Community Cohesion 2011 - Rhondda Cynon Taf

Community Cohesion 2011 - Rhondda Cynon Taf

Community Cohesion 2011 - Rhondda Cynon Taf

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<strong>Rhondda</strong> <strong>Cynon</strong> <strong>Taf</strong> County Borough CouncilConsultation Team / <strong>Community</strong> SafetyPartnershipMay <strong>2011</strong><strong>Community</strong> <strong>Cohesion</strong> SurveyDRAFT

Summary• This report presents the findings of a survey to assess what RCTresidents think of the structure / unity of their local community• The survey considered the views of respondents on the followingstatements: Your local area is a place where people get on well together You feel part of your community You interact with people in your community You are asked for your views on the needs of the community Your views are taken into account• 59.7% of respondents said that they agreed that their local area is aplace where people get on well together.• 55.2% of respondents stated that they ‘Strongly agree’ or ‘Agree’ thatthey feel part of their community• The majority of people (72.4%) ‘Strongly agree’ or ‘Agree’ with thestatement that they interact with people in their community.• 60% said that they ‘Strongly disagree’ and ‘Disagree’ that they areasked for their views on the needs of the community.• 73.1% ‘Disagree’ or ‘Strongly disagree’ with the statement ‘Your viewsare taken into account’.• 54.4% of respondents agreed to some extent that their local serviceprovision is fair.• When asked if they are given the opportunity to achieve the besteducation they are capable of, 63% agreed, at least to some extent.• 66.1% agreed to some extent that problems could be resolved withinthe immediate local area.• Respondents were asked to identify 2 key priorities for improvement intheir area. The majority of counts from respondents suggested that thetop 3 priorities consisted of reducing crime, dealing with parkingproblems and improving public transport.

1. Introduction1.1 This short report presents the findings of a survey which was featuredin the Council’s quarterly newspaper ‘Outlook’, to establish what theresidents of <strong>Rhondda</strong> <strong>Cynon</strong> <strong>Taf</strong> thought of the <strong>Community</strong>cohesiveness in their local areas.2. Methodology2.1 The exercise was conducted in-house for the first time by the <strong>Rhondda</strong><strong>Cynon</strong> <strong>Taf</strong> Council Consultation Team. The survey was designed bythe <strong>Community</strong> Safety Partnership and the Consultation Team.2.2 The survey was featured in the Council’s Quarterly Newspaper –Outlook, in February <strong>2011</strong>.2.3 59 people responded to the questionnaire and the responses wereanalysed using SPSS survey software.2.4 The majority of issues established in this report related to crime,parking and public transport.2.5 The full list of comments for open questions are found in appendix 1, 2and 3 at the end of this report.

3. Consultation findings3.1 Respondents were asked to what extent they agreed with thefollowing statements;1 Your local area is a place where people get on well together2 You feel part of your community3 You interact with people in your community4 You are asked for your views on the needs of the community5 Your views are taken into accountThe results from survey respondents can be found in the figures below:1. Your local area is a place where people get on welltogether43.9%36.8%15.8%3.5%Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagreeFigure 13.2 Figure 1 shows that generally, survey respondents think that their localarea is a place where people get on well together, with 59.7% ofrespondents saying that they ‘Strongly agree’ or ‘Agree’ with thestatement.

3.3 Statement 2 ‘You feel part of your community’ had a similar responsefrom respondents shown in figure 2 below.2. You feel part of your community36.2%29.3%19.0%15.5%Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagreeFigure 255.2% of respondents stated that they ‘Strongly agree’ or ‘Agree’ thatthey feel part of their community, whereas 44.8% disagreed with thestatement.3.4 Figure 3 below shows that the majority of people (72.4%) ‘Stronglyagree’ or ‘Agree’ with the statement that they interact with people intheir community.3. You interact with people in your community48.3%24.1%19.0%8.6%Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagreeFigure 327.6% of respondents said that they ‘Disagree’ or ‘Strongly disagree’that they interact with people in their community.

