Drive Right Companion - Delsea

Drive Right Companion - Delsea

Drive Right Companion - Delsea

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NameDate/ '\,' 4.2 / Identify and Predict\ /Words and IdeasZone Control System: This system helps you control the space-six zones-aroundyour vehicle. It allows you to see and rcspond to changes in the zones so that youcan control the traffic situation.zone: A zone is an area of space that is the width of a lane and extends as far as thedriver can see. There are six zones around a vehicle.open zone: This is the space where you can drive safely in your intended path of travel.line of sight: This is the distance you can see ahead in the direction you are looking. Ifyour line of sight is restricted, that zone is closed.restriction: To restrict means to not allow. If something does not allow you to seeahead, such as a truck, your line of sight is restricted.path of travel: This is the space your vehicle will occupy as you travel ahead.target area: Your target is the aiming point where you want to go. The target area is thesection of the roadway where the target is located and the area to its right and left.closed zone: This is a space not open to you to travel safely. A zone can be closed by arestriction in your line of sight, another vehicle, or a traffic light or sign.Think About ItLook at the drawing below that shows closed zones. Choose from the following list thephrase that corresponds to the correct number in the picture.Write the phrase in the space provided.closed front zoneclosed rear zoneclosed front-right zone5. -IClosed ZonesI2. parked vehicleI--------- IUnit 1 The Driving Task Chapter 4 Managing Risk with the IPDE Process 27

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