inextensible flows of timelike curves with sabban frame in s2

inextensible flows of timelike curves with sabban frame in s2 inextensible flows of timelike curves with sabban frame in s2
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’iauliai Math. Semin.,7 (15), 2012, 512INEXTENSIBLE FLOWS OF TIMELIKECURVES WITH SABBAN FRAME IN S 2 1Vedat AS L, Talat KÖRPINAR, Selçuk BA“Department of Mathematics, Frat University, 23119 Elaz§, Turkey;e-mails:,, selcukbas79@gmail.comAbstract. In this paper, we study timelike curves according to Sabbanframe in S 2 1. We research inextensible ows of timelike curves according toSabban frame in S 2 1.Key words and phrases: inextensible ows, Sabban frame.2010 Mathematics Subject Classication: 53A35.1. IntroductionPhysically, inextensible curve and surface ows give rise to motions in whichno strain energy is induced. The swinging motion of a cord of xed length,for example, or of a piece of paper carried by the wind, can be describedby inextensible curve and surface ows. Such motions arise quite naturallyin a wide range of physical applications. For example, both Chirikjian andBurdick [1] and Mochiyama et al. [6] study the shape control of hyperredundant,or snake-like, robots. Inextensible curve and surface ows alsoarise in the context of many problems in computer vision [5] and computeranimation [2], [4].This paper is organized as follows. Firstly, we study timelike curvesaccording to the Sabban frame in S 2 1 . Finally, we research inextensible owsof timelike curves according to the Sabban frame in S 2 1 .2. PreliminariesThe Minkowski 3-space E 3 1 provided with the standard at metric given by

’iauliai Math. Sem<strong>in</strong>.,7 (15), 2012, 512INEXTENSIBLE FLOWS OF TIMELIKECURVES WITH SABBAN FRAME IN S 2 1Vedat AS L, Talat KÖRPINAR, Selçuk BA“Department <strong>of</strong> Mathematics, Frat University, 23119 Elaz§, Turkey;e-mails:, talatkorp<strong>in</strong>, selcukbas79@gmail.comAbstract. In this paper, we study <strong>timelike</strong> <strong>curves</strong> accord<strong>in</strong>g to Sabban<strong>frame</strong> <strong>in</strong> S 2 1. We research <strong><strong>in</strong>extensible</strong> ows <strong>of</strong> <strong>timelike</strong> <strong>curves</strong> accord<strong>in</strong>g toSabban <strong>frame</strong> <strong>in</strong> S 2 1.Key words and phrases: <strong><strong>in</strong>extensible</strong> ows, Sabban <strong>frame</strong>.2010 Mathematics Subject Classication: 53A35.1. IntroductionPhysically, <strong><strong>in</strong>extensible</strong> curve and surface ows give rise to motions <strong>in</strong> whichno stra<strong>in</strong> energy is <strong>in</strong>duced. The sw<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong>g motion <strong>of</strong> a cord <strong>of</strong> xed length,for example, or <strong>of</strong> a piece <strong>of</strong> paper carried by the w<strong>in</strong>d, can be describedby <strong><strong>in</strong>extensible</strong> curve and surface ows. Such motions arise quite naturally<strong>in</strong> a wide range <strong>of</strong> physical applications. For example, both Chirikjian andBurdick [1] and Mochiyama et al. [6] study the shape control <strong>of</strong> hyperredundant,or snake-like, robots. Inextensible curve and surface ows alsoarise <strong>in</strong> the context <strong>of</strong> many problems <strong>in</strong> computer vision [5] and computeranimation [2], [4].This paper is organized as follows. Firstly, we study <strong>timelike</strong> <strong>curves</strong>accord<strong>in</strong>g to the Sabban <strong>frame</strong> <strong>in</strong> S 2 1 . F<strong>in</strong>ally, we research <strong><strong>in</strong>extensible</strong> ows<strong>of</strong> <strong>timelike</strong> <strong>curves</strong> accord<strong>in</strong>g to the Sabban <strong>frame</strong> <strong>in</strong> S 2 1 .2. Prelim<strong>in</strong>ariesThe M<strong>in</strong>kowski 3-space E 3 1 provided <strong>with</strong> the standard at metric given by

