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<strong>Drug</strong> <strong>Discoveries</strong>&<strong>Therapeutics</strong>ISSN 1881-7831 Online ISSN 1881-784XVolume 2, Number 5, November 2008www.ddtjournal.comShandong University China-Japan Cooperation Center for <strong>Drug</strong> Discovery & ScreenInternational Advancement Center for Medicine & Health Research

<strong>Drug</strong> <strong>Discoveries</strong> & <strong>Therapeutics</strong>Editor-in-Chief:Kazuhisa SEKIMIZU(The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan)Associate Editor:Norihiro KOKUDO(The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan)<strong>Drug</strong> <strong>Discoveries</strong> & <strong>Therapeutics</strong> is a peer-reviewed international journal publishedbimonthly by Shandong University China-Japan Cooperation Center for <strong>Drug</strong> Discovery& Screen (SDU-DDSC) and International Advancement Center for Medicine & HealthResearch Co., Ltd. (IACMHR Co., Ltd.).<strong>Drug</strong> <strong>Discoveries</strong> & <strong>Therapeutics</strong> mainly publishes articles related to basic and clinicalpharmaceutical research such as pharmaceutical and therapeutical chemistry, pharmacology,pharmacy, pharmacokinetics, industrial pharmacy, pharmaceutical manufacturing,pharmaceutical technology, drug delivery, toxicology, and traditional herb medicine.Studies on drug-related fields such as biology, biochemistry, physiology, microbiology, andimmunology are also within the scope of this journal.Subject Coverage: Basic and clinical pharmaceutical research including Pharmaceutical andtherapeutical chemistry, Pharmacology, Pharmacy, Pharmacokinetics, Industrial pharmacy,Pharmaceutical manufacturing, Pharmaceutical technology, <strong>Drug</strong> delivery, Toxicology, andTraditional herb medicine.Language: English<strong>Issue</strong>s/Year: 6Published by: IACMHR and SDU-DDSCISSN: 1881-7831 (Online ISSN 1881-784X)Editorial and Head OfficeWei TANG, MD PhDSecretary-in-GeneralTSUIN-IKIZAKA 4102-17-5 Hongo, Bunkyo-kuTokyo 113-0033, JapanTel: 03-5840-9697Fax: 03-5840-9698E-mail: office@ddtjournal.comURL: www.ddtjournal.comIACMHR CO., LTD.www.ddtjournal.comi

<strong>Drug</strong> <strong>Discoveries</strong> & <strong>Therapeutics</strong>Editorial BoardEditor-in-Chief:Kazuhisa SEKIMIZU (The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan)Associate Editor:Norihiro KOKUDO (The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan)Secretary-in-General:Wei TANG (The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan)Office Manager:Munehiro NAKATA (Tokai University, Kanagawa, Japan)Web Editor:Yu CHEN (The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan)English Editor:Curtis BENTLEY (Roswell, GA, USA)China Office:Wenfang XU (Shandong University, Shandong, China)Editors:Yoshihiro ARAKAWA (Tokyo, Japan)Santad CHANPRAPAPH (Bangkok, Thailand)Fen Er CHEN (Shanghai, China)Zilin CHEN (Wuhan, China)Guanhua DU (Beijing, China)Chandradhar DWIVEDI (Brookings, SD, USA)Mohamed F. EL-MILIGI (Cairo, Egypt)Harald HAMACHER (Tuebingen, Germany)Hiroshi HAMAMOTO (Tokyo, Japan)Xiao-Jiang HAO (Kunming, China)Langchong HE (Xi'an, China)David A. HORNE (Duarte, CA, USA)Yongzhou HU (Hangzhou, China)Wei HUANG (Shanghai, China)Yu HUANG (Hong Kong, China)Hans E. JUNGINGER (Phitsanulok, Thailand)Toshiaki KATADA (Tokyo, Japan)Ibrahim S. KHATTAB (Safat, Kuwait)Hiromichi KIMURA (Tokyo, Japan)Shiroh KISHIOKA (Wakayama, Japan)Kam Ming KO (Hong Kong, China)Nobuyuki KOBAYASHI (Nagasaki, Japan)Toshiro KONISHI (Tokyo, Japan)Masahiro KUROYANAGI (Hiroshima, Japan)Chun Guang LI (Victoria, Australia)Hongmin LIU (Zhengzhou, China)Ji-Kai LIU (Kunming, China)Hongxiang LOU (Jinan, China)Ken-ichi MAFUNE (Tokyo, Japan)Norio MATSUKI (Tokyo, Japan)Tohru MIZUSHIMA (Kumamoto, Japan)Abdulla M. MOLOKHIA (Alexandria, Egypt)Masahiro MURAKAMI (Osaka, Japan)Yoshinobu NAKANISHI (Ishikawa, Japan)Yutaka ORIHARA (Tokyo, Japan)Xiao-Ming OU (Jackson, MS, USA)Wei-San PAN (Shenyang, China)Shafiqur RAHMAN (Brookings, SD, USA)Adel SAKR (Cincinnati, OH, USA)Abdel Aziz M. SALEH (Cairo, Egypt)Tomofumi SANTA (Tokyo, Japan)Yasufumi SAWADA (Tokyo, Japan)Brahma N. SINGH (Commack, NY, USA)Hongbin SUN (Nanjing, China)Benny K. H. TAN (Singapore, Singapore)Ren-Xiang TAN (Nanjing, China)Murat TURKOGLU (Istanbul, Turkey)Stephen G. WARD (Bath, UK)Takako YOKOZAWA (Toyama, Japan)Liangren ZHANG (Beijing, China)Jian-Ping ZUO (Shanghai, China)(as of September 29, 2008)iiwww.ddtjournal.com

CONTENTS Volume 2, Number 5, 2008News262 - 263Japan-China Joint Medical Workshop on <strong>Drug</strong> <strong>Discoveries</strong> and<strong>Therapeutics</strong> 2008: The need of Asian pharmaceutical researchers'cooperation.Munehiro Nakata, Wei TangReview264 - 276Pulmonary drug delivery: Implication for new strategy forpharmacotherapy for neurodegenerative disorders.Nazrul Islam, Shafi qur RahmanBrief Reports277 - 281Effect of drug-polymer binary mixtures on the in-vitro release ofibuprofen from transdermal drug-in-adhesive layers.Kwong Yat Ho, Michael Ord, Kalliopi Dodou282 - 285Effect of benzyl-N-acetyl-α-galactosaminide on KL-6 mucin expressionand invasive properties of a human pancreatic carcinoma cell line.Huanli Xu, Yoshinori Inagaki, Fengshan Wang, Norihiro Kokudo,Munehiro Nakata, Wei Tang286 - 288Antioxidant activity of wild plants collected in Beni-Sueif governorate,Upper Egypt.Sameh AbouZid, Abdelaaty Elshahaat, Sajjad Ali, Mohamed I. ChoudharyOriginal Articles289 - 295The neuroprotective effect of antidepressant drug via inhibition ofTIEG2-MAO B mediated cell death.Deyin Lu, Chandra Johnson, Shakevia Johnson, Shawna Tazik, Xiao-Ming Ouwww.ddtjournal.comiii

CONTENTS(Continued)296 - 304Regulation of the nitric oxide synthesis pathway and cytokine balancecontributes to the healing action of Myristica malabarica againstindomethacin-induced gastric ulceration in mice.Biswanath Maity, Debashish Banerjee, Sandip K. Bandyopadhyay,Subrata ChattopadhyayGuide for AuthorsCopyrightivwww.ddtjournal.com

News<strong>Drug</strong> Discov Ther 2008; 2(5):262-263.262Japan-China Joint Medical Workshop on <strong>Drug</strong> <strong>Discoveries</strong>and <strong>Therapeutics</strong> 2008: The need of Asian pharmaceuticalresearchers' cooperationMunehiro Nakata 1 , Wei Tang 2Keywords: <strong>Drug</strong> discovery, Therapeutic, InfluenzaThe Japan-China Joint Medical Workshop on <strong>Drug</strong><strong>Discoveries</strong> and <strong>Therapeutics</strong> 2008 (JCMWDDT2008) was held from September 29 to October 1, 2008at The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. JCMWDDTis an international workshop that is mainly organizedby Asian editorial members of <strong>Drug</strong> <strong>Discoveries</strong>& <strong>Therapeutics</strong> (http://www.ddtjournal.com/home)for the purpose of promoting research exchangesin the field of drug discovery and therapeutic. Thisyear's JCMWDDT is the second workshop andfocused particularly on novel development andtechnological innovation of anti-influenza agents.The workshop began with an announcement by theJapanese Co-chairperson, Dr. Sekimizu (Departmentof Microbiology, Graduate School of PharmaceuticalSciences, The University of Tokyo, Japan; Editorin-Chiefof <strong>Drug</strong> <strong>Discoveries</strong> & <strong>Therapeutics</strong>, DDT)followed by a speech by the Chinese Co-chairperson,Dr. Wenfang Xu (School of Pharmaceutical Sciences,Shandong University, Shandong, China; Editor inChina Office of DDT), with additional speechesby Dr. Norio Matsuki (The University of Tokyo,Japan; Editor of DDT) and Dr. Guanhua Du (ChineseAcademy of Medical Science, China; Editor of DDT).Fifty-nine titles were presented in 6 specializedsessions (Research Advances in <strong>Drug</strong> <strong>Discoveries</strong> and<strong>Therapeutics</strong>, <strong>Drug</strong> Synthesis/Clinical <strong>Therapeutics</strong>,Medicinal Chemistry/Natural Products, Anti-influenza<strong>Drug</strong>s, Anti-infection/antiviral <strong>Drug</strong>s, Biochemistry/Molecular Biology /Pharmacology) and a postersession (<strong>Drug</strong> Discov Ther 2008; 2, Suppl; availableat http://www.ddtjournal.com/Announce/index.htm).An annual outbreak of avian influenza in Asiancountries including China and Japan has sparked fearsthat the virus will mutate and then cause an epidemicin humans. Therefore, Asian researchers need towork together to control this infection. This year'sJCMWDDT helped provide an opportunity to reiteratethe crucial role of medicinal chemistry in conqueringinfluenza and created an environment for cooperativeresearch in Asian countries. (reported on October 1st,with grateful thanks to all participants)Main programSession I. Research Advances in <strong>Drug</strong> <strong>Discoveries</strong> and<strong>Therapeutics</strong>●●●●●Design, synthesis and preliminary activity assay ofinfluenza virus neuraminidase inhibitors by Wenfang Xu(Shandong University, China)Infection disease models with silkworms to evaluatethe therapeutic effects of drug candidates by KazuhisaSekimizu (The University of Tokyo, Japan)Japan's governmental approaches to facilitate drugdevelopment process by Makoto Shimoaraiso (Ministry ofForeign Affairs of Japan, Japan)Effective detection of the epidermal growth factor receptormutation by the peptide nucleic acid-locked nucleic acidPCR Clamp by Sakuo Hoshi (The University of TokyoHospital, Japan)Design and synthesis of p53-MDM2 binding inhibitors byYongzhou Hu (Zhejiang University, China)Session II. <strong>Drug</strong> Synthesis/Clinical <strong>Therapeutics</strong>●●●Pharmacogenomics-based clinical studies using a novelfully-automated genotyping system by Setsuo Hasegawa(Sekino Clinical Pharmacology Clinic, Japan)Synthesis and biological evaluation of pentacyclictriterpenes as anti-tumor agents by Hongbin Sun (ChinaPharmaceutical University, China)<strong>Drug</strong> discovery and therapeutics using silkworm asexperimental animal by Yasuyuki Ogata (The University ofwww.ddtjournal.com

263<strong>Drug</strong> Discov Ther 2008; 2(5):262-263.●Tokyo, Japan)Novel selective estrogen recetpor modulators (SERMs)with unusual structure and biological activities by HaibingZhou (Wuhan University, China)Session III. Medicinal Chemistry/Natural Products●●●●●●●●Synthesis and properties of isonucleosides incorporatedoligonucleotides by Zhenjun Yang (Peking University,China)Isolation of antiviral compounds from plant resourcesusing silkworm bioassay by Yutaka Orihara (TheUniversity of Tokyo, Japan)Synthesis and structural modifcation of tasiamide and theeffect of these modifications on in vitro anticancer activityby Yingxia Li (Ocean University of China, China)Spirohexalines A and B, novel undecaprenylpyrophosphate inhibitors produced by Penicillium sp.FKI-3368 by Junji Inokoshi (Kitasato University, Japan)Nosokomycins, novel anti-MRSA antibiotics, producedby Streptomyces sp. K04-0144 by OR. Uchida (KitasatoUniversity, Japan)In vivo screening for antimicrobial activity of Thai HerbalMedicines using silkworm model by Santad Chanprapaph(Chulalongkorn University, Thailand)Novel electrochemical sensor of nitric oxide for screeninganti-aging Traditional Chinese Medicine by Zilin Chen(Wuhan University, China)Polysacchride from green tea purified by silkworm musclecontraction assay induces innate immunity by increasingthe expression of various inflammatory cytokine mRNAin human leukocytes by Saphala Dhital (The University ofTokyo, Japan)●●●●●●●●●virus by Nobuyuki Kobayashi (Nagasaki University,Japan)Design, synthesis and antiviral evaluation of novelheterocyclic compounds as HIV-1 NNRTIs by XinyongLiu (Shandong University, China)Antiviral drug screening from microbial products byEisaku Tsujii (Astellas Pharma Inc., Japan)Viral factors that determine the natural course of chronichepatitis B viral infection by Hiroshi Yotsuyanagi (TheUniversity of Tokyo, Japan)Effect of andrographolide derivatives having α-glucosidaseinhibition, on HBsAg, HBeAg secretion in HepG2 2.2.15cells by Hongmin Liu (Zhengzhou University, China)Current and future antiviral therapy for influenza byHideki Asanuma (Tokai University, Japan)Establishment of an HIV-based pseudotyping system as asafe model for screening inhibitors on bird flu H5N1 entryby Ying Guo (Peking Union Medical Collegee ChineseAcademy of Medical Sciences, China)Strategy of discovery for novel antibiotics using silkworminfection model by Hiroshi Hamamoto (The University ofTokyo, Japan)Potent neuraminidase inhibitors and anti-inflammatorysubstances from Chaenomeles speciosa by Li Zhang(Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking UnionMedical College, China)High-throughput screening assay for hepatitis C virushelicase inhibitors using fluorescence-quenchingphenomenon by Hidenori Tani (Waseda University andNational Institute of Advanced Industrial Science andTechnology, Japan)Session VI. Biochemistry/Molecular Biology/PharmacologySession IV. Anti-influenza <strong>Drug</strong>s●●●●●●Structure-activity relationship of flavonoids as influenzavirus neuraminidase inhibitors and their in vitro anti-viralactivities by Guanhua Du (Chinese Academy of MedicalSciences and Peking Union Medical College, China)Mechanisms and consequences of phagocytosis ofinfluenza virus-infected cells by Yoshinobu Nakanishi(Kanazawa University, Japan)Nuclear export inhibitors; a possible target for novelanti-influenza viral drugs by Ken Watanabe (NagasakiUniversity, Japan)Catalytic asymmetric synthesis of oseltamivir phosphatedirecting toward its stable worldwide supply by MotomuKanai (The University of Tokyo, Japan)Clinical effects of probiotic bifidobacterium in theprevention of influenza virus infections and allergicdiseases by Jin-zhong Xiao (Morinaga Milk Industry Co.,Ltd., Japan)Production of anti-influenza PR8-scFv using a phagedisplay by Normaiza Zamri (Tokai University, Japan)Session V. Anti-infection/Antiviral <strong>Drug</strong>s●Emerging infectious diseases and anti-viral drugs: Urgentneed to develop effective drugs which cause less resistant●●●●●●A novel conjugate of low-molecular-weight heparin andCu,Zn-superoxide dismutase: Study on its mechanismin preventing brain reperfusion injury after ischemia ingerbils by Fengshan Wang (Shandong University, China)A novel gene fudoh in SCCmec region regulates thecolony spreading ability and virulence in Staphylococcusaureus by Chikara Kaito (The University of Tokyo, Japan)Water soluble fluorescent boronic acid sensors fortumor cell-surface saccharide by Hao Fang (ShandongUnviersity, China)Molecular characterization of the biosynthetic enzyme forthe biotechnological production of tetrahydrocannabinol,the active constituent of marijuana by Futoshi Taura(Kyushu University, Japan)Galloyl cyclic-imide derivative CH1104I inhibits tumorinvasion via suppressing matrix metalloproteinase activityby Xianjun Qu (Shandong University, China)Neuroprotection by inhibition of GAPDH-MAO Bmediated cell death induced by ethanol by Xiao-Ming Ou(University of Mississippi Medical Center, USA)( 1 Department of Applied Biochemistry, Tokai University,Kanagawa, Japan; 2 Department of Surgery, GraduateSchool of Medicine, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo,Japan.)www.ddtjournal.com

<strong>Drug</strong> Discov Ther 2008; 2(5):264-276. 264ReviewPulmonary drug delivery: Implication for new strategy forpharmacotherapy for neurodegenerative disordersNazrul Islam 1, *, Shafiqur Rahman 21Department of Pharmacy, School of Life Sciences, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, QLD, Australia;2Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, College of Pharmacy, South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD, USA.ABSTRACT: Innovative drug delivery in thetreatment of brain neurodegenerative disorders suchas Parkinson's disease (PD) and Alzheimer's disease(AD) has the potential to avoid many unwantedside effects over current medications. Advances inunderstanding of these diseases and their treatmentshave led to the search for novel modes of drugdelivery. In this review, we have highlighted newstrategies and future prospects for pulmonarydelivery of drugs for the management of theseimportant neurological disorders. The advancementof knowledge on pulmonary drug delivery willprovide novel therapeutic formulations for bettermanagement of the PD and AD patients throughoutthe world.Keywords: Pulmonary drug delivery, Dry powderinhaler, Metered dose inhaler, Nebulizer, Parkinson'sdisease, Alzheimer's disease1. IntroductionPulmonary delivery, a non-invasive route of drugdelivery is becoming a route of choice for mostdrugs. Pressurized metered dose inhalers (pMDI) andnebulisers (liquid jet and ultrasonic) are the preliminarydevices to deliver drugs into lung; however, currently,breath actuated dry powder inhalers (DPI) are designedto deliver medicaments as a powder form through theairways in the lung to achieve both systemic and localeffects.Direct delivery of drugs into the pulmonary regionsof the lung enables lower doses with an equivalenttherapeutic action compared to oral or parenteral*Correspondence to: Dr. Nazrul Islam, Section ofPharmacy, School of Life Sciences, QueenslandUniversity of Technology, Brisbane, QLD-4001,Australia;e-mail: nazrul.islam@qut.edu.auroutes because of the large surface area (~100 m 2 ) ofthe lungs. Advantages of DPI formulations over otherdosage forms (i.e., parenteral and other liquid dosageforms) are solid dosage form stability, ease of use, lessexpensive, painless and user friendly. The inhaled routeallows the delivery of small doses of drug directly tothe alveoli attaining a high concentration of drug in thelocal area and minimizes systemic side effects resultingin a high therapeutic ratio of drugs compared with thatof systemic delivery administered either by oral orparenteral routes. Oral tablets and capsules need to beswallowed which is sometime difficult for some patientsespecially for children. Respiratory delivery also offerseffective therapy with minimum adverse effects by usingsmall doses of drugs through inhalation and allowssubstantially greater bioavailability of polypeptides (1).Currently, delivery of drugs for the management ofneurological disorders especially PD and AD are doneby oral, parenteral and transdermal routes. Pulmonarydelivery of drugs is well established in the managementof asthma and COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonarydisorder). However, no DPI drugs are approved yetfor the management of other diseases like AD and PD.This mini-review discusses advantages of pulmonarydelivery of drugs, pulmonary delivery technologies, andcurrent situations and future trends in managing majorAD and PD by delivering drugs into the deep lung viaDPI or MDI devices.2. Pulmonary delivery technologyAerosol delivery of drugs, formulated as liquidsolutions, suspensions, emulsions or micronized drypowders, are aerosolised via some commonly useddifferent types of delivery devices (nebulizer, pMDI,and DPI). In this section both the formulations as welldelivery devices are discussed.2.1. NebulisersNebulisers are probably one of the oldest forms ofpulmonary drug delivery, deliver large volumes ofwww.ddtjournal.com

