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today show broadcasts live from rockwell museum j - Norman ...

today show broadcasts live from rockwell museum j - Norman ...


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THE NORMAN ROCKWELL MUSEUM AT STOCKBRIDGE, STOCKBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTSVOL. 8, NO.3 FALL 1991TODAY SHOW BROADCASTS LIVEFROM ROCKWELL MUSEUMBeaSnyderMANAGER OF PUBUC AFFAIRSOn September 17,1991,NBC's Today <strong>show</strong> wasbroadcast <strong>live</strong>, via remotesatellite, <strong>from</strong> The <strong>Norman</strong>Rockwell Museum atStockbridge. On the air, coanchorJoe Garagiola talkedwith <strong>museum</strong> Director LaurieNorton Moffatt about his experiencesposing in the mid 1950sfor Rockwell's Umpire. Thisunpublished picture is part of theFlops! exhibition currently on viewat the <strong>museum</strong>.A Garagiola fan who saw Flops!sent the television personality andformer big-league catcher the <strong>museum</strong>'sbrochure about the exhibition.His interest piqued, Garagiola latercontacted the <strong>museum</strong> and asked for acopy of Umpire. Laurie Norton Moffattsent him a print and invited him tocome to Stockbridge to see the original.Not only did Garagiola take herup on the invitation, but he dedded tofeature Flops! on Today.Umpire was conceived by Rockwellas a Post cover. According to thechapter "Flops'" in his autobiography,which served as the inspiration for thecurrent exhibition, "The scene was abaseball park. A brawny gorilla of anumpire was daintily dusting homeplate with a little wisk broom whilethe batter and catcher waited. Thecontrast between the squattingumpire-big, red-faced, square-jawed,JIRockwell flew to St. Louis and posedthe baseball players with the umpire.According to <strong>Norman</strong> Rockwell'sautobiography, Garagiola casuallyremarked, "The ump doesn't generallystand that way." Rockwelldidn't pay attention to the remark,and neither the umpire nor thebatter commented about theway that Rockwell had positionedthe umpire.Rockwell returned homeand started the painting.When he was halfwaythrough, a friend told himthat the umpire never turnshis back to the stands. Itwas then that Rockwellremembered Garagiola'sremark. The artist investigatedand found thatit is an unwritten ruleof baseball that theumpire does not turnhis back to thestands. Rockwelltried to rework thepicture, but wasnot satisfied. Thepainting wasrolled up, putaway, and~bc:r- never fmished.L.... ......... ~~ c:\\ t'~ The morning~bc:a \loC~of the broadcast,~ unt'u b ~ SO\olll'>ll Garagiola reminisced about theo~ ty;JldSl'3 t'bo\P b1 event, and demonstrated how <strong>Norman</strong>laC ~ "\90;05· broad- Rockwell asked the players to pose.{of \ll shouldered and Although Garagiola, Musial and BarHckhis fmicky, housekeeping did not appear on the cover of thegesture seemed humorous to me." Post, all three have been inducted intoThe art editor at the Post liked the the baseball Hall of Fame-not bad foridea and arranged to have Stan Musial a bunch of "flops."pose as the batter, Garagiola as thecatcher, and Al Barlick as the umpire.Photos of the Today shoot on page 2

DIRECTOR'SPREFACELaurie Norton MoffattDIRECfOR OF 11IE MUSEUM<strong>Norman</strong> Rockwell touched the <strong>live</strong>s ofmillions of people. From the neighborsand friends, who posed for Rockwellas models, to national personalities,such as Joe Garagiola, whom Rockwelloccasionally sought out when workingon an idea for a picture, nearlyeveryonewho met <strong>Norman</strong> Rockwell has astory to tell.The <strong>museum</strong> has planned a yearlongcelebration for 1992 in honor of"<strong>Norman</strong> Rockwell's people." We arecalling it our homecoming year, withthe hope that many of you will "comehome" to Stockbridge to tell yourstory.Activities range <strong>from</strong> lectures bythose who knew Rockwell well, to acharacter look-alike party, to oral historiesfor our archive. We want to hear<strong>from</strong> you and to record the story youhave to tell.As we make plans to celebrate ourlast year in The Old Corner House, ahome which has served us well for 22years, work progresses wonderfully onthe new <strong>museum</strong> building, and welook forward to our move in the springof 1993.Watch for our calendar of activities.Next winter, we will hear <strong>from</strong> SusanMeyer, author of several Rockwellbooks; Delaware Art Museum CuratorRowland Elzea, with whom we areorganizing an illustrators' exhibition;and Martin Diamond, an art dealerwho launched the first major Rockwellretrospective in New York in the early1970s.So, if you knew <strong>Norman</strong> Rockwellor know someone who knew him,please write or call and plan to join usthroughout the year for the fun andreminiscences.On a final note about Rockwell'speople, the <strong>museum</strong> staff was greatlysaddened to learn of the death ofFranklin Iiscbke, Rockwell model,devoted <strong>museum</strong> member and friend.We will all miss him.BOARD OF TRUSTEESTHE NORMAN ROCKWEll MUSEUMSurprisevisitors to theToday <strong>show</strong> shootwere 20 /20 andformer Todayco-h08t Hugh DoWDlland his wife Ruth,friends ofJoe Garagiola.LilaBerleDavid I. KlausmeyerPaul W. IvoryMark SelkowitzWilliam]. NapolitanoJane P. FitzpatrickBrian]. QuinnHarry W. Albright, Jr.John T. Batty illBobbie Crosbylinda DayPatriciaJ. DedyTheodore H. EvansWilliam GoesselHenry HoltH. Chet KrentzmanDavid MacaulayPresidentVice-PresidentSecond Vice-PresidentThird Vice-PresidentTreasurerClerkLegal Counsellinn Cary MehtaPerri PetriccaJean RousseauCharles SchulzeBeurt R. SerVaasSteven SpidbergRonald StaffieriDouglas TrumbullRichard WilcoxHONORAKY BOARD MEMBERSJohnM. Deely,Jr.Norma G. OgdenLaurie Norton Moffatt DirectorJanet Silverman Tobin EditorThe Portfolv is published three times a yearby The <strong>Norman</strong> RockweU Museum, Inc. andis sent free to all members. Questions orcomments may be directed to PortfolicEditor, The <strong>Norman</strong> RockweU Museum, Box308. Stockbridge, MA 01262.Phone (413) 2984239

CURATOR'SCORNERMaureen Hart HennesseyCURATORI~As a chronicler of American history,<strong>Norman</strong> Rockwell is best known for hisillustrations of ordinary people in everydaysituations. At the same time, he wasin a unique position to portray majorevents in twentieth-century America andthe people who helped shape ourworld. Among them, were presidentsand presidential candidates.From 1952 through the 1972 campaign,Rockwell painted the portrait ofevery major presidential candidate <strong>from</strong>the Democratic and Republican parties."Pop used to enjoy painting the presidentialcandidates, though he didn'tparticularly like to do portraits and felthe should try to make each candidatelook as good as he could and keep hisown feelings, political or otherwise, outof the paintings," wrote Tom Rockwell.<strong>Norman</strong> Rockwell's pleasure in paintingthe politicians comes through in his portraits:those that appeared on the coverof the Saturday Evening Post for the1952, 1956, and 1960 campaigns werevery popular and were made available asreprints at the time of publication.In fact, Rockwell's portrait of John F.Kennedy, which appeared on the Postcover of October 29, 1960, was the onlyRockwell illustration to be used twice asa Post cover, appearing again with ablack border on the December 14, 1963issue, after ].F. K.'s assassination. It wasRockwell's last Post cover. Look maga-DockwWight IL Eis ©cnhower byc. <strong>Norman</strong>R c c 1952 C.P. zme . pu bl'ISh e d h'IS portraits .0fth e can d'1-dates, and often their wives, for the 1964, 1968, and 1972 campaigns.Perhaps Rockwell's favorite president, at least as a model, was Dwight D.Eisenhower. He first met Ike during the summer of 1952, shortly after theRepublican national convention nominated the general. Rockwell was impressedwith Eisenhower's range of expression, and during a session with the Post photog­«Right off I knew he was going to bea good mode~ " wrote RockweU,noting that Eisenhower had "themost mobile face I have ever seen. "rapher, Rockwell had Ikebark out a command, appearworried, and look happy.The result was not only aportrait for the October 11,1952 cover, but five colorsketches of Eisenhower, acolor sketch of his wife Mamie, and an article by Rockwell ( "The Day I PaintedIke"), which all appeared in the Post.The <strong>museum</strong>'s painting is one of these five color sketches. It <strong>show</strong>s a stern andserious Ike. Rockwell reported that it was the subject of the campaign thatchanged the general's mood. "The campaign? Instantly, he was deeply serious. Nopunchpulling for him! He'd rather lose the election than not tell the people justwhat he thinks." Using his ability to work with his models and draw them out andhis artistic talent, <strong>Norman</strong> Rockwell was able to convey the strength and commitmentof Eisenhower during the campaign the war hero was soon to win. This portraitwill be on exhibit, along with a selection of other Rockwell portraits of presidents,candidates, and their wives, throughout the upcoming 1992 campaign year.FRANKLIN IlSCHKE1908-1991Franklin H. Lischke of Ridgefield,Connecticut, graphiC artist,Rockwell model, and devotedfriend of this <strong>museum</strong> diedSeptember 29, 1991. He was 83.In the 1920s <strong>Norman</strong> Rockwellrented studio space in the Lischkefamily barn in New Rochelle, NewYork and used teenager Franklinas a model for a number of assignments,including Post covers NoSwimming and Champ SaturdayEvening, between 1921 and 1928.Mr. Lischke also earned $5.00 aweek doing chores at Rockwell'sstudio.By his own admission, it was as aresult of his long, special relationshipwith <strong>Norman</strong> Rockwell thatMr. Lischke became an illustratorhimself. "He [Rockwell] was thebest thing that could have happenedto me," maintained Me.Lischke nearly sixty years after hefirst posed for Rockwell.From 1929 to 1986, Mr. Lischkeworked as a freelance commercialartist in New York. He is survivedby his wife, a son, three grandchildrenand a great-grandchild. Mr.Lischke's family has asked thatcontributions in his memory bemade to The <strong>Norman</strong> RockwellMuseum at Stockbridge.3