3.5 Figure 4 below shows that 60% of respondents did not agree that theyare asked for their views on the needs of the community.4. You are asked for your views on the needs of thecommunity29.1%32.7%27.3%10.9%Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagreeFigure 43.6 Figure 5 shows that only 46.2% of respondents disagreed that theirviews are taken into account.5. Your views are taken into account46.2%21.2%26.9%5.8%Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagreeFigure 5

3.7 Question 2 asked for people’s views on local service provision andwhether it was fair. The results can be found below.6. To what extent do you feel that the local serviceprovision is fair? (Council/Police/Health services)42.1%28.1%12.3%17.5%To a large extent To some extent Little Difference No DifferenceFigure 654.4% of respondents felt that the local service provision was fair, to atleast some extent.7. To what extent do you consider people who livein your community are given the opportunity toachieve the best education they are capable of?46.3%16.7%22.2%14.8%To a large extent To some extent Little Difference No DifferenceFigure 73.8 The majority of respondents (63%) felt that people who lived in theircommunity are given the opportunity to achieve the best education theyare capable of. (figure 7 above)

3.9 Respondents were asked to what extent they felt that their communitycould resolve any problems within the immediate local area.Figure 8 below shows that 66.1% agreed to some extent that problems couldbe resolved within the immediate local area, although 33.9% disagreed,feeling that there was no or little difference..8. To what extent do you feel that your communitycan work together to resolve any problems withinthe immediate local area?55.4%25.0%10.7%8.9%To a large extent To some extent Little Difference No DifferenceFigure 83.11 Question 5 asked respondents to identify 2 key priorities forimprovement in their area. The full comments can be found inappendix 1 and 2. A breakdown and summary of the results can befound in the following table.PrioritiesCountReduce crime / Anti-social behaviour / Vandalism /More policing / more CCTV cameras / remove drugdealers / criminal justice (do the crime - do the time) 19Parking / stop car park charges / deal with people whopark without permits / badges / tickets 14Improved transport / links/ access / better use ofpublic transport 12Improve bin clearance / streetcare / cleaner streets / clearup areas / dog fouling control 9Grit and repair roads (potholes) / keep clear from floods,better street lighting 9To be listened to / better communication / morecommunication with local Councillors / more information (tobe kept in the loop) 8More community events / community projects /intergenerational events / enterprise groups / discussiongroups 7

Bringing empty properties back to life (eg. Swimming bathsin Pontypridd / encourage small shops instead of buildinglarge stores / regenerate buildings instead of leaving themas an eyesore) 6Provision for teenagers / young people / facilities to play 5Improve traffic control / Speeding / irresponsible drivers /public disorder offences / road safety 4Improve learning for adults / improve education 3Invest in sporting facilities 3Better use of day centre facilities 1Promotion of volunteer schemes to enhance community 1Reduce cycle of deprivation and social dependency 1Better access to medical services / GP / Appointments 1More facilities such as post-boxes in some areas 1Budget cuts are the problem 1Table 13.12 Most people stated that something should be done to reduce crimessuch as anti-social behaviour, vandalism and drug dealing and othercrimes in general. It was mentioned that there needs to be morepolicing, more CCTV cameras and criminal justice to ensure that if acrime is committed, reasonable time should be paid back to pay for thecrime.3.13 Parking was also a main issue for a number of people where theycommented on high car parking charges and people parking in areaswhere they should have a permit, badge or ticket to park there.3.14 Other comments made by respondents related to public transport.Issues and included the need for improvement in this area, improvingor providing more transport links, better access and better use of publictransport.3.15 Question 6 asked respondents how they would like their issues to beaddressed. The following table provides a break down of howrespondents would like their priorities to be addressed:

