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4NotesCONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTSto the consolidated financial statementsNOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS1 Accounting policies and methods 691.1 General information 691.2 Basis of preparation of the consolidatedfinancial statements 691.3 Adoption of the new and revised standards 691.4 Use of estimates and assumptions 701.5 Summary of the main accounting methods 711.5.1 Foreign currency translation 711.5.2 Business combinations and goodwill 711.5.3 “Negative goodwill” 711.5.4 Interests in joint ventures 711.5.5 Intangible assets 721.5.6 Property, plant and equipment 721.5.7 Investments in associates 731.5.8 Investments and other financial assets 731.5.9 Inventories and work in progress 741.5.10 Cash and cash equivalents 741.5.11 Non-current assets held for saleand discontinued operations 741.5.12 Treasury shares 751.5.13 Provisions 751.5.14 Employee benefits 751.5.15 Financial liabilities 761.5.16 Finance leases 761.5.17 Revenue 761.5.18 Current income tax and deferred tax 761.5.19 Derivative instruments and hedge accounting 761.6 Translation of the financial statementsof the foreign subsidiaries 772 Significant information for the year endedDecember 31, 2011 782.1 Changes in consolidation scope 782.1.1 Newly consolidated companies 782.1.2 Deconsolidated companies 782.1.3 Purchase of non-controlling interests 782.2 Interests in joint ventures 792.2.1 Information on companies proportionately consolidated 793 Notes to the consolidated financial statements 803.1 Goodwill 803.2 Intangible assets 813.3 Property, plant and equipment 823.4 Investment properties 853.5 Investments in associates 853.6 Non-current financial assets 863.7 Inventories and work in progress 873.8 Trade and others debtors, current financialassets and other current assets 873.9 Cash and cash equivalents 883.10 Shareholders’ equity 883.11 Stock option plans 893.12 Allotment of bonus shares 893.13 Treasury shares 893.14 Employee benefit obligations and other provisions 903.15 Financial liabilities 91a) Analysis by maturity 91b) Analysis by interest rate 92c) Analysis by currency 92d) Debt secured by collateral 923.16 Finance costs 933.17 Deferred income tax 933.18 Income taxes 943.19 Financial risk management objectives and policy 943.19.1 Credit/counterparty risk 943.19.2 Liquidity risks 953.19.3 Market risks 963.20 Financial instruments 1003.20.1 Financial assets 1003.20.2 Derivative financial instruments 1023.20.3 Financial liabilities 1033.20.4 Fair value of the financial assets and liabilities 1043.20.5 Management of the risks related to financial instruments 1044 Operating segments 1064.1 Operating segments 1065 Other information 1085.1 Contractual obligations and other off-balancesheet commitments 1085.1.1 Off-balance sheet commitments related tothe Group scope of consolidation 1085.1.2 Off-balance sheet commitments related to financing 1085.1.3 Off-balance sheet commitments related tothe Group’s operating activities 1095.2 Net earnings per share 1105.2.1 Basis earnings per share 1105.2.2 Diluted net earnings per share 1115.3 Workforce and payroll 1125.4 Events after the balance sheet date 1125.5 Related party transactions 1125.6 Executive compensation 1135.6.1 Table summarizing the compensation, stock optionsand shares awarded to each Executive Director (in €) 1135.6.2 Table summarizing the compensationof each Executive Director (in €) 1145.6.3 Commitments of any kind made by the Companyto its corporate officers 1155.6.4 Stock options exercised during the year by eachExecutive Director 1165.7 Scope of consolidation 1165.7.1 List of fully consolidated companies 1165.7.2 List of proportionately consolidated companies 1215.7.3 List of companies consolidated using the equity method 12168BOURBON - 2011 Registration Document

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