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MANAGEMENT REPORT3ResultsInformation on BOURBON SA payment deadlinesIn accordance with the provisions of Article L. 441-6-1 of the FrenchCommercial Code, and pursuant to the law on modernization of theeconomy (LME), we inform you that as of December 31, 2011, thebalance of debts to suppliers amounted to €67,703.73 and wasentirely constituted of invoices payable at 30 days from the date ofissue of the invoice.At that date, the balance did not include any signifi cant overdue debt.2.6 CHANGE IN ACCOUNTING METHODSThere is no change in accounting methods to report.2.7 OUTLOOK: PRINCIPAL TRENDSThe growth in demand for offshore service vessels will continue overthe next few years.Major investments by oil clients and their four year outlooks havebeen reinforced.The prospects for increasing the number of working rigs and the sizeof offshore construction companies’ order books confi rms the sharpupturn in the market.Clients will continue to prefer cutting-edge, high performancevessels, with the BOURBON fl eet being particularly well appreciated.The custom of replacing old vessels, deemed obsolete, will continueto accelerate in order to meet oil companies’ stringent “riskmanagement” requirements. In 2012, BOURBON will take deliveryof 45 new vessels.In terms of changes to future offshore vessel utilization rates and theirdaily rates, the market predicts that the improvement witnessed lastyear will continue into 2012.Due to its unique positioning, its full range of services, the quality ofits fl eet and the expertise of its employees, BOURBON will continueto take full advantage of this upturn in the market.BOURBON has set up exchange rate hedges with a view to hedgingthe entire exposure of 2012 EBITDA to the EUR/USD exchange rate.These forward sales of dollars have been set up at an average rateof exchange of EUR 1 = USD 1.3070.***Having confi dence in the medium and long-term outlook, the Boardof Directors will propose to the Combined General Meeting onJune 1, 2012, payment of a dividend of €0.82 per share, the sameas the dividend paid in 2011.BOURBON - 2011 Registration Document 21

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