6 V. Asil, T. Körp<strong>in</strong>ar, S. Ba³⟨, ⟩ = −dx 2 1 + dx 2 2 + dx 2 3,where (x 1 , x 2 , x 3 ) is a rectangular coord<strong>in</strong>ate system <strong>of</strong> E 3 1 . Recall that, thenorm <strong>of</strong> an arbitrary vector a ∈ E 3 1 is given by ∥a∥ = √ ⟨a, a⟩. γ is called aunit speed curve if velocity vector v <strong>of</strong> γ satises ∥a∥ = 1.Denote by {T, N, B} the mov<strong>in</strong>g Frenet-Serret <strong>frame</strong> along the <strong>timelike</strong>curve γ <strong>in</strong> the space E 3 1 . For an arbitrary <strong>timelike</strong> curve γ <strong>with</strong> rst and secondcurvature, κ and τ <strong>in</strong> the space E 3 1 , the follow<strong>in</strong>g Frenet-Serret formulaeare givenwhereT ′ = κN,N ′ = κT + τB,B ′ = −τN,⟨T, T⟩ = −1, ⟨N, N⟩ = ⟨B, B⟩ = 1,⟨T, N⟩ = ⟨T, B⟩ = ⟨N, B⟩ = 0.Here, the curvature functions are dened by κ = κ(s) = ∥T ′ (s)∥ and τ(s) =− ⟨N, B ′ ⟩.Torsion <strong>of</strong> the <strong>timelike</strong> curve γ is given by the aid <strong>of</strong> the mixed productτ = [γ′ , γ ′′ , γ ′′′ ]κ 2 .Now we give a new <strong>frame</strong> dierent from the Frenet <strong>frame</strong>. Let α : I → S 2 1be an unit speed spherical <strong>timelike</strong> curve. We denote σ as the arc-lengthparameter <strong>of</strong> α. Let us denote t (σ) = α ′ (σ), and we call t (σ) a unit tangentvector <strong>of</strong> α. We now set a vector s (σ) = α (σ) × t (σ) along α. This <strong>frame</strong>is called the Sabban <strong>frame</strong> <strong>of</strong> α on S 2 1 . Then we have the follow<strong>in</strong>g sphericalFrenet-Serret formulae <strong>of</strong> α [3]:α ′ = t,t ′ = α + κ g s,s ′ = κ g t,where κ g is the geodesic curvature <strong>of</strong> the <strong>timelike</strong> curve α on the S 2 1 , andg (t, t) = −1, g (α, α) = 1, g (s, s) = 1,g (t, α) = g (t, s) = g (α, s) = 0.

Inextensible ows <strong>of</strong> <strong>timelike</strong> <strong>curves</strong>... 73. Inextensible ows <strong>of</strong> <strong>timelike</strong> <strong>curves</strong> accord<strong>in</strong>g tothe Sabban <strong>frame</strong> <strong>in</strong> S 2 1Let α (u, t) is a one-parameter family <strong>of</strong> smooth <strong>timelike</strong> <strong>curves</strong> <strong>in</strong> S 2 1 .The arc length <strong>of</strong> α is given byσ(u) = u ∂α0 ∣ ∂u ∣ du,whereThe operator ∂∂σ∣⟨ ∂α∣∣∣ ∂α∣ ∂u ∣ = ∂u , ∂α ⟩∣ ∣∣∣1/2.∂uis given <strong>in</strong> terms <strong>of</strong> u by∂∂σ = 1 ∂ν ∂u ,where v =∂α∣ ∂u ∣ , and the arc length parameter is dσ = vdu.Any ow <strong>of</strong> α can be represented asLet the arc length variation be∂α∂t = fS 1 α + f S 2 t + f S 3 s. (3.1)σ(u, t) = u 0vdu.In the S 2 1 , the requirement that the curve not be subject to any elongationor compression can be expressed by the conditionfor all u ∈ [0, l] .∂∂t σ(u, t) = u ∂v0 du = 0 (3.2)∂tDef<strong>in</strong>ition 3.1. The ow ∂α∂t <strong>in</strong> S2 1 is said to be <strong><strong>in</strong>extensible</strong> if∂∂t∂α∣ ∂u ∣ = 0.