265<strong>Drug</strong> Discov Ther 2008; 2(5):264-276.drug solutions or suspensions and are frequentlyused for those drugs which can not be formulatedinto pMDIs or DPIs. Currently, two categories ofnebulisers are available on the market include airjet and ultrasonic nebulisers. Air jet nebuliserscan generate both smaller particles (mass medianaerodynamic diameter 2-5 μm) and coarse aerosols,and deliver medication quickly; however, it produceshigh oropharyngeal deposition of drugs. Most jetnebulisers operate by forcing pressurised gas (air oroxygen) through a nozzle or jet at high velocity so thatthe nebulizer solution is atomized. On actuation thegas expands resulting in the generation of a negativepressure which draws the liquid formulation into thegas stream. The aerosol mist impacts against a baffle,drains back into the reservoir incorporated with thenebuliser and recirculates. The ultrasonic nebulisers donot require compressed gas. The solution formulationis atomised by an energy source, piezoelectric crystaltransducer, which vibrates at high frequency andthese devices can generate slightly larger aerosols.However, the overall efficiency of the piezoelectricdriven ultrasonic nebulisers is more or less similar tothat of air-jet nebulisers. Patients who are seriouslyaffected with obstructive lung conditions prefer to usenebuliser therapy. Nebulisers are suitable for drugswith high dose and little patient co-ordination or skill;however, treatment using nebuliser is time consumingand less efficient, resulting in the waste of activemedicaments. They are not portable devices and havebeen limited to the treatment of hospitalised patients.A number of nebulisers include AeroDose ® (Aerogen),AeroEclipse ® (Trudel Medical International), Halolite ®(Medic-Aid Limited), Respimat ® (Boeringer Ingheim),etc are currently available on market to deliver varioustypes of drugs.2.2. Pressurised metered dose inhalersPressurised metered dose inhalers (pMDIs), alsoknown as metered dose inhalers (MDIs), are themost commonly used delivery devices. In this device(Figure 1), drug is either dissolved or suspended inliquefied propellents (or a mixture of propellants)with other excipients and presented in a pressurisedcanister fitted with a metering valve. On actuation ofthe valve, a predetermined amount of drug is releasedas spray. Aerosol formulations are packed in tin-platedsteel, plastic coated glass or aluminium containers.The propellents used in pMDI formulations areliquefied gases of chloroflurocarbons (CFC), whichare not environmentally friendly. This is the reasonwhy currently hydrofluoroalkanes (HFAs), which haveno remarkable effects on the ozone layers, are usedin the formulation for MDIs. At room temperatureand pressure these are gases but they are liquefied byapplying high pressure or by lowering temperature.On spraying, drug formulation with propellents areexpelled and aerosolised. Although pMDIs are widelyused in respiratory drug delivery, some problems havebeen associated with these devices, including theneed for coordination of inspiratory inhalation withvalve actuation and the use of a propellant, which haspossible adverse effects on the stratospheric ozonelayer as mentioned before. Currently there are a goodnumber of pMDIs available on the market such asVentolin (albuterol, GlaxoSmithKline), Azmacort(triamcenolone acetate, Aventis Pharma), SymbicortAerosol containerSuspension or solutionof active ingredient with propellantValveMouthpieceActuation<strong>Drug</strong>-AerosolsFigure 1. Schematic diagram of aerosol delivery of drugs from pMDI. Modified form Dalby et al. (2).www.ddtjournal.com

<strong>Drug</strong> Discov Ther 2008; 2(5):264-276. 266(Budesonide and formoterol, AstraZeneca), Flovent(Fluticasone, GlaxoSmithKline), etc. for the treatmentof asthma.There are some breath actuated and microprocessorcontrolled MDIs available on the market (Autohaler ® ,Respimat ® ). These devices ensure the patient receivesthe drug at the correct point in the inspiration, and byslow inhalation with an indicator light to inform thepatient whether the dose is inhaled or not. Anyway, asmentioned above, pMDIs have some disadvantagessuch as oropharyngeal deposition of drugs due to highvelocity of propellants. The particles aerosolised fromthe MDIs have a high velocity, which exceeds thepatients' inspiratory force, therefore, a large number ofparticles deposit onto the oropharyngeal areas. Thus asmall fraction of drug deposits into the patients lungs(3) due to a lack of co-ordination between actuationand inhalation. To overcome this difficulty severalinhalation aids like spacers incorporated with MDIshave been developed (4,5).2.3. Dry powder inhaler (DPI) systemDry powder inhalers contain the drug in a powderformulation, where drug particles (< 5 μm) areblended with a suitable large carrier (e.g. lactose) toimprove flow properties and dose uniformity (6,7) anddrug powders are delivered into the deep lung via adevice known as dry powder inhaler (DPI). Powderde-agglomeration and aerosolisation from theseformulations are achieved by the patient's inspiratoryairflow, which needs to be sufficient to create anaerosol containing respirable drug particles for lungdeposition. Good flow properties of the formulationare necessary to ensure accurate dose metering of thedrug. Advantages of DPI over other inhaler systems(pMDIs) are independence of breathing co-ordinationwith dose actuation, the absence of propellants, lowinnate initial velocity of particles (reducing inertialimpaction at the back of the throat) and solid state drugstability. There are two types of DPI formulations; oneis loose agglomerates of micronized drug particleshaving controlled flow properties, and the second oneis carrier-based interactive mixtures (Figure 2) whichconsist of micronized (< 5 μm) drug particles mixedwith larger carrier particles (8). <strong>Drug</strong> dispersion formthe interactive mixtures can be enhanced by the additionof fine excipients (lactose) in the formulation (9,10).<strong>Drug</strong> particle size and powder formulation, breathingpatterns and complex physiology of respiratory tractare major factors affect delivery of drugs into thedeep lung. The redispersion of drug particles dependsupon the interparticulate forces within the powderformulation. DPIs are highly portable, breath activatedand relatively less expensive. Since drugs are kept insolid state in DPIs, they exhibit high physicochemicalstability of drugs particularly proteins and peptides InDPI formulation the device is an important factor inachieving adequate delivery of inhaled drug to lungs.The device must provide an environment where thedrug can maintain its physicochemical stability andproduce reproducible drug dosing.There is a wide range of DPI devices, single, multiunitor multiple dose devices, breath activated andCapsule(Rotahaler)Blister Strip(Diskus)Blister disk(Rotadisk)<strong>Drug</strong> into blood(SystemicCirculation)Powder reservoir(Turbuhaler)<strong>Drug</strong>formulationDeliverydevices<strong>Drug</strong> dispersion and aerosolisation(from active or passive devices)<strong>Drug</strong>s into trachea andalveolar sacsFigure 2. Schematic diagram of the pulmonary delivery of drugs from DPI formulations. The formulation consists of micronized drugs adheredon the surface of large carrier particles. <strong>Drug</strong> particles detached from the surface of large carriers and deposits into the patients airways byinhalation. Modified form Telko and Hickey (11).www.ddtjournal.com

267<strong>Drug</strong> Discov Ther 2008; 2(5):264-276.power driven, available on the market; however, nodevices showed efficiency in maximal drug delivery.Currently, based on the design, DPI devices may beclassified into three broad categories i.e., the firstgeneration DPIs, the second generation DPIs and thethird generation DPIs. The first generation DPIs werebreath activated single unit dose (capsule) i.e., theSpinhaler ® and Rotahaler ® . The second generation ofDPIs use better technology i.e., multi-dose DPIs (theymeasure the dose from a powder reservoir) or multi-unit dose (they disperse individual doses which arepremetered into blisters, disks, dimples, tubes and stripby the manufacturers) and multi-unit dose devices arelikely to ensure the reproducibility of the formulationcompared to that of multi-dose reservoir. The thirdgeneration DPIs, also known as active devices, whichemploy compressed gas or motor driven impellers oruse electronic vibration (12,13) to disperse drug fromthe formulation. The very first approved active device(Exubera ® , Pfizer) with compressed air to aerosolisedrug formulation for DPI insulin delivery was availableon market; however, due to some unknown reasons, theproduction has been discontinued.3. Mechanisms of drug deposition from aerosolsTo achieve a desired therapeutic effect from aerosols,an adequate amount of drug must reach the alveolarsacs of the respiratory airways. The dynamic behaviorof aerosol particles is governed by the laws of aerosolkinetics (14). The dominant mechanisms of depositingaerosol particles into the respiratory tract includeinertial impaction, sedimentation (gravitationaldeposition), Brownian diffusion, interception andelectrostatic precipitation (15). Inertial impactionand sedimentation are the most important for largeparticle deposition (1 μm < MMAD < 10 μm). A briefdescription of each mechanism of deposition is givenbelow:Inertial impaction: This is the main depositionmechanism at the tracheal bifurcation or successivebranching points of airways. The airflow changes itsdirection at branching of the airways. The aerosolparticles continue to move in their original direction andimpact on any obstacle on the way. The deposition ofaerosol particles by impaction increases with increasingair velocity, frequency of breathing and particle size(16). Large particles (> 5 μm) with high velocity aremainly deposited by impaction (17).Sedimentation: Sedimentation occurs when thegravitational force exerted on a particle overcomesthe force of the air resistance. Particles of smaller size(0.5-3.0 μm), which have tendency to escape fromdeposition by inertial impaction, may be depositedby sedimentation. Deposition of small particles bysedimentation mainly occurs in the smaller airwaysand alveolar regions and increased sedimentationis observed during breath-holding or slow steadybreathing (17).Diffusion: Deposition of aerosolized particles lessthan 0.5 μm occurs by diffusion due to Brownianmovement. Deposition of aerosols by diffusion isindependent of the density of particles but increaseswith decreasing size. Generally, the deposition ofparticles larger than 1.0 μm is dominated by inertialimpaction and particles smaller than 0.1 μm aredeposited by diffusion. Both sedimentation anddiffusion are important for the particle size rangingbetween 0.1-1.0 μm (18).Interception: Although particle deposition byinterception is not common, the deposition of elongatedparticles (particles large in one dimension but withsmall aerodynamic diameters) is believed to occurby this mechanism. Deposition of particles in therespiratory airways by interception is important whenthe dimensions of the anatomic spaces of airwaysbecome comparable to the dimensions of the particles(17).Electrostatic precipitation: Electrostatic chargesmay be generated in a DPI on particles of an aerosol.Particles are inhaled immediately after chargegeneration and before neutralisation of the charge canoccur. A charged particle may induce an image chargeof opposite polarity on the airway walls. This imagecharge attracts the particle which is subsequentlydeposited by electrostatic precipitation (17,19). Onlyfibrous particles are believed to be deposited by thismechanism, therefore, this mechanism may not besignificant for DPI formulations.4. Pulmonary delivery of various drugs4.1. Current drugsCurrently, local delivery of medicaments to the alveoliof lungs from both DPIs and pMDIs are mainly usedfor the treatment of lung disorders including asthmaand bronchitis and a limited number of therapeuticcompounds such as β-adrenoceptor agonist, mascarinicagonist, corticosteroids and mast cell stabilizers areavailable. Recently certain combinations of drugs arealso formulated due to a synergistic therapeutic benefit.Corticosteroids and long acting β-adrenoceptor agonistsformulations are available as both pMDIs and DPIs(20). Zanamavir, an antiviral agent has been introducedin the market as an aerosol product for the treatment ofinfluenza (21). Aerosol delivery of recombinant humandeoxyribonuclease (rhDNase) and tobramycin areavailable as nebuliser for the treatment of cystic fibrosis(21,22). The very first approved aerosol delivery ofinsulin as DPI formulation (Exubera ® , Pfizer) wasintroduced in the market; however, the production ofthis drug has been discontinued from market in early2008 due to some unknown reasons.www.ddtjournal.com

<strong>Drug</strong> Discov Ther 2008; 2(5):264-276.268Table 1. <strong>Drug</strong>s administered as aerosols against various diseasesIndication <strong>Drug</strong> substances Delivery method ReferencesCystic fibrosis Amiloride Liquid 98,99Tobramycin Powder 100,101DNAse Powder 102,103Colistin sulphomethate Powder 53Cancer Doxorubicin Powder 104,105Diabetes Insulin Microparticle/Liquid 106-108Osteoporosis Calcitonin Microparticle 24,25Sexual dysfunction Apomorphine, Phosphodiesterase Microparticle 71,109type 5 (PDEs) inhibitorsVaccines Malarial vaccine DPI/ Microparticle 45Measeles vaccine Microparticle 44Influenza vaccine Microparticle 46,47Zanamivir Microparticle 110,111Endometriosis, Leuprolide Powder/Liquid 26,27Pubertus praecox,Prostate carcinomaHormone replacement Testosterone Liquid/Oral AREx 112therapyImmunosupppressor Cyclosporin A Microparticle/Liquid 113,114Thrombosis and Heparin Microparticle 115,116emphysema4.2. <strong>Drug</strong>s delivered as aerosolAerosol delivery offers the greatest potential to deliverydrugs into the lower airway of the lungs of a wide rangemolecule for systemic diseases. A list of various drugsadministered via pulmonary route has been presented inthe Table 1.Aerosol delivery of macromolecules is a potentialnon-invasive way of administering drug, to avoidfrequent injections. Lung delivery of insulin has alreadybeen established; however, insulin loaded chitosannanoparticles (23); nanoparticles of calcitonin (24);and nanospheres of elcatonin coated with chitosan(25), have been demonstrated for successful deeplung delivery. Aerosol delivery of leoprolide hasbeen investigated as both MDI and DPI formulationfor the management of prostate cancer (26,27). Drypowders of other proteins like parathyroid hormone forosteoporosis (28,29), glucagone (30), growth hormone(hGH) for dwarfism (31), vasoactive intestinal peptide(VIP) for pulmonary diseases like asthma (32) havebeen successfully investigated.Lung delivery of genes that directly target theregions of interest by avoiding problems associatedwith intravenous delivery has been developed. Recently,successful gene delivery into lungs for cystic fibrosishas been demonstrated (12,33). Using nebuliser,delivery of liposomally encapsulated adenoviral vectorscontaining genes have been investigated; however,efficiency in low gene transfer at the cellular level hasbeen demonstrated (34,35). Lung delivery of genescomplex with cationic lipids (lipoplex) and polymerbased(polyplex) are in progress (36,37) and a cationiclipid coupled with plasmid DNA (lipoplex), showedefficient lung delivery of gene (38). In another study,aerosol delivery of p53 and cytokine (IL-12) deliveredvia a nebuliser have been reported for therapeuticresponses with reduced toxicity in animal lungtumor model (39-41). Based on the above mentionedresearches it seems that there is a potential future ofpulmonary gene therapy for various types of clinicalapplications.Aerosol delivery of vaccines is an another areaof interest and inhalation of measles vaccine wasshowed to be both safe and effective (42) and nebulisedmeasles vaccine in human model found to producebetter immunity with reduced side effects comparedto that of subcutaneous injection (43). Dry powderinhaler formulation of measles vaccine (44), mucosalvaccination for influenza virus (45), malarial vaccine(46), and siRNA (47) have been investigated withsignificant success. Very recently, aerosol deliveryof human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) treatmentsin infected patients found to be therapeutics withreduced toxicity and improved patient compliance (48).Therefore, it seems that pulmonary delivery of variousgenes is progressing and in future the world will seesuitable vaccines against many pulmonary pathogens likeMycobacterium tuberculosis, respiratory syncytial virus(RSV), and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).www.ddtjournal.com