PriorityCountEnforcement & CrimeFrom Police & Council, effective policing, more police on the beat, reinstallCCTV cameras, tougher sentences for criminals, 3 strikes and outpolicy for troublesome tenants, evict drug dealers 12MoneyMore money spent on gritting roads, funding for roads, funding to do upMaerdy, regeneration funding for Cwmparc, Treorchy and Ynyswen,Redevelopment / Development of areas such as Pontypridd andCoedycwm, cheaper rates on struggling shops, money spent on townparking should be re-spent on the town, refurbishment of buildings 11Address IssuesStraight away, voice at Council, Assembly and Westminster, gradepriorities from findings and address them in order of priority 8Councillors / Cabinet Members / CouncilMore transparency from Councillors & Cabinet Members, quarterlymeetings, more visits from Council Officials, more consultation needed,re-direct Councillors expenses, expert / advisors at library or hall once amonth 7StreetcareDeal with dog fouling, more dog wardens, no litter, improve bin clearance 6ParkingRemove carpark charges, more traffic wardens to fine people, make CourtStreet a one way system 4Park Areas / Waste groundImprove parks and waste ground, landscape areas and tidy up to allowamenities for local people 3<strong>Community</strong>Improve PACT meetings, attend to needs of young people in community,money from community charges to be fed back to community 3RoadworksImprove work on roads, monitor work being carried out to reduce timespent, repair roads 2Road SafetyMore speed cameras / speed humps 2ProvisionMore activities and provision for children 1Council JobsToo many non-jobs 1EducationImprove numeracy & literacy levels in school to give younger children abetter education 1ServicesMore respect from Doctors and Police 1Public TransportRe-direct bus routes, make better use 1Table 2

A sample of comments are listed below:“1 - Spend money to do it up a little and more money to run it better (egheating, cleaning) 2 - Remove the charges - why is it that other carparks in RCT are free? Positives - Schools in my area are very good.Your recycling facilities / effort is excellent. You have improved in allareas in the last 9 years.”“By raising the literacy and numeracy levels of young people in allschools. 2. Obtain funding to build new roads to improve the problemswith traffic in Pontypridd”“Dog wardens with real powers and zero tolerance and effectivepolicing and sentencing of habitual offenders”“Meeting held quarterly with all ward councillors so they areaccountable for their actions. Drop in centres for advice, Citizensadvice a waste of time”“Streets / Roads patrolled evenings and nights when most crime ordisturbances take place - especially between 1am + 4am when clubdwellers walk home."“The poor manner in which the LA consider Maerdy cannot be resolvedby the above two items. The area has become the dumping groundwhere no consideration is given. no doubt these comments will beignored as usual.”For a list of full comments, please see Appendix 3

Appendix 1Q5a Identify 2 key priorities for improvement in your area?Investment in local sports facilities - Llantrisant leisure centre needs some maintenance works and more funds forrunning it (during the cold weather there was no heating in the sports halls and changing rooms often dirtyAdventure facilities for children (3-11 yrs) (11-14yrs) other than E3Anti social behaviourBus stop in Ynyswen, post box by school or by new bus stop if we have it? because we are dead from the Cardiff Armsup.CCTV cameras to reduce crimeChildren’s play equipment needed in top park Cilfynydd (only 2 small swings available for small children - no slide there)Cleaner streetsCommunication with local CouncillorCouncil etc like roads in Treherbert, + Pentre, Council d not grit side roadsCouncil not coping with flooding if heavy rain drains blocked etc. Snow people housebound if living off a main road.Council road cleaning + gritting in the 4 years of living here has never been doneCross valley road link both sides of Mountain Ash that was promised in 1970's - still waiting.Dog foulingEffective dog controlGet rid of drug dealersGritting of our side roads during cold spells so that pensioners can get to the shops.Improve the education standards of young people in RCTImprove the pedestrian area. Stop large supermarkets franchises setting up just outside town + encourage newbusinesses to town centre.Improved all aspects of schools and education especially secondary provisionImprovement of traffic control at stag square Treorchy. Improved consultation by the Council with community.Issue all cabinet members of RCT departmental heads with a map indicating where Maerdy isJoining together of the various "cliché" groups. Free parking short termLocal enterprise initiatives are required. Encourage people to meet together and debate issues.Main road parking eg Penrhiwceiber Rd, Cilhaul Tce (double parking) lives can be lost when emergency services can'tpass or are held upMembers of the public can often get away with GBH and theft when they have friends in the police force who save themfrom arrest and prosecutionNo more large storesParking we live in court st and due to yellow line parking restrictions usually have to park 2 streets away upon return fromwork - this causes friction with people in other streets - also many people disregard and park on yellow lines as no whereelse to park.Parking church street is a nightmare should be stoppedPavement and road repairs - I live in an area of predominantly elderly people there have been falls due to lack ofpavement maintenance (people should but don't make claims against RCT Council.People walking dogs off lead in parks also dog fouling on pavement roads parks and greens

