Chapter 17 - Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department

Chapter 17 - Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department

Chapter 17 - Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department

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CASE ASSIGNMENT AND REPORTINGVOLUME 4 - CHAPTER <strong>17</strong>LETTER “N”CLASSIFICATIONCrime or IncidentFORM NUMBERFILE NUMBERPRIORITYASSIGNMENTANDACTIONADDITIONAL INFORMATION ANDSTATISTICAL CODES4-<strong>17</strong>/005.00NARCOTICS ANDDANGEROUSDRUGS(CONTROLLEDSUBSTANCES)NarcoticsBureau(See Note)Narcotics Bureau shall be notified by phone only ifthe arrest involves an appreciable amount ofcontraband or there are unusual circumstances ofthe arrest.Generally, the suspect shall be booked, 11377H&S Code, Possession of Dangerous Drugs, whenarrested person has fewer than 50 units ofdangerous drugs or fewer than 10 units of LSD orDMT. If, however, the circumstances clearlyindicate that the drugs were possessed for thepurpose of sale (e.g., small number ofpills/capsules/units are contained in numerousindependent packages; the suspect has largeamount of unexplained currency; or other similarindicative circumstances), the appropriate bookingcharge would be 11378 H&S Code, Possession ofDangerous Drugs for Sale.Suspect shall be booked 11378 H&S Code,Possession of Dangerous Drugs for Sale, ifarrestee has more than 50 units of dangerousdrugs or more than 10 units of LSD or DMT.NOTE:Cases involving arrests on drug ornarcotic charges shall be assigned tothe Narcotics Bureau, with theexception of arrests charging11550(b) H&S, under the influence ofPCP, which shall be assigned toStation/Unit patrol. If additionalcharges involved, joint assignmentshall be made in accordance with theassignment for the specific crime.When such joint assignments result in aprosecution for other than a drug or narcoticcharge, the officer handling the prosecution shallnotify the Narcotics Bureau of the court dispositionand the place and length of imprisonment. Suchnotification shall be by means of a supplementalreport to the Narcotics Bureau.For controlled substances transportingprocedures, see Volume 5, chapter 4.Most of the codes applicable to narcotics anddangerous drugs are listed under priority 18.Addict, voluntarycommitmentAny person who requests treatment andrehabilitation under the provisions of 3100 WICshall be instructed to obtain an affidavit from his

personal physician indicating that he is a narcoticaddict or believes he is about to become addictedand that he is likely to injure himself or others orbecome a menace to the public.The affidavit must be submitted within three daysto the Deputy District Attorney at <strong>Department</strong> 95 ofthe Superior Court and a request made fordetention pending examination by court appointedphysician.Code 423 - Voluntary Narcotic Commitment, ifreport written.Arrests, felonySH-R-49URN18NarcoticsBureauAWhen an adult is arrested without a warrant for afelony violation of a narcotic law, the appropriatesection shall be used as the booking charge,based on circumstances (e.g., Possession ofHeroin, 11350 H&S).Arrests,misdemeanorSH-R-49URN18Station/UnitPatrolAPersons arrested for obvious narcotic offensesshall be booked on the appropriate charge, basedon the circumstances (e.g., Possession of NarcoticParaphernalia, 11364 H&S).Arrests for misdemeanor narcotic offenses whichrequire an "expert opinion" in order to establish theelements of the violation will be made only by or onapproval of, Narcotics Bureau personnel.Arrest for 11550(b) H&S, under the influence ofphencyclidine SRD to Narcotics Bureau.Arrests,Misdemeanoroccurring within acounty park orrecreational facilitySH-R-49URN18ParksPatrolAPersons arrested for obvious narcotic offensesshall be booked on the appropriate charge, basedon the circumstances (e.g., Possession of NarcoticParaphernalia, 11364 H&S).Arrests for misdemeanor narcotic offenses whichrequire an “expert opinion” in order to establish theelements of the violation will be made only by or onapproval of, Narcotics Bureau personnel.-- 4149 B&P SH-R-49URN18Station/UnitPatrolASRD to Narcotics Bureau.-- 4149 B&P occurringwithin a county parkor recreational facilitySH-R-49URN18ParksPatrolASRD to Narcotics Bureau.Arrest ofSchool EmployeesSH-R-49URNNarcoticsBureau AIn compliance with 11591 of the Health and SafetyCode, when a private or public school employee isarrested for a violation of only the offensesenumerated in section 11590 or Section 11364,insofar as that section relates to paragraph (12) ofsubdivision (d) of section 11054 (regarding LSD),of the Health and Safety Code, the WatchCommander shall do one of the following:

if such school employee is a teacher inany of the public schools of this state, heshall immediately notify by telephone thesuperintendent of schools of the schooldistrict employing such teacher and shallimmediately give written notice of thearrest to the Commission for TeacherPreparation and Licensing and to thesuperintendent of schools in the countywherein such person is employed. Uponreceipt of such notice, the countysuperintendent of schools shallimmediately notify the governing board ofthe school district employing suchperson;if such school employee is not a teacherin any of the public schools of this state,he shall immediately notify by telephonethe superintendent of schools of theschool district employing such personand shall immediately give written noticeof the arrest to the governing board of theschool district employing such person;andif such school employee is a teacher inany private school of this state, he shallimmediately notify by telephone theprivate school authority employing suchteacher and shall immediately givewritten notice of the arrest to the privateschool authority employing such teacher.NOTE 1:If there is no 24-hour number tomake notification, notification shallthen be made promptly the nextbusiness day.NOTE 2:Public schools include communitycolleges.CounterfeitMedicalPrescriptionBlanksSH-R-49URN18Station/UnitDetectiveACopy of report to Narcotics Detail at theStation/Unit.Code 187 - Miscellaneous, Felony.Code 185 - Miscellaneous, Misdemeanor.Detained suspect,not bookedSH-R-49SH-AD-516URN18NarcoticsBureauAWhen a suspect is detained, taken to a Station, buta booking is not made, the person shall bereleased if no other charges apply. Certificate ofRelease shall be given to person detained. AIncident Report under an URN shall be preparedshowing a classification of "Possible DangerousDrug Violation" and including circumstances ofpossession and all available identification ofpossible suspects. The suspected evidence shallbe marked for identification and preserved for theNarcotics Bureau. Narcotics Bureau shall benotified by phone only if the arrest involves anappreciable amount of contraband, or there areunusual circumstances of the arrest.

