PIOVRA - Liophant Simulation

PIOVRA - Liophant Simulation PIOVRA - Liophant Simulation


Stress ReactionPIOVRACrisisEventPreliminaryEvaluationEvent PerceptionNot SignificantEventStress LevelRecoveryDanger, DamageMenace, ChallengePositiveEventSociologicalCopyingResourcesSecondaryEvaluationand ReactionAssessmentPsychologicalCopyingResourcesNegativeInfluencePositive InfluenceRationalReactionEmotionalReaction26

AggressivenessPIOVRAThe aggressiveness emerges usually as result of: Benefit Opportunity Perception (rationalaggressiveness); this is influenced by individualaggressive capacity, gender difference andbehavioral models Negative Emotions (hostile aggressiveness): this isrelated to a provocation (perception of an hostileattitude), personality difference and other emotionand negative feeling including physical pain,weather stress factor (hot) and irritation.Aggressiveness is heavily influenced by sociologicalconditions in term of size of the group, cultural models,media influence etc.27

Aggressiveness<strong>PIOVRA</strong>The aggressiveness emerges usually as result of: Benefit Opportunity Perception (rationalaggressiveness); this is influenced by individualaggressive capacity, gender difference andbehavioral models Negative Emotions (hostile aggressiveness): this isrelated to a provocation (perception of an hostileattitude), personality difference and other emotionand negative feeling including physical pain,weather stress factor (hot) and irritation.Aggressiveness is heavily influenced by sociologicalconditions in term of size of the group, cultural models,media influence etc.27

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