Police! Full time manned office!PolicingPontypridd needs it's own leisure centre and indoor swimming pool with car parkReduce crime so people feel saferRefuse collection very good. Foot police, PCSOs very rare seen both above should cover the area from time to time.Repairs on housing and bus serviceResidents parkingShops community centre ie. amenities not available so no socialisingSomewhere for teenagers to go instead of hanging around streetsSpeed humps in side streetsStop vehicles parking on yellow lines and zebra crossing also on street cornersStreets / roads not patrolled sufficiently by PCSO'sTake away parking fees from an already falling small town centre.That the RCT CBC take actions to clean up the mess left by the Porth YMCA.The power house is an eyesore near ASDAThe Residential roads are in a dreadful state with numerous pot holes.The road from Pontygwaith (by pass) to be extended up to Maerdy to alleviate heavy traffic in FerndaleThe rough ground between Fernhill & Cwm Alach has become an eyesore & a dumping groundThey can but they choose not to. Traffic calming measures, including more signage to warn at danger pointsTo encourage disaffected adults to use their leisure time to help improve their community.To have a children’s playground available at Tyla Garw, Pontyclun, so children do not need to play on the roads -Dangerous!!Too much "social" dependency. Get claimants back to work or onto schemes which add value to the community. Youthannoyance, far too many idle lands in community, underage drinking the norm.Trehafod Tump - Large bus coming up hill in front of Pleasant View along back of Bryn Eirn out at Heritage Entrance ,serving 1 street (silly idea)Unsociable behaviourWe seem to be wanted only when a there is an election due on and then never personally. Not in 31 years in Llantrisantand especially South Gate. We are not left to look at expenditure which is hidden and wasted.What is <strong>Community</strong> safety Partnership and <strong>Community</strong> <strong>Cohesion</strong> Strategy? Explain in plain language.When it snows refuse lorry can't get through to empty bins and the kids slide up and down the car park on pieces of woodwhich is left.Appendix 2

Q5b Identify 2 key priorities for improvement in your area?Pursuance of Regeneration funding for upper Rhonnda Fawr Area eg from heads of the valley funding. As if is Upper<strong>Rhondda</strong> area appears to be "Missing out" at presentA local bus service with busses that have at least sixteen seatsAlso Treorchy needs a by pass and we need Tesco's thank you.Better access to GP - nurse appointmentsBetter general use of day centre. Include more outlying areas.Better pubic transportBetter transfer of information regarding new benefit changesBin clearance so that you can walk on street pavementsbus service - no existent in Coed Y CwmCar park charges in the Pontyclun car park have meant that people park elsewhere to avoid them.Car parking fees for areas that where free should be scrapped area by toilets and doctors surgery in Mountain Ash orother areasClear up various areas. Repair roads previously reported 18 months ago.<strong>Community</strong> councillors in this area should act upon the desires of its constituents and be more open about their dealingsif this had occurred there would not need any other organisation to be set up to prompt them to fulfil the wishes of thecommunity and take on their responsibility.Continuing problems with children who have no respect for people's property or vehiclesCut the savage Porth Car parking chargesDisabled parking outside your own houseEffective anti social controlFor a swimming pool in Pontypridd (regenerate the old baths) to stop big kids and adults using paddling pool in the parkFree planting initiatives in Clydach vale community especially country parkGet rid of anti social behaviourGet school children to put their litter into bins which are provided. Not drop items on the ground.Give help to a town where more and more shops are closing down.Health hazard of "The Green" in Ivor St / Napier St Mountain Ash. Provide residents parking at a normal fee wherepossibly! Level and tidy the old pavilion grounds (car park, rented garages) etc. More incomeImprove life long learning opportunities for adultsImprove the road networks around Pontypriddinconsiderate car parkingJust get your act together. Thanks.Keep people informed (local press) a good example was the church village by-pass, people were kept informed onprogress (good job)Local community clubs to close at 11pmMore police on the beat not driving around in carsMore police presents around the areaOwners of the cars which have been parked in the car park have to be moved before it gets worse.Parking facilities up the Tump, Trehafod - most people have two cars per household - some have three, I know they paytheir road tax, is there anything you can do to help people with difficulties, walking with one car?pelican crossings on the main road