269<strong>Drug</strong> Discov Ther 2008; 2(5):264-276.Inhaled rifampicin antibiotic, and rifampicin loadedpoly(lactide-co-glycolide) microparticles (49), colistinsulphate (50,51), and mucoactive agent Nacystelyn(52) have been found to be promising against cysticfibrosis (CF). Moreover, DPI formulation of colistin(53), gentamicin (54), azithromycin (55), tobramycin(56), have been effective method of treating CF.Furthermore, deep lung delivery of amphotericin Bdesoxycholate, liposomal amphotericin B, amphotericinB lipid complex and amphotericin B colloidaldispersion via nebulizers has been shown to be valuablein the prophylactic treatment of pulmonary aspergilosis(57). A nebulised dispersion of amorphous itraconazolenanoparticles (300 nm) produced by ultra-rapidfreezing technique, showed improved bioavailabilityin mice (58). This outcome offers the application ofitraconazole nanoparticles for the efficient treatment offungal infections.Lung delivery of aerosolised chemotherapeuticagents for the direct local treatment of lung tumorshas been explored and found advantageous over othermethods of drug delivery systems. Pulmonary deliveryof aerosolised 9-nitrocamptothecin (9-NC) and cisplatinin patients with lung cancer have shown safety andpromising antitumor effect (59,60). In addition, lungdelivery of doxorubicin (61), paclitaxel (62), celecoxiband docetaxel (63,64), gemcitabine (65), liposomalcamptothecin (66), etc., has also been investigatedand reduced toxicity was demonstrated. Recently,doxorubicin-loaded nanoparticles in dry powder aerosolform showed significant cytotoxicity in lung cancer(67). The researchers have indicated the potential ofinhalation delivery of anticancer drugs in the treatmentof lung cancer; however, further details investigationhas been warranted.Very recently, Dames and his co-workersdeveloped targeted delivery of colloidal iron oxidenanoparticles (super magnetic iron oxide) (68),suspension of tocopherol nanoparticles coupled withbiodegradable polymers for delayed release (69) andliposomal encapsulated cannabinoid for a prolongedpsychoactive effect (70) have been demonstrated. Inanother study, aerosol delivery of apomorphine forsexual dysfunction (71), morphine and fentanyl forpain management (72), and ergotamine for migraineheadaches (73,74). Furthermore, using nebuliser,aerosol delivery of radiopharmaceutical, 99m Tc withphosphate buffer for lung ventilation imaging purposesis widely used (75). Inhalation of radiolabeled sulfurcolloid (SC) aerosol ( 99m Tc-SC, 0.2 μm) for studyingparticle uptake by airway surface macrophages hasbeen demonstrated (76).The aforementioned findings show the widerapplication of aerosol delivery of drug-aerosols; whichoffers the greatest potential to deliver drugs into thelower airway of lungs of a wide range of molecules (i.e.,antibiotics, genes, peptides and proteins, antibodies andoligonuclides) for systemic diseases and put forwardsthe most promising inhalable platform for efficientsystemic administration.5. Inhaled drugs for neurodegenerative disordersPulmonary delivery of drugs for the management ofneurological diseases is not currently approved. Asdeep lung delivery of different drugs showed potentialbenefit, researchers are now focusing to expandresearch on delivering drugs into the deep lungs viaDPIs/MDIs. Some drugs administered as aerosols forthe treatment of neurological disorders are shown inTable 2.5.1. Pulmonary delivery of drugs for Parkinson'sdisease (PD)PD is a chronic and progressive movement disorder (77).Millions of people suffer from PD in the developed anddeveloping world (77). It is estimated that approximately15 percent of people with PD are diagnosed before theage of 50 with incidence increasing with age. Evidencesuggests that PD occurs when trouble sprouts in thebasal ganglia, a segment of brain areas known for theircontribution to movement. In general, nerve cells inthe brain substantia nigra inexplicably die or becomeimpaired. Normally these cells communicate via thechemical dopamine (DA) with cells in another one ofthe areas, the striatum, which includes subareas calledthe putamen and the caudate nucleus. Without DA, thestriatum can't send out the electrical signals neededfor normal movement, and consequently PD develops.Recently, a number of studies also indicate that the basalganglia are involved with some of the cognitive problemsthat PD patients experience (78). Although there ispresently no effective cure, there are many treatmentoptions such as medication and surgery to manage thePD symptoms.Levodopa is considered to be a temporary solutionfor minimising PD symptoms (79,80). Researchsuggests that the drug enters the brain and is transportedinto cells that can convert it into DA in the striatum.At first, symptoms diminish, but symptoms return inthree to five years. Thus far, research suggests that thecells that convert levodopa die off. Higher doses oflevodopa can make up for the decreasing number ofcells but may cause jerking movements of the limbs,trunk and head as well as hallucinations. However, anumber of attempts have been made to improve on thelevodopa treatment by creating drugs that mimic DAby using DA agonists. Low doses of the DA agonistsin combination with levodopa create less severe sideeffects and work for longer periods of time. Scientistsare now taking this step further to determine if thedrugs that mimic DA can replace levodopa altogether(81). At this point, researchers have developed drugswww.ddtjournal.com

<strong>Drug</strong> Discov Ther 2008; 2(5):264-276.270Table 2. <strong>Drug</strong>s administered as aerosols against neurological diseaseIndication <strong>Drug</strong> substances Delivery method Details of delivery method ReferencesPain, dyspnea Opioids/Morphine Powder Micronized powders and 117-119aqueous formulationaerosolizedFentanyl/alfentanyl Liquid Liposomal fentanyl 72,120and morphinedelivered via a nebulizerand MDISmoking Nicotrol ® Nicotine cartridge/ Nicotine cartridges 121,122cessation Nicorette ® (Nicotine) Liquid in an inhaler; pMDIMigraine, Dihydroergotamine Liquid HFA 134a based 73Vascular mesylate suspension deliveredcephalgiaby MDIErgotamine tartrate Liquid Pulmonary delivery 123method is unavailableDetorelix Liquid Intratracheal (i.t.) 124instillation of LiposomaldrugsParkinson's Dopamine D-1 Liquid HFA based drug 85,86disease agonist, ABT-431 formulation was deliveredby MDI and AERxParkinson's L-Dopa/ Powder/liquid Alkermes AIR, 83,84,89disease L-Dopa + agonist delivery of small or largemolecules to the deep lung;<strong>Drug</strong>s in propellent deliveredby MDINote: pMDI is pressurised metered dose inhaler; MDI: metered dose inhaler; HFC is hydrofluoro alkane; AERx is a DPI device that deliveraerosolised drugs from a dosage form that consists of liquid drug formulation and a nozzle array.that each target a specific DA receptor site such as D1or D2 (82). The drugs that are acting at D2 sites appearnot to work effectively alone. But preliminary researchon rodent models shows drugs that act on D1 siteswork better than when administered without levodopa.Thus, these new drugs appear to work better than theuse of levodopa alone because they continue to showbenefits over time and cause lesser side effects. Moreimportantly, several investigators have discovered otherDA receptors sites such as, D3, D4, and D5. It is likelythat in the future drugs could be developed that wouldact on these receptor sites (80-82).Overall, levodopa (L-dopa) provides better therapeuticadvantage for most early stage PD patients and currenttreatments of PD are primarily with oral formulation,such as levodopa/carbidopa, bromocriptine, selegiline,benzotropine and trihexyphenidyl; however, the efficacyof orally administered formulations becomes problematicwith the progression of disease condition and due to alost ability to control L-dopa's poor pharmacokinetics.Majority of the drugs approved and currently availableon the market are oral (Tablet/capsules), some areparenteral (IV, IM, SC) and only one is a transdermalpatch; however, no pulmonary delivery products beennot developed.Deep lung delivery of levodopa particles fortreating a patient with PD has been reported (83);however, no further data is available for the readers.Using MDI, delivery of a DA agonist to the airwayshas been demonstrated and the authors indicated thatthe inhalation route provided effective delivery of thedrug to the receptor (84). Pulmonary administrationof a drug (ABT-431, a selective D1 receptor agonist)was found to be significantly greater than that of oraladministration (85). For example with intratrachealinstillation of the drug solution, bioavailability of thedrug was 75% in dogs and tetrafluoroethane (HFC-134a)based MDI formulation showed 40% bioavailability.The lung bioavailability of the aerosolised drug was34% compared to intravenous injection in the samedogs. The authors emphasised that a single rising dosein human study demonstrated that the absorption ofABT-431 following oral inhalation administration(bioavailability 25%) resulted in a dose-dependentincrease in the AUC (area under the curve) versus timeprofile at dosages from 3.3 mg to 13.2 mg. sing a noveldelivery device (AERx), Okumu and his associates(86) delivered ABT-431 (a selective dopamine D-1receptor agonist) to healthy male volunteers andplasma samples were analysed following lung deliveryand intravenous administration and 82-107% ofpulmonary bioavailability was observed. This outcomedemonstrated that the aerosol inhalation of this drugwas a proficient means for systemic delivery.Dugs for pulmonary delivery for the managementof PD have not currently been approved; however,www.ddtjournal.com

271<strong>Drug</strong> Discov Ther 2008; 2(5):264-276.only one formulation containing L-dopa has beeninvestigated (83,87). The inhalation data for pulmonarydelivery of L-dopa showed at least two fold less dosecompared to that of oral dose (88). In another study,demonstrated aerosol delivery of L-dopa dry powderformulation in a rat model and pulmonary administeredL-dopa showed rapid and higher plasma levels (Cmax= 4.8 ± 1.10 mg/mL at 2 min) compared to that oforal administration where the drug produced delayedand lower plasma level (Cmax 1.8 ± 0.40 mg/mL) at 30min (89). The authors acknowledged that an inhalableformulation of L-dopa may provide PD patients witheffective form of rescue therapy as well as replacementfor first-line oral therapy. However, this formulation isin preclinical stage. Innovative drug delivery in treatingPD has the potential to reduce many adverse effectsof currently available drugs. Pulmonary delivery ofcurrent drugs, genes and liposomes will help encouragepatient specific treatment for PD. Improved treatmentswith pulmonary delivery system may involve drugsthat target one specific site or a combination of sites forbetter pharmacotherapeutics. Therefore, these advances,along with investigations into gene transfer, surgicaland transplantation techniques, hold great promise forthose with PD.5.2. Pulmonary delivery of drugs and Alzheimer'sdisease (AD)Dementia is a brain disease that significantly affectsa person's ability to carry out daily routine activities.It is well established that the most common form ofdementia among older people is AD, which initiallyinvolves the various parts of the brain that controlthought, memory, and language (90,91). In recent yearssome progress has been made, however, the causes ofAD remain unknown, and there is no effective cure.Like PD (see above), it is estimated that millionsof people worldwide suffer from AD (91). Previousresearch has found that other brain changes in peoplewith AD. For example, brain neurons die in areas of thebrain that are vital to memory and other mental abilities,and connections between neurons are disrupted.Furthermore, AD may impair thinking and memory bydisrupting neuronal transmissions and functions. AD isa slow disease, starting with mild memory problems andending with severe brain damage. The course the diseasetakes and how fast changes occur vary from person toperson. On average, AD patients live from 8 to 10 yearsafter they are diagnosed, though some people may livewith AD for as many as 20 years (90,91).Given the complex disease process with AD, thereis no better therapeutic strategy to reduce or minimizeAD. However, some drugs such as, tacrine, donepezil,rivastigmine, or galantamine may help prevent somesymptoms from becoming worse for a limited timein some people in the early and middle stages of thedisorder (92,93). Furthermore, memantine has beenmarketed to treat moderate to severe AD, although italso is limited in its therapeutic benefits. There aresome formulations that may help control behavioralsymptoms of AD such as insomnia, agitation, anxiety,and depression. Despite the complexity of the symptompattern in AD, treating these symptoms often makespatients more comfortable and makes their care easierfor caregivers. In addition, many researchers havebegun to search for ways to block the formation ofamyloid deposits, an important biomarker for AD. In arecent study, investigators used the amyloid protein asa vaccine to prevent and clear existing plaques in micethat were engineered to develop large numbers of thedeposits (93). Although it remains unclear, the vaccineappears to involve the immune system and clearingamyloid. Future human studies will test the level ofthe plaques' contribution to AD. More importantly,the research has the potential to show that the vaccinemethod can influence the clinical signs in patients.A number of research groups are investigating slightvariations of the vaccine strategy (94). For example,one group found positive results with an amyloidvaccine that was delivered to mice in the form of nasaldrops. It is suggested that other therapeutic strategymay help prevent plaques. Several investigators haveuncovered some evidence that the estrogen hormonemay influence the development of AD. A number ofhuman studies demonstrated that older women whotake estrogen supplements can reduce their risk ofdeveloping AD. It is possible that estrogen's benefits,at least in part, may result from an ability to reduce thelevels of amyloid protein. In a recent study, estrogenreduced the levels of amyloid protein made in a cellculture model. Recently, a long-sought enzyme, betasecretasewhich makes one of the cuts that leads tothe formation of amyloid protein has been identified(95). The researchers plan to develop drugs that caninhibit the enzyme. Additionally, an enzyme involvedin the formation of amyloid is gamma-secretase, whichhas not yet been purified. Overall, these significantdiscoveries shed light on AD treatment strategy andprovide hope that amyloid plaque-directed therapies forhumans may soon become available.However, no specific medications have beenformulated yet to deliver drugs into deep lung forthe treatment of AD. Using nebuliser, pulmonarydelivery of apolipoprotein, amphipathic compoundsand apolipoprotein were found to efficiently reach thesystemic circulation through the lung (96); however,no further data are available for the readers. The authorclaimed that pulmonary delivery of drugs can be usedfor the treatment of AD as well as cardiovasculardisease. Most drugs for the treatment of AD are oral(very slow absorption) or parenteral (expensive) andaerosol formulations have not been studied. Thus, itwould be worthwhile for the researchers to focus onwww.ddtjournal.com

<strong>Drug</strong> Discov Ther 2008; 2(5):264-276. 272pulmonary delivery of drugs for the management ofAD. Like PD, current treatments of AD are primarilywith oral formulation as described above. Improvedtreatments with pulmonary delivery system may involvedrugs that target one specific site or a combination ofsites for better pharmacotherapeutics.6. Future directionsLung delivery of drugs offer the greatest potential todeliver drugs into the lower airway of the lungs and thedelivery of a powder form of a wide range of molecules(i.e., antibiotics, peptides, proteins, antibodies andoligonuclides) to the deep lung for systemic diseasesput forwards the most promising inhalable stage forincreasing systemic administration. Pulmonary deliveryof large molecules for chronic diseases is advancingtremendously and may become successful in the nearfuture. Therefore, pulmonary drug delivery needs tofocus not only on lung diseases but also on conditionsin which fast onset is desirable such as cancer pain,allergic reactions, brain disorders, cardiovasculardisorders, and sexual dysfunction. It has been reportedthat more than 40 drug formulations for widely varyingdesigns of DPIs are in the pipeline for drug deliveryinto the deep lung; however, only four inhaled products(for the treatment of asthma only) include a long actingbronchodilator, two corticosteroids and a combinationformulation (97). In addition, anticancer drugs,steroids, beta2 receptor agonists, antimuscarinics,antihistamines and anti-inflammatory agents, whichare primarily administered by oral or parentaral route,may be considered for pulmonary delivery. Therefore,there is a promising future for lung delivery of drugsfor the management of other systemic disorders alongwith pulmonary diseases. Local and systemic deliveryof different drugs for chronic systemic diseases needsto be more focused on the use of aerosol formulations,which have a lot of potential. In future, biotechnologyproducts will produce very small amount of potentdrugs which will require smart devices that deliverdrugs efficiently into the lower airway of lungs. Thecurrent trend in pulmonary drug delivery and potentialbenefits of this route will enable the continueddevelopment of smart but reliable DPI technology toenhance deposition of drugs into deep lungs with abetter patient compliance.7. ConclusionsPulmonary delivery of various drugs by aerosolisationhas been used for centuries to treat respiratory tractdiseases and the pressurised metered-dose inhaler wasthe only delivery device of choice. Currently, aerosoltherapy is expanding with the advancement of scienceand technology specially in developing dry powderinhaler formulations to target the systemic circulationfor the delivery of proteins and peptides, gene therapy,and influenza and measles vaccines. Moreover,advances in all of these areas have led to pulmonarydelivery of medicaments being a route of choice formany drugs, not only for respiratory diseases but alsofor systemic delivery of drugs for other disorders. Nowa days, mental health disorders and cardiac diseasesare increasing with the changing world; however,pulmonary delivery of neuroactive and cardio activedrugs has not been explored. Most drugs for treatingAD or PD are in oral dosages forms (tablets, capsulesand solutions); forms where drug absorption is veryslow and only 70-90% is bioavailable. The longer rangefuture of DPIs does include non-invasive and efficientdelivery of large molecules for systemic conditions withimproved patient compliance. Therefore, pulmonarydrug delivery of drugs would extend the new era ofdrug delivery research, which will eventually extendthe life of drugs (solid state stability), increase patientcompliance, and reduce the total cost not only for brainneurodegenerative disorders but also for other chronichuman diseases.AcknowledgementWe gratefully acknowledge the contribution made byGail Neilson in proofreading this review article.References1. Byron PR, Patton JS. <strong>Drug</strong> delivery via the respiratorytract. J Aerosol Med 1994; 7:49-75.2. Dalby RN, Tiano SL, Hickey AJ. Medical devices forthe delivery of therapeutic aerosols to the lungs. In:Lung Biology in Health and Disease. Vol. 94. InhalationAerosols. 2nd Edition (Hickey AJ, ed.). Marcel Dekker,Inc., NewYork, USA, 2007; pp. 417-444.3. Newman SP, Pavia D, Clarke SW. How should apressurized beta-adrenergic bronchodilator be inhaled?Eur J Respir Dis 1981; 62:3-21.4. Ikeda A, Nishimura K, Koyama H, Tsukino M, Hajiro T,Mishima M, Izumi T. 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277Brief Report<strong>Drug</strong> Discov Ther 2008; 2(5):277-281.Effect of drug-polymer binary mixtures on the in-vitro release ofibuprofen from transdermal drug-in-adhesive layersKwong Yat Ho, Michael Ord, Kalliopi Dodou*Department of Pharmacy Health & Well-being, University of Sunderland, UK.ABSTRACT: We report on the formation of eutecticmixtures of ibuprofen using two different polymerstogether with investigations on the in-vitro release ofibuprofen from drug-in-adhesive layers. Ibuprofen,literature melting point (m.p.) = 73.5-76.5°C, wastested together with Pluronic F127, literaturem.p. = 54.4-60.5°C, and polyethylene glycol 1000(PEG 1000), literature m.p. = 37-40.9°C, as secondcomponents in binary mixtures, incorporated intoan acrylic adhesive, either as solid physical mixtures(PM) or molten mixtures (MM). Studies of how thetype of mixture preparation (PM versus MM) andthe ratio of components in binary mixtures affectingthe in-vitro drug release of ibuprofen, compared withibuprofen-adhesive layers without polymer additionwere conducted. Ibuprofen release did not improveusing the eutectic composition with Pluronic F127,possibly due to increased ibuprofen solubilisationin the adhesive and a subsequent decrease in thethermodynamic activity of the formulation. Asignificant increase in ibuprofen release (P < 0.05)was shown for compositions adjacent to the eutecticone, with ibuprofen: Pluronic F127 (40:60) andibuprofen: PEG 1000 (20:80, 25:75, 30:70), from bothPM- and MM-adhesive formulations, compared tothe ibuprofen-adhesive formulations.Keywords: Transdermal patches, <strong>Drug</strong>-in-adhesive,Ibuprofen, Eutectic mixture, Thermodynamic activity1. IntroductionThe advantages of transdermal drug delivery includeavoidance of the gastrointestinal tract, sustaineddrug release and increased patient compliance.*Correspondence to: Dr. Kalliopi Dodou, Departmentof Pharmacy Health & Well-being, University ofSunderland, Wharncliffe Street, SR1 3SD, Sunderland,UK;e-mail: kalliopi.dodou@sunderland.ac.ukThe barrier properties of the stratum corneummean however that only certain drugs with specificphysicochemical properties can be formulatedinto therapeutically effective passive transdermalpatches. There are several strategies to furtherenhance the passive transdermal delivery of drugsincluding: the incorporation of chemical enhancersto the formulation, prodrug designs, attainment ofmaximum thermodynamic activity via ensuringsaturated concentration of the drug in the formulationand a decrease of the melting point of the drug in theformulation (1).The transdermal flux of a drug is proportional tothe concentration of dissolved drug in the formulation;maximum flux being achieved at saturated drugconcentrations. The tendency of the drug to crystalliseon storage however eventually renders the formulationthermodynamically unstable with a subsequentdecrease in drug flux (2). Several additives inmonolayer transdermal (drug-in-adhesive) patcheshave been shown to decrease or prevent crystallisationof the drug (3). The melting point suppression strategyis based on the "ideal solution theory". This statesthat the lower the melting point of a drug, the greaterthe drug solubility in skin lipids (4). The formationof a eutectic binary mixture between the drug and anadditional component is a well-known technique bywhich the melting point of the drug can be suppressedin the formulation. This has been previously examinedas a potential method to enhance topical andtransdermal drug delivery (5,6). There is however nopublished literature on the incorporation of eutecticmixtures into transdermal adhesive monolayers.A eutectic binary mixture is a solid dispersionof two components at a specific ratio at whichit possesses a lower melting point than either ofthe components and the other component ratios.At temperatures below this melting point the twocomponents exist as an intimate microcrystallinemixture that melts uniformly at the meltingtemperature. At temperatures above the melting pointthe two components exist as a uniform melt thatinhibit crystallisation of one another. Therefore awww.ddtjournal.com

