May - Jurong Shipyard Pte Ltd

May - Jurong Shipyard Pte Ltd

May - Jurong Shipyard Pte Ltd


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MICA (P) 119/07/2007 <strong>May</strong> - June 2007<strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong> has been awarded acontract by SeaDrill Limited (SeaDrill) in<strong>May</strong> 2007 to build a 6 th generation ultradeepwatersemi-submersible drilling rigat a turnkey contract value of US$535.5million (S$814 million).This ultra-deepwater semi-submersible rigwill be built based on the Friede & GoldmanEx-D design. Scheduled for delivery by April2010, this is the third semi-submersible rigto be built by <strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong> for SeaDrill,following the West Sirius and West Tauruswhich are of similar design currently underconstruction in the yard.THIRD US$535.5M SEADRILLSEMI-SUBMERSIBLE RIGMr Don Lee, Senior General Manager ofOffshore Division, said, “We are extremelypleased that SeaDrill has taken the decisionto build the third semi-submersible rig ofthis class with <strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong>. This in itselfis testimony of the confidence that SeaDrillhas placed in the shipyard for its on-time,on-budget and injury-free performance.”Artist's impression of West Sirius, the first of three Friede & Goldman Ex-D design SeaDrill semi-submersiblerigs on order in <strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong>. The third rig will be built based on a similar design.Mr Kjell E Jacobsen, Chief Executive Officerof SeaDrill Management AS, said, “We arepleased with the performance of <strong>Jurong</strong><strong>Shipyard</strong> on the two rigs being built nowand would like to continue to build on thisfoundation and relationship. We believe thisrig will be a very attractive project given thatit has the enhanced attributes and lessonslearnt from the two rigs presently underconstruction in <strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong>.”Mr Kjell E Jacobsen, CEO of SeaDrill Management AS, and Mr Don Lee, SeniorGM of Offshore, marking the contract signing with a fi rm handshake.All smiles - Mr John Fredriksen and Mr Don Lee commemorating their solidpartnership.

Yard NewsUS$88M CONVERSION CONTRACTS SECUREDMr Jim MacFarlane, owner representative ofOverseas Drilling Limited, confirms the deal forthe conversion of Joides Resolution in <strong>Jurong</strong><strong>Shipyard</strong><strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong> has secured twoconversion contracts worth a total of US$88million (or approximately S$133 million) in<strong>May</strong> 2007.The first contract involves the conversionof the 188,697 dwt tanker, the S.T. PolarAlaska, into a Floating Production Storageand Offloading (FPSO) vessel for AkerContracting FP AS. The vessel will undergomodification works including the installationof an internal turret, three units of 5MWsteam turbine generators, another three unitsof 5MW gas turbine generators, and newprocess facilities for crude separation andgas compression, as well as the upgradingof the entire piping and electrical systems.deployment in the MA D6 field on the eastcoast of India. Designed to operate for 10years without dry docking, FPSO Aker Smart1 will be capable of processing 60,000barrels of oil and 80,000 barrels of liquidper day and have a storage capacity of1,300,000 barrels of oil.The second contract involves the conversionand life extension of the 9,589 GT ScientificResearch Vessel, Joides Resolution, into anIODP (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program)Scientific Ocean Drilling Vessel (SODV) forOverseas Drilling Limited.Scheduled for completion in 4Q 2007,work on the vessel entails the completereplacement of the living quarters for130 persons and the installation of anew scientific laboratory. In addition,the vessel will undergo life extensionactivities, including drydocking, repairs, theoverhauling of the 12 thruster units and theupgrading of major electrical systems.On completion, the converted vessel willre-commence scientific research initiativesworldwide.Overseas Drilling Limited, which is equallyowned by Transocean Inc. and Siem OffshoreInc, has a long-term contract for JoidesResolution with the Texas A & M ResearchFoundation, the IODP Science Operator.To be renamed FPSO Aker Smart 1 oncompletion in 1Q 2008, the vessel will bechartered to Reliance Industry Limited forScientifi c research vessel Joides Resolution arriving at <strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong> for conversion and life extensionNOBLE DRILLING SIGNS SECONDULTRA-DEEPWATER SEMI-SUBMERSIBLE<strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong> has signed a contract withNoble Drilling Holding LLC, a wholly-owned,indirect subsidiary of Noble Corporation,for a second ultra-deepwater dynamicpositioningsemi submersible drilling rigto be constructed and converted from anexisting baredeck hull.The estimated cost of the semi-submersibleunit is approximately US$550 million,including shipyard cost, owner-furnishedequipment, project management cost andgeneral contingencies. To be named Noble02Jim Day, the rig will be constructed, convertedand outfitted from Noble’s existing baredeckhull Noble Bingo 9000 Rig 4.Mr Scott Mark, Noble Drilling’s VP (Engineering,Project Management & Construction), with Mr DonLee, <strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong>’s Senior GM of Offshore,during the contract signingThe Noble Jim Day will have similarspecifications and design as the first semisubmersiblerig unit, the Noble DannyAdkins, which was contracted to <strong>Jurong</strong><strong>Shipyard</strong> in December 2006. The unit isdesigned to drill up to 35,000 feet in depthand for operation in up to 12,000 feetwater depth, with accommodation for atleast 200 persons.Fabrication work for the semi-submersiblehas already commenced, and delivery isprojected for the fourth quarter of 2009.