People employed to help communities, ie community social workers (communities First) work for the communities? Notwork to improve, their credentials for next job.Police parking issues IE parking on pavements all houses park on pavements and the sides of roadPolicing in community especially at peak youth annoyance times. DSS - target relevant individuals and ensurecontributing to society.Provide facilities for young people so they don't have to hang around the streetsRoad repairsSet up cooperative forums locally for people to discuss business opportunitiesSmall areas of traffic congestion ie lanes early in morn / late eve.Sports centre and swimming pool in PontypriddSwifter procedures to deal with problem tenantsThe amount of litter on main roads is awfulThe communities centre needs improvingThe cuts are the obvious problem for all ticked above cuts should also be fair in RCT.The police to actually do something about youth annoyance and start issuing ASBOs where neededThere are three communities without post-box, Sierra Pines, Forest View + Cwm AlarchTo have better access for emergency vehicles at Tyla Garw Pontyclun - currently they have to wait at railway crossing!Better access via llanharry would improve this.Adequate Street lighting opposite ASDA as you approach the hill.Appendix 3Q6 How would you want these priorities to be addressed?Pavements & roads - there should have been five attendances of workmen to fill potholes in one side road in two weekswhich has entailed attendance of inspectors beforehand. A competent system should identify all repair areas and ensuresufficient materials is available at one visit, presently it wastes my and all tax payers money. NB Act upon it1 - Spend money to do it up a little and more money to run it better (eg heating, cleaning) 2 - Remove the charges - whyis it that other car parks in RCT are free? Positives - Schools in my area are very good. Your recycling facilities / effort isexcellent. You have improved in all areas in the last 9 years.Above first (dog fouling) second (bin clearance)As soon as possibleAs stated above - re roads access- widening or at least have improved vehicle passing areas available, serviceparticularly this may improve life or death situations or save a house being burned down.Better quality provision and improved facilities. More quality provision made availableBy a warden being seen daily implementing the law and seeing and hearing of the fines being issued to stop andpreventing this happening there should be free parking in areas above for 1 hour intervalsBy pursuance of regeneration funding for Cwmparc, Treorchy & Ynyswen areas. Also more transparency + consultationfrom Cabinet members + Council membersBy raising the literacy and numeracy levels of young people in all schools. 2. Obtain funding to build new roads to improvethe problems with traffic in Pontypridd

