely hit regions, and didan initial assessment for upcomingreconstruction projects. On 31st December2004, the second team from Jakarta swiftlyarranged bulk of medical supplies that wereurgently required by the only two hospitalsin operation in Aceh. Due to the large influxof injured victims, medical supplies werequickly depleting and replenishing washampered due to obliterated roads anddamaged transport system. However, withunshaken faith in Bhagavan’s bountifulcompassion, the task force set out toundertake the difficult task of supplyingthe hospital with medicines on theday of its urgent requirement.Sai Organisation supplied much needed reliefmaterials to the tsunami affectedareas of Indonesia.Bhagavan Baba’s Divine grace waswitnessed in all preparations. Much neededantibiotic medicines were quickly procured,and air tickets were arranged, all in a matterof few hours.On the 1st day of the New Year 2005, ateam of seven Sai devotees flew to BandaAceh and personally hand carried life savingmedical supplies for thousands of the injuredvictims. The Crisis Centre in the capital cityof Aceh informed that there were only twooperational hospitals in the region with acapacity of housing 300 patients in total.They admitted that the hospitals were besetwith the increasing rate of casualties, andlacked essential medicines and staff ofdoctors and nurses, many of whom lost theirlives in the tsunami. On 3rd January 2005,Medan task force made their second tripbringing staple food and water. This time theteam went further into North Aceh regencyand surveyed four towns and surroundingvillages. The result of the surveyconcluded that the most importantaid required in the region, after<strong>February</strong> 2005 61

NEWS FROM SAI CENTRESmedication and food was water. Thus theteam, assisted by professionals, set aboutmaking necessary arrangements for theWater purification unit installedby the Medan task force in North Aceh.installation of water purification units. On 5thJanuary 2005, Jakarta task force with Dr.Yeoh and Dr. Victor Seah of Singapore alongwith Dr. Arul Jyoti of Malaysia made theirsecond trip to Banda Aceh. They carried withthem fresh supplies of broad basedantibiotics, anti-depressants and urgentmedicines as advised by the Ministry ofHealth in Jakarta.On 9th January 2005, in Muara Baruvillage of North Aceh regency, one waterpurification unit was installed by the Medantask force. Eight more are soon to beinstalled. During the two days that the taskforce was there in the area, doctors and Saidevotees from Medan also organised atwo-day medical relief camp serving 1487refugees in six villages of North Acehregency. On 13th January 2005, Jakarta taskforce managed to hand over another batchof antibiotics and much needed vaccinesto the hospitals in Banda Aceh withthe help of Singapore Air Forcestationed in Medan.Action plans are also being formulated toprovide further relief aid to other inaccessibleareas in the Western Coast of Aceh.ThailandDuring the week of 29th December 2004to 7th January 2005, members of the SathyaSai Organisation of Thailand and the Instituteof Sathya Sai Education went to Phuket tooffer assistance to the victims of the disaster.They distributed food, water, clothes,medicines, blankets and other neededmaterials to the needy people. Four teams,serving four different units at the site of thedisaster, provided food for the victims, reliefworkers, civic officials and medicalpersonnel, and rendered financial assistanceto the affected families. They helpedcoordinate the identification of bodies byfamily members and served as translatorsfor patients in the hospitals. Sai Organisationis also helping to revive and rebuild smallbusinesses affected by this disaster likehelping stall owners, vegetable and groceryvendors, barbers and fishermen.IndiaTamil Nadu: With immense grace and love,Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba extendedurgent relief to the tsunami affectedfamilies in Nagapattinam district. Acomprehensive package which includeditems such as stove, provisions, milk powder,etc., was designed with a lot of care, so thatevery item was beneficial to the recipient andthe entire family. All the material was nicelypacked in boxes. The beneficiaries in six ofthe most badly affected villages wereidentified by the district revenueadministration and 5,000 boxes ofrelief materials were distributed to62 <strong>February</strong> 2005

NEWS FROM SAI CENTRESRelief materials sent by Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba being distributedto the tsunami affected people in Nagapattinam district of Tamil Nadu.them. The Panchayat President concernedwas also present at every place. The policeand STF personnel extended their fullcooperation. The relief work was started on4th January 2005 and was carried on till 11thJanuary 2005. Besides the items in thepackage, plastic pots to fetch water andbuckets were also given. The distributionwas carried out in a very orderly manner,and the beneficiaries received the reliefmaterials with gratitude.Kerala: On hearing the dreadful news oftsunami havoc, the Seva Dal groupDistribution of drinking water to tsunamiaffected people in Kerala.with Mahila Vibhag and leaders ofSri Sathya Sai Seva Organisationrushed to the affected areas indifferent districts, viz., Thiruvananthapuram,Kollam, Alappuzha and Ernakulam forrescue and relief work. The inhabitants ofthe affected areas were brought to schools,where the State Government opened reliefcamps. The inmates of the camp were badlyin need of food, clothing and medical care.By the grace of our Lord, timely attentioncould be paid to satisfy all these urgentneeds. At all the places, medical teams withsufficient medicines attended to each andevery person who was in trouble.To help in the rehabilitation measures, theSai Organisation of Kerala has undertakento build two schools and two Anganwadis.Besides, 16 destitute children and 50 oldpersons have been adopted by the SaiOrganisation of Kerala.Andhra Pradesh: Many villages in the coastalareas of Andhra Pradesh in the districts ofKrishna, Nellore, Prakasam, East Godavariand West Godavari became the victims ofthe tsunami which ravaged these places on26th December 2004. Sri Sathya Sai SevaOrganisation of Andhra Pradesh rushed tothe aid of the affected people anddistributed food materials, clothes,utensils and items of daily use in allthe tsunami affected areas.

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