<strong>Drug</strong> Discov Ther 2008; 2(5):277-281. 278eutectic composition may confer stability to the drugagainst crystallisation.In our study we used ibuprofen as the modeldrug and two hydrophilic polymers with low meltingpoints, PEG 1000 and Pluronic F127 that wouldenable a considerable suppression of the meltingpoint of the drug. Ibuprofen is a non steroidal antiinflammatorydrug (NSAID) with analgesic andanti-inflammatory properties. The main side effectof the oral administration of NSAIDS is irritationof the gastrointestinal wall lining, which can leadto the development of ulcers following long-termadministration. For this reason ibuprofen and otherNSAIDs have been studied extensively as candidatesfor systemic delivery via the transdermal route (7).PEGs are non-irritant nor toxic to healthy skin anddo not readily penetrate it (8). Poloxamers havepreviously been used as a vehicle for the topicaldelivery of NSAIDs due to their low toxicity andirritation (9).Binary eutectic mixtures of ibuprofen withPluronic F127 and PEG 1000 were formulated intodrug-in-adhesive layers containing binary drugpolymermixtures at several ratios, including theeutectic ratio. Hot stage microscopy (HSM) was usedto study the melting properties of the solid dispersionsand identify the eutectic composition. The HSMtechnique has been shown to be more efficient thandifferential scanning calorimetry in detecting thepresence of drug crystals in solid dispersions anddifferences in the melting behaviour among samples,especially when a polymer with a low melting pointis used as a drug carrier (10,11). The binary mixtureswere prepared and incorporated in the adhesive layeraccording to two different methods; either as physicalmixtures (PM) or as molten mixtures (MM) of the twocomponents that would solidify after incorporationinto the adhesive layer. The aim of our work wasto study how the method of mixture preparation, asa PM or MM, and the ratio of components in thebinary mixtures influence the in-vitro drug release ofibuprofen, compared with ibuprofen-adhesive layerswithout additive.2. Materials and Methods2.1. MaterialsIbuprofen was obtained from Knoll Pharmaceuticals(Nottingham, UK). DURO-TAK ® 87-4287 was agift from National Adhesives-Henkel (Slough, UK).Polyethylene glycol with an average molecular weight of1000 Da (PEG 1000) was supplied by Sigma (St. Louis,USA). Pluronic F127 was supplied as Lutrol ® F127 andwas a gift from BASF AG (Ludwigshafen, Germany).The Scotchpak 9742 release liner was a gift from 3MCorporation (St. Paul, USA).2.2. Preparation of solid dispersionsSolid dispersions of ibuprofen with either Pluronic F127or PEG 1000 were prepared in ratios ranging from 90%:10% to 10%:90% (w/w) according to the fusion method.Appropriate amounts of ibuprofen and polymer to givea 2 g mixture were accurately weighed in test tubes andwere placed in a water bath (Techne Inc., Princeton,USA) with a VMR 1122S temperature control. Theinitial temperature of the water bath was 30°C,gradually increased to 75°C, at a rate of 3°C/min, whilethe drug-polymer mixtures were gently stirred with aglass rod. The molten mixtures were then allowed tosolidify at 20°C for a week.2.3. Hot stage microscopyThe melting temperature of the solid dispersions,ibuprofen, Pluronic F127 and PEG 1000 were recordedusing a Vickers microscope attached to a MettlerFP5 hot stage temperature control and recorder. Thetemperature range was set from 25 to 80°C witha heating rate of 2°C/min. Each solid dispersionwas tested in triplicate (n = 3). Two temperatureswere recorded per sample, the first being the initialtemperature when melting began (lower limit) and thesecond being the temperature that melting was complete(upper limit). Phase diagrams were then plotted and theeutectic compositions were identified.2.4. Preparation of the adhesive layersThe following binary mixtures of ibuprofen:polymerwere prepared as physical mixtures and soliddispersions: 60:40, 40:60, 30:70 with Pluronic F127,and 60:40, 30:70, 25:75, 20:80 with PEG 1000. A binarymixture that would contain 0.05 g of ibuprofen wasaccurately weighed and added to the required amountof liquid acrylic adhesive to produce dried circularadhesive layers with an ibuprofen concentration of 10%(w/w). Ibuprofen-adhesive layers without polymer werealso prepared by mixing 0.05 g of either solid or moltenibuprofen with the acrylic adhesive to produce layersof 10% (w/w) ibuprofen concentration. All layers hada mean surface area of 4.5 ± 0.35 cm 2 , with one sideattached to a release liner. The layers were stored for aweek at 20°C before dissolution testing.2.5. In-vitro drug release studiesIn-vitro drug release studies were conducted accordingto the B.P. Dissolution method for transdermal patches.The release of ibuprofen from each set of layers (n = 3)was tested for 5 h using a paddle dissolution apparatus(Copley instruments Ltd, Nottingham, UK) with 900mL of citrophosphate buffer (pH 5.6) as the dissolutionmedium under sink conditions. The temperature of thewww.ddtjournal.com

279<strong>Drug</strong> Discov Ther 2008; 2(5):277-281.8070605040302010Lower limitUpper limit00 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100% Ibuprofen in Ibuprofen-PEG1000 solid dispersionsFigure 1. Phase diagram showing the melting behaviour of ibuprofen-PEG 1000 solid dispersions. Lower limit points show the meantemperature (n = 3) reading where melting of the sample started;upper limit points show the mean temperature (n = 3) reading wheremelting of the sample was complete. Error bars represent the standarddeviation from each mean temperature reading.Temperature ( o C)Temperature ( o C)8070605040302010Lower limitUpper limit00 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100% Ibuprofen in Ibuprofen-Pluronic solid dispersionsFigure 2. Phase diagram showing the melting behaviour of ibuprofen-Pluronic F127 solid dispersions. Lower limit points show the meantemperature (n = 3) reading where melting of the sample started;upper limit points show the mean temperature (n = 3) reading wheremelting of the sample was complete. Error bars represent the standarddeviation from each mean temperature reading.dissolution medium was maintained at 32 ± 0.5°C andthe paddle stirring rate was set at 50 rpm. 10 mL samplesof dissolution medium were withdrawn from eachvessel every 10 min during the 1st hour and then every30 min up to 5 h. The ibuprofen content of the sampleswas analysed using a CE272 Linear Readout Ultraviolet(UV) Spectrophotometer (CECIL instruments Ltd,Cambridge, UK) at a wavelength of 272 nm.2.6. Statistical analysisThe % cumulative amount of ibuprofen released (n = 3)at 5 h was plotted against time. Statistical differenceswere determined using a Student t-test (two independentsamples) with significance at P < 0.05.3. Results and DiscussionThe eutectic composition of ibuprofen with PEG 1000was found at ibuprofen:PEG 1000 ratio of 15:85, witha melting point of 30.9°C (Figure 1). This temperatureis lower than normal skin temperature (32°C), implyingthat ibuprofen will be in liquid form when appliedonto the skin. Theoretically this would favour drugpermeation into the stratum corneum (4). The eutecticcomposition of ibuprofen with Pluronic F127 wasfound at the ibuprofen:Pluronic F127 ratio of 30:70,with a melting point of 46°C (Figure 2).The drug concentration in the adhesive layers (10%,w/w) was selected to be lower than the saturationsolubility of ibuprofen in the adhesive polymer, inorder to avoid suppression of drug release by drugcrystallization and, thus, observe only the effect ofbinary mixtures on drug release. All layers preparedwith the MM method were transparent in appearancewith no drug crystals observed. The layers preparedwith the PM method contained undissolved polymerdispersed in the adhesive layer. When the eutecticcomposition of ibuprofen with PEG 1000 (15:85) wasincorporated into the adhesive as a molten mixture,it did not solidify on cooling but remained as liquidand leaked out of the borders of the adhesive layerson storage. For this reason it was not possible to carryout dissolution studies with the ibuprofen-PEG 1000eutectic composition.% Cumulative ibuprofen release at 5 h wasstatistically higher (P < 0.05) for the ibuprofen:PEG1000 ratios 30:70, 25:75 and 20:80 compared to theibuprofen monolayer 100:0 and the 60:40 ratio, for bothPM and MM (Figures 3 and 4). Similarly, the ibuprofen:Pluronic F127 composition with the significantly higheribuprofen release (P < 0.05) for both MM and PMwas the 40:60 ratio, which is adjacent to the eutecticcomposition (Figures 5 and 6).The eutectic composition of ibuprofen with PluronicF127 (30:70) showed lower drug release compared tothe formulation containing ibuprofen alone (Figures5 and 6). This could be attributed to the fact that theeutectic mixture increases the solubility of ibuprofenin the adhesive layer and so simultaneously decreasesthe thermodynamic activity of the formulation. This isin agreement with previous observations demonstratingthat a decrease in the melting point of a compound viaformation of a binary eutectic system can be used asan approach for increasing the drug solubility in thevehicle (5).The agreement between MMs and PMs on the orderof enhancing drug release using either PEG 1000 orPluronic F127 is noteworthy indicating an interactiontaking place. An interaction between the componentsof binary physical mixtures during mixing has beenpreviously reported (12). In our case, the incorporationof the binary physical mixtures in the adhesivesolution may have resulted in ibuprofen-polymer soliddispersion formation during drying of the monolayer.In conclusion, our results showed that ibuprofenrelease was enhanced by binary mixtures adjacentto the eutectic composition that contain a higherproportion of ibuprofen than the eutectic. Thisenhanced ibuprofen release could be observed upto a certain ratio, after which any further increasein the amount of ibuprofen in the binary mixtureshowed no significant difference (P > 0.05) on drugrelease compared to the drug-adhesive alone. Ourwww.ddtjournal.com

<strong>Drug</strong> Discov Ther 2008; 2(5):277-281. 280% Ibuprofen released70.0060.0050.0040.0030.0020.0010.00Ibuprofen:PEG MM (30:70)Ibuprofen:PEG MM (25:75)Ibuprofen:PEG MM (20:80)Ibuprofen:PEG MM (60:40)Ibuprofen molten0.000 100 200 300Time (min)Figure 3. % Ibuprofen released from the adhesive layers containing MM of ibuprofen with PEG 1000. Error bars represent the standard deviationfrom the mean (n = 3).% Ibuprofen released60.0050.0040.0030.0020.0010.000.000 100 200 300Time (min)Ibuprofen:PEG PM (30:70)Ibuprofen:PEG PM (25:75)Ibuprofen:PEG PM (20:80)Ibuprofen:PEG PM (60:40)IbuprofenFigure 4. Ibuprofen released from the adhesive layers containing PM of ibuprofen with PEG 1000. Error bars represent the standard deviationfrom the mean (n = 3).50.00% Ibuprofen released40.0030.0020.0010.00Ibuprofen:Pluronic MM (40:60)Ibuprofen:Pluronic MM (60:40)Ibuprofen:Pluronic MM (30:70)Ibuprofen molten0.000 100 200 300Time (min)Figure 5. % Ibuprofen released from the adhesive layers containing MM of ibuprofen with Pluronic F127. Error bars represent the standarddeviation from the mean (n = 3).% Ibuprofen released30.0020.0010.000.000 100 200 300Time (min)Ibuprofen:Pluronic PM (40:60)Ibuprofen:Pluronic PM (60:40)Ibuprofen:Pluronic PM (30:70)IbuprofenFigure 6. % Ibuprofen released from the adhesive layers containing PM of ibuprofen with Pluronic F127. Error bars represent the standarddeviation from the mean (n = 3).www.ddtjournal.com

281<strong>Drug</strong> Discov Ther 2008; 2(5):277-281.results also support the hypothesis that incorporationof an additional component as a eutectic mixture withthe drug in the adhesive monolayer will increase thesolubility of the drug in the adhesive, with a subsequentdecrease in thermodynamic activity for the givenibuprofen concentration in the monolayer. This mayindicate that using the eutectic composition, higheribuprofen concentrations can be accommodated inthe transdermal monolayer without compromising thestability of the formulation, considering the inherentstability of eutectic mixtures against crystallization.AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to thank National Adhesives-Henkel, 3M and BASF for their kind provision ofmaterials.References1. Hadgraft J. Passive enhancement strategies in topical andtransdermal drug delivery. Int J Pharm 1999; 184:1-6.2. Iervolino M, Cappello B, Raghavan SL, HadgraftJ. Penetration enhancement of ibuprofen fromsupersaturated solutions through human skin. Int J Pharm2001; 212:131-141.3. Cilurzo F, Minghetti P, Casiraghi A, Tosi L, PaganiS, Montanari L. Polymethacrylates as crystallizationinhibitors in monolayer transdermal patches containingibuprofen. Eur J Pharm Biopharm 2005; 60:61-66.4. Kasting GB, Smith RL, Cooper ER. Effects of lipidsolubility and molecular size on percutaneous absorption.Pharmacol Skin 1987; 1:138-153.5. Kaplun-Frischoff Y, Touitou E. Testosterone skinpermeation enhancement by menthol through formationof eutectic with drug and interaction with skin lipids. JPharm Sci 1997; 86:1394-1399.6. Stott PW, Williams AC, Barry BW. Transdermal deliveryfrom eutectic systems: enhanced permeation of a modeldrug, ibuprofen. J Controlled Release 1998; 50:297-308.7. Beetge E, Du Plessis J, Müller DG, Goosen C, VanRensberg FJ. The influence of the physicochemicalcharacteristics and pharmacokinetic properties ofselected NSAIDs on their transdermal absorption. Int JPharm 2000; 193:261-264.8. Price JC. Polyethylene Glycol. In: Handbookof pharmaceutical excipients (Kibbe AH ed.).Pharmaceutical Press & American PharmaceuticalAssociation, London, Washington, 2000; pp. 392-398.9. Shin SC, Cho CW, Oh IJ. Enhanced efficacy bypercutaneous absorption of piroxicam from the poloxamergel in rats. Int J Pharm 2000; 193:213-218.10. Fini A, Moyano JR, Ginés JM, Perez-Martinez JI,Rabasco AM. Diclofenac salts II. Solid dispersions inPEG6000 and Gelucire 50/13. Eur J Pharm Biopharm2005; 60:99-111.11. Bikiaris D, Papageorgiou GZ, Stergiou A, Pavlidou E,Karavas E, Kanaze F, Georgarakis M. Physicochemicalstudies on solid dispersions of poorly water-solubledrugs: Evaluation of capabilities and limitations ofthermal analysis techniques. Thermochimica Acta 2005;439:58-67.12. Shakhtshneider TP, Vasiltchenko MA, Politov AA,Boldyrev VV. The mechanochemical preparation of soliddisperse systems of ibuprofen-polyethylene glycol. Int JPharm 1996; 130:25-32.(Received October 28, 2008; Accepted October 31,2008)www.ddtjournal.com

Brief Report<strong>Drug</strong> Discov Ther 2008; 2(5):282-285.282Effect of benzyl-N-acetyl-α-galactosaminide on KL-6 mucinexpression and invasive properties of a human pancreaticcarcinoma cell lineHuanli Xu 1,2 , Yoshinori Inagaki 1 , Fengshan Wang 2, *, Norihiro Kokudo 1 , Munehiro Nakata 3 ,Wei Tang 1,2, *1Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery Division, Department of Surgery, Graduate School of Medicine, the University of Tokyo,Tokyo, Japan;2Institute of Biochemical and Biotechnological <strong>Drug</strong>s, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Shandong University, Ji'nan, China;3Department of Applied Biochemistry, Tokai University, Kanagawa, Japan.ABSTRACT: KL-6 mucin is a type of MUC1mucin and its aberrant expression has been shownto be associated with aggressive metastasis andpoor clinical outcome in tumors. The presentstudy is to investigate the effects of benzyl-N-acetyl-α-galactosaminide (GalNAc-O-bn),an O-glycosylation inhibitor, on KL-6 mucinexpression and invasive properties of a humanpancreatic carcinoma cell line, Suit-2 cells.Expression profiles of KL-6 mucin in the cellspretreated with or without 5 mM GalNAc-Obnfor 48 h were examined by Western blottingand immunocytochemical staining and invasiveproperties were examined by transwell chamberassay. Western blotting and immunocytochemicalstaining showed that the expression profiles ofKL-6 mucin changed significantly after GalNAc-O-bn treatment. Meanwhile, the invasive ability ofSuit-2 cells decreased significantly after GalNAc-Obntreatment (p < 0.05). These results suggest thatglycosylation of KL-6 mucin may be closely relatedto aggressive behaviors of pancreatic cancer cellslike metastasis and invasion.Keywords: KL-6 mucin, O-glycosylation, Benzyl-N-acetyl-α-galactosaminide, Invasion, Pancreaticcarcinoma*Correspondence to: Dr. Wei Tang, Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery Division, Department of Surgery,Graduate School of Medicine, the University of Tokyo,Hongo 7-3-1, Tokyo 113-8655, Japan; e-mail: TANG-SUR@h.u-tokyo.ac.jp;Dr. Fengshan Wang, Institute of Biochemical andBiotechnological <strong>Drug</strong>s, School of PharmaceuticalSciences, Shandong University, Ji'nan 250012, ShandongProvince, China; e-mail: fswang@sdu.edu.cn1. IntroductionPatients with pancreatic cancer still have a poorprognosis, a 5-year survival rate of ~3% and a mediansurvival of < 6 months (1), although recent efforts haveimproved cancer prevention, screening, and therapy.The major problem in the management of postsurgicalcases is failure to control cancer metastases, whichresults from a lack of early detection and effectivetreatment.MUC1 is a polymorphic, highly glycosylated,type I transmembrane glycoprotein expressed byductal epithelial cells of secretory organs, includingthe pancreas, breast, lung, and gastrointestinal tract,that is overexpressed and aberrantly glycosylated inmost cases of adenocarcinoma (2). The deduced aminoacid sequence of MUC1 mucin reveals four distinctdomains: an NH 2 -terminal domain consisting of ahydrophobic signal sequence, a highly O-glycosylatedtandem-repeat domain, a transmembrane domain, anda cytoplasmic domain (3). A number of studies havesuggested that overexpression of MUC1 plays animportant role in pancreatic cancer metastasis and thatMUC1 seems to be an attractive target for treatment ofpancreatic cancer (4,5). Therefore, having MUC1 targetmonoclonal antibody (mAb) with high specificity andaffinity may represent an effective strategy.KL-6 mucin, a type of MUC1 categorized as cluster9, is recognized by KL-6 mAb, and its epitope includessialo-oligosaccharide moiety in MUC1 molecules(6,7). This mucin was first established in the serumof patients with intestinal pneumonia but has recentlybeen detected in various cancer tissues (8,9). Previousimmunohistochemical studies by the current authorshave shown that overexpression of KL-6 mucin wasassociated with worse tumor behaviors such as invasionand metastasis in ampullary carcinoma, primarywww.ddtjournal.com

