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3SocialMANAGEMENT REPORTand environmental information5.1.2 A policy to serve growthThe Human Resources policy, decided by the Executive Committee,is managed by the Human Resources Department in closecollaboration with the Crewing Department. The central functionsare organized around three main units: management of seagoingpersonnel, management of shore-based personnel, and careermanagement and development.Human Resources information systemBOURBON has an integrated information system (Onsoft ComputerSystems AS) to manage all the Group’s personnel and its crewingactivity: planning, travel, training, pay. The objective is to facilitatethe crewing process for vessels by shipmanagers and manningagencies as well as HR management and development processesfor seagoing and shore-based personnel. The system also enablescertifi cations to be registered in accordance with the fl ag’s legislationand standards and means that the training followed by seagoingpersonnel can be monitored to ensure that it meets BOURBON’sown standards as well as client demands.The system is currently operational at a number of subsidiaries:<strong>Bourbon</strong> Offshore Norway, <strong>Bourbon</strong> Offshore Ukraine, <strong>Bourbon</strong>Offshore Asia, <strong>Bourbon</strong> Maritime Services Manila, <strong>Bourbon</strong> OffshoreMMI, <strong>Bourbon</strong> Interoil Nigeria Ltd, <strong>Bourbon</strong> Baltic. Its deploymentwill be continued at target subsidiaries.This tool is all part of a streamlining and activities managementprocess driven by the quality system and management control.Personnel development policyThe long-term relationship between BOURBON and its seagoingpersonnel is key when it comes to fostering mutual development.BOURBON is continuing its employees’ skills appraisal anddevelopment policy in line with rigorous operating standards andclient satisfaction worldwide. The mainstays of the policy are:experience, qualifi cations, training and application.BOURBON considers all posts to be essential for the safe operationof its vessels. The Group invests heavily in career development forcaptains, offi cers and sailors via high quality training, recognized byboth the profession and the clients.2011 was marked by the amendment made to the 2010 STCWConvention on Standards of Training, Certifi cation and Watchkeepingfor Seafarers. This reform validates the direction taken by BOURBONin terms of training and places the development of training programswithin a framework of international recognition.The Group has developed an international training network, linkingthe BOURBON Training Centers (BTC) with partner organizations inorder to cover the key operations for offshore oil and gas marineservices:3 anchor handling operations for oil and gas platforms (Marseilleand Singapore BTC; partnership with the Offshore SimulatorCenter of Ålesund in Norway);3 dynamic positioning center (Manila);3 training centers for piloting crewboats near to operating regions(Nigeria, Angola, Indonesia, Gabon, Congo, Cameroon andFrance);3 a training center for diesel-electric technologies and equipmentin China;3 a dedicated training center for ROV operators in Italy.In 2011, a “managing diffi cult situations” module was rolled out byshipmanagers to complete the Group’s standards and a standardized“rating on board” program for crews was developed.In addition to these programs, the BOURBON Training Centers ran94 offshore marine operations and management training sessions,in which 795 offi cers took part (i.e. 28% of the Group’s offi cers),namely 2,427 man training days (number of participants x numberof training days).By 2015, 100% of offi cers and sailors will have been trained inBOURBON’s own standards.BOURBON is also continuing to set up training seminars called“Customer satisfaction: a team business” for all operationalmanagers (contract managers, operations managers and logisticsmanagers). The objective of this program is to clarify processes,roles and responsibilities within the client satisfaction chain and todevelop the necessary managerial and personal skills.Furthermore, a managerial skills development program has beendesigned to support the Group’s leadership strategy and will bedeployed by all the Group’s managers over the next three years.A mobility policy has been clearly defi ned with a view to optimizingresources management to meet the demands of rapid growthand in order to aid career development for employees. An internalrecruitment portal has been opened for use by employees whowish to progress within the Group. Internal mobility responds toskills shortages, consolidates specifi c areas of expertise via theexchange, sharing and capitalization of experiences and promotesthe dissemination of BOURBON’s culture.Finally, the teams’ contribution to the implementation of theBOURBON 2015 strategy was clarifi ed by the deployment ofBalanced Scorecards, a management tool which enables thedifferent functions’ objectives to be uniformly defi ned in line with theimplementation of the strategy.All these mechanisms (performance, skills, training, mobility, career)are dealt with on a systematic basis in annual appraisal reviews heldbetween December and March.Focus on training in West AfricaBOURBON is continuing its development strategy and is placing theemphasis on specifi c local requirements in Africa, its main operatingregion, accounting for 61% of revenues.The Group is making sustained efforts in the recruitment and trainingof seamen in order to staff vessels with local offi cers. This requiresworking in partnership with local schools and authorities in order tooptimize opportunities.48BOURBON - 2011 Registration Document

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