STOCKBRIDGE MAIN STREET AT CHRISTMASSTOCKBRIDGE HOLIDAY FESTIVITIES WEEKEND OF DECEMBER 6Stockbridge, as portrayed by <strong>Norman</strong>Rockwell in his famous Home forChristmas painting, becomes a magicalNew England fairyland at Christmastime.The <strong>Norman</strong> Rockwell Museumand the Stockbridge Chamber ofCommerce have joined together withThe Red Lion Inn and Stockbridgeschools and churches to make the 1991holiday season a memorable one.Many festivities and celebrations areplanned for the weekend of December6 through 8,1991, culminating in theclosing-off of Stockbridge's MainStreet to motor traffic on Sunday,December 8 , between 2 and 6 P.M.Vintage cars, such as those that appearin Rockwell's painting, will line MainStreet, and visitors can experience thetown as <strong>Norman</strong> Rockwell did whenhe painted Main Street decorated forthe holidays. Call the <strong>museum</strong> at (413)298-4239 for a a free color brochuredescribing these events.ROCKWELLARTYFACTSHome for Christmas, also known asMain Street, is on permanent view atthe <strong>museum</strong> and is among the mostpopular images with visitors. Thedelicately-lit portrayal of Main Streetin Stockbridge is also one of themost-requested prints, both at the<strong>museum</strong> store and through our mailordercatalogue.Rockwell, while best knownas a master of the character study,ably depicts the New England streetthat was an important part of hisdaily life for 25 years. This detailed street scene <strong>show</strong>s a town preparing for theholidays. A walk down Main Street <strong>today</strong> reveals few changes <strong>from</strong> the picture.Rockwell started Main Street in the mid-to-Iate 195Os, but it was not publishedthen. Ongoing research by the <strong>museum</strong> may someday establish the circumstancessurrounding this picture, but for now, we do not know whyRockwell ftrst painted Main Street. We do know that in 1967, the picture waspublished as a holiday illustration in McCall's magazine. Look closely at theFord and Buick cars to see how Rockwell "updated" Main Street for publication.He included some other interesting details. Our <strong>museum</strong> and Rockwell'shome and studio serve as "bookends" on the left and right edges of the painting.A tree in the large window above Nejaime's Stockbridge Shop <strong>show</strong>swhere his ftrst Stockbridge studio was. Rockwell had this window installed, sohe could capture the best light The darkened windows of The Red Lion Innreveal a hotel that formerly was closed during the winter months.Ho_ for 0nU"... by <strong>Norman</strong> Rockwell @ 1967 The <strong>Norman</strong> Rockwell Family TNStHOT OFF THE PRESS!NEW ROCKWELLWORLD WAR II BOOK<strong>Norman</strong> Ho('}"vdl'sWORLD WAR IIRocllweU's World War II: Impressions Fromtbe H~.frortl by Susan Meyer. Pull-page (II» xIS") cover plates of Rockwell Saturday EueningPost covers of life on the home front; full set of·Willie Gillis" pictures. Rockwell comments. 96pages, soft-

Thanks to you, the friends of The <strong>Norman</strong> RockweUMuseum., a t:/ream wiU come true in the spring of 1993-the grand opening of the new home of The <strong>Norman</strong>RockweU Museum.From across the nation, donations have come to TheCampaign for <strong>Norman</strong> Rockwell Corporations andfoundations have joined with hundreds of individuals tosupport our project.Of the initial campaign goal of $5 miUion, $3.7 millionhas been given in gifts and pledges ranging <strong>from</strong> $1 to$1 miUion. With $1.3 miUion remaining to be raised, special efforts are underway to complete the campaign in a timely fashion.By publishing the following list, we recognize donors who have helped make adream a reality. Thank you for your support of The <strong>Norman</strong> RockweU Museum.Please consider enclosing a donation in the envelope provided. Your generositywiU help us complP .e our building and usher in a new era for the <strong>museum</strong>.~tl (/--/)/;-(}~~~L la W. BerlePresident, Board of TrusteesOTHER WAYSTO GIVEWhen the new <strong>Norman</strong> RockwellMuseum opens its doors in 1993, itwill be thanks to the generosity ofcountless donors, foundations, andcorporations across the country.Recently, the <strong>museum</strong> has begun toreceive many special in-kind gifts,which will help insure that the newfacility and the nearby Rockwellstuclio are equipped and ready toreceive the first visitors. We wouldlike to thank all the inclividuals andcorporations for their in-kind gifts,which have saved the <strong>museum</strong>more than $100,000. Four donorsare profiled here to <strong>show</strong> the c<strong>live</strong>rsityof donations and the manyways the <strong>museum</strong> benefits <strong>from</strong>them.CURTAINS UP!Because of the donation of curtains<strong>from</strong> Country Curtains ofStockbridge, the first visitors toRockwell's studio Will see historicallycorrect window tn!atments.The specially designedreproductions of the originalcurtains were sewn at CountryCurtains' production facility Innearby Housatonic,Massachusetts. Since the earliestdays of the <strong>museum</strong>,Country Curtains owner JaneFitzpatrick has been an activeboard member and friend oftbe<strong>museum</strong>.Assistant CUrator Uoda Szekely (rear) vlsles with}eaooe JkJgbeoti of CountryCUrtalos, who made the curtains for the studio.8