Yard NewsPETROPROD AWARDS FIRST HARSHENVIRONMENT JACK-UP RIG AT US$442M<strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong> has secured a US$442million (approximately S$667 million)contract to construct a harsh environmentjack-up rig for Norway’s Petroprod <strong>Ltd</strong> in<strong>May</strong> 2007.The harsh environment jack-up rig will bebuilt based on the proven CJ70 design.Scheduled for delivery in mid-2010, theharsh environment jack-up rig will besuitable for operations in the NorwegianNorth Sea and is capable of both drillingand production activities.Commemorating the jack-up award: Key representatives from <strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong> together with Mr MartinNordass, company representative for PetroProd.Petroprod <strong>Ltd</strong> is a company specialising inmobile production and field developmentmainly for small and medium-size oilfields.The company is managed by Larsen Oil &Gas and the main shareholders are fromthe Larsen sphere.MEMORABLE STAY FOR PHOENIX VOYAGER<strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong> warmly welcomed PhoenixVoyager, a 309,995 dwt tanker belonging toalliance partner, Chevron Shipping CompanyLLC of USA, when it came to the yard for arepair stopover between April and <strong>May</strong>.Arriving in early April, Phoenix Voyager wentthrough a similar series of repairs as sistervessel Antares Voyager, which had calledearlier in March. Throughout the operation,there was a strong focus on safety as theyard performed cargoand ballast tank repairs,underdeck tank coating,as well as renewal ofsteel docking brackets,starboard anchor chainand M/E air coolerdrain to further improvethe vessel’s effectiveperformance.Phoenix Voyager departing the yardThe stopover was madeeven more memorable with the celebrationof the Captain’s 47 th birthday on <strong>May</strong> 1,2007. Mr Steen Jeppesen, the Captain ofPhoenix Voyager, received birthday blessingsfrom friends and colleagues during thecosy party, which provided an excellentopportunity for team bonding amongmembers from <strong>Jurong</strong> and Chevron.Captain Steen Jeppesen, Captain of PhoenixVoyager, cutting his birthday cakeCelebrating as a team03

