Airworthiness Inspector Handbook Part-II - Civil Aviation Authority of ...

Airworthiness Inspector Handbook Part-II - Civil Aviation Authority of ... Airworthiness Inspector Handbook Part-II - Civil Aviation Authority of ...
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AIRWORTHINESS INSPECTORSHANDBOOK-FOR NCAR 145/66/147/Man individual for a aircraft maintenance licence so that CAA Nepal may prepare andissue such licence.3.2 The NCAR-145 maintenance organisation will ensure compliance with 2.1 and 2.2 inall cases, CAA Nepal will issue the aircraft maintenance licence to the applicant.4. Procedure for the amendment of an aircraft maintenance licence to include anadditional basic category or subcategory (NCAR 66.B.110)4.1 In addition to the documents required under Para 2 or Para 3, as appropriate, theapplicant for additional basic categories or subcategories to an aircraft maintenancelicence will submit his/her current original aircraft maintenance licence to CAA Nepaltogether with CAAN Form 19.4.2 At the completion of the procedure as specified in Para 2 or Para 3, CAA Nepal willendorse the additional basic category or subcategory on the aircraft maintenancelicence by stamp and signature or reissue the licence. CAA Nepal file will beamended accordingly.5. Procedure for the amendment of an aircraft maintenance licence to include anaircraft type or group (NCAR 66.B.115)On receipt of a satisfactory CAAN Form 19 and any supporting documentationdemonstrating compliance with the applicable type rating and/or group ratingrequirements and the accompanying aircraft maintenance licence, CAA Nepal willeither endorse the applicant's aircraft maintenance licence with the aircraft type orgroup or reissue the said licence to include the aircraft type or group. CAA Nepal filewill be amended accordingly.6. Procedure for the renewal of an aircraft maintenance licence validity (NCAR66.B.120)6.1 The holder of an aircraft maintenance licence will complete the relevant requirementsof CAAN Form 19 and submit it with the holder's copy of the licence to CAA Nepalthat issued the original aircraft maintenance licence, unless the NCAR-145 approvedmaintenance organisation has a procedure in its exposition whereby such organizationmay submit the necessary documentation on behalf of the aircraft maintenance licenceholder.6.2 CAA Nepal will compare the holder's aircraft maintenance licence with CAA Nepalfile and verify any pending revocation, suspension or variation action pursuant toPara 13. If the documents are identical and no action is pending pursuant to Para 13,the holder's copy will be renewed for five years and the file endorsed accordingly.6.3 If CAA Nepal file is different from the aircraft maintenance licence held by the licenceholder:a. CAA Nepal will investigate the reasons for such differences and may choose notto renew the aircraft maintenance licence.July 2012 Page 38

AIRWORTHINESS INSPECTORSHANDBOOK-FOR NCAR 145/66/147/Mb. CAA Nepal will inform both the licence holder and any known NCAR-145 orNCAR-M approved maintenance organisation affected of such fact and will, ifnecessary, take action under paragraph Para 13 to revoke, suspend or amend thelicence in question.7. Examination by CAA Nepal (NCAR 66.B.200)7.1 All examination questions will be kept in a secure manner prior to an examination, toensure that candidates will not know which particular questions will form the basis ofthe examination. CAA Nepal will nominate those persons who control the questionsto be used for each examination.7.2 CAA Nepal will appoint examiners who will be present during all examinations toensure the integrity of the examination.7.3 Basic examinations will follow the standard specified in Appendix I and II to thisNCAR 66.7.4 Type examinations must follow the standard specified in Appendix III to this NCAR66.7.5 New essay questions will be raised at least every six months and used questionswithdrawn or rested from use. A record of the questions used will be retained in therecords for reference.7.6 All examination papers will be handed out at the start of the examination to thecandidate and handed back to the examiner at the end of the allotted examination timeperiod. No examination paper may be removed from the examination room during theallotted examination time period.7.7 Apart from specific documentation needed for type examinations, only the examinationpaper may be available to the candidate during the examination.7.8 Examination candidates will be separated from each other so that they cannot read eachother's examination papers. They may not speak to any person other than theexaminer.7.9 Candidates who are proven to be cheating will be banned from taking any furtherexamination within 12 months of the date of the examination in which they werefound cheating.8. General (NCAR 66.B.300)8.1 CAA Nepal may only perform the conversion specified in NCAR 66.A.70 inaccordance with a conversion report prepared pursuant to Para 9 or Para 10, asapplicable.8.2 The conversion report will be either developed by CAA Nepal or approved by CAANepal.July 2012 Page 39

AIRWORTHINESS INSPECTORSHANDBOOK-FOR NCAR 145/66/147/Man individual for a aircraft maintenance licence so that CAA Nepal may prepare andissue such licence.3.2 The NCAR-145 maintenance organisation will ensure compliance with 2.1 and 2.2 inall cases, CAA Nepal will issue the aircraft maintenance licence to the applicant.4. Procedure for the amendment <strong>of</strong> an aircraft maintenance licence to include anadditional basic category or subcategory (NCAR 66.B.110)4.1 In addition to the documents required under Para 2 or Para 3, as appropriate, theapplicant for additional basic categories or subcategories to an aircraft maintenancelicence will submit his/her current original aircraft maintenance licence to CAA Nepaltogether with CAAN Form 19.4.2 At the completion <strong>of</strong> the procedure as specified in Para 2 or Para 3, CAA Nepal willendorse the additional basic category or subcategory on the aircraft maintenancelicence by stamp and signature or reissue the licence. CAA Nepal file will beamended accordingly.5. Procedure for the amendment <strong>of</strong> an aircraft maintenance licence to include anaircraft type or group (NCAR 66.B.115)On receipt <strong>of</strong> a satisfactory CAAN Form 19 and any supporting documentationdemonstrating compliance with the applicable type rating and/or group ratingrequirements and the accompanying aircraft maintenance licence, CAA Nepal willeither endorse the applicant's aircraft maintenance licence with the aircraft type orgroup or reissue the said licence to include the aircraft type or group. CAA Nepal filewill be amended accordingly.6. Procedure for the renewal <strong>of</strong> an aircraft maintenance licence validity (NCAR66.B.120)6.1 The holder <strong>of</strong> an aircraft maintenance licence will complete the relevant requirements<strong>of</strong> CAAN Form 19 and submit it with the holder's copy <strong>of</strong> the licence to CAA Nepalthat issued the original aircraft maintenance licence, unless the NCAR-145 approvedmaintenance organisation has a procedure in its exposition whereby such organizationmay submit the necessary documentation on behalf <strong>of</strong> the aircraft maintenance licenceholder.6.2 CAA Nepal will compare the holder's aircraft maintenance licence with CAA Nepalfile and verify any pending revocation, suspension or variation action pursuant toPara 13. If the documents are identical and no action is pending pursuant to Para 13,the holder's copy will be renewed for five years and the file endorsed accordingly.6.3 If CAA Nepal file is different from the aircraft maintenance licence held by the licenceholder:a. CAA Nepal will investigate the reasons for such differences and may choose notto renew the aircraft maintenance licence.July 2012 Page 38

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