8 V. Asil, T. Körp<strong>in</strong>ar, S. Ba³Lemma 3.2. Let ∂α∂t = fS 1 α + fS 2 t + fS 3 s be a smooth ow <strong>of</strong> the <strong>timelike</strong> curveα. The ow is <strong><strong>in</strong>extensible</strong> if and only if∂v∂t + ∂fS 2∂u = −fS 1 v − f S 3 vκ g . (3.3)Pro<strong>of</strong>. Suppose that ∂α be a smooth ow <strong>of</strong> the <strong>timelike</strong> curve α. Us<strong>in</strong>g∂tdenition <strong>of</strong> α, we have⟨ ∂αv 2 =∂u , ∂α ⟩. (3.4)∂uBy dierentiat<strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong> the formula (??), we get2v ∂v∂t = ∂ ⟨ ∂α∂t ∂u , ∂α ⟩.∂uOn the other hand, chang<strong>in</strong>g ∂∂u and ∂ , we have∂tv ∂v ⟨ ⟩∂α∂t = ∂u , ∂∂u (∂α ∂t ) .From (3.1), we obta<strong>in</strong>v ∂v ⟨ ∂α∂t = ∂u , ∂ (fS∂u 1 α + f S 2 t + f S 3 s )⟩ .By the Sabban formula, we have⟨ ( ) () ( ) ⟩∂v ∂fS∂t = t, 1∂u + fS 2 v α + f S 1 v + ∂fS 2∂fS∂u + fS 3 vκ g t + 3∂u + fS 2 vκ g s .Mak<strong>in</strong>g necessary calculations, from above equation we obta<strong>in</strong> (3.3) whichproves the lemma.Theorem 3.3. Let ∂α∂t = fS 1 α + fS 2 t + fS 3 s be a smooth ow <strong>of</strong> the <strong>timelike</strong>curve α. The ow is <strong><strong>in</strong>extensible</strong> if and only if∂f S 2∂u = −fS 3 vκ g − f S 1 v.

Inextensible ows <strong>of</strong> <strong>timelike</strong> <strong>curves</strong>... 9Pro<strong>of</strong>. Assume that ∂α∂t∂∂t σ(u, t) = u ∂v0∂t du = u 0is <strong><strong>in</strong>extensible</strong>. From (3.2), we have(−f S 1 v − ∂fS 2∂u − fS 3 vκ g)du = 0. (3.5)Substitut<strong>in</strong>g (3.3) <strong>in</strong> (3.5) completes the pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> the theorem.Now we restrict ourselves to arc length parametrized <strong>curves</strong>. That is,v = 1 and the local coord<strong>in</strong>ate u corresponds to the curve arc length σ. Werequire the follow<strong>in</strong>g lemma.Lemma 3.4. The follow<strong>in</strong>g relations hold( )∂t ∂fS= 1∂t ∂σ + fS 2 α +(∂α ∂fS= 1∂t ∂σ + fS 2where ψ =∂s∂t⟨ ⟩ ∂α∂t , s .=)t + ψs,( ∂fS3∂σ + fS 2 κ g)t − ψα,Pro<strong>of</strong>. Us<strong>in</strong>g denition <strong>of</strong> α, we have∂t∂t = ( ∂fS1∂σ + fS 2( ∂fS3∂σ + fS 2 κ g)s,∂t∂t = ∂ ∂α∂t ∂σ = ∂∂σ (fS 1 α + f S 2 t + f S 3 s).Us<strong>in</strong>g the Sabban equations, we nd that)α +Substitut<strong>in</strong>g (3.3) <strong>in</strong> (3.6), we get∂t∂t = ( ∂fS1∂σ + fS 2(f S 1 + ∂fS 2∂σ + fS 3 κ g)t +)α +( ∂fS3∂σ + fS 2 κ g)s.Now dierentiate the Sabban <strong>frame</strong> by t:∂f S ⟨1∂σ + fS 2 + t, ∂α ⟩= 0,∂t∂f S ⟨3∂σ + fS 2 κ g + t, ∂s ⟩= 0,∂t⟨ψ + α, ∂s ⟩= 0.∂t( ∂fS3∂σ + fS 2 κ g)s. (3.6)

