PIOVRA - Liophant Simulation

PIOVRA - Liophant Simulation

PIOVRA - Liophant Simulation

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<strong>PIOVRA</strong>Goals• The development of operative Prototypes to be Run in aFederation for completing the Dynamic VV&A andExecution Phase of new generation intelligent CGF.• To develop a new generation of Computer GeneratedForces (CGF) <strong>PIOVRA</strong> (Polyfunctional Intelligent OperationalVirtual Reality Agents), to be used both for exercise scope,both for defence planning and support operations in anHLA Federation.• New CGF should be in some extent “Intelligent”,meaning that they should demonstrate co-operative andcompetitive behaviours (co-ordinating units both duringoperative actions and situation evaluation) based on thecurrent boundary conditions and situation.2

<strong>PIOVRA</strong>Research Motivations• To develop a new Generation of CGF able to simulate“Intelligent” behaviour, filling up the gap between userrequirements and current available CGF performances• To create <strong>PIOVRA</strong> intelligent CGF as effective modelsto be integrated in HLA <strong>Simulation</strong> for:– Training– Operation Planning– Operation Support• To guarantee the possibility to Define/Configure<strong>PIOVRA</strong> CGF using Libraries and Effective Paradigmsin order to guarantee Accreditation, Effectiveness andUsability of <strong>PIOVRA</strong> developments3

<strong>PIOVRA</strong><strong>PIOVRA</strong> Military Relevance• Development of a New Generation of EffectiveIntelligent Units to be used on:– Exercise– Defence Planning– Support to Operations,.• The expected benefits of using <strong>PIOVRA</strong> CGF are:– reduction of human personnel operating directly the simulation system– increasing objectivity degree in the actions and the reactions of any ofthe simulated entities present in the battlefield (i.e., friend, foe orneutral)– Availability of “intelligent” <strong>PIOVRA</strong> CGF able to describe the reasonsbehind a particular operational behaviour (allowing to verify in anindirect manner, the doctrine, tactics and ROE).4

<strong>PIOVRA</strong>New CGF Application Areas<strong>PIOVRA</strong> developments will be useful in :• Exercise functional area:– <strong>PIOVRA</strong> CGF constitute the ideal “sparring partner” due to the constancy of theirreactions and their possibility to reproduce realistic opponent actions and reactions.• Defence Planning area:– <strong>PIOVRA</strong> CGF consents to verify operational plans in less time due to the absence,complete or partial, of human experts employed in the different roles foreseen by theOperational Plan under exam; also in this case the objectivity, the reaction constancy, theCGF decision motivation traceability represent significant advantages.• Support to Operations area:– <strong>PIOVRA</strong> CGF are an essential element in performing realistic verification and ongoingreal tactical situations possible progress evaluation by inserting them in the subjectoperation’s simulation. Due to elevated degree of realism and extremely rapid simulationfeedback these use become realisable only through the use of intelligent CGF.5

New CGF CharacteristicsThe <strong>PIOVRA</strong> CGF includes the following characteristics:<strong>PIOVRA</strong>• User-Defined Initialising Parameters• Analyse Surrounding Environment and React Respectively Capability• Cooperative Capacity• Force Aggregating/Desegregating Capability and relevant military hierarchy• Resultant Aggregation Levels different from aggregating/desegregating elementssum/subtraction• Limit Proper Autonomy to Achieve Common Objective Capability• Stress Level Indicator applicable for the entities behaviour definition• Implementation of Typical Human Behaviour (survival instinct and moral/ethicalmotivations)• Distinct Friend, Enemy, Suspect and Neutral Units• Explicit ROE justifying Proper Behaviour• Military Reports to Higher Commanders Capability• Decision Process Traceability• Feedback capability• CGF entities simulating various force levels6

<strong>PIOVRA</strong>New CGF & Models• New CGF need to be designed for incorporating anhierarchical scalable structure in order to be able toreach high level of details (i.e. single persons) withoutloosing the possibility to model large entities and withautonomous reporting capabilities for justifying theirchoices to external user.• G-DEVS/HLA developmentsof <strong>PIOVRA</strong> guarantee the possibilityto plug such models in <strong>PIOVRA</strong> CGFrespecting consistency and speedingup VV&A processes.7

<strong>PIOVRA</strong><strong>PIOVRA</strong> Units• <strong>PIOVRA</strong> pays great attention into modelling NeutralUnits representing civilians and their specificbehaviours and logic• Modelling special units such terrorist:a significant part of <strong>PIOVRA</strong> is devotedto create models for reproducingdynamically the human behaviour in complex scenario.• <strong>PIOVRA</strong> entities include psychological parameters andmodels (i.e. “stress level” as aggregation level and ofexternal situation function).• The capability to reproduce such behaviour is based onthe use of Artificial Intelligence directly integrated inthe project9