283<strong>Drug</strong> Discov Ther 2008; 2(5):282-285.colorectal carcinoma, and metastatic liver cancertissues (10-12). In addition, the relationship betweenexpression of KL-6 mucin and metastatic potential hasalso been reported in colorectal carcinoma cell lines(13). However, the role of glycosylation in KL-6 mucinin tumor behaviors remains to be elucidated. Reportshave indicated that extension of O-glycosylation incultured cells can be blocked in the presence of benzyl-N-acetyl-α-galactosaminide (GalNAc-O-bn) (14-16).The present study aimed to evaluate the effect ofthe O-glycosylation inhibitor GalNAc-O-bn on theexpression profiles of KL-6 mucin and the invasiveproperties of the human pancreatic carcinoma Suit-2cell line.2. Materials and Methods2.1. ReagentsGalNAc-O-bn, trypsin, cell lysis regents, trypanblue, and culture media were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich Japan, Tokyo, Japan. KL-6 mAb was providedby Eisai Co., Ltd, Tokyo, Japan. The Histofine SAB-PO kit and BD BioCoat Tumor Invasion Systemwere from Nichirei Corporation, Tokyo, Japan and BDBiosciences, San Jose, CA, USA, respectively.2.2. Cells and culture conditionsHuman pancreatic carcinoma Suit-2 cell line wasobtained from JCRB Cell Bank, Tokyo, Japan. Thecells were cultured in RPMI 1640 supplementedwith 10% heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum (FBS)in a humidified atmosphere with 5% CO 2 in air at37°C. For maintenance and subculture, cells in theexponential phase were treated with 0.25% trypsinsolution containing 0.02% EDTA. Cells reaching 80%of confluence were collected and subjected to thefollowing experiment.2.3. Cell proliferation assayCells were reseeded in 96-well plates (3 × 10 3 cellsper well) incubated with 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16 mMof GalNAc-O-bn for 48 h. Cell proliferation wasassessed by 3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyltetrazoliumbromide (MTT) assay as describedelsewhere (17). Absorbance was detected at 550 nmwith 750 nm as a reference wavelength.2.4. Western blottingCells treated with or without 5 mM of GalNAc-Obnfor 48 h at 37°C were lysed in lysis buffer (50 mMTris-HCl, pH 7.4, containing 1% NP-40, 0.25% Nadeoxycholate,150 mM NaCl, 1 mM EDTA, 1 mMphenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, 1 mM Na 3 VO 4 , 1 mMNaF, and 1 μg/mL each of aprotinin, leupeptin, andpepstatin) with occasional sonication. After centrifugingat 12,000 × g for 30 min at 4°C, cell extracts (10μg protein each) were subjected to SDS-PAGE (8%gel) and then electrotransferred onto polyvinylidenedifluoride membranes. After blocking with 20 mMTris-buffered saline containing 5% nonfat dry milkand 0.1% Tween-20 overnight at 4°C, the membraneswere incubated with KL-6 mAb (1:750 dilution) for 1h at room temperature. After they were washed threetimes, the membranes were incubated with horse radishperoxidase-conjugated secondary antibodies for 1 hat room temperature. Reactivity was visualized byenhanced chemiluminescence using the ECL WesternBlotting Starter Kit (RPN2108; GE Healthcare Bio-Sciences, Piscataway, NJ, USA). Data were obtainedfrom three independent experiments.2.5. ImmunocytochemistryCells (1 × 10 4 ) treated with or without GalNAc-O-bnwere seeded on MAS-coated slides (Matsunami, Inc.,Osaka, Japan) and incubated for 4 h. Cells were thenfixed with 3.7% paraformaldehyde for 30 min followedby treatment with 0.2% Triton X-100 for 10 min. Next,immunohistochemical staining by KL-6 mAb was doneas described before (10). Briefly, cells were blockedwith normal goat serum for 30 min at room temperature,and then incubated with or without KL-6 antibody(1:200 dilution) for 60 min at room temperature. Afterthe incubation of biotin-labeled secondary antibody,detection of KL-6 mucin was achieved by the biotinstreptavidin-peroxidasecomplex method usingHistofine SAB-PO kit. 3,3'-Diaminobenzidine was usedas the chromogen, and haematoxylin was used as acounterstain.2.6. Transwell chamber assayMotility and the invasive abilities of cells wereassessed in 24-well transwell plates (Corning, NY,USA). Cells were pre-incubated with or without 5 mMof GalNAc-O-bn for 48 h at 37°C in a CO 2 incubatorand then detached and resuspended in serum-freeRPMI-1640. A suspension of cells (2 × 10 5 cells/mL)was placed on matrigel-coated filters and controlfilters, respectively. The lower chambers were filledwith 0.75 mL of RPMI-1640 medium supplementedwith 5% FBS. Cells were allowed to migrate for 22 hat 37°C. Cells that invaded the matrigel and reachedthe opposite surface of the filter were stained with aDiff-Quik kit (Dade Behring, Newark, DE, USA) inaccordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Theinvaded cells were quantified by counting the numberof cells in eight random microscopic fields per filterat a magnification of ×100. Each data point wascalculated from two separate experiments performedwww.ddtjournal.com

<strong>Drug</strong> Discov Ther 2008; 2(5):282-285. 284in triplicate. A p value less than 0.05 was consideredstatistically significant.3. Results and DiscussionControl of metastatic pancreatic cancer remains amajor objective in pancreatic cancer treatment. Theoverexpression of MUC1 mucin plays an importantrole in the process of pancreatic cancer metastasis andinvasion. MUC1 targeting mAb with high specificityand affinity might represent a useful targeted therapy.KL-6 mucin is a type of MUC1 recognized by KL-6mAb, and its epitope includes sialo-oligosaccharidemoiety in MUC1 molecules (6-9). Many studies haveshown that overexpression of KL-6 mucin may beassociated with worse tumor behaviors such as invasionand metastasis in many kinds of cancers (6,10-12).Since MUC1 is a highly O-glycosylated cell surfaceglycoprotein, GalNAc-O-bn, an O-glycosylationinhibitor, was used to inhibit O-linked oligosaccharideof KL-6 mucin. GalNAc-O-bn is a synthetic analogueof N-acetylgalactosamine and inhibits elongation ofO-glycans. The inhibition is competitive and insteadof monosaccharide transfer in which GalNAc is boundto serine or threonine, the elongation of the O-glycanchain occurs in benzyl-N-acetyl-α-galactosaminidemolecules (18,19).First, the inhibitory effects of GalNAc-O-bn onSuit-2 cell proliferation were examined using MTTassay. Inhibition of Suit-2 cell proliferation was notobserved in the presence of up to 16 mM GalNAc-Obn(data not shown). Therefore, a concentration of 5mM was used in the following experiments as reportedpreviously (18). Cell viability, as judged by trypan blueexclusion, was also unaffected in the presence of 5 mMGalNAc-O-bn (data not shown).Using the KL-6 antibody, KL-6 mucin expressionwas next detected in Suit-2 cells with or withoutGalNAc-O-bn treatment by means of Western blotting.As shown in Figure 1A, KL-6 mucin was detected withvariations in molecular weight. Notably, the intensity ofthe major band around 209 kDa was significantly lowerafter treatment with 5 mM GalNAc-O-bn. In contrast,the intensity of other two bands with a molecular weightof around 110 and 178 kDa, respectively, seemed tobe higher in GalNAc-O-bn treated cells than in theuntreated cells. To examine the subcellular expressionof KL-6 mucin, Suit-2 cells with or without GalNAc-O-bn treatment were subjected to immunocytochemicalstaining. Before GalNAc-O-bn treatment, strong KL-6mucin stains were observed in Suit-2 cells in the entirecell, including its membrane and cytoplasm (Figure1B). After GalNAc-O-bn treatment, KL-6 mucin stainsdecreased significantly especially in the cell membrane.Cell morphology was also found to have changed afterGalNAc-O-bn treatment (Figure 1B).One of the earliest steps in metastasis is the invasionABkDa209124-Figure 1. Western blotting and immunocytochemical analyses forKL-6 mucin expression in Suit-2 cells treated with (+) or without(–) GalNAc-O-bn. Suit-2 cells were pretreated with or without 5mM GalNAc-O-bn for 48 h at 37°C, and then subjected to Westernblotting (A) and immunocytochemical analysis (B) as described inMaterials and Methods. Original magnification of B, ×400.--+++Figure 2. Inhibitory effect of GalNAc-O-bn on Suit-2 cell invasion.Suit-2 cells pretreated with (+) or without (–) 5 mM GalNAc-O-bnwere placed on matrigel-coated chambers and incubated for 22 h at37°C. Original magnification, ×100.of the basement membrane. Next evaluated was theeffect of GalNAc-O-bn on the motility and invasiveability of Suit-2 cells migrating through a matrigelcoatedpolycarbonate membrane. As shown in Figure2, the invasive potential of Suit-2 cells decreasedsignificantly after 5 mM GalNAc-O-bn treatment. Thepercentage of cells penetrating the matrigel-coatedpolycarbonate filters without or with GalNAc-O-bntreatment was 93.5% and 10.3%, respectively (p < 0.05).The present study suggests that GalNAc-O-bn,an O-glycosylation inhibitor, may significantly alterthe expression profiles of KL-6 mucin, especiallyon the cell surface, and it may alter the invasiveability of Suit-2 cells. Since KL-6 mAb recognizessialo-oligosaccharides in addition to part of the corepolypeptide of KL-6 mucin (8), the decrease in KL-6mucin expression as a result of treatment with GalNAc-O-bn may be due to the insufficient elongation ofoligosaccharide chains. Although the present study didwww.ddtjournal.com

285<strong>Drug</strong> Discov Ther 2008; 2(5):282-285.not examine the changes in levels of expression of theKL-6 mucin core polypeptide for GalNAc-O-bn-treatedand untreated cells, the current findings suggest that anextracellular domain containing sialo-oligosaccharidechains of KL-6 mucin may play a role in the invasiveability of the cells.GalNAc-O-bn has been reported to inhibitO-glycosylation in other cell surface glycoproteinsuch as brush border glycoprotein sucrase-isomaltase(20) and to cause morphological changes with anaccumulation of GalNAc terminal glycoproteinsthat may be mucin precursors at the cell surface(21). Further study is needed to clarify the detailedmechanism by which GalNAc-O-bn acts on KL-6 mucinexpression and the underlying role of KL-6 mucin inthe metastatic progression of the pancreatic carcinoma.These experiments may provide in vitro evidence forthe O-glycosylation of KL-6 mucin playing a role inthe invasion of cancer cells and portend that therapeuticstrategies targeting oligosaccharide moieties of KL-6mucin should be useful in the treatment of aggressivepancreatic cancer.AcknowledgmentsThis study was supported in part by Grants-in-Aid fromthe Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Cultureof Japan, and JSPS and CAMS under the Japan-ChinaMedical Exchange Program.References1. Schneider G, Siveke JT, Eckel F, Schmid RM. Pancreaticcancer: basic and clinical aspects. Gastroenterology 2005;128:1606-1625.2. Kim YS, Gum J, Brockhausen I. Mucin glycoproteins inneoplasia. Glycoconjugate J 1996; 13:693-707.3. Hollingsworth MA, Swanson BJ. 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Brief Report<strong>Drug</strong> Discov Ther 2008; 2(5):286-288.286Antioxidant activity of wild plants collected in Beni-Sueifgovernorate, Upper EgyptSameh AbouZid 1, *, Abdelaaty Elshahaat 2 , Sajjad Ali 3 , Mohamed I. Choudhary 31Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Beni-Sueif University, Beni-Sueif, Egypt;2Department of Phytochemistry, National Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt;3H.E.J. Research Institute of Chemistry, International Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences, University of Karachi,Karachi, Pakistan.ABSTRACT: Antioxidant activity of a selectionof commonly occurring wild plants growing inBeni-Sueif governorate, Upper Egypt, has beentested. The plants selected are Tamarix nilotica,Ambrosia maritima, Zygophyllum coccenium,Conyza dioscoridis, Chenopodium ambrosioides,and Calotropis procera. The in vitro antioxidantassays used in this study were 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl hydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity,superoxide anion scavenging activity and ironchelating activity. Extracts prepared from the leavesand flowers of Tamarix nilotica have shown thehighest antioxidant activity in the three kinds ofassay.Keywords: Screening, Wild plant, DPPH, Superoxideanion, Iron chelation, Tamarix nilotica1. IntroductionPlants are a valuable source of natural products. Theseplant metabolites can be new sources of such economicmaterials as oils, gums or tannins, new therapeuticagents and precursors of synthesis of complex chemicalsubstances. Of the several hundred thousand plantspecies present on earth, only small proportion hasbeen studied both chemically and biologically. Thecombination of both chemical and biological screeningwill provide important information about plant naturalproducts (1).Beni-Sueif governorate occupies a land area ofapproximately 10,954 km 2 in north part of Upper Egypt,with a total inhabitancy of 1,369.41 km 2 . It boasts apopulation of over 2,315,512. Three phytogeographical*Correspondence to: Dr. Sameh AbouZid, Departmentof Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Beni-SueifUniversity, Beni-Sueif, Egypt;e-mail: wssmd3000@yahoo.comregions can be distinguished in Beni-Sueif; the deserton the western side of the Nile that is considered asextension of the African Sahara region, the desert of theeastern side of the Nile that extends with the officialborder of the governorate to Red sea and the fertileland on both sides of the Nile including canal banksdistributed throughout the governorate. In our continuedefforts for chemical and biological screening of wildplants growing in Beni-Sueif (2), antioxidant activity ofextracts prepared from commonly occuring wild plantswas tested.2. Materials and Methods2.1. Plant materialThe plant materials used in this study consisted ofmature leaves, flowers and latex of different plants.The plants have been collected from the wild in Gerzavillage area, Beni-Sueif, Egypt, during flowering stageof each plant (2007). Voucher specimens were depositedin the Herbarium of Faculty of Pharmacy, Beni-SueifUniversity. The plant materials were rinsed with tapwater and air dried in shade. Aqueous methanol extract(80%) of different plants was prepared by extractingthe plant material twice. The extracts were stored inrefrigerator at 4°C till use.2.2. DPPH radical scavenging activityThe free radical scavenging activity (hydrogendonation) of plant extracts and n-propyl gallate wasmeasured using 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazil (DPPH)radical. A solution of DPPH in methanol (0.08 mM)was prepared. Then, 1 mL of this solution was addedto 0.3 mL of extracts or n-propyl gallate solutionsat concentration of 500 μg/mL. The mixture wasthen shaken vigorously and allowed to stand at roomtemperature for 30 min, with the absorbance measuredat 517 nm in a spectrophotometer against blanksamples.www.ddtjournal.com

287<strong>Drug</strong> Discov Ther 2008; 2(5):286-288.2.3. Superoxide anion scavenging activitySuperoxide radicals were generated in phenazinemethosulphate (PMS)-nicotinamide adeninedinucleotide (NADH) systems by NADH oxidation andassayed by nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) reduction. Inthis experiment, the superoxide radicals were generatedin 3 mL of Tris-HCl buffer (16 mM, pH 8.0) containing0.5 mL of NBT (300 μM) solution, 0.5 mL NADH(936 μM) solution, and 0.5 mL of plant extracts orn-propyl gallate solution at concentration of 500 μg/mL.The reaction was started by adding 0.5 mL of PMSsolution (120 μM) to the mixtures. The reaction mixturewas incubated at 25°C for 5 min, and the absorbanceat 560 nm was measured against blank samples using aspectrophotometer.2.4. Iron chelating activityPlant extracts or EDTA solution (0.94 mL) atconcentration of 500 μg/mL was added to a solutionof 0.02 mL FeCl 2 (2 mM). The reaction was initiatedby the addition of 0.04 mL ferrozine (5 mM), and thenthe mixture was shaken vigorously and left standingat room temperature for 10 min. After equilibrium hadbeen reached, absorbance of the solution was measuredspectrophotometrically at 562 nm.3. Results and DiscussionFree radicals are involved in a number of pathologicalconditions such as inflammatory diseases,atherosclerosis, cerebral ischemia, AIDS, and cancer (3).The free radicals are induced in the human body due toenvironmental pollutants, chemicals, physical stress,radiations, etc. Catalase and hydroperoxidase enzymesare among the most important antioxidants producedby the immune system. Consumption of antioxidantsor free radical scavengers is necessary to compensatedepletion of antioxidants of the immune system.There is an increasing interest in the use ofmedicinal plants as antioxidants. Silymarin andwheat germ oil are well-known plant extracts usedas antioxidants in the pharmaceutical market. In thepresent study, plant extracts prepared from commonlyoccurring wild plants in Beni-Sueif governorate, havebeen screened for their in vitro antioxidant activity.The reported medicinal properties of these plants aredescribed in Table 1.The antioxidant activity of aqueous methanol(80%) extracts tested is listed in Table 2. In the DPPHradical scavenging assay, only extracts of leavesand flowers of Tamarix nilotica showed significantactivity. In superoxide anion scavenging activity thesame extracts and that of Conyza dioscoridis haveshown significant activity. In iron chelating activityextracts of leaves and flowers of T. nilotica and thatof Calotropis procera leaves have shown the highestactivity. Extracts prepared from T. nilotica flowers haveshown the highest antioxidant activities in the threeused assays. Extracts of T. nilotica have been used intraditional Egyptian medicine as antiseptic agents. Thepolyphenolic and flavonoids of T. nilotica have beenpreviously investigated (4-7). The methanol extract ofTable 1. Plants tested for their antioxidant activity in this studyPlant nameTamarix niloticaAmbrosia maritimaZygophyllum cocceniumConyza dioscoridisChenopodium ambrosioidesCalotropis proceraCalotropis proceraFamilyTamaricaceaeAsteraceaeZygophyllaceaeAsteraceaeChenopodiaceaeAsclepiadaceaeParts usedLeaves and flowersLeavesLeavesLeaves and flowersLeaves and flowersLeavesLatexReported medicinal valuesAntiseptic in traditional Egyptian medicine (4)Hepatoprotective (8), Molluscicidal (9)Anidiarrheal (10), Antidiabetic (11)–Trypanocidal (12), Antileishmania (13)Protection against acetaminophen induced liver damage (14)Contractions of gastrointestinal smooth muscle (15)Table 2. Antioxidant activity of aqueous methanol (80%) extracts a of different plantsPlant name (Plant part)Tamarix nilotica (leaves)Tamarix nilotica (flowers)Ambrosia maritima (leaves)Zygophyllum coccenium (leaves)Conyza dioscoridis (leaves and flowers)Chenopodium ambrosioides (leaves and flowers)Calotropis procera (leaves)Calotropis procera (latex)n-propyl gallateEDTADPPH radical b73.13 ± 1.1589.34 ± 0.82– d– d28.01 ± 0.69– d– d– d90.31 ± 0.24Type of assaySuperoxide anion b96.34 ± 0.8392.82 ± 3.8821.87 ± 1.5233.79 ± 2.1993.98 ± 3.1755.78 ± 1.1023.07 ± 7.59– d91.2 ± 0.21Fe 3+ chelation c79.30 ± 4.4979.56 ± 2.9460.24 ± 1.8122.63 ± 3.1640.99 ± 3.1973.73 ± 1.5784.13 ± 1.0522.42 ± 3.3398.46aExtract concentration used was 500 μg/mL. b Percent of radical scavenging activity. c Percent inhibition. d Insignificant results (< 20%).www.ddtjournal.com