FeatureNAMING OF FIRST HIGH-PERFORMANCEAuspicious lion dance to bless the rigLady Sponsor Mrs Monique Desvoyes officiating the naming of Maersk Completer, witnessed by (fromright) Guest-of-Honour Mrs Lim Hwee Hua, Minister of State for Finance and Transport, Mr Paul CarstenPedersen, Group Senior Vice President of AP Moller-Maersk and Deputy Chief Executive Officer of MaerskContractors, and Mr Wong Weng Sun, Managing Director of <strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong>The first of two high-performance BakerMarine Pacific Class 375 deep drillingoffshore jack-up rigs built by <strong>Jurong</strong><strong>Shipyard</strong> for Maersk Contractors wasofficially christened Maersk Completer in anaming ceremony on <strong>May</strong> 12, 2007.The jack-up rig was officially named MaerskCompleter by Lady Sponsor, Mrs MoniqueDesvoyes, wife of Mr Pierre Desvoyes,General Manager, Operations, Total Paris, inthe presence of Guest-of-Honour Mrs LimHwee Hua, Minister of State for Finance andTransport, and senior management fromowner Maersk Contractors, rig chartererTotal E&P, <strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong> and its parentcompany SembCorp Marine.In his opening address during the ceremony,Mr Wong Weng Sun, SembCorp Marine’sPresident & Chief Operating Officer and<strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong>’s Managing Director,said, “The Maersk Completer is a turnkeyproject, in which we are responsible forthe engineering, procurement, installationand the commissioning works. It marksanother key milestone in the growth of<strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong>, and also demonstrates theversatility and the multi-skilled workforcethat we have.”A rousing welcome for the VIPsCommending <strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong> in his speech,Mr Paul Carsten Pedersen, Group Senior VicePresident, AP Moller-Maersk and DeputyCEO, Maersk Contractors, praised the teamfor their professionalism, fine workmanshipand good technical solutions in the buildingof this high performance jack-up rig.Representatives from Maersk Contractors, Total E&P, SembCorp Marine and <strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong> together with Guest-of-Honour Mrs Lim Hwee Hua, Minister of Statefor Finance and Transport, rejoicing the christening of Maersk Completer04

FeatureJACK-UP RIG FOR MAERSK CONTRACTORSFlanked by the lucky lionsCheers to the successful completion of Maersk Completer!VIPs on a tour onboard the rigFollowing the champagne-breaking andthe name unveiling, VIPs and guests wereinvited onboard to view the rig’s highperformancefeatures. The festive moodcontinued over the lunch, which saw keyrepresentatives from <strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong>,Maersk Contractors and Total E&P liftingtheir glasses in a toast to the success andprosperity of Maersk Completer in all herfuture endeavours.DELIVERY OF MAERSK COMPLETERShortly after its naming, Maersk Completerwas delivered in a hand-over ceremonyon <strong>May</strong> 14, 2007, witnessed by keyrepresentatives from <strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong> andMaersk Contractors.Mr Don Lee, <strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong>’s Senior GeneralManager of Offshore, and Mr Jorgen Jensen,Maersk Contractors’ Senior Vice President(Technical Management), were present toendorse the official hand-over.Maersk Completer is the first of twoidentical jack-up drilling rigs originallyordered by Petrojack AS in December 2004and April 2005 and sold to Maersk Contractorsin July 2006.Mr Don Lee, <strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong>’s Senior GM ofOffshore, and Mr Jorgen Jensen, Maersk Contractors’Senior VP of Technical Management, sealing thedelivery of Maersk CompleterConstructed based on the proven BakerMarine Pacific Class 375 design, aproprietary design owned by the SembCorpMarine Group, this highly efficient rig isCommemorating Maersk Completer’s successful hand-overMaersk Completer, the first of two high performanceBaker Marine Pacific Class 375 offshore jack-up rigsbuilt by <strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong> for Maersk Contractorscapable of drilling in water depths up to375 ft and drilling depths of 30,000 ft. Therig is designed with extensive deck space,with accommodation for 120 men and hasa large jacking capacity for preload jacking.The second unit is scheduled for delivery inthe fourth quarter of 2008.05

