Leadership Package 2011-2012 School Year

Leadership Package 2011-2012 School Year

Leadership Package 2011-2012 School Year


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Student Body GovernmentThe “HELM”<strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Package</strong><strong>2011</strong>-<strong>2012</strong><strong>School</strong> <strong>Year</strong>Congratulations on taking the first steps to becoming a leader in the AllatoonaCommunity. Your journey will be fun and a great educational experience. It willbe very demanding on your time, require integrity, determination and dedicationto do all tasks to the best of your abilities, and a lot of initiative.Attached is a thought on leadership, general qualifications, ethic code, and jobdescriptions for each office on the Executive Board, and the application. Pleaseread all the information and evaluate the position that best fits your personalityand skills. All positions are vital to the success of the program and to ourschool’s climate. Complete the application and return to the front office byWednesday, May 11, <strong>2011</strong>. Selected applicants for appointed positions arerequired to do an interview as part of the application process. Those studentsrunning for an elected position may campaign the week of May 16 th with electionsending the evening of May 19 th . Interviews for appointed positions will take placethe same week. All officers will be announced on May 20 th . You can apply forand hold a position as an elected officer and an appointed officer at the sametime with exception being Student Body President and Student Body Vice-President.LEADERSHIPLEADERSHIP…is the quality that is sometimes a natural ability but always has to develop. Thefirst step in making or becoming a good leader is to become a good follower. It is through thecomprehension of the position of a follower that good leadership can be obtained.There are certain personality traits, which a person who wishes to become a leader should possess.These traits will not only help a future leader in relations with the students, but with the faculty,administration, and the community. Sincerity, cheerfulness, kindness, a sense of humor, attentionto detail, etc. are some of the great number of personality characteristics that a good leader whowants to have the attention and interest of all must possess.The character of a person about to hold office is also a very important thing to consider. Does he orshe have a good sense of values, a wholesome outlook? Is he completely honest and dependable? Aleader should consider every person and their importance to SBG. He or she should be able todevelop decisions democratically, give credit when earned, and know when and how to speak toeveryone. A true leader is a serving leader.

HELM - VICE PRESIDENT (appointed position)Synopsis of Vice President:The right-hand of the President - HELM. The Vice President of the HELM will assist the Presidentin the discharge of his/ her duties and responsibilities. Assumes the full duties and responsibilitiesof the President should he or she be absent for a long period of time or leave the chapterpermanently. He or she must be a dynamic, enthusiastic, attention-to-detail person, who isdedicated to the group’s success. The Vice President will lead by example in their actions, dress,and participation in all school events held by the HELM. The time commitment is approximatelyFIFTEEN hours or more per week. Requires a very dedicated person who wants to make adifference in our school community.Duties and responsibilities:The Vice-President’s duties and responsibilities are not limited to the following:1. Assist the President in the planning, organizing, and implementation of the group meetings. See President’s dutiesand organizations Number 1, A- I.2. Presides over chapter and executive committee meetings in the absence of the president.3. Works with the president and the treasurer in budget and calendar preparation.4. Assists the President in meeting agenda preparation.5. Assumes responsibilities as assigned by the president.6. Promotes energetic activity on the part of chapter members through the display of his/her own enthusiasm.7. Conducts himself/herself at all times in a manner that reflects credit upon the chapter, school, and thecommunity.8. Assists the president in following through on all SBG operations.9. Have the duties and responsibilities as the Vice- President as a top priority under grades.10. A lot of after school and weekend planning and organizing. Is required to spend time the summer prior to servingplanning and organizing.HELM - Vice President of <strong>School</strong> and Community Affairs (appointed position)Synopsis of the office of Vice President of the <strong>School</strong> and Community Affairs:The Vice President of <strong>School</strong> and Community Affairs is over the Presidents Club meetings. Ensuresthat vital communication between the executive board and the clubs is relayed to theirconstituents. He or she must be a dynamic, enthusiastic, attention to detail person, who isdedicated to the group’s success. The Vice President of <strong>School</strong> and Community Affairs will lead byexample in their actions, dress, and participation in all school events held by the HELM. The VicePresident of the <strong>School</strong> and Community Affairs will act as the PTSA Liaison.Duties and responsibilities:The Vice President of <strong>School</strong> and Community duties and responsibilities are not limited to the following:1. Maintain communication between the executive board, the Clubs, Community Business Organizations, and thestudent body.2. Acts as a PTSA Liaison attending all appropriate PTSA meetings and reports back to the members.3. Works with the Principal’s secretary monitoring the school calendar and building a monthly calendar for themembers.4. Works with Administrative Assistant on agenda for distribution.5. <strong>School</strong> coordinator for community and school projects (Community service coordinator).6. Maintains the data on all community service.