<strong>Drug</strong> Discov Ther 2008; 2(5):286-288. 288T. nilotica have shown higher DPPH radical scavengingactivity (51.5 ± 8.14%) than that of silymarin (40.4± 2.05%). Further work is underway to characterizethe active principles acting as antioxidants in thesepromising plant extracts.AcknowledgmentsSameh AbouZid gratefully acknowledges receiving apostdoctoral fellowship from the International Centerfor Chemical and Biological Sciences (ICCBS) and theacademy of sciences for the developing world (TWAS).Thanks are due to Dr. Emad Elshereef, Faculty ofScience, Beni-Sueif University, Egypt for his kindassistance and advice in collection and identification ofthe plants.References1. Hostettmann K. Strategy for the biological and chemicalevaluation of plant extracts. Pure App Chem 1999;70:1-9.2. Ezeldin S, Ibrahim I, Wahba H, Hassan M, Zaki M,AbouZid S. Phytochemical studies on plants growing inBeni-Sueif governorate, Egypt. Abstract Book of The30th International Conference of Pharmaceutical ScienceOrganized by The Egyptian Pharmaceutical Society.1999; p. 43 – Egypt.3. Thomas CE, Kalyanaraman B. Oxygen radicals andthe disease process. Harwood Academic Publishers,Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1997.4. Nawwar MAM, Buddrus J, Bauer H. Dimeric phenolicconstituents from the roots of Tamarix nilotica.Phytochemistry 1982; 21:1755-1758.5. Nawwar MAM, Souleman AMA, Buddrus J, LinscheidM. Flavonoids of the flowers of Tamarix nilotica.Phytochemistry 1984; 23:2347-2349.6. Nawwar MAM, Souleman AMA, Buddrus J, BauetH, Linscheid M. Phenolic constituents of the flowersof Tamarix nilotica: The structure of nilocitin, a newdigalloylglucose. Tetrahedron Lett 1984; 25:49-52.7. El-Sisi HI, Nawwar MAM, Saleh NAM. Plantconstituents of Tamarix nilotica leaves (Tamaricaceae).Experientia 1973; 29:1064-1065.8. Bastawy MA, Khater MR. Evaluation of theprotective potential of Ambrosia maritima extract onacetaminophen-induced liver damage. J Ethnopharmacol2001; 75:169-174.9. Belot J, Geerts S, Sarr S, Polderman AM. Field trialsto control schistosome intermediate hosts by the plantmolluscicide Ambrosia maritima L. in the Senegal RiverBasin. Acta Tropi 1993; 52:275-282.10. Atta AH, Mouneir SM. Antidiarrhoeal activity of someEgyptian medicinal plant extracts. J Ethnopharmacol2004; 92:303-309.11. Mansour HA, Newairy AA, Yousef MI, Sheweita SA.Biochemical study on the effects of some Egyptianherbs inalloxan-induced diabetic rat. Toxicol 2002;170:221-228.12. Kiuchi F, Itano Y, Uchiyama N, Honda G, TsubouchiA, Nakajima-Shimada J, Aoki T. Monoterpenehydroperoxides with trypanocidal activity fromChenopodium ambrosioides. J Nat Prod 2002;65:509-512.13. Monzotea L, M. Montalvoa A, Almanonnic S, ScullbR, Mirandab M, Abreub J. Activity of the essentialoil from Chenopodium ambrosioides grown in Cubaagainst Leishmania amazonensis. Chemotherapy 2006;52:130-136.14. Olaleye MT, Rocha BT. Acetaminophen-induced liverdamage in mice: effects of some medicinal plants onthe oxidative defense system. Exp Toxicol Pathol 2008;59:319-32715. Kumar VL, Shivkar YM. In vivo and in vitro effect oflatex of Calotropis procera on gastrointestinal smoothmuscles. J Ethnopharmacol 2004; 93:377-379.(Received November 15, 2008; Accepted November 23,2008)www.ddtjournal.com

289Original Article<strong>Drug</strong> Discov Ther 2008; 2(5):289-295.The neuroprotective effect of antidepressant drug via inhibitionof TIEG2-MAO B mediated cell deathDeyin Lu, Chandra Johnson, Shakevia Johnson, Shawna Tazik, Xiao-Ming Ou*Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS 39216, USA.ABSTRACT: Alcohol use disorders are common inthe world. However, the development of novel drugsto prevent alcohol-induced brain damage is basedupon an improved neurobiological understanding onthe cellular changes that take place in the brain. Wepreviously reported that ethanol exposure loweredcell proliferation and increased cell apoptosis in allcell types, but affects brain cell lines the most, whileethanol and the anti-depressant drug deprenyl, anmonoamine oxidase B (MAO B) inhibitor, exposurein unison increases cell viability. Here we investigatedthe molecular mechanism of the neuroprotectiveeffect of deprenyl (0.25 nM) on ethanol (75 mM)-induced harmful effect. Transforming growth factorbeta-inducibleearly gene 2 (TIEG2) is an activatorfor MAO B. MAO B levels increase has been shownto contribute to neuronal cell death. This study usesthe neuronal cell line to address whether ethanolinduced cell death is through the activation of TIEG2-MAO B apoptotic pathway, and whether deprenylprotects cells from the effects of alcohol throughthe inhibition of this pathway. We have found thatethanol exposure increases the levels of mRNA andprotein/catalytic activity for both TIEG2 and MAO B,while ethanol and deprenyl exposure in unison reducethe expression of both TIEG2 and MAO B, howeverit increases cell viability. Additionally, TIEG2-overexpressed cells display more cellular deathinducedby ethanol than control cells. In summary,this study demonstrates the role of TIEG2 in ethanolinduced cell death. The inhibition of the TIEG2-MAOB pathway may be one of the mechanisms for theneuroprotective effect of deprenyl.Keywords: Alcohol, Neuroprotection, Transforminggrowth factor-beta-inducible early gene 2, Monoamineoxidase B, Cell viability*Correspondence to: Dr. Xiao-Ming Ou, Divisionof Neurobiology & Behavioral Research G-109,Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior,University of Mississippi Medical Center, 2500 N. StateStreet, Jackson, MS 39216, USA;e-mail: xou@psychiatry.umsmed.edu1. IntroductionAlcohol use disorders are common around the worldand also have a high correlation between alcohol usedisorders and other psychiatric problems, such asmajor depression (1). Although short-term alcoholdrinking causes euphoric and stress-relieving effects,numerous clinical and experimental studies haveshown that alcohol use is a major risk factor forneurobehavioural diseases, inflammation disordersand enhanced susceptibility to bacterial infection(2-4). In particular, it affects the brain and alters itsnormal function (5). This includes altering the effectsof neurotransmitters, suppressing nerve signals andcausing cell death (6). In rodents, ethanol exposureduring development significantly reduces the size ofthe brain as well as brain/body weight ratios (7). Thereare many adverse physical effects from long-termexposure to alcohol including the increased activityin the liver that causes cell death and chronic hepaticdiseases (alcoholic fatty liver, alcoholic hepatitis andcirrhosis, etc) (7,8) and an increase in the number ofapoptotic cells in various brain areas (9).Monoamine oxidase (MAO) metabolizesbiogenic and dietary amines in the central nervoussystem and peripheral tissues, including monoamineneurotransmitters serotonin, norepinephrine,dopamine, and phenylethylamine. MAO playsimportant roles in several psychiatric and neurologicaldisorders (10). MAO exists in two forms, MAO Aand MAO B. Their catalytic activity generates H 2 O 2and nitrogen species, which are toxic products andmay cause oxidative damage to mtDNA and havepotential implications for apoptosis, aging, andneurodegenerative processes.Deprenyl (selegiline), an irreversible inhibitor ofmonoamine oxidase B (MAO B), was synthesized asan antidepressant and used to treat Parkinson's disease(11). Because MAO degrades serotonin and producesreactive oxygen that may cause cell death, an MAOinhibitor prevents cell apoptosis (12,13). Deprenyl orrelated compounds may be neuroprotective in generalthrough the inhibition of "death" signal transduction-www.ddtjournal.com

<strong>Drug</strong> Discov Ther 2008; 2(5):289-295. 290mediated by MAO, induced by endogenous andenvironmental factors (11). Deprenyl in lowconcentrations that induce MAO B inhibition potentlyinhibits serum withdrawal induced apoptosis in tissuecultures of neuro-ectodermal origin (14). This report isconsistent with our previous studies (15) that ethanolcan induce apoptosis in neuronal cells, and deprenyl ina low concentration can protect cells from the harmfuleffects of ethanol.Transforming growth factor-beta-inducible earlygene 2 (TIEG2, also called KLF11--Kruppel-LikeFactor 11) is a human transforming growth factorbeta-(TGF-β)inducible early gene. It is a recentlyidentified human TGF-β-inducible zinc finger proteinbelonging to Sp1-like family of transcription factors.TIEG2 protein is a negative regulator of cell growthand induces apoptosis (16-18) by binding to GCrichsequences (19) located in the promoter region ofseveral genes including MAO B promoter. Ethanolhas been shown to potentiate TGF-β1-mediatedgrowth inhibition in the rat neuroblastoma cells (20),and ethanol exposure increases TGF-β1 signal (21)that may increase TIEG2 protein level and lead toapoptotic death of cells (22). Our previous data haveshown that TIEG2 activates MAO B gene expression(23). This study investigates the neuroprotective effectof antidepressant drug (deprenyl) on ethanol-inducedapoptosis possibly mediated by TIEG2 and MAO B.2. Materials and Methods2.1. Cell lines, DNA plasmids and reagentsSH-SY5Y, a human neuroblastoma cell line, waspurchased from The American Type Culture Collection(ATCC). SH-SY5Y was cultured in RPMI1640supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum andantibiotics. TIEG2-expression vector was a giftfrom Dr. Raul Urrutia, Mayo Clinic. TIEG2 codingsequence was cloned into pcDNA3.1 His A expressionvector. MAO B inhibitor, selegiline (deprenyl), waspurchased from Sigma-Aldrich USA. The antibodiesused in this study were purchased from Santa CruzBiotechnology, except that anti-TIEG2 antibody wasfrom BD Transduction Laboratory.2.2. TIEG2-stably transfected cell lineIn generating the TIEG2-stable cell line, SH-SY5Ywere plated at a density of 5 × 10 6 cells in a 10-cmdish. The next day the TIEG2 expression vector orpcDNA 3.1 was transfected into cells with a Superfecttransfection reagent (Qiagen Inc). After 24 h, cellswere treated with Geneticin (G418; 600 μg/mL).Resistant clones isolated into separate dishes after 6days and cultured under continuous G418 selection(13).2.3. Cell culture and treatments with ethanol anddeprenylBefore treatments, SH-SY5Y cells were seeded on10-cm dishes or 6-well plates. After overnight culture inmedium, the medium was replaced with new mediumcontaining 75 mM of ethanol with or without 0.25nM of deprenyl for three days. As ethanol is volatile,a closed chamber system was utilized to stabilize theethanol concentration in the culture medium (24,25).With this system, ethanol concentrations are maintainedat steady ethanol levels (more than ~90% of the originalconcentration) for 3 days in medium. Briefly, cell culturedishes or 6-well plate containing SH-SY5Y cells wereplaced on a rack inside a plastic container that could betightly sealed. A separate sealed container was used foreach ethanol concentration. The bottom of each containerwas a reservoir that was filled with 200 mL of an aqueoussolution with the same ethanol concentration that waspresent in the culture medium. A nonethanol control hada bath of water only. The underlying principle of thismethod is that the alcohol in the bath evaporates into theair inside the sealed container establishing a stable vaporpressure so that there is no net loss of ethanol from theculture medium. Before sealing the containers, a smallamount (60 cc) of CO 2 was injected into each container.The concentration of CO 2 in the chamber was routinelytested and was determined to be stable at 5%. Thecontainers was sealed and maintained in an incubator at37°C for up to 3 days as needed (25).The ethanol concentration we used (75 mM forexamining the effect of deprenyl) was within thestandard range of in vitro study (26). When a heavydrinker's ethanol concentration in blood reaches ~50-100mM, he probably shows slurred speech and unsteadiness(27). Therefore the ethanol concentration for this study isaround the physiological effect of ethanol in alcoholics.2.4. Real-time PCR (RT-PCR)Total RNAs were extracted with Trizol from culturedcells. Reverse transcription was carried out withSuperScript first strand synthesis system for RT-PCR (Invitrogen Inc) following the manufacture'sinstruction. Specific primers for the human MAO B andTIEG2 were designed as follows:MAO B Sense,5'-GACCATGTGGGAGGCAGGACTTAC-3'Antisense,5'-CGCCCACAAATTTCCTCTCCTG-3'TIEG2 Sense,5'-CCTGTTGCGGATAAGACCCCTCAC-3'Antisense,5'-AAAGCCGGCAATCTGGAGTCTGGA-3'The mRNA quantitative analyses for each group werewww.ddtjournal.com

291<strong>Drug</strong> Discov Ther 2008; 2(5):289-295.performed by Real-Time PCR using a Bio-Rad iCyclersystem. The real-time PCR was performed with a SYBRsupermix kit (Bio-Rad). The data were analyzed by thesoftware from Bio-Rad as described previously (23).2.5. MAO B catalytic activity assaySH-SY5Y was grown to confluence, harvested, andwashed with phosphate-buffered saline. One hundredmicrograms of total proteins were incubated with 10 μM14C-labeled PEA (Amersham Biosciences) in the assaybuffer (50 mM sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.4) at 37°Cfor 20 min and terminated by the addition of 100 μL of6 N HCl. The reaction products were then extracted withethyl acetate/toluene (1:1) and centrifuged for 7 min.The organic phase containing the reaction product wasextracted, and its radioactivity was obtained by liquidscintillation spectroscopy (28).2.6. Western blotCells were cultured in medium with ethanol (75 mM) for3 days, washed by PBS (pH 7.4), and sonicated in 500μL of RIPA lysis buffer (10 mM Tris·HCl, pH 7.4/160mM NaCl/1% Triton/1% Na dexycholate/0.1% SDS/1mM EDTA/1 mM EGTA) supplemented with proteaseinhibitors (Sigma). The samples were then freeze thawedand centrifuged for 2 min at 12,500 rpm. The supernatantwas then kept and transferred to a new tube. Thirtymicrograms (for TIEG2) of total proteins were separatedby 10.5% SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis andtransferred to PVDF membranes. After the transfer,membranes were blocked at room temperature for 2h with 5% nonfat dry milk in TBS (10 mM Tris-HCl,pH 7.5, 150 mM NaCl). The membranes were thenincubated with mouse anti-TIEG2 antibody (1:500) ormouse anti-actin antibody (1:1,000) overnight at 4°C.After incubation with respective secondary antibody atroom temperature for 2 h, the bands were visualized byhoseradish peroxidase (HRP) reaction using SuperSignalWest Pico Chemiluminescent Substrate (PIERCE).2.7. MTT assay for proliferation rate/cell viabilityevaluationCell viability and proliferation was measured bytetrazolium salt (MTT) (13,15). The medium in excessof 2 mL (6-well plates) was removed and 40 μL of MTTdye (5 mg/mL) in sterile PBS was added to 360 μL ofmedium or PBS depending on cell confluence. Plateswere incubated for 4 to 5 hours, during which time themitochondria in living cells converted the soluble yellowdye (MTT) into an insoluble purple formazan crystal.Cells and dye were then solubilized by the addition of800-1,000 μL of DMSO to the 6-well plates. Opticaldensity of each well at 572 nm was determined using theNanoDrop Spectrophotometer.2.8. Statistical analysisAll values are presented as means ± SD. A one-wayANOVA followed by a post hoc Bonferroni's t-testwas employed when three or more groups were tobe compared. A paired t-test was performed for thestatistical analysis of two groups. A P value less than 0.05was considered to be statistically significant.3. Results3.1. Ethanol increases the MAO B mRNA level andenzymatic activity, but deprenyl reverses the effect ofethanolSH-SY5Y cells were treated with 75 mM ethanol forthree days. Then the cellular mRNA and MAO B activitywere determined by real time-PCR and traditional 14 Cmethod assay. The ethanol concentration we used (75mM) was clinically relevant, because the ethanol at50-100 mM reflects blood ethanol levels in chronicalcoholics (29,30). Therefore, the ethanol concentrationin our study was within the levels that results inphysiological effects observed in alcoholics.The results showed that ethanol induced cellularMAO B mRNA level increased about 3.5 times morethan the control; this increase could be reduced by 0.25nM deprenyl treatment (Figure 1A, lanes 2 vs. 1 and 3vs. 1). At the same time, we found MAO B activity inethanol treated cells increased 1.8 fold more than controlcells (Figure 1B, lanes 2 vs. 1). However, deprenylsignificantly decreased the MAO B catalytic activity(Figure 1B, lanes 3 vs. 2).3.2. Ethanol increases the MAO B mRNA and proteinlevels, but deprenyl reverses the effect of ethanolTo test the possibility that TIEG2 may take part in theethanol-induced cell death, TIEG2 mRNA levels andprotein levels were detected with RT-PCR and westernblot. The results show that ethanol could induce TIEG2mRNA expression 4-fold more than that of the controlcells (Figure 2A lanes 2 vs. 1), deprenyl plus ethanolcould just increase 2.8-fold (Figure 2A, lanes 3 vs. 1).Similarly, TIEG2 protein expression level was increasedaround 3.5 times, however deprenyl could inhibit TIEG2expression (Figure 2B, a and b, lanes 2 and 3 vs. 1).3.3. TIEG2 enhances, but MAO B inhibitor (deprenyl)protects, cell death induced by ethanolEthanol has been found to increase the MAO B geneexpression and catalytic activity in the human glioma1242-MG cells (16). With our previous experiment,75 mM ethanol treatment in conjunction with 0.25 nMdeprenyl provided the most protection against apoptoticactivity for brain cells SH-SY5Y and U-118 MG (31).www.ddtjournal.com

