Relocating to Jersey - Ogier

Relocating to Jersey - Ogier Relocating to Jersey - Ogier


Relocating to JerseyAn introduction to working with uswww.ogier.comBahrain • British Virgin Islands • Cayman Islands • Dublin • GuernseyHong Kong • Jersey • London • Luxembourg • Shanghai • Tokyo

<strong>Relocating</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Jersey</strong>An introduction <strong>to</strong> working with uswww.ogier.comBahrain • British Virgin Islands • Cayman Islands • Dublin • GuernseyHong Kong • <strong>Jersey</strong> • London • Luxembourg • Shanghai • Tokyo

The <strong>Ogier</strong> Group provides international legal services andtrust, company and fund administration.We employ over 850 people and provide advice on BVI,Cayman, Guernsey, <strong>Jersey</strong> and Luxembourg law andadministration services through our network of officesthat cover all time zones and key financial markets. Theseinclude Bahrain, BVI, Cayman, Dublin, Guernsey, HongKong, <strong>Jersey</strong>, London, Luxembourg, Shanghai and Tokyo.Our highly qualified professionals deliver outstanding clientservice in each location.The Group’s legal and administration offering is a successfulcombination and we regularly win awards for the quality ofour client service, our work and our people.

Introduction“ the <strong>to</strong>pdivision...”(InternationalMonetary Fund -September 2009)For decades <strong>Jersey</strong> has welcomed a limitednumber of new individuals and businesses <strong>to</strong>the Island and this is set <strong>to</strong> continue as part of<strong>Jersey</strong>’s commitment <strong>to</strong> attract, among others,entrepreneurs and principals of investment andfunds businesses. Recently ranked as the <strong>to</strong>pBritish offshore destination for wealthy people<strong>to</strong> reside in, <strong>Jersey</strong>’s charm stems from a uniquecombination of fac<strong>to</strong>rs.In deciding whether <strong>to</strong> move <strong>to</strong> <strong>Jersey</strong>, a numberof personal, family and business questions willbe of key importance. In our experience, manyindividuals have found <strong>Jersey</strong>’s answers <strong>to</strong>these questions extremely positive. <strong>Ogier</strong> hasassisted numerous individuals, their families andbusinesses that have decided <strong>to</strong> move <strong>to</strong> <strong>Jersey</strong>and has the expertise and contacts <strong>to</strong> provide a“one-s<strong>to</strong>p shop” for clients covering all aspectsof the relocation process.

Business framework“particularlyconstructivebusiness andregula<strong>to</strong>ryenvironment”“internationallycommended”<strong>Jersey</strong> provides a particularly constructivebusiness and regula<strong>to</strong>ry environment for theestablishment of high value businesses. Inthe business planning stage of establishing ormoving an existing business <strong>to</strong> <strong>Jersey</strong>, <strong>Ogier</strong>is delighted <strong>to</strong> facilitate the introduction ofthe principals <strong>to</strong> key executives in the <strong>Jersey</strong>Financial Services Commission, PopulationOffice, Tax Office and other relevant governmentdepartments.<strong>Ogier</strong> has excellent relations with the relevantregula<strong>to</strong>ry bodies and a demonstrable trackrecord of achieving tailored, client-specificsolutions <strong>to</strong> regula<strong>to</strong>ry questions in expeditedtimescales.“full operationalsupport”<strong>Relocating</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Jersey</strong> 5