CAMPAIGN DONORSFOUNDERSMrs. Lila W. BerleMr. & Mrs. John H. FitzpatrickKraft General Foods, Inc.Robert Lehman Foundation, Inc.Sandusky Foundry & Machine Co. FoundationMr. Steven SpielbergWarner Communications Inc.BENEFACfORSBank of New England WestMrs. Margaret BattyMr. & Mrs. Matthew Bender, NBerkshire Counry Savings BankBerkshire life Insurance CompanyCharitable TrustThe Crane & Co. FundMr. & Mrs.). Player CrosbyMr. Donald M. CullerMr. & Mrs. James S. DeelyFirst Agricultural BankFord Motor Company FundGeneral ElectricGolub CorporationGreat Barrington Savings BankMr. & Mrs. Howard KaufmanKAY-BEE Toy StoresKellogg CompanyKimberly - Clark Foundation, Inc.Mr. & Mrs. Harvey C. KcentzmanMassachusetts Electric CompanyThe Mead Corporation FoundationMead Specialty PaperMichael, Best & FriedrichNew England TelephoneThe <strong>Norman</strong> Rockwell GalleryNortheast UtilitiesThe Frederick W. Richmond Foundation, Inc.Mrs. Molly RockwellMr. & Mrs. Charles T. SchulzeDr. & Mrs. Beurt R SerVaasMr. A. Emmet Stephenson, Jr.DavidJ. Tierney,Jr. Inc.Warren Platner Associates ArchitectsWheeler & Taylor, Inc.Mrs. James P. WilkinDr. & Mrs. Ralph WilsonASSOCIATESArlen Printing CorporationBank Of BostonBerkshire Williams FoundationThe Burton D. Morgan FoundationChapman FoundationCiticorp at Court SquareCOMPED Savings BankMr. & Mrs. John M. Deely, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Philip S. DeelyThe Dime Savings BankDu Pont ChemicalsEaton CorporationFirst National Bank of the BerkshiresMr. & Mrs. William W. GoesselHarnischfeger Foundation Inc.Mrs. John C. HaasMr. & Mrs. Henry Bassett HoltTheJaffe FoundationMr. & Mrs. David KlausmeyerMr. Joseph KrugerMs. Estelle KurkMr. Stephen R LettMrs. George F. PerkinsPerkins and Squier CompanyPirtsfield G .E. Credit UnionPrice WaterhouseMr. & Mrs. Brian).Rising Paper CompanyMs. Mary F. RosascoMr. Alan Gordon RoseMrs. H. Livingston SchwartzMr. & Mrs. Mark SelkowitzMrs. Anson P. StokesWheeler & Taylor FoundationMr. & Mrs. Henry H. Williams, Jr.Mr. Robert G. WilmersSUSTAINERSMr. & Mrs. George P. AdamsAlbany International Corp.AnonymousMr. Richard AskinasMr. & Mrs. Sherwood BainMr. Michael BakwinThe Barrington FoundationMr. & Mrs. John BattyThe Berkshire Gas CompanyBerkshire Mutual Insurance Co.Black ClawsonMr. & Mrs. Nicholas BoraskiMr. & Mrs. William BoyerMr. & Mrs. David E. BramanC.T. Brigham Co., Inc.Mr. Frederick H. BrownMr. Richard A. BrownMr. & Mrs. Richard BrownBuder Wholesale Products, Inc.Buttenheim Foundation Inc.Butternut Baisin, Inc.E. Caligari & Son IncorporatedCity Savings BankColt Insurance Agency Inc.Mr. & Mrs. C. Jeffrey CookMr. Winthrop Murray CraneMr. & Mrs. John D. CrosierMrs. A. A. D'Angelo, Jr.Mrs. Jane DartDettinger Lumber Co., Inc.Mr. & Mrs. Martin DiamondMr. & Mrs. Evan S. DobelleDresser Hull CompanyMr. & Mrs. Greg DunnEngland'sMr. & Mrs. Benjamin M. EnglandMr. & Mrs. Monroe EnglandEPCO Systems, Ltd.First WISCOnsin FoundationNancy Fitzpatrick & Lincoln RussellMr. David P. FoldsMr. & Mrs. Dale FowlerGaylord Container CorporationMr. & Mrs. Louis A. GazzanigaGeneral Electric FoundationGeneral Systems CompanyGL AssociatesP.H. Glatfelter CompanyJudy Goffman Fine ArtMr. & Mrs. Milton). GordonMr. & Mrs. Richard GoreGoulds Pumps, Inc.Grede Foundation, Inc.Mr. & Mrs. Henry H. HagenahMr. & Mrs. Livingston HallMr. & Mrs. Klaus HalligMr. Ed N. HarrisonMr. & Mrs. Paul). HickeyMr. & Mrs. Glen H. HinerBetsy Holtzinger, Dick HerrickMr. Tom InoueMr. & Mrs. John C. JohnsonJohnson Hill Press, Inc.Mr. & Mrs. Murray S. KatzKirk & FurlanoKirkland and Ellis FoundationKrofla Engineering CorporationDr. & Mrs. Milos KroflaLF. Gigliotti, Inc.Laurel Hill AssociationMrs. Peter l.B. LavanLee BankDr. & Mrs. Eugene W. LeibowitzMr. & Mrs. RW. Leith,Jr.The Lenox National BankThe Lenox Savings BankMr. Chauncey LoomisMr. & Mrs. Leo R MaguireMarian FathersMr. Frank McKoneMr. Frederick M. MeyersMs. Beatrice Berle MeyersonMr. & Mrs. Gerald W. MichelMr. William B. MillisMr. Robert H. MinklerMr. & Mrs. Craig MoffattMr. & Mrs. William F.K. MonksMullen Brothers, Inc.Mr. & Mrs. William NapolitanoNorth Adams Hoosic Savings BankMr. & Mrs. Michael OestreicherMrs. Clement OgdenMr. Robert o . OwensThe Park FoundationMr. & Mrs. Gene PetersonPete's Chrysler Plymouth, Inc.Phelps Dodge CorporationThe Pittsfield Cooperative BankReinholt RealtorsReynolds, Barnes & Hebb, Inc.Rockwell Society of AmericaMr. & Mrs. Merl L RouseMr. Anthony and Dr. M. RudMr. & Mrs. WilliamA. SelkeMrs. Irene C. SheaShearson Lehman HuttonMiss Rosamond SherwoodMs. Anna A. ShieldsMr. & Mrs. Richard F. ShieldsMr. & Mrs. M.F. Sinkus, Jr.Springfield NewspapersSprings Industries, Inc.Mr.). Spencer StandishMr. & Mrs. John SterrettStevenson & CompanyMr. Harry ). StuartSuper Steel Products Corp.Drs. Edgar and Priscilla TaftTri-Town Rotary dub9