10 V. Asil, T. Körp<strong>in</strong>ar, S. Ba³Then, a straightforward computation us<strong>in</strong>g above system gives( )∂α ∂fS= 1∂t ∂σ + fS 2 t + ψs,( )∂s ∂fS= 3∂t ∂σ + fS 2 κ g t − ψα,⟨ ⟩ ∂αwhere ψ =∂t , s . Thus, we obta<strong>in</strong> the assertion <strong>of</strong> the theorem.The follow<strong>in</strong>g theorem states the conditions on the curvature and torsionfor the ow to be <strong><strong>in</strong>extensible</strong>.Theorem 3.5. Let ∂α be <strong><strong>in</strong>extensible</strong>. Then the system <strong>of</strong> partial dierential∂tequationsholds.∂κ g∂σ + ψ = ∂2 f S 3∂σ 2 + ∂ ∂s (fS 2 κ g ),( ∂ 2 f S )1κ g ψ = −∂σ 2 + ∂fS 2∂σPro<strong>of</strong>. Assume that ∂α is <strong><strong>in</strong>extensible</strong>. Then∂t∂ ∂t= ∂ [( ) ( ) ]∂fS1∂fS∂σ ∂t ∂σ ∂σ + fS 2 α + 3∂σ + fS 2 κ g s( ∂ 2 f S ) ( ) ( )1=∂σ 2 + ∂fS 2 ∂fSα + [ 1∂fS∂σ ∂σ + fS 2 +κ 3 g∂σ + fS 2 κ g ]t( ∂ 2 f S 3+∂σ 2 + ∂ )∂σ (fS 2 κ g ) s.From the Sabban <strong>frame</strong>, we have∂ ∂t∂t ∂σ = ∂ ∂t (α+κ gs)=[ ∂κg∂σ + ψ ]s +[ ( ) ( ) ]∂fS1∂fS∂σ + fS 2 + κ 3 g∂σ + fS 2 κ g t − κ g ψα.Therefore,∂κ g∂σ + ψ = ∂2 f S 3∂σ 2 + ∂∂σ (fS 2 κ g )

Inextensible ows <strong>of</strong> <strong>timelike</strong> <strong>curves</strong>... 11andThus, we obta<strong>in</strong> the theorem.( ∂ 2 f S )1κ g ψ = −∂σ 2 + ∂fS 2.∂σCorollary 3.6.( ) ∂fSκ 1 g∂σ + fS 2 = − ∂fS 3∂σ − fS 2 κ g − ∂ψ∂σ .Pro<strong>of</strong>. Similarly, we have∂ ∂s∂σ ∂t= ∂ [( ) ]∂fS3∂σ ∂σ + fS 2 κ g t − ψα[ ( ∂ 2 f S 3=∂σ + ∂) ( )( )fS ∂fS∂σ 2 κ g − ψ t+κ 3 g∂σ + fS 2 κ g s[ ( )∂fS+ 3∂σ + fS 2 κ g − ∂ψ ] ]α .∂σOn the other hand, a straightforward computation gives∂ ∂s∂t ∂σ = ∂ ∂t (κ gt)= ∂κ g∂t t + κ g[( ) ( ) ]∂fS1∂fS∂σ + fS 2 α + 3∂σ + fS 2 κ g s .Comb<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g these equalities, we obta<strong>in</strong> the corollary.In the light <strong>of</strong> Theorem 3.5, we express the follow<strong>in</strong>g corollaries <strong>with</strong>outpro<strong>of</strong>s.Corollary 3.7.Corollary 3.8.∂κ g∂t = ∂2 f S 3∂σ + ∂ ( )fS∂σ 2 κ g − ψ.∂f S 3∂σ + fS 2 κ g − ∂ψ∂σ = ∂fS 1∂σ + fS 2 .References[1] G. Chirikjian, J. Burdick, A modal approach to hyper-redundant manipulatork<strong>in</strong>ematics, IEEE Trans. Robot. Autom., 10, 343354 (1994).

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