SCM NewsPPL SECURES 3 RD RIG ORDER AT US$190MFROM OFFSHORE GROUP CORPPPL <strong>Shipyard</strong>, <strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong>’s sisteryard, has been awarded another contractby Offshore Group Corp in June 2007 tobuild a Baker Marine Pacific Class 375(BMC Pacific 375) Deep Drilling OffshoreJack-up Rig at a contract value of US$190million (approximately S$291 million).This high-performance rig is the third in aseries of three identical BMC Pacific 375design jack-up rigs that Offshore GroupCorp has ordered from PPL <strong>Shipyard</strong>,following the first unit in October 2006 andthe second unit in January this year.Construction of the jack-up rig is expectedto commence in the third quarter of 2007with delivery scheduled in September 2009.To be built based on PPL <strong>Shipyard</strong>’sproprietary BMC Pacific 375 Deep Drillingdesign, the jack-up rig will be equippedwith a drilling package with capabilities todrill high pressure and high temperaturewells at 30,000 feet whilst operating in375 feet of water. It is also designed withaccommodation for 120 persons.Mr Ong Tian Khiam, Managing Directorof PPL <strong>Shipyard</strong>, said, “We are pleasedthat Offshore Group Corp has entrustedPPL <strong>Shipyard</strong> with the construction of yetanother jack-up rig unit. This third jack-uprig order is a reflection of the optimism thatowner has in the jack-up rig market and inparticular our rig design and our ability todeliver on schedule and within budget.”PPL <strong>Shipyard</strong>’s flagship jack-up design –the Baker Marine Pacific Class 375 design– has secured orders for a total of 19 unitsso far since its launch in 2004. Four units ofthese BMC Pacific 375 deep drilling jack-uprigs have since been delivered.The jack-up rig will be constructed after PPL<strong>Shipyard</strong>’s proprietary Baker Marine Pacifi c Class375 design as seen aboveSEMBAWANG SHIPYARD TO DESIGN, CONSTRUCT ANDCOMMISSION US$221M HEAVY LIFT CRANE VESSELSembawang <strong>Shipyard</strong>, a sister yard of<strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong>, has secured a US$221million contract from Avonway <strong>Ltd</strong>, Cyprus,a wholly owned subsidiary of Nordic HeavyLift ASA, Norway, to design, construct, outfitand commission a 5,000 tonnes DP3 HeavyLift Crane Vessel based on the design fromSea of Solutions BV, with an option for asecond vessel. The vessel will be built to DetNorske Veritas classification standard.Sembawang <strong>Shipyard</strong> has been awardedthis milestone specialised contract againststrong international competition based onthe shipyard's capabilities and establishedtrack record in the highly specialised andsophisticated field of offshore vesselsconversion, modification work and06newbuilding. In particular, DP 2 / 3 vesselsdemand strong project managementskills, high Health, Safety, Security andEnvironment (HSSE) standards, provenEngineering, Procurement and Construction(EPC) expertise and strong organisationalcapabilities.The contract requires the completeengineering, construction, outfitting andcommissioning of a 13,500 tonnes newhull to be built in China, into a DP 3 heavylift crane vessel with a 220-400 menaccommodation capacity equipped witha 5,000 tonnes heavy lift Huisman mastcrane. The execution of this contract involvescarrying out detailed engineering on thebasic design package, construction of thebare steel hull in China, complete detailed3-D model engineering, systems outfittingand commissioning in Singapore andthe installation of Owner supplied 5,000tonnes crane. Scheduled to be delivered inMarch 2010, the vessel will be deployedworldwide upon completion.Mr Frederik M. Steenbuch, General Managerof Nordic Heavy Lift said “Sembawang<strong>Shipyard</strong> has demonstrated its strong trackrecord in handling sophisticated offshore workespecially vessels equipped with dynamicpositioning capabilities. We are confidentthat both Nordic Heavy Lift and Sembawang<strong>Shipyard</strong> will be able to work closely towardsthe successful completion and commissioningof this significant project.”

SPOTLIGHTSNETWORKING ACTION AT OTC 2007A fl urry of activity at SembCorp Marine’s boothA global leader in offshore and marine engineering, SembCorpMarine further strengthened its international presence in theoil and gas sector with their active participation in the OffshoreTechnology Conference (OTC) from April 30 to <strong>May</strong> 3.Held at the Reliant Park in Houston, Texas, OTC 2007 saw a recordturnout of more than 67,155 industry professionals from 110countries – the show’s highest in 25 years. Among them weredelegates from SembCorp Marine’s participating yards, <strong>Jurong</strong><strong>Shipyard</strong>, Sembawang <strong>Shipyard</strong>, PPL <strong>Shipyard</strong> and SMOE, whocame to network and learn about the latest developments in theoffshore oil and gas field.SembCorp Marine’s booth, located within the Singapore Pavilion,successfully showcased the Group’s diverse range of integratedmarine and offshore engineering expertise. It was well visitedthroughout the four days, with many stopping over to enquire aboutVisitors browsing through SembCorp Marine’s corporate collateralsthe Group’s portfolio of integrated solutions, from the design andbuilding of deep-drilling jack-ups, fast-track construction of semisubmersibles,turnkey solutions for fixed platforms and FPSOs,dynamic positioning vessel conversion, to specialised repairs andupgrading.Riding on this invaluable networking platform, SembCorp Marine’sdelegates also seized upon the opportunity to reinforce the strongfoundations of friendship and partnership they have built withvalued customers and strategic partners in the industry.Our delegates making a strong showingBuilding strong tiesExplaining SembCorp Marine’s integrated offshore andmarine engineering expertise08Engaging in discussionMeeting in progress