<strong>Drug</strong> Discov Ther 2008; 2(5):289-295.292Figure 1. Effects of ethanol on MAO B mRNA level and catalytic activity. SHSY5Y cells were treated with or without 75 mM ethanol or withethanol plus 0.25 nM deprenyl for three days. (A) Cellular mRNA was extracted and quantitative real-time RT-PCR was performed. (B) MAOB enzyme activity was determined by enzymatic activity assay. Data represent the mean ± S.D. of three independent experiments. Controls wereuntreated cells (0 mM of ethanol) which were taken as 1. * P < 0.01 versus control cells and # < 0.05 versus cells treated with ethanol alone (onewayANOVA followed by a post hoc Bonferroni's t-test).Figure 2. Effects of ethanol on TIEG2 mRNA and protein levels. SHSY5Y cells were treated with or without 75 mM ethanol or with ethanolplus 0.25 nM deprenyl for three days. (A) Cellular TIEG2 mRNA level was detected with quantitative real-time RT-PCR, and (B) TIEG2protein was examined by western blot. (a) TIEG2 protein levels in cells treated with or without ethanol or with ethanol plus deprenyl wereshown by western blot, and actin was used as the internal control. (b) The optical density analysis with western blot shows TIEG2 has about3.5 fold expression in ethanol treated cells, whereas, deprenyl inhibited the TIEG2 expression. Data represent the mean ± S.D. of threeindependent experiments. * P < 0.01 versus control cells without ethanol treatment and # < 0.05 versus cells treated with ethanol (one-wayANOVA followed by a post hoc Bonferroni's t-test).Here, we use pcDNA and TIEG2 stably transfectedSH-SY5Y cell lines (Figure 3Aa) to investigate therole of TIEG2 in ethanol-induced cell death and theneuroprotective effect of deprenyl. We have previouslyshown that TIEG2 is a transcriptional activator for MAOB (23). As shown in Figure 3Ab, the MAO B catalyticactivity is increased by ~2-fold in TIEG2-overexpressedcells as compared to that in pcDNA3.1-transfected cells(Figure 3Ab, lanes 2 vs. 1).Next, cells were exposed to 75 mM ethanol inconjunction with 0.25 nM deprenyl for three days,and the cell viability (in survival rate) was observed inwww.ddtjournal.com

293<strong>Drug</strong> Discov Ther 2008; 2(5):289-295.SH-SY5Y cells compared to that in cells treated with75 mM ethanol alone. The results show that TIEG2-overexpression could induce more cell death with thepresence of 75 mM ethanol than that in the controlgroup which was stably transfected with emptypcDNA3.1 vector (Figure 3B, lanes 7 vs. 5). However,deprenyl could protect cells from ethanol's harmfuleffect (Figure 3B, lanes 6 vs. 5 and 8 vs. 7).Previously, we have shown that 0.25 nM of deprenylproduced the best neuroprotective effect on SH-SY5Ycells (15). In order to examine whether 0.25 nM deprenylis also the most appropriate dosage in this study usingTIEG2-overexpressed cells, the different concentrations(0, 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, and 1 nM) of deprenyl were used totest the inhibitory effects on MAO B catalytic activityand cell death. As shown in Figure 3Ca, the ethanoltreatment in conjunction with deprenyl for three daysexhibited the inhibition on MAO B catalytic activityin a concentration dependent manner. Furthermore,MTT assay was performed (Figure 3Cb) to determinethe effects of different concentrations (0, 0.125, 0.25,0.5, and 1 nM) of deprenyl on cell viability in TIEG2-overexpressed cells. The result showed that the ethanoltreatment in conjunction with 0.25 nM deprenyl forthree days increased the cell survival rate by 175% ascompared to that of control cells (Figure 3Cb, lanes 3vs. 1), suggesting that 0.25 nM of deprenyl has the mostprotection against apoptotic activity.4. DiscussionAn understanding of the molecular mechanismsof cellular apoptosis toward excessive alcoholconsumption is crucial for the development of newFigure 3. The effect of TIEG2 on ethanol-induced cell death. (A) Compare the expression of TIEG2 and MAO B catalytic activity in TIEG2/pcDNA stably transfected SH-SY5Y cell lines. (a) Western Blot analysis of the expression of TIEG2 in TIEG2/pcDNA overexpressed cell lines.(b) MAO B catalytic activity is about 2 times higher in TIEG2 stably transfected cells than pcDNA stably transfected cells. Values are expressedas means ± S.D. of at least three independent experiments. * P < 0.02 (paired t-test). (B) Effects of ethanol, ethanol plus deprenyl and TIEG2 oncell survival rates. pcDNA3.1 stably transfected cells or TIEG2 stably transfected cells were treated with 75 mM ethanol with/without 0.25 nMdeprenyl for three days. Then the cell viability was determined by MTT assay. (C) Effects of different dosage of deprenyl on MAO B catalyticactivity and the protection of ethanol induced cell death in TIEG2-stably transfected SH-SY5Y cell line. Cells were treated with or without 75mM ethanol in the conjunction with 0.125, 0.25, 0.5 or 1 nM of deprenyl as indicated in the figure for three days. Then (a) the MAO B catalyticactivity or (b) cell viability (MTT assay) was determined. All data are presented as the mean ± S.D. of at least three independent experiments.Controls were untreated cells (0 mM of ethanol in B and 0 nM of deprenyl in C) which were taken as 100%. * P < 0.05 versus control cellsand # < 0.05 versus cells-stably expressing TIEG (one-way ANOVA followed by a post hoc Bonferroni's t-test).www.ddtjournal.com

<strong>Drug</strong> Discov Ther 2008; 2(5):289-295.294treatments for alcoholism. In this study, we examine theTIEG2-MAO B role in the ethanol induced apoptosis,and the neuroprotective effect of deprenyl via inhibitionof TIEG2-MAO B mediated cell death with SH-SY5Ycell line.The MAO B gene is located on the Xp11.2-11.4chromosome and consists of 15 exons with identicalexon- intron organization (32), and its activity increasesprogressively in the brain throughout adult life (33,34).An aberrant increase of MAO B activity has beenimplicated in several psychiatric and neurodegenerativedisorders (35,36). Thus one predicted mechanism for celldeath is an abnormal increase in monoamine oxidase (37).Previously, the physiologically relevant concentrationof ethanol has been found to increase the MAO geneexpression and catalytic activity in the human glioma1242-MG cells (31). The increased activity of MAOmay thereby increase production of hydrogen peroxide(H 2 O 2 , a major source for oxidative stress) and causeapoptosis (38). The SH-SY5Y, a human neuroblastomacell line, treated with 75 mM ethanol, could increasethe expression of mRNA and protein, in particular,MAO B catalytic activity also increased. Previously, weshowed that the level of Caspase 3, an apoptotic markerprotein, was increased significantly by ethanol treatment,suggesting that ethanol-induced cell death is mediated atleast partially by apoptotic pathway (15).Transforming growth factor-beta-inducible earlygene 2 (TIEG2) is an activator for MAO B throughSp1 overlapping sites (GC-rich sequence) located atthe promoter region of MAO B. Sp1-like protein playskey roles in the regulation of MAO B gene expression(23). It has been reported that TIEG2 induces apoptosisin murine OLI-neu cells (39). With the ethanol treatedSH-SY5Y system, we were able to show that themRNA and protein levels for TIEG2 were increasedsignificantly along with the increase in MAO B activity.Using TIEG2-overexpressed stable cell line, we furtherdemonstrated that TIEG2 could increase the MAO Bcatalytic activity, and also enhance the cellular apoptosistriggered by ethanol, whereas, deprenyl, an MAO Binhibitor, could protect cell death induced by ethanol,because ethanol and deprenyl exposure in unison reducedthe expression of both TIEG2 and MAO B.Deprenyl is an irreversible inhibitor of MAO Bwhich is an antidepressant drug, and is now also used inthe treatment of Parkinson's disease. Deprenyl in muchlower concentrations needed to induce MAO B inhibition(less than ~1 nM) potently inhibits serum withdrawal(40) and nitric oxide (41) induced apoptosis. However,in high concentration, deprenyl induces apoptosis in cellcultures (14). Our findings suggest that 0.25 nM deprenyland ethanol exposure in unison for three days is able toinhibit MAO B catalytic activity and produce the bestneuroprotective effect comparing to other concentrations(0.125, 0.5, and 1 nM) of deprenyl. This may be dueto the higher concentration (more than 0.25 nM) ofdeprenyl used to start to induce apoptosis in cell culture(14).In summary, TIEG2-MAO B-mediated apoptoticpathway may contribute to ethanol induced neurotoxicity.The inhibition of this apoptotic signaling pathway maybe one of the mechanisms for the neuroprotective effectof deprenyl.AcknowledgementsThis study was supported by Public Health ServiceGrants P20 RR17701 and a NARSAD Young InvestigatorAward. The contribution by Dr. Raul Urrutia forproviding TIEG2-pcDNA3.1 expression vector is alsoacknowledged. Shakevia Johnson and Shawna Tazikwere supported by the Neuroscience Summer ScholarsProgram, Department of Psychiatry, University ofMississippi Medical Center.References1. 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<strong>Drug</strong> Discov Ther 2008; 2(5):296-304. 296Original ArticleRegulation of the nitric oxide synthesis pathway and cytokinebalance contributes to the healing action of Myristica malabaricaagainst indomethacin-induced gastric ulceration in miceBiswanath Maity 1 , Debashish Banerjee 1 , Sandip K. Bandyopadhyay 1 , Subrata Chattopadhyay 2, *1Department of Biochemistry, Dr. B.C. Roy Post Graduate Institute of Basic medical Sciences & IPGME&R, 244B, AcharyaJagadish Chandra Bose Road, Kolkata, India;2Bio-Organic Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India.ABSTRACT: The role of the ariginine-metabolism inthe healing action of the methanol extract of Myristicamalabarica (rampatri) (RM) and omeprazole (Omez)against indomethacin-induced stomach ulcerationin mouse was investigated. Indomethacin (18 mg/kg)was found to induce maximum stomach ulceration inSwiss albino mice on the 3rd day of its administration,which was associated with reduced arginase activity(38.5%, p < 0.05), eNOS expression, along withincreased iNOS expression, total NOS activity (5.37fold, p < 0.001), NO generation (55.1%, p < 0.01), andratio of pro-/anti-inflammatory cytokines. Besidesproviding comparable healing as Omez (3 mg/kg × 3 d),RM (40 mg/kg × 3 d, p.o.) shifted the iNOS/NO axisto the arginase/polyamine axis as revealed fromthe increased arginase activity (59.5%, p < 0.01),eNOS expression, and reduced iNOS expression,total NOS activity (73%, p < 0.001), and NO level(49.8%, p < 0.01). These could be attributed to afavourable anti/pro inflammatory cytokines ratio,generated by RM. The healing by Omez was however,not significantly associated with those parameters.Keywords: Arginase, Cytokine balance, Gastric ulcerhealing, Indomethacin, NOS1. IntroductionGastric ulcer is a complex pluricausal disease andis known to develop due to loss of balance betweenaggressive and protective factors (1). The non-steroidalanti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are known to causegastric ulceration and delay ulcer healing, which is*Correspondence to: Dr. Subrata Chattopadhyay, Bio-Organic Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre,Mumbai 400 085, India;e-mail: schatt@barc.gov.ingenerally explained in terms of cyclooxygenase (COX)inhibition, reduced prostaglandin (PG) synthesis, andthe impaired PG-mediated angiogenesis. However,the complete mechanism underlying this effect isnot completely understood. Various other factors,especially the nitrogen-metabolizing enzymes are alsokey contributors in host immune defence mechanismsand wound healing (2,3). In acute inflammatoryresponses, such as wound healing, heat stroke andglomerulonephritis, arginase has been implicated asan important regulator of diverse pathways includinggeneration of polyamines and the cytostatic free radicalmolecule, nitric oxide (NO) (4). Arginine pathway playsa vital role in wound healing since L-arginine becomesan essential amino acid after wounding with almostundetectable levels in the wound milieu (5). Studieshave shown that arginine itself has advantageous effectson cutaneous healing by enhancing cell proliferationand collagen synthesis as well as breaking strength(6). Further, nitric oxide (NO), produced from argininealso plays an important role in inflammatory processes,being a mediator of macrophage function (4,6,7).The temporal switch of arginine as a substrate for theinducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS)/NO axis toarginase/polyamine axis is subject to regulation byinflammatory cytokines. However, little is known on theinterplay of cytokines and the NO synthesis pathwayduring indomethacin-induced gastric ulceration. Aftertrauma, the Th1/Th2 imbalance with Th2 predominanceis reflected by a predominance of the arginase inducingcytokines such as IL-4, IL-10, and TGFβ (8).Very recently, we have documented impressivehealing activity of the fruit rinds of the plant, Myristicamalabarica (Myristicaceae), popularly known asrampatri (9). It was found that oral administration ofthe methanol extract of rampatri (designated as RM)at a dose of 40 mg/kg for three days could effectivelyheal the indomethacin (18 mg/kg, p.o., single dose)-induced stomach ulceration in mice, reducing thewww.ddtjournal.com

297<strong>Drug</strong> Discov Ther 2008; 2(5):296-304.ulcer index from 3.0 to 0.8 (~74%). The healingactivity of RM could be partly attributed to its abilityto prevent oxidative damages to lipids, thiols andantioxidant enzymes, as well as augmenting mucinstatus. Subsequently, malabaricones B and C (thechemical structures shown in Figure 1) were found asits active constituents (10). However, the extract wasmore potent than the individual malabaricones at theirrespective concentrations in the extract (9). Hence forthe present study, we have used RM to understand themechanisms of its healing action in terms of its capacityto regulate the arginine metabolism by modulatingthe balance of cytokines in the process. To this end,we have investigated the effect of RM in elevatingarginase activity, and regulating NO productionthrough modulation of NOS expression. In addition,the important role of the pro- and anti-inflammatory, aswell as regulatory cytokines vis-a-vis their putative roleduring wound healing was also investigated.2. Materials and Methods2.1. Chemicals and reagentsThe dry fruit rinds of M. malabarica were purchasedfrom the local market. L-arginine, indomethacin,isonitrosopropiophenone, Bradford reagent, TritonX-100, leupeptin, phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride(PMSF), glycine, sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS),acrylamide, bis-acrylamide, Tween 20, ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA), 3,3',5,5'-tetramethylbenzidine (TMB), MnCl 2 , urea, omeprazole (Omez),Trizma base, cetyl trimethylammonium bromide(CTAB), and nitrocellulose membrane were procuredfrom Sigma Chemicals (St. Louis, MO, USA). Otherreagents used were disodium hydrogen phosphateand sodium dihydrogen phosphate (BDH, UK),sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, phosphoric acid,sodium chloride (Thomas Becker, Mumbai, India),horseradish peroxidase (HRPO, Sisco ResearchLaboratory, Mumbai, India), rabbit polyclonal iNOSand eNOS antibodies (Santacruz Biotechnology,Delaware, USA), peroxidase conjugated anti-rabbitIgG antibody, enhanced chemiluminescence detectionkit (Roche, Mannheim, Germany), NOS and NO assaykits (Calbiochem, CA, USA), TGF-β1 set (PromegaOHOOHMalabaricone B: R = HMalabaricone C: R = OHFigure 1. The chemical structures of malabaricone B andmalabaricone C present in M. malabarica.ROHCorporation, Madison, USA) and cytokine ELISA kits(Pierce Biotechnology, Rockford, IL, USA).2.2. InstrumentationThe absorbance spectrophotometry was carried outat 25°C using an ELISA reader (Biotech Instruments,USA). The bands obtained from western blotswere quantified using the Gelquant software (DNRBioimaging System, version 2.7.0, Israel).2.3. Preparation of plant extractThe dry fruit rinds (20 g) of M. malabarica werepowdered with a grinder and extracted successivelywith ether, methanol, and water (60 mL × 4 d with eachsolvent) at room temperature. The supernatants in eachcase were decanted. The entire process was repeatedthree times, each of the combined supernatants wasfiltered through a nylon mesh and evaporated at < 40°C in vacuo to obtain the respective extracts, which werestored in a vacuum desiccator. The methanol extract(designated as RM, 28.9%) was used for the presentwork.2.4. Preparation of the drugsThe drugs were prepared from RM and Omez asaqueous suspensions in 2% gum acacia as the vehicle,and administered to the mice orally.2.5. Protocol for ulceration and biochemical studiesThe mice, bred at the BARC Laboratory Animal HouseFacility, Mumbai, India were procured after obtainingclearance from the BARC Animal Ethics Committee,and were handled following International Animal EthicsCommittee Guidelines. Male swiss albino mice (25-30 g)were reared on a balanced laboratory diet as per NIN,Hyderabad, India and given tap water ad libitum. Theywere kept at 20 ± 2°C, 65-70% humidity, and day/nightcycle (12 h/12 h). To perform all the experimentsin a blinded fashion, the animals were identified bytypical notches in the ear and limbs, and randomized,before the experiments. The mice were divided intofour groups (each containing five mice), and eachexperiment was repeated three times. Ulceration wasinduced in the groups II-IV mice by administeringindomethacin (18 mg/kg, p.o.) dissolved in distilledwater and suspended in the vehicle, gum acacia (2%)as a single dose. The animals were deprived of foodbut had free access to tap water, 24 h before ulcerinduction. The mice of groups I and II, serving asnormal and ulcerated controls respectively were giventhe daily oral dose of vehicle (gum acacia in distilledwater, 0.2 mL) only. The groups III and IV mice weregiven RM (40 mg/kg × 3 d, p.o.) and Omez (3 mg/kgwww.ddtjournal.com

<strong>Drug</strong> Discov Ther 2008; 2(5):296-304. 298× 3 d, p.o.) respectively, starting the first dose 6 h postindomethacin administration. After 6 h of the last doseof the drugs, the mice were sacrificed after an overdoseof thiopental, the stomach was opened along the greatercurvature, and the wet weights of the tissues wererecorded. The glandular portion from five animals werepooled, rinsed with appropriate buffer, homogenizedin the same buffer under cold condition and used forassessing the expression of different NOSs and assayingarginase and MPO activities. Other biochemical (totalNOS and NO) and immunological parameters wereassayed using the serum samples.2.6. Assessment of ulcer healingThe ulcerated portions of the stomach were fixedin 10% formol saline solution for 24 h, embeded ina paraffin block, and cut into 5 μm sections, whichwere placed onto glass slides, and stained withhaematoxylene and eosin for histological examinationunder a light microscope. One centimetre lengths ofeach histological section was divided into three fields.The histological damage score (DS) was assessed asdescribed previously (9).2.7. Determination of myeloperoxidase (MPO) activityThe MPO activity was determined following a reportedmethod (11) with slight modifications. Gastric ulcertissues were homogenized for 30 sec in a 50 mMphosphate buffer (pH 6.0) containing 0.5% CTABand 10 mM EDTA, followed by freeze thawing threetimes. The homogenate was centrifuged at 12,000 × gfor 20 min at 4°C. The supernatant was collected, andthe protein content determined. The supernatant (50 μL)was added to 80 mM phosphate buffer, pH 5.4 (250 μL),0.03 M TMB (150 μL) and 0.3 M H 2 O 2 (50 μL). Afterincubating the mixture at 25°C for 25 min, the reactionwas terminated by adding 0.5 M H 2 SO 4 (2.5 mL). Theabsorbance of the mixture at 450 nm was recorded usingHRPO as the standard. The MPO activity was expressedas mU/mg protein.2.8. Arginase assayFollowing a known method (12) with minormodifications, the assay was carried out using the tissuehomogenate prepared in ice-cold 25 mM Tris-HClbuffer (pH 7.5) followed by centrifugation at 12,000× g for 30 min at 4°C. The reaction mixture (200 μL)containing 0.5 M L-arginine (pH 9.7), 1 mM MnCl 2 , andthe tissue extract (100 μL) was incubated for 20 min at37.4°C. The reaction was stopped by adding an acidmixture (800 μL, H 2 SO 4 -H 3 PO 4 -H 2 O, 1:3:7) and 3%isonitrosopropiophenone, followed by heating at 100°Cfor 45 min, and the absorbance at 540 nm was read. Thedata were quantified from a calibration curve preparedusing urea (1.5-120 μg), and normalized for tissueprotein. One unit (U) of enzyme activity is defined asthe amount of enzyme that catalyses the formation of1 μmol of urea/min.2.9. Total NOS assayThe serum NOS activity was measured using thecommercially available colorimetric kit followingmanufacturer's protocol.2.10. Western blot analyses of tissue iNOS and eNOSexpressionsThe glandular part of the gastric mucosa after beingwashed with PBS containing protease inhibitors wasminced and homogenized in a lysis buffer (10 mMTris-HCl, pH 8.0, 150 mM NaCl, 1% Triton X-100)containing leupeptin (0.005 μg/mL) and PMSF(0.4 μM/mL). Following centrifugation at 15,000 ×g for 30 min at 4°C, the supernatant was collected,and the protein concentration measured. The proteins(40 μg) were resolved by 10% SDS-polyacrylamidegel electrophoresis and transferred to nitrocellulosemembrane. The membrane was blocked for 2 h in TBSTbuffer (20 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.4, 150 mM NaCl, 0.02%Tween 20) containing 99% fat-free milk powder andincubated overnight at 4°C with rabbit polyclonal iNOSor eNOS antibody. The membrane was washed over aperiod of 2 h with TBST and incubated with peroxidaseconjugated anti-rabbit IgG (1:2,500 dilution). The bandswere detected using an enhanced chemiluminescencedetection kit and quantified using the Gelquant software.2.11. Assay of NOFollowing manufacturer's instruction, the serum NOlevel was measured using a commercially availablecolorimetric kit that measures the total nitriteconcentration of the sample.2.12. Assay of cytokinesThe serum IL-4, IL-6 and TNF-α levels were estimatedusing commercially available ELISA kits followingmanufacturer's protocols. The method of TGF-β1estimation (13) in sera was adopted after acidificationto include the active and latent forms of the cytokine.Briefly, 96-well high binding ELISA plates were coatedwith anti-mouse TGF-β1 monoclonal antibody andincubated overnight at 4°C. After blocking for 30 minat 37°C, the wells were washed once with TBST buffer,the samples were activated by acid treatment followedby neutralization. The samples along with the standardswere seeded to each well at an appropriate dilution, andincubated at room temperature for 90 min. The wellswere washed (5 times), diluted polyclonal antibodywww.ddtjournal.com

