Texas, USA 2010 - International Herbage Seed Group

Texas, USA 2010 - International Herbage Seed Group Texas, USA 2010 - International Herbage Seed Group


Effects of depth and duration of burial on seed seasonal germination,dormancy and viability of 3 desert plant speciesL.Yang, X.W.Hu&Y.R.WangCollege of Pastoral Agricultural Science and Technology, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, ChinaE-mail: yrwang@lzu.edu.cnAbstractDynamics of seed fate in the soil is very important for prediction of future plant community, landrestoration and conservation. Present study investigated seasonal germination, dormancy andlongevity of three desert plant species seeds which were subjected to different burial depth andduration in the field. Seeds of Lespedeza potanimii, Nitratia tangutorum and Peganummultisectum were buried at different depths (0, 2, 5 and 10 cm), and exhumed at bimonthlyintervals from April 2008 to Ocotober 2009 in Alxa desert region, China. The exhumed seedswere classified as „field germination‟, „enforced dormancy‟, „innate dormancy‟ and „decayedseeds‟ (Harper, 1957). The results showed the field germination of 3 species increased with theburied depth rising, After 18 months burial, the maximum field germination of L.potanimii,N. tangutoruma and P. multisectum are 15%, 26% and 12%, respectively.The innatedormancy percentage of L. potanimii seeds decreased from initial 98% to 64% on the soilsurface (0 cm), but less change was observed when buried at 2 cm, 5 cm and 10 cm. Although ahigh level dormancy in N. tangutorum when seed were harvested, its innate dormancypercentage decreased from 94% to 1% after 4 months burial in the field. Contrary to above twospecies, P. multisectum seeds exhibited seasonal pattern (dormancy cycle) duringexperimental period. The maximum points of innate dormancy in two years wereobserved in October, and then decreased. The decayed seeds decreased with the burieddepth rising, the maximum decayed seeds percentage of 3 species are 3.5%,31% and12%,respectively.These results indicated that the innate dormancy of 3 desert plant speciesdecreased in different degree,but their field germination were all few, most of seeds lost innatedormancy were in an enforced dormancy state and it is an important strategy in the desertregions. The loss of seeds indicated that the 3 species all behaved as persistent soil seed bankaccording to Thompson‟s system (1979).ReferencesHarper,J.L.(1957).The ecological significance of dormancy and its importance in weed control.In: Proceeding of the International Congress on Crop Protection, Hamburg, Germany,415-420.Thompson,K & Grime,J.P. (1979). Seasonal variation in the seed banks of herbacous species inten contrasting habitats. Journal of Ecology, 67: 893-921.231

Ergovaline contents in grasses from semi-natural grasslands in PolandG. Żurek, B. Wiewióra, P. Ochodzki & M. ŻurekPlant Breeding & Acclimatization Institute, Radzików, 05 – 870Błonie, PolandE-mail: g.zurek@ihar.edu.plAbstractThe aim of following study was to investigate presence of endophyte (from Neotyphodiumgenera) and ergovaline contents in grasses from semi-natural grasslands in Poland. More than610 ecotypes from grasslands in Central and North – Eastern Poland were tested for endophytepresence and ergovaline contents. More than 30% of tested ecotypes were colonised byendophytes (further marked as E+) and the majority of them (66%) produced ergovaline withdifferent intensities.All E+ tall fescue ecotypes, originating from Central Poland, were found to produce the highestamount of ergovaline (average = 1.86 ppm). Majority of perennial ryegrass and meadow fescueE+ ecotypes were also found to produce ergovaline. However, mean alkaloid contents inmentioned species were lower than for tall fescue (0.166 ppm and 0.122 ppm, respectively). Redfescue and sheep‟s fescue produced only traces of ergovaline (0.07 ppm, and 0.06 ppm,respectively). Ergovaline was not detected in E+ ecotypes of tufted hairgrass, italian ryegrass andKentucky bluegrass. It can be concluded that due to multi-species nature of Polish semi-naturalgrasslands and rather low amount of ergovaline, current animal threat associated with alkaloidintake during feeding is rather low. Tall fescue in Poland is rarely consumed by animals ascompared to meadow fescue or perennial ryegrass and probably has never been sown alone forfeeding purposes or hay production. However, in case of highly productive short rotationmeadows, especially were only a few species as perennial ryegrass or meadow fescue weresown, it is possible the high concentration of alkaloid in forage. Therefore, intensive researchand monitoring of existing grasslands is still needed.IntroductionPermanent grasslands in Poland cover ca. 3 mill ha (approx. 30% of the whole country area). Themost important and valuable grass species in grassland swards are: perennial ryegrass (Loliumperenne L.), meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis Huds.), red fescue (Festuca rubra L.) and tallfescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.). Mentioned species are also known to host symptomlessendophytic fungi, from Neotyphodium genera (Petroni et al. 1986). For agricultural practice,endophyte – plant symbiosis is both positive and negative. Endophyte colonized (E+) grassesexpress range of adaptations to abiotic (drought, mineral imbalance, soil acidity) and biotic(disease, pest or animals) stress (Funk et al 1994). As a result, E+ grasses are more compatiblethan non colonized grasses and thrive better in presence of limited resources. However, in certain232

Effects of depth and duration of burial on seed seasonal germination,dormancy and viability of 3 desert plant speciesL.Yang, X.W.Hu&Y.R.WangCollege of Pastoral Agricultural Science and Technology, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, ChinaE-mail: yrwang@lzu.edu.cnAbstractDynamics of seed fate in the soil is very important for prediction of future plant community, landrestoration and conservation. Present study investigated seasonal germination, dormancy andlongevity of three desert plant species seeds which were subjected to different burial depth andduration in the field. <strong>Seed</strong>s of Lespedeza potanimii, Nitratia tangutorum and Peganummultisectum were buried at different depths (0, 2, 5 and 10 cm), and exhumed at bimonthlyintervals from April 2008 to Ocotober 2009 in Alxa desert region, China. The exhumed seedswere classified as „field germination‟, „enforced dormancy‟, „innate dormancy‟ and „decayedseeds‟ (Harper, 1957). The results showed the field germination of 3 species increased with theburied depth rising, After 18 months burial, the maximum field germination of L.potanimii,N. tangutoruma and P. multisectum are 15%, 26% and 12%, respectively.The innatedormancy percentage of L. potanimii seeds decreased from initial 98% to 64% on the soilsurface (0 cm), but less change was observed when buried at 2 cm, 5 cm and 10 cm. Although ahigh level dormancy in N. tangutorum when seed were harvested, its innate dormancypercentage decreased from 94% to 1% after 4 months burial in the field. Contrary to above twospecies, P. multisectum seeds exhibited seasonal pattern (dormancy cycle) duringexperimental period. The maximum points of innate dormancy in two years wereobserved in October, and then decreased. The decayed seeds decreased with the burieddepth rising, the maximum decayed seeds percentage of 3 species are 3.5%,31% and12%,respectively.These results indicated that the innate dormancy of 3 desert plant speciesdecreased in different degree,but their field germination were all few, most of seeds lost innatedormancy were in an enforced dormancy state and it is an important strategy in the desertregions. The loss of seeds indicated that the 3 species all behaved as persistent soil seed bankaccording to Thompson‟s system (1979).ReferencesHarper,J.L.(1957).The ecological significance of dormancy and its importance in weed control.In: Proceeding of the <strong>International</strong> Congress on Crop Protection, Hamburg, Germany,415-420.Thompson,K & Grime,J.P. (1979). Seasonal variation in the seed banks of herbacous species inten contrasting habitats. Journal of Ecology, 67: 893-921.231

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