Crossword Puzzle: Shakespearean Words

Crossword Puzzle: Shakespearean Words

Crossword Puzzle: Shakespearean Words


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CROSSWORD: <strong>Shakespearean</strong> <strong>Words</strong>1 234 5 678 910111213 14 1516 17181920 212223 2425Shakespeare is creditedwith adding between1500 - 2000 words tothe English language.From the clues below,figure out the 30 wordsin the crosswordpuzzle, all of which firstappeared in print inShakespeare’s writing.Some are believed tohave been created byShakespeare himself.Others were in usebefore he publishedthem for the first time,or are words that headapted from wordsalready in use or fromother languages.26 27 2829Across1. to be momentous5. clothing7. to indicate10. epidemic11. lurking or sneaky12. a robber16. baggage18. any broad-snouted crocodilian19. whimsically comical21. high; lofty24. to discourage25. not actual26. to impress so as to makeoblivious to one’s faults28. idle talk or rumor, especiallyabout the personal or privateaffairs of others29. a hole made by a burrowingwormDown2. an open-air game3. of no value4. publicity6. administrator or supervisor8. a boy attending school9. a climber of mountains13. brightness14. to speak extravagantly orviolently15. a room furnished and used forsleeping17. light emitted by an object18. to kill suddenly or secretively20. a ray of moonlight22. to live in seclusion23. indecent27. the first appearance ofdaylight in the morningProvided compliments of PIONEER DRAMA (www.pioneerdrama.com) Please feel free to reproduce for use in your classroom.

CROSSWORD: <strong>Shakespearean</strong> <strong>Words</strong>SOLUTIONAcross1. EVENTFUL—to be momentous [As YouLike It: II, vii]5. INVESTMENTS—clothing [King Henry IV,part II: IV, i]7. DENOTE—to indicate [Merry Wives ofWindsor: IV, vi]10. OUTBREAK—epidemic [Hamlet: II, i]11. STEALTHY—lurking or sneaky[Macbeth: II, i]12. BANDIT—a robber [King Henry VI,part II: IV, i]16. LUGGAGE—baggage [King Henry IV,part I: V, iv]18. ALLIGATOR—any broad-snoutedcrocodilian [Romeo and Juliet: V, i]19. ZANY—whimsically comical [Love’sLabour’s Lost: V, ii]21. AERIAL—high; lofty [Othello: II, i]24. DISHEARTEN—to discourage[King Henry V: IV, i]25. UNREAL—not actual [Macbeth: III, iv]26. BEDAZZLED—to impress so as to makeoblivious to one’s faults [The Taming of theShrew: IV, v]28. GOSSIP—idle talk or rumor, especiallyabout the personal or private affairs ofothers [The Comedy of Errors: V, i]29. WORMHOLE—a hole made by aburrowing wormDown2. FOOTBALL—an open-air game[The Comedy of Errors: II, i]3. WORTHLESS—of no value [The TwoGentlemen of Verona: IV, ii]4. ADVERTISING—publicity6. MANAGER—administrator or supervisor[Love’s Labour’s Lost: I, ii]8. SCHOOLBOY—a boy attending school[Romeo and Juliet: II, ii]9. MOUNTAINEER—a climber of mountains[Cymbeline: IV, ii]13. RADIANCE—brightness [All’s Well thatEnds Well: I, i]14. RANT—to speak extravagantly or violently[Hamlet: V, i]15. BEDROOM—a room furnished and usedfor sleeping17. GLOW—light emitted by an object[As You Like It: III, iv]18. ASSASSINATION—to kill suddenly orsecretively [Macbeth: I, vii]20. MOONBEAM—a ray of moonlight[A Midsummer Night’s Dream: III, i]22. RECLUSIVE—to live in seclusion [MuchAdo About Nothing: IV, i]23. OBSCENE—indecent [Love’s Labour’sLost: I, i]27. DAWN—the first appearance of daylight inthe morning [Titus Andronicus: II, ii]1 2E V E N T F U L3WOOO4 5 6ARI N V E S T M E N T S7D E N O T EA B8VHS9M10N AELCO U T B R E A K LR11S T E A L T H Y UG LTSO12B A N D I T EIS13R OTR14R15BSA16L U17G G A G EA EID B L IN DNI O O N18A L L I G A T O RG19Z A N Y W E SONE SO20M C21A E R I A LMO ES22R23O O24D I S H E A R T E NB N25ICS BU N R E A L LC EA28U26B E D A Z Z L E27DT G O S S I PN MAIIE29WNO R M H ONL EVEProvided compliments of PIONEER DRAMA (www.pioneerdrama.com) Please feel free to reproduce for use in your classroom.

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