Twin Disc, IncorporatedMr. Philip WallachMr. & Mrs. Robert A. WellsMr. G. Richard WestinMr. & Mrs. Richard WtlcoxMr. Joseph WirthcoUfOMr. & Mrs. R Bruce AndrewsThe Apple Tree Inn and RestaurantMr. & Mrs. Charles AustinIl. Walter BankowskiBader Runer & Associates, Inc.Bedard Brothers Auto Sales Inc.Berkshire Hilton InnMr. & Mrs. Carl V. BradfordCatamounl Ski Area IncorporatedMr. & Mrs. Richard F. ClarkeCountry CUrtainsDr. & Mrs. Clement C. CUrdMr. & Mrs. Peter M. D'AmbrosioMs. Deborah DavidsonMr. & Mrs. Martin DeelyE.B. Dolby, IncorporatedMr. and Mrs. Richard DreesEastover Inc.Editions Umited ManufacturingMr. Harland B. FosterThe Galame Family, Tagsons PapersGiftos Brothers IncorporatedMr. Toehl HardingMr. & Mrs. Richard S. JacksonMr. & Mrs. Leonard KaplanLenox House Restaurant, Inc.Mr. & Mrs. John G. LindsayMr. & Mrs. Richard H. MartinMacfarlane Office Products, Inc.Mr. & Mrs. W. Merritt McBrianSanford N. McDonnell Fopndation, Inc.Ms. Gay Noe MclendonMerrell Tavern InnMr. William C. MessingerMichael's of Stockbridge, Inc.The Morgan HouseMr. & Mrs. Hans C. MorrisNational Restaurams Corp.Mr. & Mrs. William G. NortonDr. & Mrs. Robert M. NamiotOTHER WAYSTO GIVEHELP PUT A NEWROOF OVER OURHEADSBUY A SLATE!Roofers are bard at worktnstalUng a slate roof on tbenew <strong>museum</strong>, provtdtng asecure covering for genera­Hons to come. Your contributtonof $5 wtll purcbaseand tnstall a slate for tberoof Leave your mark ontbe new <strong>Norman</strong> RockwellMuseum by sendtng $5<strong>today</strong>.Mr. & Mrs. Donald T. OakesMr. & Mrs. Ronald E. O<strong>live</strong>iraMr. & Mrs. Parker G. OppermannPilgrim Motor InnPilling & SonPittsfIeld Pipers, Inc.TIle Red Lion InnRotary Club of PittsfIeldRutberg & HellerMr. & Mrs. Eugene SchnellMr. & Mrs. Aaron SchroederMr. Thomas Peter SchwarzMr. & Mrs. Benjamin SullivanMr. & Mrs. Donald TaylorTowne GalleryTri-Town Paving, Inc.Mr. & Mrs. Eleazer WilliamsMr. Peter Chase WilliamsMr. & Mrs. Robert WilliamsYankee Motor Lodge, Inc.Yankee Publishing, Inc.Mr. & Mrs. Roy E. YatesSUPPORTERSMr. & Mrs. Pasquale AlbertelliMr. & Mrs. C.]. AntoniazziAppliance World Inc.Dr. Jonathan AronoffAT&T FoundationMrs. Eleanor L BackesMr. & Mrs. Edward BaileyMr. HenryW.D. BamMr. George S. BainMs. Carliss Y. BaldwinBankAmerica FoundationMr. & Mrs. G. Ray BarberMrs. Robert D. BardwellMr. & Mrs. William Barrett illJohnA. Barry, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. BartiniDr. & Mrs. Stuart H. BartleMr. Harold R. BaxterMr. Louis H. BellBendunark Real EstateMr. & Mrs. John D. BenderMs. Sally S. BergmansBerkshire Beef Company, Inc.Berkshire Plate Glass Inc.Berkshire Hills Coin & AntiquesDr. Beatrice Bishop BerleBes~arke IncorporatedBlack Swan InnBooks and ThingsMr. & Mrs. Alston M. BoydMr. & Mrs. Robert BrandonMrs. Adele R BrennanBunnell Auto Parts, Inc.Mr. & Mrs. Gary BurgerBurgner FarmMr. WtlliamA. BurnsJr.Mr. & Mrs. Peter V. ButtenheimMrs. Carlton E. ByersMr. & Mrs. John ByrneMr. Lincoln S. CainMs. Zoa P. CampeniCaropreso GalleryCatherine's ChocolatesM.T. Cavanaugh Plumbing & HeatingMs. Judy CaywoodCenr.ral. Berkshire New Car DealersMr. & Mrs. Paul R CharronChilds & Bishop Floor Covering Co.Classic Wine ImportsClear Rite Cleaning ServiceCoca-Cola Bottling Co.Mrs. Maria ColeMr. John W. CollinsFrank Consolati Insurance AgencyMs. LeBrun CooperMr. & Mrs. Finlon CosbyMr. T. Roger CraigMrs. Arthur E. CraneCrescen1 Creamery Inc.Mr. Peter C. CrowMr. & Mrs. Foster K. CUIIUIJ.ingsMr. & Mrs. C. Manning DavisMrs. John M. DeelyMr. & Mrs. Carl De GersdorffMr. & Mrs. Marvin R. DenzelMr. & Mrs. Ray DesrosiersMs. Joyce DevoreMr. & Mrs. Donald DeweyMr. Eddie C. DiazDole & Bailey Inc.Mr. Edmund A. Dolega]. Donovan & Sons, Inc.Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. DorfmanMr. Joseph T. DuffyEdelweiss Veal Co., Inc.Era-Apple Hill RealtyMrs. Alexander EustonFahey Beverage CompanyThe 1780 Egremont Inn Corp.Dr. & Mrs. Craig W. FischerMiss Mary V. FlynnMr. & Mrs. Paul FodderMr. & Mrs. Christopher ForsterMr. & Mrs. Peter FrelinghuysenMr. & Mrs. Fred W. FriendlyFrosty Refrigeration Inc.Mr. Robert]. GalisaGallery of TIle Masters Inc.Gateways Inn Inc.Mr.JamesA. D. GeierMs. Sylvia GinsburgGirardi Distributors Inc.Mr. & Mrs. Mark GoldThe Golden GooseMr. & Mrs. Jonathan GrayMr. William GrayMr. & Mrs. Sheldon A. GrossMr. & Mrs. Jacob GrubergGuido's Quality Fruit & ProduceMrs. David L. GunnMrs. Lois HaasHaddad Pontiac-ToyotaHaddad's Rug CompanyMr. & Mrs. Edward B. HallenHall's Auto Service, Inc.Mrs. Elsie H. HandbergEdward Handelman FundDr. & Mrs. Harry HartfordMr.].D. HatchHeart of the Berkshires MotelHelwig Carbon, Inc.Mr. & Mrs. Joseph HennesseyHenry's Electric Inc.Mr. Edmond B. HerringtonMs. Elizabeth HillHodg~odge-TheShireShopDr. & Mrs. Neil D. HoldenMr. & Mrs. Herbert HorwichMr. Nate G. HorwittHudson Fortnightly ClubMs. Catherine HughesmM CorporationMr. & Mrs. Douglas F. IngramThe Inn at StockbridgeMr. & Mrs. Solomon IsraelIvanhoe Country HouseMr. & Mrs. Paul W. IvoryMr. & Mrs. StephenJablonsky].B. Paper Co., Inc.Ms. Grace BristedJacksonMrs. Henry B. JacksonMr. & Mrs. RS. Jackson, Jr.James JewelersJenifer House Umited10

JiminyPeakHA.Johansson 5&10Mr. & Mrs. Harold A. JohanssonJohn Sexton & CompanyJohnson Ford lincoln-Mercury Inc.Mr. & Mrs. JosephJunernanMr. & Mrs. James W. KackMr. & Mrs. Gerry KellyMrs. William R KeeverMr. & Mrs. C. J. KittredgeDr. & Mrs. Harvey KleinMr. & Mrs. Murray L KleinMr. & Mrs. George H. KoenitzerMr. & Mrs. John E. KoenitzerMr. & Mrs. Robert W. KohanskiMr. Larry 1. KurberKwik Print Inc.The u.mplighterMr. & Mrs. Richard C. laPlanteDr. James M. LeaheyMs. Barbara LeeLeonard's Antiques, Inc.Mr. & Mrs. Jules G. lindhultMs. Janice LindstromThe linoleum Store, Inc.Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. LockLong House B&BMr. & Mrs. Ralph LudwigMr. W.F. MacDonaldMr. & Mrs. PJ. MacdonaldMr. JohnJ. MaherMr. & Mrs. Arthur MarascoMr. and Mrs. Robert MarsdenMary Stuart, Inc.Mass Mutualllie Insurance Co.McAndrews-King Pontiac-Buick & GMC TruckMrs. C. McCaslandMcCormick & Toole Insurance AgencyMrs. Douglas McGregorMr. & Mrs. J. Michael McMurdoMr. F. & Miss Marie McWilliamsMr. & Mrs. Robert MeadMr. & Mrs. A. Henry Von MechowMr. Ignatius T. Micha1enkoDr. & Mrs. Alan 1. MichelsonDr. Stuart C. MillerMinkler Insurance Agency, Inc.Mr. Walter B. MintzThe Monday Evening ClubMONY Financial ServicesMr. & Mrs. JamesJ. MooreMr. & Mrs. Donald MoriartyMountain View MotelThe Mutualllie Ins. Co. of New YorkDr. Mary MulveyDr. Ronald E. MyersMr. & Mrs. Edward NewNew Hampshire FisheriesRJ. Nickerson, Inc.Ms. Nancy NirenbergDr. ThomasJ. O'Connor, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Chester OlenderMr. & Mrs. KA. OppermannOrient ExpressOsborne TravelMr. Philip OsborneMr. Jim OwensDr. & Mrs. Franklin K. PaddockMs. Helen PaimquistMs. Marjorie N. ParkerMr. J. Graham ParsonsMr. & Mrs. Robert PeckThe Penny SaverMr. & Mrs. Thomas D . Perry, JrMr. & Mrs. Robert PettegrewPfizer IncorporatedMrs. Helen PigottPine Lane Poultry FarmsPiltsfleld City MotelOTHER WAYS TO GIVELET THERE BELIGHT!1banks to the generosity of GeneralElectric Company, visitors to the new<strong>museum</strong> will be assured that thelighting leveL5 in the galleries arefirst-rate. GE has donated an amplesupply of its latest state-of-the-art,energy-saving light bulbs for use inthe new building. 1bis gift celebratesa longstanding tie between GE and<strong>Norman</strong> Rockwell, going back to thetime when Rockwell illustrated afamous series of advertisements for the Edison Mazda Company, whichwas later acquired by GE.Pittsfield Rye Bakery, Inc.Mr. Robert PlagernanMr. & Mrs. John PlantMr. & Mrs. Christopher PopeMrs. Diana Hitt PotterMr. Frank PotterMs. June PreisserMr. Frank J. PrinzPumpkin Patch, Inc.Mr. & Mrs. Keith RafteryRainone Gallery Inc.Mr. & Mrs. Walter RamsayMr. Richard RamseyMr. & Mrs. Angel RanonMs. Sybil RappaportMr. Rubin RaskinMrs. Henry V. RathburnMr. & Mrs. Ed RatliffMr. & Mrs. Jeffrey P. RaynerRead-Shaw Insurance Agency, Inc.Red Bam AntiquesMr. & Mrs. Robert ReiningerMr. & Mrs. John P. Renwick, JrMr. & Mrs. Edwin T. RiceMs. Martha White RisingMr. Leon RockwellMr. & Mrs. Milton C. RoseRotary of New MilfordMr. Louis RoyMs. Elaine M. RyanMr. & Mrs. Adolphe SalvadoreMs. Jane SalvatoreMs. Julia w. SandersonMr. & Mrs. Donald SchneyerMr. & Mrs. WilliamA. SchneyerDr. & Mrs. Daniel SchwartzDr. & Mrs. Sushi! K. SethThe Shed RestaurantMs. Suzanne S. SheridanMr. & Mrs. George E. ShippeyMr. & Mrs. W. E. Shone, Jr.Ski AmericaMs. Lillian SmithMr. & Mrs. Robert F. SnyderThe Soling Family FoundationMr. Daniel SosnickiSouth Wool, Inc.Southern Berkshire Power EquipmentSpringfteld Institution for SavingsThe Springs Restaurant & Motor InnMr. & Mrs. Ronald StaffieriMs. Marjorie StalkerStaveleigh HouseStockbridge Pharmacy, Inc.Ms. Grace E. StuckeyMs. Linda SzekelyMs. Josephine SzymczykTheTalbotsMr.JohnE. TaylorMs. Ethel Partridge TippettMr. John T. TommaneyMr. & Mrs. TorykianMr. & Mrs. Joseph M. TracyMr. & Mrs. Robert B. TraskTravel LodgeUnderledge InnValerie Locher HorticulturistsMr. & Mrs. Edward A. Van DykeMrs. William Wa1lhausserWard's Nursery, Inc.The Weathervane InnMr. & Mrs. Morton 1. WeissMr. & Mrs. Robert WellspeakMs. Nancy F. WestheimerEss A. White, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Steve WhiteMr. & Mrs. Richard L WhiteheadWhite Star Confectionery Co., Inc.Dr. & Mrs. Thomas J. WhitfteldWhitney & SonWilliams & Son Country StoreMr. & Mrs. F.H. WilliamsMr. David T. WilliamsMs. Elizabeth C. WilliamsMr. & Mrs. H.H. Williams, IIIThe Williams InnW.E. Williams Paving, Inc.Ms. Florence WinebergMr. Jeffrey WmslowMr. & Mrs. Stephen H. WismerMr. David H . WoodYankee Plumbing & Heating Co., Inc.Mrs. Martha H . YoungMs. Ruth YoungYoung Presidents OrganizationDr. Manuel F. Yvars11