HELM - VP OF STUDENT AND STAFF AFFAIRS – (appointed position)Synopsis of the office of Vice President of Student and Staff Affairs:The Vice President of student and staff affairs will be an enthusiastic leader developing monthlyprograms to build school unity and school pride. He or she will be a visionary building a schooleveryone wants to come to and celebrate by honoring the students through honor roll cards andshirts. This position requires a lot of time, effort and dedication in order to make all honorsactivities a success. He or she must be a dynamic, enthusiastic, attention-to-detail person who isdedicated to the group’s success. The Vice President of Student and Staff Affairs will lead byexample in their actions, dress, and participation in all school events held by Renaissance.Duties and responsibilities:The Vice President of Student and Staff Affairs duties and responsibilities are not limited to the following:1. Coordinates with the Administrative Assistant to write notes of courtesy, thank you, congratulations, and birthdaywishes to members, teachers, administrators, and support members.2. Plans, Organizes, and manages monthly moral building exercises, programs, and events each month.3. Helps in planning any academic or athletic awards ceremonies and events.HELM - Administrative Assistant (Secretary/Treasurer) (appointed position)Synopsis of the Administrative Assistant duties:The Administrative Assistant (secretary/treasurer) takes notes and prepares adequate minutes ofeach regular and called meetings. Prepares and maintains all necessary chapter files. Coordinatesminutes and attendance records with all class (Secretaries/Treasurer) administrators. Prior toeach meeting presents past meeting notes and the agenda. Repeat all motions before the final votein meetings. Handle all official correspondence for the Cabinet and sponsors. Assists in themonthly newsletter by providing all pertinent information for the time period. He or she must be aperson who pays attention to detail, who is dedicated to the group’s success, and is a team player.The Administrative Assistant will lead by example in their actions, dress, and participation in allschool events held by the HELM.Duties and responsibilities:1. Prepares and distributes the agenda for business meetings.2. Notifies members of upcoming meetings.3. Takes roll of attendees at meetings, either verbal or written, and keeps permanent records of who attended.4. Compiles a monthly report on SBG participation including officers, senators, and representatives and turns in the1 st of each month to the sponsors.5. Takes minutes of the proceeding of all meetings, including date and place of meeting, who was presiding, andbusiness conducted.6. Prepares and distributes the minutes, with the President’s assistance, in a timely manner and distributes to theSBG Sponsors and Class Sponsors.7. Maintains a file of original agendas and minutes.8. Types all required letters of the president, vice president, and adviser.9. Maintains contact Numbers, addresses, and e-mail addresses of all members and makes sure an updated directoryis given to all officers and sponsors.10. Write notes of courtesy, thank you, congratulations, and birthday wishes to members, teachers, administrators,and support members.

HELM –Officer Application <strong>2011</strong>-<strong>2012</strong>Application Page 1Name: _______________________________________________________________________________Class: (circle one) Junior (class of <strong>2012</strong>) Sophomore (class of 2013) Freshman (class of 2014)Home Phone #: _________________________ Applicant cell #: ___________________________Applicant email address: ___________________________________________HR Adviser name: _______________________________________________ Room # ____________HELM Office Applying for:<strong>School</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong> Appointed Positions(Please rank your top 4 choices – 1 being your top choice)*There is an Essay requirement for any of these positions*____ Check here if you do not wish to apply for an appointed positionPresident (Jr/Sr only) _____ Vice President _____VP (Student Affairs) _____ VP (Community) _____Administrative Assistant _____ Parliamentarian _____<strong>School</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong> Elected Positions(Please check the position for which you plan to run)____ Check here if you do not wish to apply for an elected positionClass President _____ Class Vice President _____ Class Administrative Assistant _____Please get four teachers’ recommendations: (signature below indicates their recommendation)1. _______________________________________ 2. ________________________________3. _______________________________________ 4. _________________________________Complete the following information from this school year 2010-<strong>2011</strong>:Days absent _______Days Tardy ________Days of Saturday <strong>School</strong> _____ Days of OSS _____ Days of ISS ______

Use this checklist to make sure your application is complete____ Page 1 of application____ Position checked and/or ranked____ Teacher signatures____ Attendance summary____ Page 2 of application____ Student signature and date for Promise____ Parent signature and date for Promise____ Page 3 of application____ 50 AHS Student signatures____ ESSAY (for appointed positions only)Please type an essay that addresses EACH of the following topics:• What qualifications do you have for this office? Match your skills to the job tasks.• Commitments—include work, sports, clubs, classes, etc.a) What other commitments do you already have for this year?b) How much time each week will these commitments require?c) Explain how you will make the HELM your top priority.• Explain one thing you like about the HELM.• What is your vision for next year?• What does school climate do for the school?• What is commitment? What is an initiative? How can you make a difference with theseconcepts?All three pages of your application and the essay for appointed positionsmust be stapled and turned into the front office by Wednesday, May 11,<strong>2011</strong>.

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