SPOTLIGHTSAMONG THE LEADERS AT NOR-SHIPPING 2007SembCorp Marine’s representatives at the Singapore Nite reception, held at Oslo’s Radisson SAS PlazaHotel.Official opening: Guest-of-Honour, Mrs Lim HweeHua, Minister of State for Finance and Transport,jointly opens the Singapore Pavilion with Mr Teo SiongSeng, Chairman of Singapore Maritime FoundationTo raise its business profile and networkwith partners in the international scene,<strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong> and its sister yardSembawang <strong>Shipyard</strong> came together underthe SembCorp Marine banner to exhibit atNor-Shipping 2007.A premier showcase and meeting point forthe global maritime industry, Nor-Shipping2007, held in Oslo from June 12 to 15,recorded its most successful year with aturnout of over 20,000 official delegates,professional visitors, representatives andexhibitors from 42 countries.SembCorp Marine was part of a delegationof 13 exhibitors led by the SingaporeMaritime Foundation (SMF) and theAssociation of Singapore Marine Industries(ASMI). Exhibiting under the SingaporePavilion, the Group’s representatives playedhost to a group of distinguished visitorscomprising government ministers, keytrade association representatives and theNorwegian royalty.On the opening day on June 12, HisMajesty King Harald V of Norway honouredthe Singapore Pavilion with his presenceduring the VIP tour of the Nor-Shippingexhibition. While stopping over SembCorp’sMarine’s booth, he was warmly received bythe Group’s delegates who shared with himabout the company’s expertise and networkof partnerships with Norway.SembCorp Marine was also a majorsponsor of the Singapore Nite receptionat the beautiful Radisson SAS Plaza Hotelthe same evening. Hosted by SMF and MrSvein Aaser, Singapore’s Honorary Consul-General to Norway (Oslo), the highlysuccessful event witnessed clients andpartners turning up in force to show theirsupport. A crew of experienced chefs fromSingapore was also specially flown in towhip up several sumptuous local delightsfor visitors.The four-day exhibition, which was abuzzwith networking action, served as an idealIn active conversationSteady fl ow of visitors to the boothmeeting point and networking groundfor SembCorp Marine representatives totouch base, expand their business links,and explore new opportunities in themarketplace.His Majesty, King Harald V of Norway, being greeted by SembCorp Marine’srepresentatives at the boothNorway’s oil and gas magnates Mr John Fredriksen and Mr Berge Gerdt Larsenwith Mr Don Lee, Senior GM of Offshore09