299<strong>Drug</strong> Discov Ther 2008; 2(5):296-304.(100 μL) added, and the mixture incubated furtherfor 2 h at room temperature. The wells were washed,and incubated for 2 h after addition of TGF-β HRPOconjugate (100 μL). After the final wash, TMB (100 μL)was added to each well, the mixture incubated for 15 min,the reaction was stopped by 1 N HCl, and the absorbanceat 450 nm was read.2.13. Statistical analysisThe values are expressed as the mean ± S.E.M. Thedata were analyzed by a paired Student's t test for thepaired data, or one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)followed by Dunnet's multiple comparisons post hoc test.3. ResultsEarlier we have observed peak ulceration in mice onthe 3rd day after indomethacin (18 mg/kg, single dose)administration, and a three-day treatment with RM (40mg/kg/day) and Omez (3 mg/kg/day) provided optimalulcer healing (9). The extent of stomach ulcerationand healing by the drugs were quantified from thesame histological slide. The optimized healing data,assessed in terms of histological damage scores areprovided in Table 1. Hence, the present experimentswere also carried out under the above conditions. Wepreferred using the crude extract (RM) since it wasmore potent than the individual active componentson equivalent basis. This would also be economicallybeneficial.3.1. Regulation of the mucosal MPO activityCompared to the normal mice, the mucosal MPOstatus in the gastric tissues of ulcerated untreated miceincreased by 34.3% (p < 0.05) (Figure 2). This wasbrought down significantly by both RM (22.4%, p < 0.05)and Omez (20.3%, p < 0.05). The effect of Omez wasnot significantly different from that of RM.3.2. Regulation of the mucosal arginase activityThe indomethacin-mediated stomach ulcerationTable 1. The optimized healing capacities of RM and Omezagainst indomethacin-induced stomach ulceration in mice asrevealed from the histological damage scores aGroupDamage scoreUntreated 3.0 ± 0.07Extract-treated0.8 ± 0.03 (73.3) bOmez-treated0.4 ± 0.02 (86.7) baStomach ulceration in mice was induced by indomethacin (18 mg/kg, p.o.). RM (40 mg/kg × 3 d) and Omez (3.0 mg/kg × 3 d) wereused for the experiments. The histologic damage (DS) were measuredon the 3rd day after indomethacin administration by analyzing thedata from the review of a minimum of three sections per animal. Thevalues are mean ± S.E.M. (n = 15). Figures in parenthesis show %reduction from the experimental control.bp < 0.001, compared to the 3rd day ulcerated control.depleted (38.5%, p < 0.05) the arginase activityconsiderably, compared to the normal mice (Figure 3).Three-day treatment with RM and Omez enhanced it by59.5% (p < 0.01) and 19.6% respectively compared tothe untreated mice. The results of RM and Omez weresignificantly different (p < 0.05).3.3. Regulation of the NOS activityCompared to the normal mice, a significant increase(5.37 fold, p < 0.001) in the total NOS activity wasnoticed in the ulcerated mice. Both RM and and Omezreduced it by ~73% (p < 0.001) (Figure 4).3.4. Modulation of the mucosal eNOS and iNOSexpressionsThe Western blots of the eNOS and iNOS expressionsMyeloperoxidase activity(mU/mg protein)605040302010*0NormalUlceratedRM-treatedOmez-treateduntreatedFigure 2. Effects of RM and Omez in modulating the mucosal MPOlevel in the indomethacin-induced ulcerated mice. The supernatant ofthe gastric tissue homogenate was incubated with TMB in a suitablebuffer and the MPO activity (mean ± S.E.M., n = 15) was assayedfrom the absorbance at 450 nm. * p < 0.05 compared to normal mice;** p < 0.05 compared to untreated mice.Mucosal arginase activity(U/mg protein)*UlcerateduntreatedFigure 3. Effects of RM and Omez in modulating the mucosalarginase activity in the indomethacin-induced ulcerated mice. Thesupernatant of the gastric tissue homogenate was incubated withL-arginine and MnCl 2 in a suitable buffer and the arginase activity(mean ± S.E.M., n = 15) was assayed from the absorbance at 540 nm.* p < 0.05 compared to normal mice; ** p < 0.01 compared to untreatedmice; # p < 0.01 compared to Omez-treated mice.**** ,#RM-treated**Omez-treatedwww.ddtjournal.com

<strong>Drug</strong> Discov Ther 2008; 2(5):296-304.300in the gastric mucosa of the normal, ulcerated anddrug (RM or Omez)-treated mice are shown in Figure5. The eNOS expression was detected in both normaland ulcerated gastric tissues. In contrast, the iNOSexpression was very high in the ulcerated tissues, butinsignificant in normal gastric tissues. Quantificationof the bands revealed that stomach ulcerationincreased the expressions of iNOS (62%, p < 0.001)and eNOS (44%, p < 0.01), compared to normal mice.Treatment with RM reduced the iNOS expression(21.6%, p < 0.05), along with dramatic increase in theeNOS expression (56.3%, p < 0.001), compared to theuntreated mice. In contrast, Omez reduced the eNOSexpression (23.6%, p < 0.05) significantly, but showedinsignificant effect on the iNOS expression.3.5. Regulation of the serum NO levelAt peak ulceration, there was a significant increase(55.1%, p < 0.01) in the serum nitrite level comparedto the normal mice. Treatment with RM and Omezreduced it by 49.8% (p < 0.01) and 29.3% (p < 0.01)respectively, the effect of RM being significantly better(p < 0.05) than that of Omez (Figure 6).3.6. Modulation of the serum TGF-β1 levelCompared to the normal value, ulceration reduced thelevel of serum TGF-β1 (Figure 7) by 48% (p < 0.001).Treatment with RM and Omez, however, increasedit by 79.6% (p < 0.001) and 26.3% (p < 0.05)Total NOS activity (μM)908070605040302010*****+-+-++--+---2.25 1.1 1.44 11.27 1.75 1.62 1RMOmezIndomethacineNOSiNOS0NormalUlcerateduntreatedRM-treatedOmez-treatedβ-actinFigure 4. Effects of RM and Omez in regulating the serum totalNOS activity in the indomethacin-induced ulcerated mice. The NOSlevel (mean ± S.E.M., n = 15) was measured by ELISA. * p < 0.001compared to normal mice; ** p < 0.001 compared to untreated mice.Figure 5. Western blots of eNOS and iNOS expressions of normal,ulcerated and drug-treated gastric tissues of mice. The numericalfigures (arbitary unit) reveals the density scanning results, consideringthat of normal mice as 1.2018*100** ,#Serum NO level (μM)16141210864** ,#Serum TGF-β1 (ng/mL)80604020*++20NormalUlcerateduntreatedRM-treatedOmez-treatedFigure 6. Effects of RM and Omez in regulating serum NO level inacute gastric ulcerated mice. The NO level (mean ± S.E.M., n = 15)was measured by ELISA. * p < 0.01 compared to normal mice; ** p

301<strong>Drug</strong> Discov Ther 2008; 2(5):296-304.respectively, compared to the untreated mice. RM wassignificantly (p < 0.05) more potent than Omez.3.7. Regulation of the serum Th1 (TNF-α and IL-6) andTh2 (IL-4) cytokinesCompared to the normal value, ulceration drasticallyincreased the serum TNF-α and IL-6 ~4.4 and ~3.5folds, respectively (p < 0.001). RM suppressed thelevels of both TNF-α (66.9%, p < 0.001) and IL-6 56%(p < 0.001) significantly, compared to the untreatedmice. Omez, however, reduced both the cytokines by~13.3% (p < 0.05), which were much less than that byRM.In contrast, the serum IL-4 level in the ulceratedmice was reduced by 28.3% (p < 0.05), comparedto the normal mice. Treatment with RM improved itappreciably (95.4%, p < 0.001), while the effect of Omez(14.3% increase) was significantly less (p < 0.001) thanthat of RM. The results on the cytokine modulation aresummarized in Figure 8.4. DiscussionThe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)including indomethacin are most widely prescribedfor the treatment of pain and inflammation. However,they are also known to cause gastrointestinal (GI)damage, characterized by hyperemia, and increasedvascular permeability, as well as delayed ulcer healing(14). Ulcer-healing is a complex process involving acombination of wound retraction and re-epithelizationwherein several factors such as enzymes, cytokines, andsoluble mediators, liberated during the inflammatoryresponse play crucial roles. The impressive healingcapacity of RM (IC 50 = 23.30 ± 3.50 mg/kg) againstthe indomethacin-induced gastric ulceration inmice (9) encouraged us to investigate its probablemodulatory effect on arginase and NOS as well as theTh1/Th2 cytokines profiles since these are some of theestablished mediators of wound healing.Earlier, we have established the healing actionof mal B by histology (11). Quantification of thehistological slides in terms of damage score (DS)provided a better assessment of the quality of healing.This was also substantiated from our results with theMPO assay. The MPO activity, a marker of neutrophilaggregation at the site of inflammation is frequentlyincreased in ulcerated conditions, and reduced duringwound healing (15). Our studies depicted that whileindomethacin administration enhanced the gastricmucosal MPO activity, treatment with RM (40 mg/kg× 3 d) and Omez (3 mg/kg × 3 d) reduced it almostequally. These results are consistent with our previous80*** ,#70****++60++504030*******20100NormalUlceratedUntreatedRM treatedOmeztreatedNormalRM treatedNormalRM treatedLevels of cytokinesUlceratedUntreatedOmeztreatedUlceratedUntreatedOmeztreatedTNF-α (pg/mg of Protein)IL-4 (pg/mL)IL-6 (pg/mL)Figure 8. Effects of RM and Omez in regulating serum TNF-α, IL-4 and IL-6 levels in acute gastric ulcerated mice. The cytokine levels (mean ±S.E.M., n = 15) were measured by ELISA. * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.001 compared to normal mice; ++ p < 0.05, *** p < 0.001 compared to untreated mice;#p < 0.001 compared to Omez-treated mice.www.ddtjournal.com

<strong>Drug</strong> Discov Ther 2008; 2(5):296-304.302histological results, where both RM and Omez werefound to produce similar ulcer healing at the designateddoses (9). It is worth mentioning that extending theperiod of treatment led to slightly better healing, buta large part of this was due to natural healing. Sincethat would not provide much information on the drugaction, this was not pursued. Likewise, the effect ofincreasing daily dose of RM was only marginal. Thephytochemical analysis of RM revealed the presence offour diarylnonanoids, malabaricones A-D as its majorconstituents. All these compounds contain a resorcinolmoiety, which is known to induce irreversible,hydrogen peroxide-dependent loss of activities of theheme-containing peroxidases such as MPO (16).Metabolism of arginine that can be catalyzedby arginase, and NOS, plays a vital role in gastriculceration and its healing. Upregulation of arginaseincreases the level of polyamines, which play asignificant role in wound healing. The regulatoryrole of arginase in acute intestinal inflammation andtissue repair has been demonstrated (17,18). On theother hand, NOS catabolizes L-arginine by a differentpathway to produce L-citrulline and NO. The signalingmolecule, NO has long been the subject of extensiveresearch with respect to its role in GI mucosal defenseand the pathogenesis of mucosal injury. NOSs exist asconstitutive (cNOS), and inducible isoforms (iNOS).Of these, the endothelial NOS (eNOS), belongingto the cNOS isoforms generates only nanomolarconcentrations of NO that dilates the blood vesselsand increases blood flow in the gastric mucosa (19)and also contributes to angiogenesis (20,21). TheeNOS expression plays a major role in wound healingthat gets inhibited if the eNOS expression is depleted(20,22). On the other hand, iNOS that can be largelyinduced under certain pathological conditions (23) actsas a killer molecule, and is involved in inflammation.The enhanced generation of NO in the inflamed gastricmucosa may be toxic in the digestive systems, andcontribute to the pathogenesis of peptic ulcer disease(24). An increase in iNOS activity, and a decrease ineNOS activity in the gastric mucosa are closely relatedto the development of gastric mucosal lesions. Becausethe potential high-output source of NO in mammaliancells is iNOS, factors involved in the induction andexpression of iNOS activity are key determinants of theNO-mediated toxicity. Sustained overproduction of NOby iNOS is detrimental and contributes to inflammationin various gastroduodenal disorders (15).The intense reciprocal regulation of NOS andarginase activities in vivo, and the temporal switchbetween them decides ulceration and healing (8,25).Our results showed considerable down regulation ofthe mucosal arginase level along with an increasedexpression of the iNOS due to ulceration. Thissuggested a shift of the arginine metabolism towardsthe NO/iNOS pathway during ulceration. The elevatedexpressions of both iNOS and eNOS accounted for theincreased total NOS activity as well as serum nitritelevel due to ulceration. The iNOS is probably derivedfrom inflammatory neutrophils and macrophages thatwould contribute to stimulate inflammatory situation,explaining the ulcerogenic property of indomethacin.Simultaneous generation of superoxide and NO by themacrophages would produce peroxynitrite creatingoxidative stress. Its stimulated generation, as observedin this study, may also delay proximal duodenalcontractions, by exposing mucus to gastric acidity.Treatment with RM and Omez, especially the formerrestored the arginase activity almost to normalcy. RMalso raised the eNOS/iNOS ratio to a level favorablefor efficient ulcer-healing. This would amount togeneration of more polyamine at the expense of theiNOS-derived NO that may be a key contributing factorin the anti-ulcer effect of RM. The reduction of the totalNOS activity and NO level by RM was primarily due tosuppression of the iNOS expression. Even a moderatesuppression of iNOS expression would reduce NOrelease substantially, since the enzyme is capable ofgenerating NO many folds.In contrast, despite showing less effect onmodulating eNOS/iNOS expressions and NOproduction, Omez provided excellent healing. Thismay be due to other operative mechanism in its healingaction as observed by us and others (10,26). Thetotal NOS reduction by Omez was due to less eNOSexpression. This was also evident from the fact that itseffect on NO reduction was much less.Although iNOS is very strongly induced inulcerated tissue in the stomach, the NO-derived fromit does not appear to play a role in modulating healing.Most of the previous studies of NO and inflammationfocused on the role of iNOS, whereas the role of eNOSthat can also be markedly enhanced by various stimulior tissue injury has been underestimated. Using eNOSdeficient mice, the importance of eNOS and eNOSderivedNO in regulating microvascular structureduring acute inflammation has been demonstrated(27). Our results suggested that the eNOS-derived NOcontributed maximum to the ulcer healing property ofRM, although a role for neuronal NOS-derived NOcannot be excluded.Stimulation of inflammatory cytokines is extremelyimportant in mucosal defense. One of the mostprominent modes of mediation of indomethacininducedgastropathy is the increased expression ofthe pro-inflammatory cytokines (28,29), which alsocorrelates with the extent of ulceration. Even the crosstalkamongst NOS/NO and arginase/polyamine isguided by the cytokine profile of the host (2,3). In viewof this, the immune response due to ulceration, andits modulation by RM and Omez was monitored. Thisenabled us to associate the inflammatory response witha better prognosis.www.ddtjournal.com

303<strong>Drug</strong> Discov Ther 2008; 2(5):296-304.Indomethacin administration raised the levelsof pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNF-α and IL-6)while reducing the anti-inflammatory cytokines (IL-4and TGF-β), thereby creating a cytokine imbalance.Increased TNF-α is known to increase iNOS activityby promoting binding of NF-κB to the iNOS promoter(25,30). The increased levels of Th1 cytokines dueto ulceration would augment the iNOS/NO pathwayto produce excess NO, which is likely to promoteoxidative stress and result in ulceration (31,32). Ourresult on the decreased IL-4 level due to ulceration wasin tune with a previous report (33).Treatment with RM, however, restored theimbalance by increasing the levels of IL-4 and TGF-βbeyond the normal values. The upregulation of the antiinflammatorycytokines by RM is likely to inhibit thestimulatory effect of indomethacin on the level of proinflammatorycytokine release in blood and gastricmucosa. The immunosuppressive Th2 cytokine, TGF-βhas a direct role in stimulating epithelial restitution(34). Besides suppressing the IFN-γ-induced iNOSgene expression and thereby generation of excess NO,it also increases arginase activity during inflammatoryprocesses (8,25,35). The altered arginase activity andiNOS expressions observed by us during ulceration,and RM treatment are consistent with their respectiveeffects in modulating the mucosal TGF-β status. Theenhanced IL-4 level by RM would trigger the TGF-β-SMAD-signaling pathway to stimulate the extracellularremodeling and subsequent tissue repair. In contrast,except for the TGF-β, the other cytokines were notaffected significantly by Omez, as reported earlier(33). This was also reflected in its marginal effect inregulating the enzymes, arginase and NOS.Overall, RM modulated the cytokine profile toshift the balance in favour of arginase/polyamine visa-visiNOS/NO pathway, besides improving the eNOSexpression. 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