OTHER DONATIONSMr. George K. AbdallaMrs. Henry AbramsMr. Peter M. AbuisiMs. llllian S. AdamsAdams Study CiubMs. Elizabeth AgeyMs. Elizabeth AipelMr. & Mrs. E. H. AlbrightMs. Louise G . AlexanderMr. & Mrs. Gary AllenMr. & Mrs. Gordon AmendtF. Proctor AmesMr. & Mrs. AndersonMs. Mary E. AndersonMs. Merry K. AndersonMrs. Dorothy P. AndrewsMs. Joan M. AngelosantoMr. & Mrs. John AnthonyArlington GalleryMr. & Mrs. Joseph G . AubertMr. Richard AubuchonMr. & Mrs. lloyd AustinMr. & Mrs. Walter W. AveryMs. Deborah L BalleyMs. Jean Clem BaileyMs. Ann B. BakerMs. Lori BalaldawMs. Bernadette BaldwinMrs. Teri BarnesMr. & Mrs. RobertJ. BarnettMrs. John BarnicleMr. & Mrs. William Barrett, JrMr. August BattelleMr. L H. BatemanMr. Paul BattrealMs. Gayl G . BauroMr. & Mrs. Joseph M. BauroMs. Helen R BealsMr. William D. Beattie,Jr.Mr. Robert BeckwithMr. & Mrs. DonaldA. BeebeMs. Charlotte BeermanMr. & Mrs. Paul BehrensMs. Frieda H. BellMs. Ruth BengstonMr. Joe M. BenitoBen's Shop Inc.Mr. & Mrs. Franklin BergenMr. & Mrs. Joseph BergerMs. Leona Egen BergerMr. Alan S. BerkBerkshire Traveller PressMr. DolfBerleMr. Richard BernsteinMr. Warren C. BesserBiasin Welding & Fabricating Inc.Mr. & Mrs. Michael BieganowskiMrs. Richard E. BirkettCordelia BishopMrs. John W. BittleMr. Amold BlackmurMr. B. BlommelMs. M. A. Gabrielle BlumMs. Adele BohlenKappy BolandMrs. Andre BonteMs. Dorothy BootheMs. Ann L BostromMr. & Mrs. Bruce BottomleyMr. & Mrs. Russell BousquetMr. & Mrs. Raymond BoutinMr. Bill BowersMs. Nancy BowersMs. Susan BrennanMr. & Mrs. Kenneth BroadBroadway Sporting Goods Co.Brodie Mountain Ski Area Div.Ms. Marilyn BroussardBaod poUshfoa In the KohlerFa:uceu DivisionMs. Irene BrownMr. <strong>Norman</strong> E. Browning, Jr.Ms. Pamela BruceMr. Tom BucheleMrs. Edward A. BuckMr. & Mrs. Tony L BuggicaMr. & Mrs. Edward D. BullardMr. & Mrs. Donald BuniskiMr. Michael BurczykMs. Margaret BurrussMr. DaVid]. BusciglioMr. Joseph BusciglioMr. John M. BusciglioMr. & Mrs. Richard BusciglioMr. David ByrnesMrs. Onelio CabezaMr. Edwin D. CadyCafe LuciaMr. Joseph CampisiCandlelight Inn & RestaurantMs. Pamela CaponeCaptains TableMs. Barbara CaricatoMr. Paul]. CarloCarlson Auto Body Inc.Mr. Dennis CarrMr. Batt B. CaseyMs. Martha CaseyMs. Michael S. CathcartMr. & Mrs. Robert CaveMs. Persis CaverlyCentury FoundationMrs. William CeruttiMs. Marion ChambersMr. & Mrs. Gerard ChapmanMr. & Mrs. N. O . CharbonneauRev. & Mrs. James ChaseMs. Mary ChatfIeldThe Chefs Taconic RestaurantChezVousMr. Gordon F. ChristieMr. Roy ChristieMs. Caroline N. ChurchMr. John ChurchCIGNA FoundationCitibank, N.A.Mr. C. CieavengerMr. Ralph D. ClemensMr. Gary R CiiffordMs. Mary Jo CobbMiss Cecelia M. CollinsDr. & Mrs. William CollinsCommunity CoachOTHER WAYS TO GIVEA PIPE DREAM COME TRUEThere wUl be no leaky faucets In the new<strong>museum</strong> thanks to the Kohler Corporation.Kohler's chaIrman of the board learned ofthe the new bulldlngjrom RockwellMuseum tTustee WUltam Goessel, and wtth­In a few weeks the <strong>museum</strong> learned, to UsdeUght, that a substanttal shtpment ofKohler plumbIng equipment was on Its wayto Stockbridge. Gifts of this sort provide welcomesavtngs In the buIldIng budget.Ms. Shirley A. ConnorMr. & Mrs. Ronald CooleyDr. & Mrs. Martin CoopermanMr. & Mrs. Walter D . CopelandMs. Janie L CopperReverend Robert & Sally CordesMs. Nora CorraMs. Margaret CorriganMs. Claire M. CoyneMr. Steve CraineMs. Mary Ellen CreedenDr. Inez S. CrissMrs. Jonathan A. CrockerMr. John CronsonMr. WilliamE. CrowleyMs. Joanne Crusse!Culligan Water ConditioningMs. Linda C. CurranMrs. Franklin CurtissMr. Robert L D'AnjolellMr. Prank H. D'AvellaMs. Constance DanaMr. & Mrs. Lee DanielsMiss Ella DavidsonMr. James C. DavidsonMr. & Mrs. M.E. DavisMr. & Mrs. Mick DavisMr. & Mrs. Thomas DawsonMs. Sandra DeBucceMr. & Mrs. Ciyde W. DecorieMr. Theobaldo DelorenzoMrs. Helen S. DeMottMrs. Shirley DeskoMr. John A. DeYltoDeWitt IncorporatedMr. Anibal DiazMr. & Mrs. Girard DieternannMr. Thomas P. DillonMr. Ernest DiMariaMr. & Mrs. John DobbinsMr. Lester DoddsMr. & Mrs. John DoniganDos Arnigos Mexican RestaurantMs. Mary DoyleMr. & Mrs. Roderick DreesDr. Leahey's GardenMs. Mary DrydenMs. Elizabeth DubinMs. Esther DucatMr. James DuffMr. Jeff DuncanDupra's Liquor MartMs. Sara S. Eckman12