Moving the team“governmentpolicy <strong>to</strong>encourageappropriateinwardinvestment”<strong>Jersey</strong> is not a member of the European Union,but applies equivalent principles of freedom ofestablishment and free movement of employees,subject <strong>to</strong> some local licensing requirements inrelation <strong>to</strong> housing and businesses with a localphysical presence.In relation <strong>to</strong> personal accommodation,authorisation <strong>to</strong> establish residency will beobtained from the Population Office in respec<strong>to</strong>f individuals who do not have a prior relevantconnection <strong>to</strong> <strong>Jersey</strong>.For the high net worth individual principals ofthe business, approval for residency proceedsaccording <strong>to</strong> the following criteria:••likely contribution <strong>to</strong> <strong>Jersey</strong> tax revenues(at present this would be in the regionof £125,000 per annum although thePopulation Office is also willing <strong>to</strong> takeaccount of related employment creationopportunities);••relevant business and social background;••the number of dependants and the extent<strong>to</strong> which these persons may in time acquirelocal housing qualifications;••the <strong>to</strong>tal net worth of the application;••any other non-economic benefits for <strong>Jersey</strong>;and••the associated establishment of a businessin <strong>Jersey</strong> generating local tax revenues andproviding employment whilst not adverselyimpacting upon local resources.The successful principal would generally beexpected <strong>to</strong> purchase a <strong>Jersey</strong> property of atleast £1,000,000 in value, although there aresome houses and apartments available belowthis level.In employing the professionals required for theoperation of the business, where the requiredskill-set cannot be readily found in <strong>Jersey</strong>, anapplication is made for the post <strong>to</strong> be filledby “essentially employed” individuals, whichpermits the business <strong>to</strong> recruit the necessaryprofessionals from outside <strong>Jersey</strong>.Such essentially employed professionals will alsobenefit from access <strong>to</strong> a wider range of qualitypersonal accommodation than would otherwisebe the case.Individual employees residing in <strong>Jersey</strong> as aresult of being “essentially employed” do nothave <strong>to</strong> satisfy a minimum local income taxcontribution. The fac<strong>to</strong>rs taken in<strong>to</strong> account ingranting “essentially employed” status includethe expected economic contribution of theemployer and the qualifications of the employee.In a significant policy development, the <strong>Jersey</strong>authorities have demonstrated an increasedwillingness <strong>to</strong> grant “essentially employed”status <strong>to</strong> new businesses that meet the criteriafor establishing a presence in the Island. Theseindividuals are subject <strong>to</strong> local tax on theirworldwide income at a headline rate of 20%.6

Local laws“a leadingoffering”<strong>Jersey</strong> business laws such as the companieslaw, limited partnerships law and employmentlaw are based on the equivalent English lawsbut benefit from additional, business-focusedinnovations and operational flexibility. Manyhigh net worth individuals and entrepreneursestablish their business in <strong>Jersey</strong> for its politicaland economic stability, judicial independenceand competence and robust and familiar laws.<strong>Ogier</strong>’s award winning, full service <strong>Jersey</strong> legaloffering can advise on all these areas.“political andeconomicstability... robustand familiarlaws... awardwinning legaloffering”“income(corporate)...taxed at...0%”“fiscal stabilityand taxcertainty”“straight-forwardpersonal tax”Local taxCorporate taxThe income profits of most <strong>Jersey</strong> companies aresubject <strong>to</strong> tax at a rate of 0% on their worldwideincome. A higher rate of 10% applies <strong>to</strong> theincome of a restricted sec<strong>to</strong>r of local financialservices companies. There is no corporatetaxation of capital gains in <strong>Jersey</strong>.In contrast <strong>to</strong> other jurisdictions, <strong>Jersey</strong>social security contributions are capped forboth employer and employee. Employercontributions are levied at 6.5% on the first£43,000 (approximately) of salary and employeecontributions are levied at 6% <strong>to</strong> the same salarylevel.Personal tax<strong>Jersey</strong> has a straight-forward personal taxregime. Generally only income is subject <strong>to</strong>taxation in <strong>Jersey</strong> and therefore there are:••no wealth taxes;••no capital gains taxes;••no gift taxes; and••no inheritance taxes.Stamp duty is payable on the acquisition andfinancing of <strong>Jersey</strong> property and a cappedprobate duty is payable on the registration of<strong>Jersey</strong> wills.<strong>Jersey</strong>’s fiscal stability and tax certainty isdemonstrated by the headline rate of income taxhaving remained at 20% since circa 1940.Whilst the general headline rate of <strong>Jersey</strong>income tax is 20%, banded headline rates applyfor high net worth individuals under the presenthigh value residency rules, as follows:••Minimum annual contribution for all newresidents is £125k;••All <strong>Jersey</strong> property income is taxed at 20%;and••The first £625k is taxed at 20% with thebalance being taxed at 1%One key fac<strong>to</strong>r is <strong>to</strong> have certainty of breakingprevious tax residency on relocating.Principals should obtain specialist tax advice fordetailed worldwide tax planning and <strong>Ogier</strong> aredelighted <strong>to</strong> make introductions on request.<strong>Relocating</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Jersey</strong> 7