SAFETYDRIVING TO THE NEXT LEVELFORKLIFT SAFETY CAMPAIGNPiecing together the “Driving to the Next Level” forkliftsafety campaign poster puzzle as part of the launchMission accomplished! <strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong>’s senior management and union representatives commemoratingthe forklift safety campaign launchCelebrating the campaign’s launch!Reflecting the yard’s firm commitment tofurther raise standards of forklift safety, aworkplace safety and health campaign withthe theme “Driving to the Next Level” waslaunched amidst much excitement on <strong>May</strong>23, 2007.To mark the official launch of the forkliftsafety campaign, key managementpersonnel placed together pieces of a jigsawto form the “Driving to the Next Level”campaign poster. This was followed by theendorsement of the jigsaw pieces to marktheir joint commitment and unwaveringsupport towards the safety drive.The event was also used as a platform toshowcase the yard’s new “Forklift SafetyDVD”, a safety education video to guideemployees on the safety measures and bestpractices during forklift operations. Donecompletely in-house, this is the third safetyDVD to be produced by the creative teamfrom Safety & Fire Department over the pastyear. As part of the DVD viewing, humorousintroductory trailers of the Safety DVD werealso shown to a spontaneous audience.Other highlights of the day included thepresentation of certificates and cash vouchersto the winners of the Safe Forklift Operators,Best Safety Slogan, Best Safety Poster, andSafety Q&A Competitions, which were heldin conjunction with the campaign’s launch.The winning works in the safety postersand safety slogans competitions were alsodisplayed to further inspire a safety-first,zero-incident culture among employees andsubcontractors partners in attendance.Reiterating the management’s commitmentof ensuring high standards of workplacehealth and safety, <strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong>’sManaging Director Mr Wong Weng Sunsaid, “We will continue to invest resources,manpower, and management time to ensureall potential risks in the work processes,work procedures and environment arecarefully assessed and controlled….toensure that all our workers go home safelyto their family at the end of their work.”Managing Director Mr Wong Weng Sun stressing theyard’s commitment towards creating a safe workplacefor all employeesViewing the winning entries of the safety poster competition on display11

HappeningsROUND THE FAST LANEEager to experience the thrill of ‘takingoff’ from an airstrip, <strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong>’s teamof 59 employees made a strong showing atthe 12 th National Runway Cycling event onSunday, June 3, 2007.Paya Lebar Air Base, which opened itsdoors to the public for the day, turned itsrunway into a 15km cycling and skate trackin conjunction with National Family Week.With a turnout of nearly 7,000 cyclists andLooking cool on their wheelsStriking a pose on the runwayinline skaters from all walks of life, the dayfulfilled its promise of being a fun-filled dayof exercise and bonding for all. Joining theparticipants that morning was Guest-of-Honour Deputy Prime Minister Professor SJayakumar, who performed the flag-off forthe event.AEROBICS @TOA PAYOH HUBPREVENTING STROKEStroke is the fourth most common cause of death and a major causeof disability in Singapore. A stroke occurs when blood supply to apart of the brain is cut off when an artery is blocked (by fatty depositsor blood clots) or bursts (due to high blood pressure or aneurysm).When this happens, certain functions controlled by that part of thebrain are lost. This may result in sudden numbness usually in one side of the body, slurredspeech, loss of sight or motor-sensory functions, severe giddiness or headache, loss ofconcentration and memory, as well as inability to control bowel and urinary functions.Fitness instructors showing the movesKeeping in step with the aerobics beatAdopting a total healthy lifestyle,participants from <strong>Jurong</strong> <strong>Shipyard</strong> tookpart in Fitness @ Work’s first heartlandlocation showcase. The event, whichtook place at Toa Payoh HDB Hub Mallon <strong>May</strong> 8, 2007, featured aerobicsdemonstrations, healthy cookingdemonstrations, Body Mass Index (BMI)checks, sale of healthy food and more.Here are some things you can do to reduce your risk of stroke:Check Your Blood PressureTest your blood pressure annually if you’reabove 40. If you already have high bloodpressure, lifelong treatment will help keepit under control.Watch Your DietTake less fat, high-cholesterol food, sugarand salt. Have a balanced diet of morefruit, vegetables and moderate servings ofstarchy food.Physical ActivityExercise regularly. Engage in moderateintensity physical activity for 30 minutes atleast 5 days a week such that you sweat andbreathe deeply without getting breathless.Source: “Stroke – Prevent it”, Health Promotion BoardCheck for DiabetesGo for diabetes blood tests once you’reabove 40. If you’ve risk factors, startscreening at an earlier age. Those withdiabetes should follow your treatment,monitor your sugar levels, adhere to yourmeal plan and see your doctor regularly.Don’t SmokeIf you smoke, stop immediately. If youdon’t, don’t start.Learn To RelaxRest when you feel tense or tired. Start ahobby. Learn a relaxation technique. Avoidalcohol or too much coffee, tea and coladrinks. Plan and manage your time properly.12

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