Planning and Equipping Libraries - Dominican University

Planning and Equipping Libraries - Dominican University

Planning and Equipping Libraries - Dominican University


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dishonesty.Sanctions for Violations of Academic IntegrityStudents caught plagiarizing, cheating, or committing other acts of academic dishonestywill receive an automatic failure for the assignment, exam or paper. When a sanctionhas been imposed, the instructor will inform the student in writing.When a sanction is imposed, the instructor will send written notification to the dean ofthe Graduate School of Library <strong>and</strong> Information Science. The dean will note whether astudent has a pattern of committing violations of the academic integrity policy over time,<strong>and</strong> in such cases the dean may impose further sanctions, including suspension orexpulsion from the universityThe instructor must also inform the student that she/he has the right to appeal thissanction, <strong>and</strong> refer the student to the academic appeals process described below.Graduate Student Academic Grievance ProcessDecisions concerning graduate education issues at <strong>Dominican</strong> <strong>University</strong> are based onpolicies approved by the <strong>Dominican</strong> <strong>University</strong> Graduate Committee (“GC”). Studentswho consider that they have been treated unfairly in the situations specificallymentioned above may consider the following course of action in order:1. Confer, first, with the faculty member responsible for the decision.2. If the grievance remains unresolved after step 1 above, confer with the Dean of theGraduate School of Library <strong>and</strong> Information Science. Present a written narrativeexplanation of the grievance.3. If unresolved, the Dean will appoint an ad-hoc committee to hear the case.Students wishing to file an appeal must do so no later than the end of the subsequentsemesters add/drop date.

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