<strong>PIOVRA</strong><strong>PIOVRA</strong> Modeling• <strong>PIOVRA</strong> Conceptual models for simulating acooperative behaviour of <strong>PIOVRA</strong> CGF allowing theiraggregation or separation depending on the situation(clearly keeping in mind the command hierarchies for military units andmanaging their dynamic evolution during actions).• Modelling all the aspects and parameters for properlydefine the different units in terms of Rules OfEngagement (ROE); the use of Fuzzy Logic andArtificial Neural Networks allows to extend the validityrange of <strong>PIOVRA</strong> Models10

<strong>PIOVRA</strong><strong>PIOVRA</strong> Components• <strong>PIOVRA</strong> Library allows to attribute specific intelligentbehaviours to the operative units.• <strong>PIOVRA</strong> CGF are integrated using High LevelArchitecture (HLA) in a Federation• <strong>PIOVRA</strong> Federation as Executable Scenario withextended Capabilities for Testing and Experimentingthe Models• <strong>PIOVRA</strong> Reports and Feed-backsfor guaranteeing the dynamic changeof Rules of Engagementfor <strong>PIOVRA</strong> CGFCustomersWarehouseShippingSupplierSiteItemHistoricalOrderSistemComponentSystem TypeUserBill of MaterialSystem TypeSpare PartsResourceBill of MaterialComponentComponent TypeCalendar11

<strong>PIOVRA</strong>Expertise for New CGF• Development of New Generation CGF is a quitebreakthrough research and need to include real“intelligent” behaviours (in operative term) and able tobe used in future simulation.• This Challenge is enabled by very advancedtechnologies and strong experiences in their area:– Artificial Intelligence– G-DEVS– HLAAddestramentoArtificialNeuralNetworks6 weeks 6 weeks 6 weeks 6 weeksForecastsPrevisione tramite ANNFusionFusion Q%Add ∆QAdd ∆TAdd Acc12

<strong>PIOVRA</strong>AI & <strong>PIOVRA</strong>• The use of AI (Artificial Intelligence) in hybrid hierarchicalmodels request to combine different techniques in order tobe successful.• The <strong>PIOVRA</strong> project expect to experiment differentintegration architecture combining:– Fuzzy Logic (balancing Boundary Conditions &FRCScenario)– Artificial Neural Networks (self-learning)– KBS (behaviour justification)– Data Fusion (Situation Assessment, Threat Assessment)– Swarm Intelligence (Cooperative Intelligent Behaviour)FRC 12SN List52SNFRCPRM* ID C.Fusion ∆Q- ∆Q+ ∆Τ- ∆Q+ Orz ε* 130-2818/03 50 10 20 1 2 52 0.05.. . .ANN_DDM ANN.FRC_FFR ANN13

<strong>PIOVRA</strong>Integration & HLA• The interoperability of the <strong>PIOVRA</strong> components isstrictly based on HLA in order to maximise theirintegration capabilities and improve the efficiency oftheir hierarchical structure.• The Development of <strong>PIOVRA</strong> Units asHLA federates support the accreditationand testing of their performances• <strong>PIOVRA</strong> CGF communicating/cooperating/competingthrough HLA allows to guarantee potential extensiveuse of <strong>PIOVRA</strong> units on complex scenario just byadding federates.14

<strong>PIOVRA</strong>Modeling & G-DEVS HLA• The design and development of <strong>PIOVRA</strong> Models isexpected to be realised in a G-DEVS/HLA framework,tailored for <strong>PIOVRA</strong>, able to consider both thecontinuous components (i.e. movement) and discrete(i.e. events and actions) integrate in High LevelArchitecture.• The <strong>PIOVRA</strong> model repository will be developed as aneffective Library based on G-DEVS paradigm in orderto guarantee the parameters and behavioural firmwarepre-determination very precisely and carefully byexpert teams ofautomated components15

<strong>PIOVRA</strong><strong>PIOVRA</strong> PartnersThe use of Excellence Centers with long tradition inresearch applied to industrial projects and mutualcooperation is a critical issue for guarantee the success of<strong>PIOVRA</strong> initiative:• MISS DIPTEM, Genoa University– Leader & Coordinator• LSIS, Marseille• <strong>Liophant</strong> <strong>Simulation</strong>IEPAL16

