Having a Decided Heart - Andy Andrews

Having a Decided Heart - Andy Andrews

Having a Decided Heart - Andy Andrews


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PowerSourceSeptember 2006PowerSourceMagazine.comPowerSource<strong>Having</strong> A<strong>Decided</strong><strong>Heart</strong>By: <strong>Andy</strong> <strong>Andrews</strong>; Photo By: Peter NashOne of the least-known principles forsuccess—perhaps the most crucial principleto your success in any endeavor—isthis: You must have a decided heart,Why? More people fail at what theyattempt because of an undecided heartthan for any other reason! So repeat after me: “I have adecided heart!”Have you ever seen someone with an undecided heart tryingdesperately to make a decision? It goes something likethis: First he asks his friends: “Should I do this?” Then heasks his friends what their friends think. Then he’ll talk tomore friends, telling them what his other friends’ friendsthink . . . “But what do you think?” he wants to know. Andon and on it goes, until finally, a decision is made.But he’s not satisfied. Now he wants to talk to hisfriends about whether he should have made this decisionafter all. Then he’ll talk to other people about whathis friends thought of his decision. Before you know it,he takes back his decision.But that’s still not the end. Now he wants to know(from friends—and friends of friends), “Should I havestuck with my decision?”Yes, it seems ridiculous, maybe somewhat exaggerated,but we all know someone who conducts his or herlife in at least a similar manner.For the person with an undecided heart, lifebecomes a constant state of analysis. “Should I?Shouldn’t I? Why did I? What if I . . .” The undecidedheart experiences the paralysis of analysis. He is chasinghis tail, around and around and around . . . andgoing nowhere fast.What is the purpose of analysis, anyway? It is notmeant to be a continuous state: analyze, analyze,analyze . . . and then analyze some more. The verypurpose of analysis is to come to a conclusion!!It is impossible to make a correct decision everysingle time we make one. We are not created with thatability. None of us can see into the future. Remember, even

PowerSourceMagazine.comSeptember 2006PowerSourcePowerSourcethe Psychic Network went bankrupt! (Theyshould have seen that coming, don’t youthink?) But we were made with theability to not only make a decisionbut to go about thebusiness of making it aright one. When youhave a decided heart,you become a virtualforce of nature.“This is somethingI will do.This is a projectthat will becompleted. Itwill touch people’slives, itwill changethings, and itwill make theworld a betterplace.”When you goabout your businesswith a decidedheart, a spirit insideyou is loosed thatyou’ve never felt before.How does this happen?It’s very simple, really. Whenyou possess a decided heart, youdon’t spend your time and energy inanalysis. You are free to actually go aboutthe business of doing what you said you weregoing to do! What a liberating place to be!One word of caution: Just because you have a decidedheart, doesn’t mean you will be immune tothe “slings and arrows” of our time. Justthink big enough, and your criticswill make themselves known.“You need to be more realistic,”they’ll say. Or, “Doyou know what thechances are that youcould ever . . .?” Youget the idea.What is yourgoal or dream?How big is it?Do you needc r i t i c s t oaccomplish it?You can besure that thesize of yourpeanut gallerywill be in proportionto thesize of yourvision. Will thecriticism hurt?Probably. But cancriticism overpower adecided heart? Never.Several years ago, I wascaught up in the process offinding a publisher for a manuscriptI had written. This book, I felt,would touch many people around theglobe. Yet after almost four years, fifty-one publishershad said no to The Traveler’s Gift . . . and to me! Butlife’s greatest rewards are on the other side of what seemsimpossible. I began telling myself, “Where there seems tobe no way, I will always find a way. The power of a decidedheart is found in never looking back.”Incidentally, the fifty-second publisher said yes to thebook. Now, several years later, after spending months onthe New York Times Best Seller List, The Traveler’s Gift hasbeen published in nearly twenty languages.Determine to have a decided heart—right now!Successful people make their decisions quickly and changetheir minds slowly. Unsuccessful people make their decisionsslowly and change their minds quickly.So, which type of person are you? Not yesterday, not fifteenminutes ago, but what type of person are you now?The weakness of an undecided heart will dilute yourstrength and power. A decided heart, on the other hand,will move mountains.Isn’t it time for the mountains in your life to move? Theywill. Just remember: where there seems to be no way, youwill always find a way. The life you choose will be yours—when your heart decides to make it so!<strong>Andy</strong> <strong>Andrews</strong> will be hosting this year’s ICM Awards,live from Nashville’s Acuff Theatre on November 9. Hisaudio books can be found at www.<strong>Andy</strong><strong>Andrews</strong>.com andat most major book retail outlets.

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