By the police and the Council with the people who is affected in the surrounding streetsDoctors used to be respectful to patients, concerned, proficient etc, hospitals were clean, nurses were efficient, foodgood, organised matron. Police were respected, drugs, drink + bad language, bad behaviour, etc curbed. Grit, snowploughs, chains etc, public opinion money wasted on monstrosity creations. More needed & decision. Pomp cars etcDog wardens with real powers and zero tolerance and effective policing and sentencing of habitual offendersDon't think these comments are much to do with safety but will make them anyway. No room for comments but I wouldlike to praise staff & volunteers in Clydach Vale Communities First. My views are on my direct area - Clydach Vale. Idon't have enough information to comment on RCT in general.done straight awayGrade the priorities, for start and end times and dates. (IE Pontypridd Re-development)Grit side roads in winter, if not why not? We need to get onto main road, how can we do this.I would like the road through the housing estate gritted and car park gritted to stop the kids from sliding down the car parkI would like to see them done ASAPI would want the drug dealers evicted he has been raided and charged but still living in RCT homes property also no. 16Neighbour from hell - on drugs, drinks heavily and now has the largest crime committer living with her also RCT homesproperty.Improve the park areas. Traffic congestion still a problem on small roads.In priority as above in Pontypridd & Coed Y CwmLook into the needs of the young people and families in the area. Pull down the ugly eyesore - the market buildingMain road parking eg Penrhiwceiber Road, Chilhaul Terrace, The Old PavilionMake Court St a one way system alone with street above - would then allow parking both sides of the street withoutobstructing traffic and emergency vehicles.Meeting held quarterly with all ward councillors so they are accountable for their actions. Drop in centres for advice,Citizens advice a waste of timeMoney from community charge and other taxes used for the communal benefit of residentsMore officers in local government too many "non jobs" and jobs for the boys. Please stop wasting our money.More police on the beat would be a good deterrent. Roads ad pavements made safer with permanent repairs not patchedup temporarilyMore policing on streets, activities for children more play areas, more discipline by both parents and teachers (too manydo-gooders) Bring back the cane, smacking etcMore visits from local council officialsMost meetings (PACT) for instance end up achieving very little and people have lost faith and interest and think it is now awaste of time. B Hargraves reference Ynysybwl, Sorry about the poor writingNo litter, no dog foulingPut cheaper rates on shops that are not in perfect condition and if you have to pay for parking in Tonypandy then themoney should go to helping Tonypandy town centre survive.Re-install the CCTV cameras, make a three strikes and out policy for tenantsRedirect councillors’ expenses. Join together various groups, Police and other services working "on foot" in all areas.Not just difficult outlying areas. Need support too.

Repair Residential roads when holes appear, Pick up litter more oftenSeriously! and soonSmall bus up opposite Heritage then top street down centre hill to 2nd street, then down hill to Bryn Eirw opposite theempty shop then down Bryn to Heritage - colliery exit, serving three streets (good idea) Lots of people disable on thetump, but if they go out at night they can't park outside their own property when they return.Some areas of the waste ground are used for dumping rubbish. If it was landscaped & tidied up it could become anamenity for the local population also to provide an area for exercising dogs (at present Cwm Alarch is used) (J Ratcliffe, 9Cwm Alarch, Mt Ash, CF45 3DRSome of the police do not employ staff from the area, check on family and friends of police personnel.Soonest and insist that RCT Cabinet members are more available to account for their actions.speed camerasSpeed humps in side streets should be a first priority to be addressed. ASAPStreets / Roads patrolled evenings and nights when most crime or disturbances take place - especially between 1am +4pm when club dwellers walk home.The council to secure funding to get the road built instead of spending money on loads of railings and pavements - getCCTV working and get police to turn up when there's annoyance going onThe park as a matter of urgency before next summer please - there's not much in Cilfynydd for children - it's a forgottenvillage!!The people who - to make decisions be held responsible for them and the results. For money spend. Questions. Islower <strong>Cynon</strong> Valley factored in to RCT thinking?The poor manner in which the LA consider Maerdy cannot be resolved by the above two items. The area has become thedumping ground where no consideration is given. no doubt these comments will be ignored as usual.Total refurbishment as has been achieved in Penygraig church. Regular patrol to make certain lights are working.Tougher sentencing or other deterrents to commit crime. Provide place for youngsters to "Hang out" not structured"Youth club" stcUrgentlyUrgently CF72 9JAVoiced at Council + Assembly + WestminsterYes, it was "expert" or "advisors" at local library or welfare hall at least once a month

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