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CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS4Statement of consolidated cash flowsSTATEMENT OF CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOWS(in € millions) 2011 2010Consolidated net income 3.6 37.8Share in income/loss of associates (0.2) (0.1)Tax (expenses)/income 10.7 16.8Net amortization, depreciation and provisions 214.9 245.7Gains and losses from changes in fair value 7.4 (15.4)Calculated income and expenses related to stock options and similar benefi ts 5.8 6.8Gains and losses on disposals (2.2) (35.0)Income tax paid (6.7) (16.4)Other (7.7) (3.5)Cash flows 225.7 236.6Effect of changes in working capital (58.1) (45.0)Dividends received (0.5) (0.5)Cost of net debt 64.4 56.5Cash flows from operating activities (A) ** 231.6 247.6Acquisition of consolidated companies, net of cash acquired (0.3) (13.6)Sale of consolidated companies, including cash transferred 1.1 47.8Effect of other changes in the consolidation scope - (12.5)Payments for property, plant and equipment and intangible assets (358.1) (635.9)Proceeds from disposals of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets 43.5 473.3Payments for acquisitions of long-term fi nancial assets - (0.1)Proceeds from disposal of long-term fi nancial assets 17.9 15.1Dividends received 0.5 0.5Change in loans and advances granted (5.2) (6.2)Cash flows from investing activities (B) ** (300.6) (131.5)Capital increase 9.3 16.5Capital repayment - -Net sales (acquisition) of treasury shares (0.5) 0.3Proceeds from borrowings 396.3 471.7Repayments of borrowings (193.2) (474.2)Dividends paid to parent company shareholders (53.2) (52.9)Dividends paid to minority interests (9.6) (12.7)Net fi nancial interest paid (64.4) (56.5)Cash flows from financing activities (C) ** 84.8 (107.8)Effect of change in exchange rates ** 1.2 (0.5)Effect of changes in accounting principles ** - -Change in net cash (A) + (B) + (C) 17.0 7.8Cash at beginning of period (61.1) (68.9)Cash at end of period * (44.0) (61.1)CHANGE IN CASH 17.0 7.8* Of which:- Marketable and other securities 0.0 0.0- Cash and cash equivalents 229.6 209.8- Bank overdrafts (273.6) (270.9)** Of which discontinued operations:Cash fl ows from operating activities - 67.0Cash fl ows from investing activities 14.3 370.6Cash fl ows from fi nancing activities - (193.4)Effect of change in exchange rates - (5.1)Effect of changes in accounting principles - -BOURBON - 2011 Registration Document 65

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