Drive Right Companion - Delsea

Drive Right Companion - Delsea

Drive Right Companion - Delsea

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NameDateP(1 5.3. Traffic Laws Governing the Use of Alcohol'JWords and Ideasconsume: To consume is to eat or drink; to take into your body.consent: This means to agree.implied-consent law: Every state has this law which states that anyone who gets adriver's license autolnatically agrees to be tested for blood-alcohol content andother drugs if stopped for suspicion of drug use while driving.driving while intoxicated (DWI): This is an offense for driving while intoxicated.The level of intoxicatiorl in most states is a blood-alcohol concentration of 0.08 to0.10 percent.driving under the influence (DUI): This is an offense for driving while drinkingwhen a driver's blood-alcohol concentration is 0.05 percent or more.penalty, penalties: This is punishment. Penalties for DUI and DWI may includesuspension of your driver's license, fines, or prison terms.conviction: When you have been proven guilty of DUI or DWI, there has been aconviction.suspension: This means to take away for a certain period of time, or suspend.Suspension of your driver's license is a punishment for an offense such as DUI orDWI.revocation: This means to cancel, or to revoke. Revocation of your driver's licerlsemeans the loss of your driver's license as punishment for an offense, such asconviction of a DUI or DWI.fine: A fine is the alnount of money paid as a pcnalty for breaking the law.prison term: This is the amount of time someone stays in a prison or jail aspunishment for breaking the law.manslaughter: This is the killing of another person without meaning to hurt anyone.murder: This is the killing of another person with the intent to hurt someone.zero-tolerance law: Most states have zero-tolerancc laws that say it is illegal forpersons under the age of 21 to drive with any measurable amount of alcohol in theblood.intoxilyzer: This is a machine that tests a person's breath for blood-alcohol content.field sobriety test: These are on-the-spot, roadside tests that help an officer detectwhether a driver is sober or under the influence of alcohol or other drugs.nystagmus: This is an involulitary jerking of the eyes as a person gazes to the side.One type of field sobriety test determines when nystagmus begins.Unit 4 Being a Responsible <strong>Drive</strong>r Chapter 15 Alcohol, Other Drugs, and Driving 95

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