Ms. Elsie EddyMrs. Herbert Eddy, Jr.Mr. William EgererMr. O<strong>live</strong>r F. EldridgeMr. Raymond W. EllingMr. &:Mrs. G. E. Emerson, Jr.Ms. Jay EmeryMr. &: Mrs. Winthrop EmmetMr. &: Mrs. Bruce R. EmmondsMs. Mary EnglandMr. &: Mrs. Stephen W. RnsignMs. Lisa EntmanMr. &: Mrs. T. ErdMs. Amy E. EricksonMs. Joan M. EvanoskyMrs. Robert D. EvansMr. &: Mrs. 1beodore EvansMr. &: Mrs. Shepley W. EvansMr. &:Mrs. S.L Faison, Jr.Ms. Eileen Datnun &: FamilyMr. Thomas FanningMr. Robert G . FarrMs. Honey FedermanMs. Dorothy FergusonMr. &: Mrs. Armando FernandezMs. Patricia FischerMs. Frances A. FisherMr. &: Mrs. Jerome FivesMrs. V. FlandersMr. Jim FleckMs. Donna FlemingDr. Paul FlickerMr. Richard FloodMs. Michele FlynnFlorida Clipping ServiceMs. Nancy FowlerMr. &: Mrs. Daniel S. FoxF.P.B. Inc. of TampaMs. Anna M. FranceschiMs. Kathryn FranjolaMs. Evelyn FrankMr. Gary V. FrankMrs. Peter FraserMs. Margaret FreemanMs. Joan FreerMs. Barbara FrenchFriends of the West Hartford LibraryMs. Karen R. FulcoMs. Terry G. GaitherMs. Barbara GananGans Appliance &: Furniture Co.Garden GablesMs. Martha GaudetteMs. Elisabeth GehringMr. &: Mrs. Hans A. GehrmannMrs. Eleanor Cowles GellhomGeorge Spencer &: Co.Mr. &: Mrs. Kenneth GephartMs. Myna GerelickMs. Laurel GerhatMrs. Marion C. GermainMr. Robert GiaquintoMr. &: Mrs. George GilderMr. David D. GillissMr. Carl H . GmoserMs. Bonnie Biren GoldbergMr. &: Mrs. B. M. GoldsteinMr. Stanley N.R. GoldsteinMr. &: Mrs. Neil GolubMr. Manuel D. GonzalezMr. Earl GoodrichMrs. Mariam E. GoodspeedMs. Dorothy GordinierMr. &: Mrs. John B. GoveMr. &: Mrs. James GranitoMrs. Robert E. GrannanMr. &: Mrs. William W. GraultyMs. Lydia M. GrayMs. Margaret A. GreenMs. Sylvia S. GreeneMr. &: Mrs. W.j. Greenier, illMr. James B. GrimMr. William GrossMr. &: Mrs. Sidney E. GrumanMrs. Jerry GuetschowMr. &: Mrs. Gus GulletteMr. Jerome GundrumMs. Jane K. HaaseMs. Kathleen HakesMr. James HalbrooksThe Honorable Al1an M. HaleMr. &: Mrs. Ernest w. HallMr. Sherman HallMrs. Irene HallMr. Wilfred HallMs. Gracia HalladayMrs. Constance M. HamiltonMs. Maria Raia HamiltonMr. &: Mrs. Scott M. HandMr. Paul D. HarringtonMrs. Diane T. HartMs. Vicki HartschuhMr. &: Mrs. Richard HartshornMr. &: Mrs. H. Doyle HarvillMs. Dorothy L HasencleverMr. &: Mrs. Gary HawkinsMs. Mary Ann HawkinsMs. Fonda HawksMr. Kent E. HeacoxMr. &: Mrs. James A. HealdMr. &: Mrs. Thomas F. HeavrenMr. Armond HebertMr. Judson H. HeckMr. Greg HeinemannMs. Ann HelgesonMr. Stephen W. HemmingMr. Joseph HemondMr. &: Mrs. Robert HendersonMs. Jean L HenionMr. William HenrettaMr. Don D. HentzeMr. &: Mrs. Louis HernandezMrs. Robert s. HibbardMs. Leona C. HickeyMs. Beth HinkleMs. Johanna C. HislopeMr. Larry HobbsMrs. Donald HolmesMr. Robert E. Hopper, Jr.Ms. Gertrude E. HomMr. &: Mrs. Leland W . Hovey, JrMr. &: Mrs. Dayton HoweMs. Carlene S. HowlandMs. Claudine E. HuckinsMr. &: Mrs. William O . HumesMr. Albert HumphreyMr. Mark E. HumphreyMs. Mildred HuntingMr. &: Mrs. George HupmanMs. April HutchingsDr. &: Mrs. Frederic P. HymanMr. Richard IemoliniMr. Vincent M. IgoMs. Louise W. JacobsMr. &: Mrs. Harold M. JalonackMs. NatalieJanuskiewiczMs. Lucille JasekNancy Jasin, R.N.Mr. David R.JelleyMs. Alice JenningsMs. Mary D. JenningsMr. Stanley JenningsMr. Arcadio JimenezMr. &: Mrs. Chester JirakMs. Dorothy JohnsonMs. Mary M. JohnsonMr. &: Mrs. Harry JollyMs. Catherine A. JonesMs. Linda P. JonesMs. Patricia JonesMrs. WilliamJosephMr. Frank L JuanMr. &: Mrs. Joseph P. JusticeMs. Grete R. KahnDr. &: Mrs. Michael KaplanMs. Sharon KarlinMs. Miriam B. KassonMs. Anne KearneyMs. Edith G. KeelingMrs. Sidney A. KeeneMr. &: Mrs. George M. KellarMs. Cyndi KellyMr. K.B. KempMr. Ross R. KenneyMs. Elaine KernMs. Aileen M. KiernanMr. H. KikuchiOTHER WAYS TO GIVEWlDIam (rlpt) and Gene Cal/gari m.taU shadel Inthe IlockweU atudIo.COOL SHADESLight, in the wrong places,can pose major problems forhistoric objects. As a result ofthe generosity of a localBerkshire firm, Caligarl andSons, Rockwell's studio isnow equipped with exactreplteas of the shadesRockwell used to controlUghtlevels. As a corporate memberof7be <strong>Norman</strong> RockwellMuseum and in-!eind donorto other projects at the <strong>museum</strong>,CaUgarl and Sons hasbeen a valued supporter formany years.13