Rone zSor el La HouleGo Kar tGr osnez La Grève au LançonLe Fosse(Plémont)RacingVicqMo<strong>to</strong>PlémontMourierCrossBayCreux GrosGrosnez Castle (ruins)Belle HougueKST. JOHN'SWCWolf'sCreux GabourelBAYCavesLes RuauxFrémontDouet de la MerBONNE NUITC105Devil's HoleC100WCK La Crête Fort GiffardRaceB55 Por tinf erBayCour seC9 9 WCCreuxLes ReusesLesPetit PortLes LandesGREVE DELesGr ève de de LasseLECQLandesVillePallièresLecq Barr ack sLa Cr êt eST. JOHNNTla Bas& Nor th CoastNTB56NTVisi<strong>to</strong>r Centr eVica rdWCC101KSt John' sLe PinacleLes CampsRifleLa Mar eParish Chur chWCdu CheminRangeWine EstateB34NTB52B63Highest PointNTModelCr abbéAircraftMB33in <strong>Jersey</strong>Le PulecParishFieldC10 4Mont MadoC97HallB67Tour de Roze lB63B55Le SauchetST. MAR YA9Fort LeicesterB34Bleu SoleilA10B50K BOULEY BAYCampsit e B65B40A8ROZELC103L’Etaquerel FortLa VillaiseLéovilleLesNTWCBAYLe ClaireL'Etaquer elB35B33Cr oixSta blesHill ClimbSit eC93WCRoze lJar dinKTr easur esSt Mar y's Parish Hal ld'Oliv etL'Étac q of the Ear thC11 4Judith Quér éeC122 A8C102C11 5Gar denParish Hal lSaie HarbourBattle ofFlower s Museum B64B53A9Tr init y Parish Chur chBouchet B53Les PresAgat ewareSt Mary'sB27C95RJA&HSB38Pott er yParish Chur chCatherine Bes tB26HandoisRoy al Jer seyB31NTSt Ouen's Parish HallB39Jer sey PearlJewelleryBon AirReservoirB50ShowgroundRozelLa CoupeJer seyVille àCampingChannel IslandsNTLe CannéB32GoldsmithsBSJAB51C93l'EvêqueParkNTMilitary MuseumDolmen duShowgroundLes Augrès Manor& Lion P arkVille èsWCMont GrantezKNouauxThe ElmsJer seyCarr ef ourDurr ellB31B31A12Wildlif eFLIQUETWoollen Mil lLa Crabière ST. OUENSelousTRINIT Y Conser vationBAY& FountainVille St Ouen' sTr ust (Z oo) B46C110B91WCJeweller yParish Chur chau Bas C117St Cather ine'sHampt onneK Br eakw at erBargeSt.Ouen'sPallot St eam, Mot orVe rc lutLa MielleLa VilleaMaizin! Maz eA10MAgroundManor& Gener al MuseumA8ST. MAR TINAdventur e ParkB26C112WCde Mor villede L'EgliseC119C118& Cr af t Centr eB38Ke mpt TowerIslandLe BecquetSt Cather ine’s Belval CoveVisit or Centr eB69NTCentre S<strong>to</strong>neServais (Sion)B30WoodLe RâtPublic HallC106B32C112 Living L egendB91NTNTSt Mar tin'sB26Parish Chur chLa Cr oixLife Boat StationB35Morel FarmB27Val deVic <strong>to</strong> riaLa MareDannemarcheBecquetVillag eB30ST. CATHERINE'SReservoirSt. Ouen'sReservoirST. LAWRENCEVincentEric Y oungB62C106A11BAYC124Or chidA6B29PondParish Hal lFoundationC110Ville èsSt Lawr enceC113Parish Chur chGaudinsKNTA9B46KC108ArchirondelB30WCJer sey War T unnelsB32Sand Sculptur eSt Peter' sLe MoulinPark & SunsetParish Chur chVilleBeuvelandeNTB41de Quétiv elSir Francis Cook& Hal lNurseriesEmphrieCamping SiteST. OUEN' SA12GalleryBAYMauf antLes Mielle sSt Peter’sB58Ransom’sGolf andGardenGardenCountry Club ST. PETERCent reNTMillbrookA8A6B29GrandsCent reReservoirWCB36B36VauxThe GroveAnne PortB41B89ReservoirLes LandesWheatlandsB46Jer seyC10 7A10Golf Cour seFaldouetSand Dune sAirpor tBowlDolmenLe Saut Geoff ro iSandJer seyNTB35RacingRugby &B59St . Saviour'sB28B43Hospita lB30Hock eyNTWCClubsYHAB42The Pott eryFiveMLes Or mesA1 1Belveder eOaksLeisure Village /B43Terr aceLa Hougue BieMont Or gueil CastleST. HELIERSand Dune sAdventur e Cent reA3CoronationMont aGor eyDiscovery PierKBeaumontMillbr ookBel Ro ya lB27Parkl'Abb éB28Villag eKWC GoreyWCLa Mo yeLes QuennevaisWCQueen'sA12Jer seyVille èsTownHarbourGov ernmentValleyPott er yGor eyKCommonWCC109ST. BREL ADEHous eMont desNouauxMill sReservoirWCWCKSt Saviour' sB36VignesWCSt Matthew'sParish Chur chQuennevais(Glass) Chur chK A2A9B43BellozanneA8& Hal lKB37K Fort WilliamLeisure Centr eA7WCSandB25 La Haule A1Racing First Tower WCK A1B60B25A6B46La MoyeGolf CourseWCJer seyVille èsSt . Br eladeLav ender Reg’sST. AUBIN'S BAYB61KA9RenaudsFarm Gar