Driving underinfluenceSH-R-221URN24Station/UnitPatrolADriving while addicted to, or under the influence of,narcotics or drugs, 23152 CVC, (without injury -misdemeanor); or 23153 CVC (with injury or death- felony).Concurrent assignment with Narcotics Bureau onlywhen narcotics evidence (drugs, narcotics, ornarcotics paraphernalia) is seized or 11550 H&S ischarged.Urine and/or blood samples are not to beconsidered evidence for concurrent assignments.NOTE:For purposes of barbiturate analysis,the Scientific Services Bureau, CrimeLab, will accept urine samples orblood samples of a minimum of 10 cc.Blood or urine samples areacceptable for toxicologicalexaminations of amphetamines,opiates (heroin), phencyclidine (PCP),cannabinoids (marijuana) andcocaine.Driving underinfluence occurringwithin a county parkor recreational facilitySH-R-49URN24ParksPatrolADriving while addicted to, or under the influence of,narcotics or drugs, 23152 CVC, (without injury -misdemeanor); or 23153 CVC (with injury or death- felony).Concurrent assignment with Narcotics Bureau onlywhen narcotics evidence (drugs, narcotics, ornarcotics paraphernalia) is seized of 11550 H&S ischarged.Drug abusereferralprocedure:-- Adults All adult narcotic suspects will be handled bynarcotics Deputies. Those whose cases arerejected by the District Attorney will be offered theopportunity to avail themselves of the services ofthe Drug Abuse Clinic by the Narcotics Bureau.-- Juveniles Juvenile subjects arrested for 647(f) PC, Under theInfluence of Drugs, or any narcotics chargewherein a petition will not be filed, will, throughtheir parent(s) or guardian, be afforded theopportunity to use the Drug Clinic's services. Thiswill be done by the juvenile or patrol Deputyhandling the release and will be based on thereleasing Deputy’s opinion of whether or not thesubject has a drug problem. The Drug AbuseClinic will evaluate his potential for rehabilitation.-- Referral forms -adult and juvenileA Drug Abuse Clinic Referral (SH-CR-584) will becompleted by the Deputy affecting the release.Distribution of the form is as follows:original (white) to person referred or

parent of minor;green and yellow copies to Station/UnitNarcotics Detail; andthird copy to Station/Unit file (clericalpersonnel shall make appropriate note on<strong>Los</strong> <strong>Angeles</strong> <strong>County</strong> Regional InformationSystem entry, e.g., "Subject referred toDrug Abuse Clinic").Found orrecovered drugsor narcoticsSH-R-49URN18NarcoticsBureauANarcotics Bureau shall be notified by phone only ifthe arrest involves an appreciable amount ofcontraband or there are unusual circumstances ofthe arrest.If other property is found or recovered with thecontrolled substance, it may be released to theowner by patrol or Station/Unit detectives. OnlyNarcotics Bureau will release the controlledsubstance.Code 186 - Found Narcotics.Information orcircumstancesrelating topossession forsale or sale ofnarcotics ordangerous drugsSH-AD-32ANarcoticsBureauNarcotics Bureau Station/Unit crew shall benotified in all situations relating to possession forsale or sale of narcotics, dangerous drugs ormarijuana where follow-up investigation or theacquisition and service of a search warrant isnecessary. Such cases shall be the responsibilityof Narcotics Bureau; however, in the event thatNarcotics Bureau is unable to pursue theinvestigation in a timely manner, the reporting Unitmay undertake the required investigative effortafter Narcotics Bureau establishes that there areno conflicting investigations under way that mayconstitute hazards.If immediate investigation is necessary and theNarcotics Bureau Station/Unit crew is unavailable,notify Narcotics Bureau Headquarters by phone or,after hours, Sheriff’s Headquarters Bureau.In situations where the narcotics sales from aspecific area or location become chronic, amemorandum detailing the activity shall beprepared, signed by the Unit Commander andsubmitted through channels to Narcotics BureauHeadquarters.Juveniles arrestedSH-R-49URN18Station/UnitDetectiveandNarcoticsBureauNarcotics Bureau shall be notified by phone only ifthe arrest involves an appreciable amount ofcontraband or there are unusual circumstances ofthe arrest.AMarijuanaFor line procedures, see "Marijuana" and Volume5, chapter 9.Phencyclidine(PCP) and/orchemicals foundin a clandestineSee "Chemicals Found/Report of"; and Volume 5,chapter 6.

labRegistration ofnarcotic violatorsUpon release from custody, violators convicted ofnarcotic violations under 11590 H&S, are requiredto register at the Public Services Unit of theRecords and Identification Bureau.Thefts ofcontrolledsubstances,prescription drugsor chemicals used inmanufacture of sameSH-R-49URN07Station/UnitDetectiveACopy of report to Narcotics Bureau, Station/Unitcrew.For petty theft, use priority 38, retention (1).

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