Ms. Carol KinghornMs. Margaret M. KingmanMs. Dianne KirkMr. Thomas D. KirklandKittredge Equipment Company, Inc.Ms. Lucie KlanferMr. Joel KleinmanMs. Sophia KlementowiczMr. & Mrs. Mark M. KochertMs. Esther KradelMrs. Eugenia KubiakMs. Rose KubovicMs. Barbara LaheyMs. Dorcas u.msonMr. Allan D. UngLantern House, Inc.Ms. DeborahA. UPercheMr. Ray P. wgelMr. Edward S. wicciaMr. Randall E. l:MocheMs. Caroline UrsonMs. Lorraine LasnierMs. Mary LavelleMr. James K. leachMr. lee B. leachMs. Nancy LearyMs. Fay leelee Liquors, Inc.Mr. Irving LehrMs. Janice LeichtMs. Mary LeonardMs. Mary F. LeonardMiss Paula LeonardMr. & Mrs. R A. LeVasserLewis Beef Company, Inc.Mr. Joseph lillis, Jr.Ms. Vivian UndwallMs. Jean A. littleMr. FrancisJ. Logan,Jr.Ms. Janet S. LongMr. Norris LoveMr. & Mrs. John LowMs. Amelia LynchMs. Isabel LyttleMrs. Douglas MacArthurMs. Janet B. MaloofMr. Jim ManningMr. George M. MarchalMrs. R. MargesonMs. Amanda MarksMr. & Mrs. Ron MarloweMs. Marian R MarshallMs. Darlene M. MartinMr. Henry R MartinMs. Judith MartinMr. John MastandreaMrs. Edith F. MathesonMs. Elizabeth MattocksMrs. RozMaxMs. Irene M. MayerMr. & Mrs. TImothy MazzerMs. Susan MazzolaMCB EnterprisesMs. Debbie McCarthyMr. Dennis M. McCarthyMs. Frances McCarthyMrs. Helen McClellanMr. John McCulloughMr. & Mrs. Douglas McElwainMr. & Mrs. Donald W. McGregorMr. Robert McGrewMr. & Mrs. John MclennanMr. Curtis McleodMr. Mark C. McNeaMs. Mary McNeilMs. Alice McNiffMr. Dee McQuillen,Jr.Ms. Dolores M. McSheaMr. Robert MeadeMr. & Mrs. Don B. MearesMs. Marilyn MedleyMs. Rose MeierDr. George MenkenMrs. A.O . Meredith, Jr.Mr. Robert MerwinMs. Helen C. MichelsMr. A.D. Middlebrook, Jr.Ms. Barbara MilenskyMr. & Mrs. Paul MilesMs. Barbara MillerMr. Edward MillerMr. & Mrs. E.A. Miller, illMr. Edward MillerMs. Josephine MillerMr. & Mrs. Michael G. MillerMr. & Mrs. Robert T. MillerMillhof LodgeMr. & Mrs. Robert MillsMr. John MilneDr. George MiloweMs. M.E. MiltenbergerMiss Alice M. MireMr. & Mrs. Zane MirkinMs. Martha Jane MisiaszekMs. JoAnne MitchellMr. & Mrs. W.C. MitchellYoshihiko MiyamotoMs. Doris MizuiriMohawk Beverages, Inc.Ms. Michelle A. MolaMr. & Mrs. Michael]. MolleurMr. Richard MonbeckMr. & Mrs. R W. Monteith, Jr.Mr. Mario MonzonMs. Frances MooneyMs. Charlie MooreMr. & Mrs. John M. MooreMr. William H. MooreMs. Mary Jennifer MoreMrs. Mac R. MorganMarikoMorishitaMs. Janet MorrisonMrs. Heloise Glessner MorseMr. Coleman MortonMr. Charles L. MoserMs. Jennifer MuellerMs. Norma MuellerMs. Janie NathansMr. Richard F. NeibelNejaime's Stockbridge Wme CellarAlanA. Nelson, M.D.Ms. Ellen NesticoMs. Eleanor NeumeisterNew England Weather AssociatesMr. W.W. NewmanMr. Brian L. NewmanMs. Ann NickelsonMs. Jane NolanMs. Marguerite Noonan<strong>Norman</strong> Rockwell Student Council & PTAMr. Donald W. NyborgMs. Carolyn O'BrienMr. & Mrs. John O'NeillMr. William O . OdomThe Old MillMs. Joan S. OesterleMr. JosephA. OlivariMauro M. OstermannOtis Poultry Farm Inc.Miss. A. M. PalombaThe PaperMs. Sylvia ParadisMr. & Mrs. Claude A. ParkerMs. June C. ParkerMr. & Mrs. Hugh]. ParkhurstMs. Edna H. ParrisVenice C. PartenopeMs. Sonia PascoalMs. Anne PasquinoMr. & Mrs. Tom PateMr. & Mrs. Robert Pease, Jr.Mrs. Robin PecjakMs. Carol PeckinpaughMs. Carol Anne PeersMs. Paula PeissigMr. Richard PelchatDr. & Mrs. Larry PellishDr. Richard D. PereraMr. Crosby PerryMrs. John]. PershingMrs. Edward PetrosiusMr. & Mrs. David R PevznerMr. Paul M. PezzellaMr. Kermeth R pfumanMs. Cheryl A. PiastaMs. Pauline D. PierceMr. Robert PierceMs. Candace S. PiersonMr. Marc PilchmanPittsfield Art leagueZenneda PlaceMrs. John PlunkettMs. lila M. PollardMs. Pauline Pol<strong>live</strong>rMr. John D. PomfretMr. Richard PorterMs. Jerrie PoulosophosMs. Gail PrattMr. and Mrs. Lawrence PraUMr. Frederick PrescottMr. & Mrs. Robert PrestonMs. Carol A. ProcterMr. Thomas P. PughQuality Prinling Co., Inc.Mr. & Mrs. Leo RadatzRainbow Porcelain StudioRainbow Restaurant, Inc.Ms. Nancy RancourtMr. Roland RansomMs. Denise L. RauMs. Agnes RauenReader's Digest FoundationMs. Edith F. ReedReid Cleaners, Inc.Mr. Thomas RenihanMrs. Grace ReynoldsMr. & Mrs. Warren RhoadesMrs. Arthur R. RhodesMs. Marie RichMr. Edward G. RichardsonMr. John P. RileyMs. Jane RinfretMr. Ronald L. RinglingRiversbend Art GalleryMr. & Mrs. Howard A. RobersonMs. Frances L. RogersMs. Muriel C. RogersMs. Ann M. RohlinMs. Carlota F. RomanMrs. Howard E. RomanMs. Jane A. RomanMrs. Jane RomeynMs. Anne B. RoseMs. Roselle RosemanMs. Sandra RosenbaumRossi's Restaurant, Inc.Ms. Gail S. RothensteinMr. <strong>Norman</strong> RoweMs. Nancy M. RoyRubinger & Son, Inc.Mr. Donald R RutherMs. Gloria RyanMs. L. SalvestriniMs. Bertha SapolisMr. Frank Sarabia,Jr.Ms. Karen Savluk'Mr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Sawyer14

Dr. & Mrs. WynnA. SaymanMr. Mordechai SchachterMs. M. SchaferMr. William SclWferMr. & Mrs. Jim SchamberMrs. Peggy A. ScherlingMr. Myron C. SchifferMs. Patricia SchmitzMrs. Walter SchneyerDr . ~urJ . Schr.uTunMs. Shari SchrierMs. Catherine SchroederMs. Nancy L. SchuckmanMr. & Mrs. John S. SchultzDr. & Mrs. William E. SchumachMrs. William ScottSeekonk PinesMs. Evelyn C. SettlesMrs. Winston SheltonMs. Phyllis ShirokeyMs. Elizabeth ShufeltMr. & Mrs. F .S. SillarsMr. & Mrs. Arnold SilversteinMr. & Mrs. Richard SimesDr. & Mrs. Harvey B. SimonMs. Betty SingerMr. & Mrs. ~ur SingletaryMs. Charlene SiroisMs. Kathleen M. SkopasMr. & Mrs. Leon SlarskeyMr. Frank SlavicMr. & Mrs. ArnoidJ. SleeperMr. & Mrs. Bruce SmithMr. Kenneth M. SmithMs. Maybelle M. SmithSmith Brothers Framing Inc.Mrs. V. Ruth SnyderMs. Emily W. SoapesMs. Jane SoetbeerMs. Elissa SommerMr. William SonderickerMs. Evelyn SpagnoloMs. Barbara SpiroMs. Sarah SpragueMr. Jason St. PeterMs. O<strong>live</strong> StaffordMr. Peter StarzecState Mutual life Assurance Co. of AmericaMr. Ernest SteinMs. Mary F. StellaMr. & Mrs. Rene SterlinMrs. John StevensStirling Moffat Guest HouseMs. Elvira T. StoneMr. & Mrs. Raymond R. StonnMrs. Marion M. StrachanDr. & Mrs. Charles W. StrattonMr. Simon D. StraussMs. Susan StrawgateMr. & Mrs. Rudolph StrobelMs. IJnda SullivanMr. & Mrs. Paul A. SullivanMrs. Susan SullivanMr. William SwanMr. Charles A. SweetMs. Mabel SwiecanskiMs. Leslie TaftMr. & Mrs. Carlo TagliaviniMr. & Mrs. Joseph TedescoMr. Don TerryMs. Elcia H. ThompsonMr. James ThompsonMs. Dorothy ThompsonMrs. Maggie ThomsenA. TiemannMr. & Mrs. Kevin TobinMrs. Marguerite TongbergMr. J. Richard ToniniMr. & Mrs. John E. TooleMr. Conrad M. TorgetMs. Eunice TomettaMr. & Mrs. Randal B. TothMr. & Mrs. C. Joseph TracyThe Travelers CompaniesMs. Edna G. UncapherMs. Ann B. UnderwoodMr. & Mrs. Anthony P. ValdesMr. & Mrs. Gary ValentineMr. lloyd D. VanBlarganMr. Kenneth VanderlipMs. Helen Del VecchioMs. Marie VeselikMr. Darryl VigonMrs. Mary VmatierMr. & Mrs. Harold VinikMr. Nicholas F. VitacCOMs. Thelma W. VogelMs. Clara VreelandMr. Clyde E. WadeMs. Sylvia WagerMs. Diana Pietraszewski WagnerMr. & Mrs. J.T. WainessMr. & Mrs. Charles C. WalesMr. James V. WalkerMs. Jolene WalkerMr. Randy WallingfordMr. & Mrs. David A. WardMs. Helen WardMr. & Mrs. Milton H. WardMr. Jacob WassennanMr. & Mrs. Rex Watkins, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. G. Michael WatryMr.JosephP. Watson, IIIMrs. Betty B. WebbMr. & Mrs. Stanley WegleskiMr. Les WeinbergMr. & Mrs. Albert WesseldykMrs. Melvin WesterMr.Jas. H. Westray, Jr.Ms. Mary WheelerMs. Roberta L. WheelerMr. William Wheelock,Jr.Mr. & Mrs. James Wm. WhiteMr. & Mrs. F.O. White, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. John A. WhitenightMs. Annie WucoxMs. Donna M. WilcoxMr. Walter J. WilkesMr. Roger F. WilkinsMr. & Mrs. Roy C. WilliamsMrs. Esther P. WilliamsMr. Richard WtlllamsWtlllamstown Advocae, Inc.Miss Eleanor D. WusonMs. Jean WmdrowDr. RaymondJ. WiseWlSSahickon Psychological Assoc.Mrs. Leonard WolfMs. Roberta WolffWomen's AuxiliaryMr. & Mrs. Walter WorontsoffMr. & Mrs. R. WrightMs. Sharon WrightMs. Helen WunnerMs. Donna Lynn YaminMr. Tom YeomanMr. C. Steven YerridMr. & Mrs. Ned ZachariasMr. David ZaffmoMr. James B. ZambitoMr. Michael T. ZaninD. ZatrepalekMr. Gregory ZylaOTHER WAYS TOGIVEWe thank the following individualsand organizations for theirin-kind donations. Tbese giftshave saved the <strong>museum</strong> morethan $100,000.AdrianAysonLila W. BerleSammy BrownDesign and Co",/>"1IlrSImJiaIs100 Ions of fWd stOl'UlEnlImain_& PA.eqwipmtmJE. Caligari and Sons SIHuUs for The RocJtw.JJstudioLouis CaropresoChezVousCountry CurtainsTorrioo ContractingEnergy AdvantageGE LightingTom FarleyFrances HarpstDigital ComputerApfmJislJISoup for grotmdb.-ltingCurtains for Off HisWalls lDCbibition and theRocitwBIJ studioInstall4tion if """'1!Y""IIjficUmllightingCooNination of """'1!Y""IIjficUmllightingLitlht buJbs for ""'"MWS.."",Landscape design for theRoz SIHwwood GarrUmCorIIpuIIlr s

