PIOVRA - Liophant Simulation

PIOVRA - Liophant Simulation PIOVRA - Liophant Simulation


PIOVRAPIOVRA Modeling• PIOVRA Conceptual models for simulating acooperative behaviour of PIOVRA CGF allowing theiraggregation or separation depending on the situation(clearly keeping in mind the command hierarchies for military units andmanaging their dynamic evolution during actions).• Modelling all the aspects and parameters for properlydefine the different units in terms of Rules OfEngagement (ROE); the use of Fuzzy Logic andArtificial Neural Networks allows to extend the validityrange of PIOVRA Models10

PIOVRAPIOVRA Components• PIOVRA Library allows to attribute specific intelligentbehaviours to the operative units.• PIOVRA CGF are integrated using High LevelArchitecture (HLA) in a Federation• PIOVRA Federation as Executable Scenario withextended Capabilities for Testing and Experimentingthe Models• PIOVRA Reports and Feed-backsfor guaranteeing the dynamic changeof Rules of Engagementfor PIOVRA CGFCustomersWarehouseShippingSupplierSiteItemHistoricalOrderSistemComponentSystem TypeUserBill of MaterialSystem TypeSpare PartsResourceBill of MaterialComponentComponent TypeCalendar11

<strong>PIOVRA</strong><strong>PIOVRA</strong> Modeling• <strong>PIOVRA</strong> Conceptual models for simulating acooperative behaviour of <strong>PIOVRA</strong> CGF allowing theiraggregation or separation depending on the situation(clearly keeping in mind the command hierarchies for military units andmanaging their dynamic evolution during actions).• Modelling all the aspects and parameters for properlydefine the different units in terms of Rules OfEngagement (ROE); the use of Fuzzy Logic andArtificial Neural Networks allows to extend the validityrange of <strong>PIOVRA</strong> Models10

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