denGROUVILLEA13La Pulent eSt Aubi nST. HELIERSy nagogueA3Royal <strong>Jersey</strong>WCGolf ClubRed Houses Sir Wins <strong>to</strong>nWC St Br elade's Parish HallA7ChurchillFort Henry ROYAL BAYParkShellJer sey Ar tsLes Cr euxA13 Gar denSt Aubin's HarbourA1Oper aOFWCTown HallCountry ParkRoseHarbourCent reB35WCLes Jar dins HouseGROUVILLELow Tide Walk Onl yFarmGaller yPetit PortWCB66KSt. Aubin's Fortde la Me rParish Chur ch A6B44KRoy al C .I.Low Tide W alk Onl yA3WCGr ouville ParishThe Wate rf rontST. BRELADE'SChur ch & Hal lYacht Clu bSt Br elade's P arish Chu rc hCent reJer seyHowardA3A4La Corbiè reMarinaFishermen's ChapelBAYM MuseumDavisB24 Longuevill eParkB57MarinaMFortBagotLow TideWC Kingdom Hal lBouillyWalk Onl yOccupation RegentA17B37B83La Mo ye Mont FiquetPortFauvicLa CorbièreOUAISNETapestry & MaritimeOuaisnéCorbière Radio TowerBAYBELCROUTEMuseumCommonA4A5LighthouseLaBAYST. CLEMENTRosièreBEAUPORTWCK<strong>Jersey</strong>La LandesSt Clement'sDicqRecreatio nDolmen duParish Chur chdu OuestMA4GroundsMont UbéLe HurelFIQUETPort eletElizabethHavr e Des PasNTBAYCastlePort eletSamar ès ManorCommonPowerWCLe Rocquier A5StationF.B.Field sB49ST. HELIERPontacKHARBOURLe Squez B48C111île auSt Clement' sGuerdainLe MaraisParish Hal lWCEstate Le HaguaisB37PORTELETKNoirmontBAYWCLe Hoc qLa Ro cqueîle PercéeNoirmont Command BunkerSamarè s A4ST. CLEMENT'S BAYA4Le NezWCKLa Rocque HarbourGr een IslandSea W a lRailw ay W alkLes Mie le sCy cle HireRailw ay Wal kMourier ValleySt . Peter's ValleyVallée des VauxGrands VauxLocation of choice“a leadinginternationalfinance centre”“service deliveryand economicsubstance”“...competi<strong>to</strong>rjurisdictionsare not able <strong>to</strong>match”<strong>Jersey</strong> has world-wide appeal as the jurisdictionof choice for high net worth individuals,professionals and entrepreneurs. Longestablished as a leading international financecentre <strong>Jersey</strong> offers:••Long-term economic and political stability••A flexible, independently endorsedregula<strong>to</strong>ry framework••Mature and well respected commercial legalsystem based on English law principles••Skilled and responsive workforce••Track record of product and serviceinnovation••Competitive position: <strong>Jersey</strong> is the onlyoffshore jurisdiction ranked in the <strong>to</strong>p20 Financial Centres by the 2010 GlobalFinancial Centres Index••The presence of many of the leading globalnames in investment funds and financialservices.••International Monetary Fund endorsement asa global finance centre in the “<strong>to</strong>p division”of both offshore and onshore centres(September 2009)<strong>Jersey</strong> is a British crown dependency witha unique constitutional position. It has anallegiance <strong>to</strong> the British monarchy which datesback 800 years and has its own courts andlegal system. <strong>Jersey</strong> has one of Europe’s oldestparliaments which has responsibility for its owndomestic and fiscal affairs.The Island possesses a centuries old traditionof political stability, yet with sufficient au<strong>to</strong>nomy<strong>to</strong> fine-tune a modern and evolving financialservices industry.<strong>Jersey</strong> is a leader among the offshorejurisdictions offering significant advantages overother centres in terms of service delivery andeconomic substance and its proximity <strong>to</strong> andsame time-zone as London make closing andongoing administration of London-originatedtransactions a simpler process. The Island’sfinance industry and professional infrastructurehas a headcount in excess of 12,000 and hasdeveloped a breadth and depth in its expertiseand range of services that many competi<strong>to</strong>rjurisdictions are not able <strong>to</strong> match.8

