Texas, USA 2010 - International Herbage Seed Group

Texas, USA 2010 - International Herbage Seed Group Texas, USA 2010 - International Herbage Seed Group


Fotyma, E. & Bezduszniak, D. (2000): Valuation of the nitrogen nutritional status of wintercereals on the ground of leaf greenness index. Fragmenta Agronomica 4, 29-45.Gislum, R. & Boelt, B. (1999): The effect of autumn nitrogen application in tall fescue (Festucaarundinacea Schreb.) and red fescue (Festuca rubra L.) grown for seed. In: Falcinelli, M.,Rosellini, D. (Eds.) Herbage seed as a key factor for improving production andenvironmental quality. Proceedings of the 4 th International Herbage Seed Conference,Italy, 96-101.Hart, J.A., Rolston, P., Mellbye, M.E., Siberstein, T.B., Young, W.C.III, McCloy, B.L.,Gingrich, G.A., Christensen, N.W. & Gislum, R. (2007): Comparison of soil N tests forprediction of spring N rate in perennial ryegrass seed production. In: Aamlid T.S, HavstadL.T, Boelt B. (Eds.) Seed production in the northern light. Proceedings of the 6 thInternational Herbage Seed Conference, Norway, 239-243.221

Organization of grass seed research in the NetherlandsS. de Vlieger 1 & J. Wander 21. Agrarisch Innovatie en Kenniscentrum Rusthoeve, Noordlangeweg 42, 4486 PR, Colijnsplaat, TheNetherlands, samdevlieger@proefboerderij-rusthoeve.nl, +31-107072132. DLV Plant, De Drieslag 15, 8251 JZ Dronten, The Netherlands, j.wander@dlvplant.nl, +31-651376489AbstractIn 2008 it was decided that all research in grass seed would be allocated at the AgriculturalInnovation and Knowledge centre Rusthoeve at Colijnsplaat in the Netherlands. Under the flagof this centre a Grass seed Expertise Centre was founded in which Rusthoeve and DLV Plantparticipate in doing research and trails for the Grass seed sector in general.The assignment of the Expertise Centre is to gather all necessary information and knowledge tokeep up with the latest developments in this specialized crop and also take the initiative to findanswers for problems and improvements of the technical and economical aspects of grass seedproduction. The Expertise Centre operates in commission by a farmers interest working groupfor grass seed production which, in consultation with the Expertise Centre, determines a yearlyresearch program. The implemented projects are also financed through means of this workinggroup, a farmers contribution to this fund is based on a payment per hectare grass seedproduction.To meet up with the above mentioned both Johan Wander and Sam de Vlieger can, due to theirlong time experience in respectively grass seed research and grass seed production, fall back on abroad network of institutes and specialists. Results of research are published on several websitesas www.kennisakker.nl and www.graszaad.info. Currently the Expertise Centre is performing ascreening test for herbicides in 20 different grass seed species. Furthermore the research programfor 2010 comprises tests with a growth regulator and the testing of remedies against the loss ofseed during the ripening.222

Fotyma, E. & Bezduszniak, D. (2000): Valuation of the nitrogen nutritional status of wintercereals on the ground of leaf greenness index. Fragmenta Agronomica 4, 29-45.Gislum, R. & Boelt, B. (1999): The effect of autumn nitrogen application in tall fescue (Festucaarundinacea Schreb.) and red fescue (Festuca rubra L.) grown for seed. In: Falcinelli, M.,Rosellini, D. (Eds.) <strong>Herbage</strong> seed as a key factor for improving production andenvironmental quality. Proceedings of the 4 th <strong>International</strong> <strong>Herbage</strong> <strong>Seed</strong> Conference,Italy, 96-101.Hart, J.A., Rolston, P., Mellbye, M.E., Siberstein, T.B., Young, W.C.III, McCloy, B.L.,Gingrich, G.A., Christensen, N.W. & Gislum, R. (2007): Comparison of soil N tests forprediction of spring N rate in perennial ryegrass seed production. In: Aamlid T.S, HavstadL.T, Boelt B. (Eds.) <strong>Seed</strong> production in the northern light. Proceedings of the 6 th<strong>International</strong> <strong>Herbage</strong> <strong>Seed</strong> Conference, Norway, 239-243.221

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