Cbristmas HomtIComine by Nonnan RockweU

THENORMAN ROCKWELLMUSEUMcALENDARDECEMBER1 SundaySundays at3Gallery TalkRockweIJ's Tools o/the TradeThe Old Corner House, 3 p.m. Free6 FridayStockbridge MainStreet at ChristmasThe <strong>Norman</strong> Rockwell Museum, theStockbridge Chamber of Commerce,The Red Lion Inn, and local schoolsand churches have planned holidayfestivities, including a wreath makingworkshop, that begin <strong>today</strong> and continueon December 7 and 8. Fordetails, call Bea Snyder at (413) 298-4239.8 SundayStockbridge MainStreet at ChristmasMain Street in Stockbridge will beclosed to motor traffic between 2 P.M.and 6 P.M. Vintage cars, such as thosethat appear in Rockwell's Main Streetpainting, 'willline the street15 SundaySundaysat3Gallery TalkRockwell in the '90sThe Old Corner House, 3 p.m. Free25 WednesdayChristmas DayThe <strong>museum</strong> is closed.29 SundayFamily DayFamilies are invited to tour the <strong>museum</strong>using a new gallery guidedesigned for children. Special admissionon this day for families is $2 peradult and child. For details, call (413)298-4065. Museum members are free.The Old Corner House, 3 p.m.JANUARY1 WednesdayNew Year's DayThe <strong>museum</strong> is closed.5 SundaySundaysat3Gallery TalkA Salute to Willy Gillis: Rockwell's G.IJoeThe Old Corner House, 3 p.m. Free19 SundaySundaysat3Gallery TalkA Look Into Book OlustrattonThe Old Corner House, 3 p.m. Free21 Through 31The <strong>museum</strong> is closed for our annualsprucing up and exhibition installation.FEBRUARYSu dSundays at 3Gallery TalkRockwell's Love Affair With RuralAmericaThe Old Corner House, 3 p.m. Free16 Sund..ySundays at 3Gallery TalkRomance Rockwell StyleThe Old Corner House, 3 p.m. Free23 Sun yFamily DayFamilies are invited to tour the <strong>museum</strong>using a new gallery guide designedfor children. Special admission on thisday for families is $2 per adult andchild. Museum members are free. Fordetails, call (413) 298-4065. The OldCorner House, 3 p .m.9 SatlL.d yLectureRockwell:S PeopleAn Insider's Look with Susan MeyerJoin us for a special evening. AuthorSusan Meyer, who has written extensivelyon the subject of illustration andRockwell, will offer insights <strong>from</strong> herbook, Rockwell's People. Rockwellpainted his last magazine cover forAmerican Artist magazine while Meyerwas editor there. Thoughts <strong>from</strong> herlatest book, <strong>Norman</strong> RockweIJ's WorldWar II- Impresstonsjrom theHome/ront, will also be shared. TheRed Lion Inn, 5 p.m to 6 p.m.Members: free; non-members: $5.00.Members' ReceptionAfter the lecture, come to the <strong>museum</strong>for a reception and booksigning by Ms.Meyer. Special activities in the gallerieswill encourage stories and recollectionsabout how Rockwell touched our<strong>live</strong>s. All those attending the lectureare welcome at the reception. The OldCorner House, 6 P.M to 8 P.M.

MARCH1 SundaySundaysat3Gallery TalkPortrayals of FreedomThe Old Corner House, 3 p.m. Free15 SundaySundaysat3Gallery TalkRockwell In the 60s: Tbe Post EraThe Old Corner House, 3 p.m. Free27 FridayDinner and a LectureRockwell and Hts ContemporariesWho were the other illustrators workingduring Rockwell's career? How wasRockwell influenced by them? Afterenjoying dinner at The Red Lion Inn,join Rowland Elzea, chief curator at theDelaware Art Museum and illustrationscholar, for an informative talk focusingon Rockwell and his contemporaries.Call 298-4065. Reservationsrequired for dinner. Preregistrationsuggested for lecture. Dinner: 6 P.M.Lecture: 7:30 P.M.Dinner and lectureMembers, $18; non-members, $20.Lecture onlyMembers, free; non-members, $5.50.Both events, The Red Lion Inn.29 sundayFamily DayFamilies are invited to tour the <strong>museum</strong>using a new gallery guidedesigned for children. Admission <strong>today</strong>for families is $2 per adult and child.Museum members are free. The OldCorner House, 3 p .m." Call (413) 298-4065 for further informationabout events and exhibitions.Museum hours: May through October,daily, 10 A.M.-5 P.M. November throughApril, weekdays, 11 A.M.- 4 P.M.; weekends,10 A.M-5 P.M.The Old Comer House is located on MainStreet, Stockbridge.Unwood House is located on Route183, Stockbridge.The Red Uon Inn is located on MainStreet, Stockbridge.The <strong>Norman</strong> Rockwell MuseumStockbridge, MA 01262NEWEXHIBITIONSRockwell for theHolidaysNOVEMBER 6, 1991-JANUARY 21, 1992The <strong>Norman</strong> Rockwell Museum celebratesthe holidays with a small exhibitionof Rockwell's more contemporaryholiday images. At The Old CornerHouse.PresidentialCampaign PortraitsFEBRUARY I, 1992 -JANUARY 18, 1993Following President Kennedy's assassinationin 1963, the Saturday EveningPost republished Rockwell's 1960 Postcover painting· of ].F. K. as the lastRockwell Post cover. Rockwell, thenfree <strong>from</strong> his contract with the Post,began work fori Look magazine. Duringthe Look years, Rockwell produced anumber of portraits of presidents andpresidential candidates which, alongwith the Post Kennedy, form the coreof this exhibition. At The Old CornerHouse.Off His Walls: Part IISelections <strong>from</strong> the Personal ArtCollection of <strong>Norman</strong> RockwellFEBRUARY I, 1992-JANUARY 18, 1993Nine images will "trade places" withworks on paper that have been onview in our exhibition of illustration art<strong>from</strong> Rockwell's private collection. The"replacement" works are by HowardPyle, Thomas Fogarty, MaxfieldParrish, Arthur Rackham, AB. Frost,Edward Penfield, and <strong>Norman</strong>Rockwell. At The Old Corner House.CONTINUINGEXHmITIONSFlops!rnROUGH JANUARY 21, 1992In his autobiography, Rockwell devoteda chapter to flops. He described aflop as a "good idea gone bad. " Theimpressions and stories recounted inthe chapter are the inspiration for thisexhibition of images which Rockwelldiscusses. At The Old Corner House.Top. nu."lugilll"g by <strong>Norman</strong> Rockwell

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