<strong>PIOVRA</strong>Scenario Definition• <strong>PIOVRA</strong> includes a detailed scenario definition to beused for metrics and performance evaluation of themodels developed and their fidelity and effectiveness.• A demonstration phase on a complex scenario isexpected to be used as framework for experimentingand analysing the <strong>PIOVRA</strong> federation; the scenario isexpected to be integrated with war gaming systems (i.e.JTLS) in order to simulate/study specific situations.• <strong>PIOVRA</strong> VV&A represent a very important andsignificant task in order to guarantee the success of theinitiative.17

<strong>PIOVRA</strong><strong>PIOVRA</strong> Prototype• <strong>PIOVRA</strong> project main goal is to complete a Prototypefor completing Experimental Analysis based on DOE(Design of Experiments) for the VV&A and Executionof <strong>PIOVRA</strong> models.• The Project Partner previous experiences guarantee thepossibility to benefit from their skills and libraries inorder to obtain also with the Budget Requested anExecutable System for full Validation of <strong>PIOVRA</strong>models over Operative Scenarios.• Prototype integrated with war gamingsystems in order to simulate/studyspecific situations.18

<strong>PIOVRA</strong> Objects<strong>PIOVRA</strong>Comportment Objects are dedicated to the simulation of actors thatrepresents behaviors of populations, movements or analog entities towhere units on the field belongs.Action Objects are units that have the task to simulate particularelements acting in the scenario like a military unit, a terrorist, a politicalrepresentative. They can also simulate particular events like riots,demonstrations, etc. Part of the Action Objects is generated in functionof a particular state of one or more Comportment Objects.Support Objects include all the objects don't representing human actorsof the Scenario, but influent phenomena; for instance Support ObjectList includes Weather Object as well as Zone Objects.19

<strong>PIOVRA</strong> ZONES<strong>PIOVRA</strong>QSTUVWYIn the proposed context, themovement algorithms aredevoted to control any actionobject which moves inside<strong>PIOVRA</strong> Zone and each ZoneObject is an entity that includesmovement links and groundcharacteristicsAPOCBMNDFLEHGIZJKR20

<strong>PIOVRA</strong> Movements<strong>PIOVRA</strong>jiji1 1513 1 2 20 2 3 4 536421

Psychological Modifiers<strong>PIOVRA</strong>Currently the research is focusing onthe Following Psychological Modifiersare under Analysis:FearStressFatigueAggressiveness22

Fear<strong>PIOVRA</strong>EventGeneratingFearMontecarlo TechniqueFear Generated LevelSize/ForceVs.Event ImpactList of Object Zones Perceivingthe EventB%+K%+Z%+B%+Y%+X%=1Fear EffectCoolCharacteristicObject ZoneB%0% 100%X%K%FatigueResistanceIncreaseZ%N%Y%StressLevelIncreaseNoEffectParalysisEscapeAggressiveLevelIncreaseStress Level ModifierFatigue Level ModifierAction ObjectAction ObjectAction ObjectAction ObjectAction ObjectAction ObjectList of Action Objectsinside the Zone23

Fatigue<strong>PIOVRA</strong>FL ( tji+1Hf ( FLwhere:⎧⎪y≤ 0⎪( ti), y)= ⎨⎪⎪y> 0⎪⎩( SOP ( t ), zone ( t )) ⋅ ( t − t ) ⋅ Hf ( FL ( t ), Dfc( SOP ( t ), zone ( t ))) = FL ( t ) + Dfc+jjijGsf ⋅ kffjji1Gsf ⋅ kff2ji 1FLj( ti)⋅ + 1bf1FLj( ti)+ 1bf2⋅FL ( t ) + 1FL j (t i ) is the Fatigue Level of the j-th Action Objectat i-th event timeSOP j (t i ) Status of Operation of the j-th Action Objectin i-th event timezone j (t i )Zone location of the j-th Action Object in i-thevent timeDfc(x,y) Unitary Continuous Change in Fatigue Leveldue to Status x in Environment yGff j Fatigue Factor Characteristics of j-thAction ObjectHf(x,y) Function for reproducing Hysteresis andSaturation on Fatigue depending on currentstatus as well as current increasejkff 1 , kff 2 Factors for tuning Hf Function Impactbf 1 ,bf 2 Factors for tuning Hf Function Periodjijiiiij( E ) Hf ( SL ( t Dfe( E)FL ( t ) FL ( t ) + Dfe ⋅ ),ijiiji= E i Event affecting the j-th Object at i-thevent timeDfe(x,y) Event Discrete Change in Fatigue Level dueto Status x in Environment yjjiFatigue is state correspondingto temporary loss of strengthand energy resulting from hardphysical or mental work;physical fatigue (equivalent tophysical debilitation for Pavlov)is generated by anything thatphysically weakens theorganism, this is supposed toincreases the likelihood of crisis(transmarginalinhibition).Fatigue Continuous VarianceEvent Affecting Fatigue24