<strong>Ogier</strong> - Who we are andHow we can help“one of theworld’s leadingproviders of crossborderlegal andadministrationservices”<strong>Ogier</strong> is one of the world’s leading providers ofcross-border legal and administration services.Headquartered in <strong>Jersey</strong>, the firm currentlyemploys over 850 professional and supportstaff located in 11 international offices including<strong>Jersey</strong>, Guernsey, London, Luxembourg, Dublin,Hong Kong, Shanghai, Tokyo, Bahrain, BVI andCayman.We provide a full range of specialist legal andfiduciary services and are one of the largestindependent professional and back-office serviceproviders who are not affiliated with a bank orfinancial institution. We have strength in depth<strong>to</strong> handle the largest, most demanding andcomplex offshore transactions across all timezones.How we can helpOut strategy is <strong>to</strong> provide a “one-s<strong>to</strong>p shop” forpeople wishing <strong>to</strong> move <strong>to</strong> <strong>Jersey</strong>. Our advicecovers all aspects relevant <strong>to</strong> the relocationincluding:••assistance with the application process••advice on purchasing property••advice on relocating your business••advice on employing people in <strong>Jersey</strong><strong>Relocating</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Jersey</strong> 9

<strong>Ogier</strong> - Client Service Proposition“committed<strong>to</strong> providingthe best”We are committed <strong>to</strong> providing the best availableintegrated offshore legal and administrationservices. Our combined offering distinguishesitself for its commercially minded and clientfocusedapproach which is based on thefollowing:••Partner led, dedicated client teams••First class lawyers and professionaladministra<strong>to</strong>rs with high staff continuity••Cus<strong>to</strong>mised, client specific operatingprocedures••Flexibility and transparency in relation <strong>to</strong> feecharging arrangementsThis briefing provides a general summary only of this area based on the current law and practice in <strong>Jersey</strong> at the date of writingand is subject <strong>to</strong> changes therein. It does not purport <strong>to</strong> be comprehensive and does not constitute legal or tax advice that may berelied on. Specific, professional advice should be sought on each occasion.

Key contact details - Relocation TeamLegalSteve MeiklejohnT: +44 1534 504462E: steve.meiklejohn@ogier.comJonathan HughesT: +44 1534 504336E: LittleT: +44 1534 504374E: michael.little@ogier.comFiduciaryPhilip Le CornuT: +44 1534 504225E: philip.lecornu@ogier.comwww.ogier.comBahrain • British Virgin Islands • Cayman Islands • GuernseyHong Kong • Ireland • <strong>Jersey</strong> • London • Shanghai • Tokyo

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