PIOVRA - Liophant Simulation

PIOVRA - Liophant Simulation PIOVRA - Liophant Simulation


FatiguePIOVRAFL ( tji+1Hf ( FLwhere:⎧⎪y≤ 0⎪( ti), y)= ⎨⎪⎪y> 0⎪⎩( SOP ( t ), zone ( t )) ⋅ ( t − t ) ⋅ Hf ( FL ( t ), Dfc( SOP ( t ), zone ( t ))) = FL ( t ) + Dfc+jjijGsf ⋅ kffjji1Gsf ⋅ kff2ji 1FLj( ti)⋅ + 1bf1FLj( ti)+ 1bf2⋅FL ( t ) + 1FL j (t i ) is the Fatigue Level of the j-th Action Objectat i-th event timeSOP j (t i ) Status of Operation of the j-th Action Objectin i-th event timezone j (t i )Zone location of the j-th Action Object in i-thevent timeDfc(x,y) Unitary Continuous Change in Fatigue Leveldue to Status x in Environment yGff j Fatigue Factor Characteristics of j-thAction ObjectHf(x,y) Function for reproducing Hysteresis andSaturation on Fatigue depending on currentstatus as well as current increasejkff 1 , kff 2 Factors for tuning Hf Function Impactbf 1 ,bf 2 Factors for tuning Hf Function Periodjijiiiij( E ) Hf ( SL ( t Dfe( E)FL ( t ) FL ( t ) + Dfe ⋅ ),ijiiji= E i Event affecting the j-th Object at i-thevent timeDfe(x,y) Event Discrete Change in Fatigue Level dueto Status x in Environment yjjiFatigue is state correspondingto temporary loss of strengthand energy resulting from hardphysical or mental work;physical fatigue (equivalent tophysical debilitation for Pavlov)is generated by anything thatphysically weakens theorganism, this is supposed toincreases the likelihood of crisis(transmarginalinhibition).Fatigue Continuous VarianceEvent Affecting Fatigue24

Different Evolution TrendsPIOVRAFatigue is characterizedby saturation inincreasing and fasterrecovery during earlyphases in our range ofanalysisFatigue IncreasingAggressiveness IncreasingFatigue DecreasingAggressiveness Decreasing0 20 40 60 80 100 1200 20 40 60 80 100 120Aggressiveness increasesbased on exponentialescalation and relaxesback slowly25

Fatigue<strong>PIOVRA</strong>FL ( tji+1Hf ( FLwhere:⎧⎪y≤ 0⎪( ti), y)= ⎨⎪⎪y> 0⎪⎩( SOP ( t ), zone ( t )) ⋅ ( t − t ) ⋅ Hf ( FL ( t ), Dfc( SOP ( t ), zone ( t ))) = FL ( t ) + Dfc+jjijGsf ⋅ kffjji1Gsf ⋅ kff2ji 1FLj( ti)⋅ + 1bf1FLj( ti)+ 1bf2⋅FL ( t ) + 1FL j (t i ) is the Fatigue Level of the j-th Action Objectat i-th event timeSOP j (t i ) Status of Operation of the j-th Action Objectin i-th event timezone j (t i )Zone location of the j-th Action Object in i-thevent timeDfc(x,y) Unitary Continuous Change in Fatigue Leveldue to Status x in Environment yGff j Fatigue Factor Characteristics of j-thAction ObjectHf(x,y) Function for reproducing Hysteresis andSaturation on Fatigue depending on currentstatus as well as current increasejkff 1 , kff 2 Factors for tuning Hf Function Impactbf 1 ,bf 2 Factors for tuning Hf Function Periodjijiiiij( E ) Hf ( SL ( t Dfe( E)FL ( t ) FL ( t ) + Dfe ⋅ ),ijiiji= E i Event affecting the j-th Object at i-thevent timeDfe(x,y) Event Discrete Change in Fatigue Level dueto Status x in Environment yjjiFatigue is state correspondingto temporary loss of strengthand energy resulting from hardphysical or mental work;physical fatigue (equivalent tophysical debilitation for Pavlov)is generated by anything thatphysically weakens theorganism, this is supposed toincreases the likelihood of crisis(transmarginalinhibition).Fatigue Continuous VarianceEvent Affecting Fatigue24

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