Different Evolution Trends<strong>PIOVRA</strong>Fatigue is characterizedby saturation inincreasing and fasterrecovery during earlyphases in our range ofanalysisFatigue IncreasingAggressiveness IncreasingFatigue DecreasingAggressiveness Decreasing0 20 40 60 80 100 1200 20 40 60 80 100 120Aggressiveness increasesbased on exponentialescalation and relaxesback slowly25

Stress Reaction<strong>PIOVRA</strong>CrisisEventPreliminaryEvaluationEvent PerceptionNot SignificantEventStress LevelRecoveryDanger, DamageMenace, ChallengePositiveEventSociologicalCopyingResourcesSecondaryEvaluationand ReactionAssessmentPsychologicalCopyingResourcesNegativeInfluencePositive InfluenceRationalReactionEmotionalReaction26

Aggressiveness<strong>PIOVRA</strong>The aggressiveness emerges usually as result of: Benefit Opportunity Perception (rationalaggressiveness); this is influenced by individualaggressive capacity, gender difference andbehavioral models Negative Emotions (hostile aggressiveness): this isrelated to a provocation (perception of an hostileattitude), personality difference and other emotionand negative feeling including physical pain,weather stress factor (hot) and irritation.Aggressiveness is heavily influenced by sociologicalconditions in term of size of the group, cultural models,media influence etc.27


Scenario ExampleDAY X-2 E X-12 UAV / HELI<strong>PIOVRA</strong><strong>PIOVRA</strong>Show the Flag129

1 Platoon Liason Teams Federal PoliceSequena PoliceDAY X AT HEmbassiesDemonstrationGovernor<strong>PIOVRA</strong>30

1 Platoon Liason Teams Federal PoliceSequena PoliceDAY X AT H + 1Embassies<strong>PIOVRA</strong>GovernorGovernor decides tostop demostrantionFederal Police closesthe main bridgeAnother platoon is onhigh alert statusGovernor decides toopen the bridgeCrowd starts to getnervous and violentBtg Com, asks toGovernor to let thepeople demostrate31

1 Platoon Liason Teams Federal PoliceSequena PoliceDAY X AT H + 2Embassies<strong>PIOVRA</strong>GovernorThe crowdconcentrates under thegovernor palaceSmall groups go to thewestern embassiesAdditional platoonstarts to move inStationary Platoonready to performevacuation/extractionof GovernorOne explosion withinthe crowd with somecivilians deads andinjuredFederal Police startsto close the area32

1 Platoon Liason Teams Federal PoliceSequena PoliceDAY X AT H + 3Embassies<strong>PIOVRA</strong>GovernorFederal police securingthe area andevacuating injuriedciviliansSmall groupsharassing westernembassiesCrowd dissolved butfuriousAdditional platoon in the area,ready to:-support Governor evacuation- defend western embassiesrStationary platoonstarted Governorevacuation33

1 Platoon Liason Teams Federal PoliceSequena PoliceDAY X AT H + 4Embassies<strong>PIOVRA</strong>GovernorGovernor evacuated inthe FOBWestern embassies stillunder harassmentDisorders all aroundthe cityAdditional platoon in the area,ready to defend westernembassies34

1 Platoon Liason Teams Federal PoliceSequena PoliceDAY X AT H + 5Embassies<strong>PIOVRA</strong>GovernorSituation unstable andunpredictableFederal Police and localPolice doing their best topacificate the cityAllied troops in the FOBUrban areas not under controll35



<strong>PIOVRA</strong>Summarizing• <strong>PIOVRA</strong> Project is devoted to Create New CGFs thatintroduce innovative characteristics in <strong>Simulation</strong>Scenarios• <strong>PIOVRA</strong> CGFs introduce a Competitive Advantage forusing <strong>Simulation</strong> in Exercise/Planning & OperationSupport respect existing tools and packages• <strong>PIOVRA</strong> results will be completely validated andverified as well as integrated in a Prototyperepresenting at least a very advanced stage ofdevelopment of a full capable <strong>Simulation</strong> Federatewww.liophantliophant.org/piovraF o recc a stsP a rttC o m m ere rcia liN u m b erssF r in e A N NF o rer eca stsO r d in iA rriv i P ror od u z io n eP r o d u zio n i in C o rsor M a g a z zin oB O M… .D I P U n ive r sity o f G e n o ah ttp ://st.itim .u n ig e .itC o n su m p tio n sF r in e S im u la to rF r in e M e tricsS istemm a In fo rmr m a tiv oP erfo rmr m a n cec es38

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